Wednesday, December 17, 2008


No wonder they call us patients. Coz you certainly need a lot of patience to be one. Spent most of today at the hospital. No - don't panic - I haven't injured myself again. It was just the latest in a long line of check-ups following my bike crash of late 2006. They haven't been accepting a lot of new admissions or out-patient appointments recently because of a rather nasty bug, the details of which you really don't want to know. Especially if you're eating. So, now that they are accepting patients again, they're like the vicar's wife - all behind.

I got there well early for my appointment. And sat in the waiting room. And sat. Three-quarters-of-an-hour after my appointed time I finally got to see tan orthopaedic doc. He put my shoulder through its paces, causing immeasurable agony and many choice words. Then he sent me down to x-ray. More waiting. An hour later, duly x-rayed, I returned. To wait some more. Half-an-hour to be precise. He checked the x-rays then informed me that I was fine but that my shoulder would ache for the rest of my life. No really?? All this waiting and I could have told you that on the flipping phone!! He handed me over the neurological consultant. After waiting (only 15 minutes this time) the neurosurgeon sent me for a scan. And hour-and-a-quarter later I got my scan. I hate those things. Scan completed it was back to the consultant. More waiting. Good news there at least. The blood clot is finally dissolving. This means I'm getting better. Which in turns means I might get my site safety certification back in the new year. If I do then I can work on scaffolding again!! Not that there's a lot of construction work with the current economic mess but still...skip, hop, hop, shuffle, skip... this is me doing the happy dance.

But 6 hours and 27 minutes in order to have two x-rays, one scan and a whole 18 minutes of consultation. That's why we have free healthcare - can you imagine the riot if they asked us to pay!! Seriously though - I love the NHS. Wouldn't trade it for all the gold in Ireland!!


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