Wednesday, November 30, 2011

If You Haven't Got a Penny, a Ha'penny Will Do..

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat, please put a penny in the old man's hat...

First though - it's St. Andrew's Day today, he's the Patron Saint of Scotland, and, although I'm just a wee bit late with the wishes, I hope all our Scottish readers had a good one.

Next - take a moment for silent remembrance - tomorrow is World AIDS Day. While here in the developed countries it isn't quite the devastating plague it was in the 1980s, it is still claiming lives. And in the developing countries it remains a ferociously devastating plague. If you can give some time or money to the fight against it, it's a worthy cause to consider.

Now on to Crimble...

The tree is in the lounge, warming up (it's cold in that there loft!!), the boxes of ornaments and trimmings for it are there too. As are the room decorations. All waiting for tomorrow. I love Christmas. I'm a complete big kid about it. Though I flatly refuse to put a decoration up, eat a mince-pie, sing a carol, play a Christmas hits record, or even put on a cd of nativity Gregorian chant (I love Gregorian chant btw) one moment before December. But as soon as the first of December arrives... oh yeah.

I've bought a new star for the top of the tree. We decided that this year we're not going to use the angel we've had for years. Well if you watched Dr. Who would you have an angel in the house??

I was seriously contemplating staying up for another hour or so (it's 11.30 here) and putting the tree up the minute we get past midnight. But I'm tired and my shoulder is killing me, so I'll wait until it's properly tomorrow.

If I go to bed right now do you think tomorrow will get here faster??

Enjoy your updates. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fighting Flu

Blimey!! Took me under an hour to check all the sites tonight. Usually takes me two-and-a-half to three hours. I even managed to finish my mug of coffee as well - while it was still hot!! Thanks mates!!

So... do I sit and twiddle my thumbs for a bit?? Start writing my Christmas cards?? Go and get another coffee?? What am I going to do with all this extra time??

I suppose I could try and think of something to ramble about. I haven't really got a clue what to chat about tonight.

It's been a busy week. What with work, Christmas shopping (I hate crowds. Makes me want to bite. I actually growled out loud in WHSmith - made a woman in front of me in the queue visibly jump.) And, of course, looking after the kid. I've been leaving work early for that (not difficult as it gets dark early anyway).

The kid (my cousin who isn't a kid at all actually, being only ten years my junior) caught the 'flu. And I don't mean a heavy cold or an upper respiratory tract infection. I mean the real deal. Influenza. The knock-you-off-you-feet, death-warmed-up, take-to-your-bed-and-stay-there-for-a-fortnight type. Because, trust me, if you can walk around, go to work, talk and make sense, etc. you don't have the 'flu. You have a heavy cold, or an infection, but you don't have the 'flu. She does.

She tried sitting up at the 'puter and emailing people on the first full day that she felt unwell. Big mistake. She had to give in and go to bed. And she couldn't eat that evening. She's pretty much stayed in bed since. She couldn't even read, it hurt her eyes, and bright lights gave her headaches.

Now as you all know, I do not cook. I burn, scorch, set fire to, singe, and otherwise destroy, good food, But I do not cook. With the kid out of commission I've had to try. I've ended up eating a lot of soups/stews. God bless the pressure-cooker and the microwave. Even I find it hard to burn stuff in those (not impossible you understand, it can be done, it's just hard to do). And soup is pretty much all she's been able to eat for a fortnight anyway.

I am in no danger of getting 'flu. I was sensible. (No, really. I can be sensible sometimes. About once a decade or so). I had the jab as soon as the reminder came from the doc. She kept meaning to get it done but kept putting off phoning for an appointment. She won't make that mistake again.

She did get up today. And had a shower. That wore her out so much that she simply collapsed onto the sofa and watched dvds for the rest of the day. And asked every so often, in a pathetic voice, if I would bring her some juice. She does "feeling sorry for yourself" nearly as well as I do.


Monday, November 28, 2011

Stories Galore!

The first night of checking the extended links list and you see the results below. I'm hoping Ze's updates for the next couple of days take her a lot less time.

Happy reading....


Sunday, November 27, 2011


I finally got around to updating the Grunt's Checklist. So now Ze won't be the only one with updates. We will try and spread it around a bit better.

I think I am officially on the road to recovery. Feeling much better, still very tired but able to last an entire 10 hours before the yawning hits.

Today was filled with relaxation and chores, a nice mix overall. Back to work tomorrow, bah. We'll see how long I last.

Now enjoy those updates and let me know if I screwed up the listing of sites. There was one that was suggested to me a bit back and I gladly would have listed it, but it required an account to login to and we do not post ones that require accounts.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, November 26, 2011

Rest and Lots of It

It's been a lazy day here. The kids are all off with their other parental units. We've puttered a bit. E has been taking that supplement and eating many smoothies chock full of bananas and oj. She still runs out of energy but doesn't seem as bone deep tired as before.

Tomorrow more puttering and resting then back to work.

I actually checked some of Ze's sites tonight because I didn't have a story one for the update. I'll check more tomorrow and they'll be thrown into the mix for daily checking. Ze will appreciate that I'm sure.


Friday, November 25, 2011


They should be listened to when giving advice. I have an ENT who prescribed something that the pharmacist then warned me about. Sure it did what I wanted and thought I needed which was stopping my Menieres episode, however at what consequences? I dropped dangerously low on potassium instead (strokes and cardiac issues). Which then led me to serious fatigue.

Now I do believe it could have been avoided if the ENT had paid attention and had me give blood to check for such things, but alas our stellar health system doesn't really give time for doctors to actually pay full attention when they have so many clients on a panel.

So future note to E, listen to pharmacist. I did Tuesday after 9 hours in Urgent Care where the doctor told me to drop all my other meds for the new one. Pharmacist said "uh, I think you should check tomorrow (was 2am) with your primary care doctor on this order". I followed that advice for sure. Ended up NOT dropping all my other meds in fact sticking with all the usuals and the new one.

Still feeling crappy, but I do believe headed in the right direction. Just a lot of naps are in my future over the next few days (perhaps weeks) while it all balances out.

Okay enough of that, back to your updates, enjoy! Perhaps over this weekend I can finally get the checklist updated so Ze is not the only one posting lots daily.

Until then, Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Another successful T-day....

We had a relaxing Thanksgiving here in the Hoelscher-Hodge household. Everything for the turkey dinner turned out great. Right now I'm ready to go to bed, however, thanks to a massive allergy attack.

It started small in the morning. Then by the time the potatoes were ready for mashing it hit me hard. During the course of the day I dosed myself with benadryl, allegra and finally actifed. After eating and putting away the food I crashed for about an hour (thank you, actifed). Not sneezing was wonderful. Unfortunately E ignored my command to leave the dishes for me and she did them all. Okay...maybe that should be fortunately.

The kids are in the bedroom watching a movie on our old tv that escaped the notice of the thieves since it was boxed up in the shed. Duncan is playing his Xbox on the tv he brought from his room at his dad's. I'll join the kids soon and try not to go to sleep. Watching a movie while lying on the bed can do that to me.

If you're in the US, have a wonderful long weekend (if you don't work retail). Happy reading.


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Matthew Ch.25 v.35-40

First - Happy Thanksgiving to all our US American readers.

Next (the reason I chose this post's title) - a ramble with a message - and in keeping with the spirit of the season a way you can help those in need of a little tlc.

    Hey, All. Shadow here again. Just wanted to let you know about something we're doing here in Los Angeles. Last year a group of friends here in SoCal got together and donated a bunch of supplies to the programs for homeless youth at the LA Gay & Lesbian Center. We filled between 24 and 26 stockings with the essentials and a little more. It wasn't much, but for $500 or so, it wasn't bad.

    But this year, after some discussion between myself and our leader last year, we thought we'd open it up and ask others to help us out. To that end, we've set up a website,, and we're asking people to donate a few dollars so we can increase the amount of our overall donation to the center.

    In 2006 it was estimated that there were between 830 and 1600 homeless youths in LA who identified as LGBT. That number has risen. Other than the programs at the LAGLC, there are no facilities set to meet the specific needs of LGBT youth. There are two programs through the center; the Transitional Living Center, where kids can stay for up to 18 months as they get counseling for jobs and other needs. They have 24 beds. There's also the Jeff Griffith Center, which handles between 50 and 70 clients each day, every day.

    We'd like to help as many of these kids as possible. We can't solve the problems with just a few dollars, but by heck we can make sure they have something for Christmas, or Hanukkah, or whichever holiday they celebrate. We can cover a few basics, and let them know that they haven't been completely forgotten.

    Last year we did stockings, and we'd like to do that again for the residents in the Transitional Living Center, but we'd also really like to be able to give out a box of basics to the clients at the Jeff Griffith Center. Think about this -- if we get ten people to donate $5 each, then we have $50 bucks, just like that. And if we go to the dollar store, that's fifty bottles of shampoo, or fifty tubes of toothpaste. Now think about what we can do if a hundred people donate $5 each. It really does add up.

    So, go to our website,, and help out a homeless youth. You'll have a happier Holiday season knowing you did.

    Thank you!


"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me".

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011


One of the houses close to where I'm working put their bin out for collection yesterday (a day early). Not their recycling bin, (that's collected next week) but their "non-recyclable for landfill" bin. Beside it they stuck a heavy-ish-looking cardboard box. As they put it down it slipped and came open.

Books fell out.


I was so horrified I spoke. "You're throwing books away??" The woman nodded. "They were my father's. I don't read books so what's the point of keeping them. Might as well dump them." My face must have registered my horror (I have a very tell-tale face. I'd be no good at poker). She continued, "You can have them if you want." I thanked her and grabbed the box. I didn't care what they were, you just don't throw books in the bin!!

I got them home and looked at them. There's a complete set of Dickens' works. All of them, not just the novels but all the short articles too. All in matched hardback volumes. I'm not a fan of Dickens but I'm sure I can find somebody who'd like them. Even if one or two of the volumes are a bit scruffy.

There was also a two-volume, cloth bound, hardback set of The Count of Monte Cristo. And a matching volume of Gulliver's Travels. And a matching The Woman in White. And The Moonstone. And The Lady of The Camelias. And Ivanhoe. All dated 1921. And there was an Encyclopaedia. Dated 1932. (Maps of the Empire in the back!!)

And she was going to stick them in the bin with the dirty nappies and the cat-litter and the left over shepherd's pie... heathen!! Criminal!!

Well at least I've got some nice books to read... Moonstone first, I think


Monday, November 21, 2011


Turkey day in the USA is on Thursday. Today we picked up the 16lb turkey, kinda small for us but less folks this time around as life happens. Tomorrow we will start making the different pies and salads for the feast. I see leftovers for days this time around.

Door man came by today and gave us the news that of course our door is special order and we are two weeks or so away from getting the plywood covered door fixed. Insurance agent was silent and our police officer has not replied to any of my emails. Hence it is going to be weeks, months or longer before we get through our smash and grab event.

So now I'm done rumbling on, back to your updates.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thank Goodness

Short week for us. Really short for E and little e. They have the whole week off. The boys and I have school Monday, Tuesday and just half a day on Wednesday. Plans for the rest of the week involve eating turkey and being slugs. I'm all for that.

Big update. Get to it.


Saturday, November 19, 2011


Calm day today. Craft show and chores...all around easy. Tonight we are going to head to the grocery store to start the pick up process for the big Turkey day feast on Thursday. This year it seems we will only have us and the kids, kinda odd, but easier to cook for sure.

Our house seems a bit empty to me and once the kids start arriving tomorrow I think the shell shock for them will hit quickly. No TV, no Wii and so much more. Everyone is going to have to adjust. We are waiting a bit on insurance to see what is offered before we go out and replace a few of the missing parts. We did however order two laptops as they will take couple weeks to get here.

Enough on this end, here is hoping you all are doing well.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Friday, November 18, 2011


A new show from Allaine scheduled for November 22nd....
Xena! Again! - Uberfic Authors Carrie Carr & Roselle Graskey

In what has clearly become a biannual ritual, F4F Radio returns to the subject of "Xena: Warrior Princess" tonight. I've commented before that it's practically impossible to limit the discussion of Xena to two or three authors, due to the sheer size of the fandom and the number of authors who made an enormous impact on the readers. Apparently it was also impossible to limit the discussion of Xena to eight, as F4F will have on two additional writers to talk about their fanfic, uberfic, and original work. Appearing tonight will be Carrie Carr, best known for the Lex/Amanda series that began with "Destiny's Bridge", and Roselle Graskey, who wrote the popular uberfic "Life's Little Edge" as well as the in-progress spinoff "Cage Undone". Helping me tonight again will be author Kim Pritekel, who was a guest on my second Xena show to talk about uberfics like "1049 Club" and "Twilight", and then shared hosting duties with me on my Xena interview #3..


Light night...good time to check out some of Allaine's past shows.


Thursday, November 17, 2011


The week was going okay until late yesterday afternoon. That dreaded call, in this case voice mail from Tamara, "The house has been broken into." Dammit to hell, some people suck. I sure want to believe with Tamara that Karma is real.

Police, insurance and even Lowe's have been on our list today. Lists...what's missing? Way too much and I would feel better being guaranteed they won't return. Sadly no such promise.

Yeah, they only took stuff. Most replaceable, some less so. Sentimental value is lost forever. Human and animals safe or as safe as one can be in a society where some people suck.

Now that I am done rambling, back to your updates. Enjoy.

Peace, Health, and Happiness,


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

In Newspeak There is No Word for Freedom.

I rather suspect that the majority of our readers are US Americans. If this is indeed the case then this is of the utmost importance to you (since you're reading a website which specialises in links to lesbian fiction).

The USA Censors the Web.

Now you all know (or should do by now) that I absolutely loathe and detest piracy of books, films, TV shows. So naturally I think that stopping piracy and/or shutting down prolific piracy sites is a good thing. Yes?? Well yes... but... thin end of the wedge and all that. This bill SOPA, as you can see here, will do a lot more than simply close down high-volume piracy sites.

You still have time (just) to make your voice heard.

And if (like me) you never download books, films, games, or TV shows illegally, and you're tempted to think that it won't affect you so why should you bother. Think about that wedge. Think about Pastor Martin Niemöller. And think about the famous quote that's attributed to him.
    First they came for the communists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews,
    and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

    Then they came for me
    and there was no one left to speak out for me.

First they censor pirate sites.

Then they censor sites critical of the government ("Occupy" etc.) Then they censor sites campaigning for change. (NoH8. Repeal DOMA, repeal DADT, campaign for marriage equality).

Then they censor anything with positive portrayals of LGBT people. And it's bye-bye all those sites we link to, it's bye-bye to Uber Etc. And it's hello crimethink and doubleplusungood.

And with that gloomy outlook I'll head off to bed, and some rest well-earned after a day of soggy, cold, windy, digging...

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Amazing Artistry

Not a lot to say tonight. Not much has happened this past week. I've worked, come home, read some books.

Two new ones. (If you're interested I can thoroughly recommend one - Lynn Ames Beyond Instinct. Cracking good read. And I can definitely say the other wasn't worth the postage costs never mind the price of the book!!). And three old ones.

And I read some online stories too. Dust, and Jericho. Both excellent. Jericho has been published, so I'll be buying a copy asap.

I also read (or began to read at least) a couple of online stories which should never have been allowed to see the light of day!! I didn't finish them. Life is too short and there are too many good things to read rather than wasting time on dross.

Joan Arling - who sometimes rambles for us here - sent me a link to an article about some amazing paper sculptures. They're incredible.

What I really want to know though, how is it that a person living in Germany sends me a link (on a US American site) which she found on the blog of a US American, who in turn is living in Portugal, about these sculptures appearing in the UK. And I, a person actually living in the UK, haven't seen a word about them before now!!

Doesn't that seem wrong?? That the British press is so busy reporting on the Euro crisis, the political shenanigans of the extreme right-wing in the USA, or perfectly idiotic rubbish about some C-list "celebrity" and their divorce, marriage, appearance on Come Dancing, or whatever, or some ridiculous pseudo-scandalous soap plot-line, that it makes no significant mention of such wonderful things??

Daft, I calls it.


Monday, November 14, 2011

P&P Alert....

Big update tonight. Have at it.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back to Work

The weekend ends. Today was filled with chores and yet we found lots of time to sit back and relax as well, which was good after our go go go Friday and Saturday. I can also say today I needed a break from craft fairs, so it all worked out.

Here is hoping you all had great weekend and have a wonderful week. Enjoy those updates. And remember... if you have something to share, please send it on.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Craft Show Fun

We ran the kids ragged today visiting Craft Shows. I do wish they'd space them out more but this time of year does seem to be Craft Show season as well. We have a few more next weekend but no kids with us.

The best thing about doing all this running, of course, is the cool Christmas gifts we find. The grandparents are now totally finished. Time to concentrate on the kids next.


Friday, November 11, 2011


You know with that kind of date one would think I could have great words, but alas no. Another day for us. Veteran's Day in the USA so kids out of school. We took them to see Puss in Boots. I thought it was cute but am realizing movies are tough anymore and that kinda sucks.

Back to your updates, enjoy. Another day of small because I have been lame in my duties of updating our checklist. It's on my list. I eventually will get to it.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Slim Pickings

Not too much for y'all tonight. E and I are very happy because we have tomorrow off. I am going to enjoy sleeping in.


Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Wheeee - Speedy 'Net is Back.

A little late but a Blessed Eid al Adha to our Muslim readers.

Thank you to those who responded to the plea from Regal Crest. They are very grateful for the information you supplied.

Internet working properly tonight. Not that our ISP was particularly helpful. The recorded message was pretty basic. "Yes, we are noticing a slow-down in service in your area but we do not know why. Please try later." I suppose at least they were honest. Anyway, whatever was wrong has been mended and I could check properly for updates, so I shouldn't grumble, should I.

Got a link to an original urban fantasy short story by Naomi Clark, (thank you Sandra Barrett for the link). She seems to be the only author currently listed at the publisher Queered Fiction Press. But they are looking for submissions. Ms. Clark has two books published, about the characters in this story, so if you like it you might be interested in the books. Haven't read it yet myself so can't offer an opinion.

It's still raining, by the way. I know we need the rain, I know I was complaining a little while ago that we hadn't had any rain. But I don't know that we need this much - there is a half-way point between drought and flood - honest there is. I've come home filthy, soaking wet, and squelching every day for the past fortnight. I'm running out of clean, dry work-clothes. Could we have some sunshine again?? Pretty please??

Take care. Enjoy your updates. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Slow, slow, slow

First - reminder about Tamara's correction of yesterday. The show featuring author Heartsways is this Thursday 10th November and not next Thursday as previously advertised.

Next - my apologies if this update isn't as complete as it usually would be but I'm having internet issues. The oh-so-speedy 50Meg connection we pay extra for is not working properly this evening and is slow enough that it's bringing back memories of those days (not at all lamented) of dial-up at 56k. And I've been waiting for thirty minutes to log-in to LiveJournal. Oh, and BuffyFaith appears to be down.

Lastly a message from publisher Regal Crest

    Update - 10/3 post "Piracy Issues"

    After reviewing the RCE contracts and a statement from Missy, the legal department at has removed the illegal translations from their web site. So, that is one part of the problem resolved.

    We still need to get the German publisher to stop publishing and selling the books on their site and any others we are unaware of. As of today, 8 weeks after it was brought to their attention, Edition Elles still refuses to respond to any of my inquiries regarding this matter. I have limited contact information for them - We got that out of one of the unauthorized books and it may not even be an active email address any longer. There is no address or phone number on their web site and an Internet search has turned up nothing. If anyone has information for this publisher, or knows someone who might have information that will assist us in stopping the theft and copyright infringement, please let me know. at

Right. See you all tomorrow, hopefully with a decent connection and a lot more updates.


Monday, November 07, 2011


Mark your calendars....

Waiting to be Found – “Lost Girl” & Author Heartsways

Tonight we venture back into the world of smaller, up-and-coming fandoms in the femslash community. The successful Season Two of the Canadian television series "Lost Girl" is currently airing, and SyFy has confirmed that starting January 2012 it will be bringing the show to American audiences. Which means Canada's less polite neighbors to the south will have ample opportunity to get in on the ground floor. "Lost Girls" claims that the Fae creatures of legend and folklore, from werewolves to the Morrigan, are real and secretly living among us. Into this world, divided for millenia between the chaotic Dark and the rigid Light, comes Bo, a young fugitive who discovers she is a Succubus, a Fae who feeds off the life force of her sexual partners to the point of death. Trying to come to grips with a parasitical power that has claimed human lives, Bo refuses to be recruited by either side. More importantly for our discussion, Bo is a bisexual woman who in S1 has a torrid, troubled relationship with Lauren, a doctor/researcher who works for the Light as their medical/physiological expert. While secrets tear them apart, nothing can break the heavy sexual tension that has persisted into S2. While the number of Bo/Lauren fics out there is still small, we'll be talking to the one woman doing the most to change that. Heartsways wrote the quite long, rather dark, and very good "Ways to Tell You I'm Sorry", followed by the even longer, darker and better "Darkening the Light". And she topped it off with the lighthearted "Super Sekrit Dialogue of Lauren and Bo". We'll discuss Bo/Lauren, the numerous obstacles in their way, and the future growth of the fandom.


Please note the actual date for this show is this Thursday the 10th *not* the 17th.


Sunday, November 06, 2011

Where Did It Go?

The weekend is over already? Back to work with the splendid knowledge that it is a 4 day work week with Friday off for the kids, Tamara and myself.

Enjoy your updates! Holler if you want to ramble...we can all use those words.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Saturday, November 05, 2011


Not much to read tonight. Hope your weekend is going well.


Friday, November 04, 2011

Busy Weekend

My official 11 year old is celebrating at a pool tomorrow with numerous friends. I am in charge of pizza and other various items like payment. Hopefully if Tamara and I are not too tired afterwards we will be able to get to a craft fair that interests us both.

I am feeling a bit better these days...still not up to full par, but close. Other than the headaches I'm almost me again. At least I am not longer dizzy and that is very nice.

Sunday kids return to our house and we have lots of house chores that need to get done prior to that.

Here is hoping you all have a good weekend. Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Thursday, November 03, 2011

Not a whole lot to say....

Running a bit late tonight. Enjoy 'em.
