Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye, 2006!

So what am I doing this New Year's Eve? I'm cleaning out my closet. I ended up with several sacks of shirts I no longer wanted. Now I don't have to grunt while shoving shirts aside. Not very exciting especially if you're Mike and it's your birthday. Yeah, he was born on the 31st. He discovered a long time ago you can't plan a last minute birthday party on New Year's Eve.

He did get a nice lunch out and he hasn't been nagged to do any chores today. I predict a long evening of movies and Runescape for him. I, in the meantime, am concentrating on boxing up comics that I've read. They've been accumulating beside my bed and it's getting dangerous. That's all there is on my side of the bed--precarious stacks of reading material.

Whatever you do on New Year's Eve, do it safely. Enjoy the updates!


Saturday, December 30, 2006


Another extended weekend ahead, may you all find the joy within it.

Long update so get to it.


Friday, December 29, 2006

Small update tonight.

Once you're caught up on your reading, head on over to Shatterstorm Productions and check out these keen Tarot cards created for the Dead of Winter 2006 Advent Calendar by newbie_2u.


Thursday, December 28, 2006

Another Night of E's Miscellaneous Rambling

I wanted to remind you all to contact us if you have sites or places you read stories that we miss. We have a fairly extensive checklist, but are we're always looking for more. Got any new ideas or thoughts about Uber Etc, let us know. Feedback even to us is a grand thing.

Also on our Grunt's Checklist are some nifty sites that we don't regularly check for the daily updates but may still be of interest to you. Check out the bottom section titled Nifty Sites. We have beta readers, ebooks, and much more.

We hope over the last six months we've been fulfulling our motto "We check 'em so you don't have to". And never forget we do have the trusty low volume (updates only) Yahoo group. This brings these nifty updates to your email box daily.

Let us know if you have something to say or share. We're continually looking for thoughts, comments, recipes, and commentaries from you all.

Enough of my chatter, have a wonderful night and enjoy your updates!


Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas, Home Depot!

Home Depot received an unexpected present from us this year...we purchased a new fifty gallon hot water tank. Our tank has started leaking more water and the pilot light was doused yesterday. This, of course, left us with very little hot water. After checking out the tank we decided to bite the bullet and get a new one. It was only a matter of time before the whole thing decided to loose its load of water after all and then we'd really be in a pickle.

Mike headed to Home Depot yesterday and purchased a new hot water tank complete with installation by a local company. The plumber from said local company arrived today and told us we'd need to pay $820 more to bring the tank up to code. This, mind you, was on top of the $250 installation fee. We decided to go with a second opinion. I *know* we can find someone to do the required upgrades and installation for less than $1,070. Keeping my fingers crossed anyway.

And those updates just keep on comin' in. Enjoy 'em.


Tuesday, December 26, 2006


That was the word yelled to me at half past 4 on Christmas morning. "Mom, he's real! It's Magic!" It was magical to see that much energy in motion that early in the morning. She, of course, tried for about two minutes to settle and go back to luck there. I did get a couple hour nap late yesterday afternoon, but somehow I'm still tired today.

So enough of my rambles and I can only hope others felt the Magic as well wherever and whatever one celebrates.

Enjoy your updates!


Monday, December 25, 2006

Survived Another Christmas

Yes, sadly I'm a poopyhead who looks forward to Christmas being over. Now I can rest and enjoy our New Year's Day dinner of tacos and enchiladas (and Mexican black-eyed peas for luck).

Things went smoothly this year. Making these phone calls every night has taken the worry of Christmas debt off my head, which I know helped a ton. Cal received his wished for blue ukelele. Thank goodness for Ebay. Duncan seemed pleased with his loot . Thank goodness for a renewed addiction to Pokemon cards.

I did have one little glitch. I forgot to put sugar in my pumpkin pie. I ended up sending Mike and the kids out of the house the day I was making the pies because they were getting on my last nerve. I imagine during one of those nerve stompings I spaced and left out the sugar.

Strangely enough pumpkin pie doesn't taste too bad without sugar. After all I had Cool Whip on top and that's sweet. I did end up sprinkling a packet of Splenda (artificial sweentener) on top and that made everything fine and dandy. Since that fix worked I ditched my plan of throwing that pie away and making another.

Here's hoping everyone had a relaxing holiday season this year. Enjoy the updates!


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Rain or Shine

Another update arrives. Go forth and enjoy.

A kind reminder please share your thoughts with those that took the time to give us their words.

I am off to peel potatoes, the requested holiday meal this evening.


Saturday, December 23, 2006


Are those of you who indulged in holiday shopping this year finished? I'm happy to say I completed my final purchase last Thursday. I absolutely hate to have to go to a store these last few days before Christmas. In fact, the farther away I can stay from shopping the better. I even made a point to buy my Christmas dinner items yesterday.

My pies are done as of about an hour from now. I still have to wrap my mother-in-law's present but everyone else's are done. It may not sound like much but I'm usually wrapping stuff Christmas Eve. All in all I'm ahead of the game this year.

Passion & Perfection updated so y'all have a lot to read tonight.


p.s. Jeanette Winterson has a Christmas story up at her site: Christmas Eve at the Cracker Factory.

Friday, December 22, 2006


The end of the work week is at hand in my city leading to a holiday weekend for me. One will hope the same for many of you. Regardless of which holiday you celebrate, be safe and enjoy!


Thursday, December 21, 2006

Ramble from Linda

Lucky us, Linda's back with a ramble.
Puppy Power

December 12th. A day that will live forever as "My Aunt is the greatest". LOL

On the 19th is my mom's 73rd birthday. As usual she would not tell me what she wanted. Every year we go through this and every year I have to rack my brains trying to figure out the right gift.

This year I had an idea but I had to wait on a very fickle lady for the gift. My nieces' father has two pit bulls, Zeus and Hera. Both are about 11 years old. Because of his age, Marcus decided to breed Zeus one last time to a neighbor's dog. Keeping this a secret from the girls was hard.

The puppies were born October 31st. After seeing the puppies I knew I had to get one for the family. They are so cute. I picked out the runt of the litter, a female all white except for a patch of brown around her left eye.

I decided that the puppy would be a early birthday present for mom, a late birthday gift to Victoria, her birthday was Nov 24th and an early Christmas gift for Ellie. I had planned on it being a gift for Victoria but the lady who owned them didn't want to give them up but changed her mind a week ago.

On the 12th, Marcus bought over the puppy when the girls were at school. My mom at first was a little standoffish about the whole idea. The girls are too young for a puppy. Victoria is 8 and Ellie is 14. The thing is mom had lost her dog, a toy poodle, a year ago. Plus the puppy is a pit bull. Marcus has always had pit bulls. Beside Zeus and Hera, he had Callisto when Ellie was a baby. In all those years never once did any of the dogs harm the girls in any way. In fact the girls tend to use the dogs as pillows when they are over at their dad's place.

The puppy now called Zoey was a huge hit with the girls. I wanted to continue with the mythology theme but Ellie decided to her name her after her favorite writer, Zoey Dean. She writes a series of teen books that Ellie is nuts over.

Zoey has decided that Ellie is the alpha female of the pack. She will listen more to Ellie than anyone else. The girls have split doggy care between them. Ellie, cleans up any accidents in the house and general care of the dog. Victoria has what she calls "poopie patrol" outside.

I am not a big fan of dogs, never have been. So the girls know I went against my nature to get this gift for them. They are thrilled beyond words with the puppy. They know the rules concerning the dog. The number one rule is Zoey does not go into my bedroom. This week that has cut down on their use of the computer. LOL

The girls think I am the greatest aunt in the world. Now if I can just get Zoey over the habit of licking my toes, I will be a happy person. LOL


I've done my time with cats and I've done my time with dogs. Can't say that I have a preference. I do know that I'm happy with Max. I wish Linda luck with the new addition to her family. Sounds like Zoey is fitting right in. Don't forget to take a little time to thank Linda for sharing her rambles with us.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Smooth Sailing

One hopes no other surprises arise. However at this point Santa is already to deliver one planetary science kit (close enough). Cookies have been made. Work is almost under control, hence the holiday is almost here.

I hope the same for the rest of you. More fun stories await you tonight so enjoy.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006

What do you want?

My daughter announced to me in the car that she may believe in Santa so she was willing to test the theory. Today she went and sat on his lap and let him know what she really wanted. Unfortunately she chose not to share her request with me. I did, however, get it from Santa's helper. So now I need to find a planetary science kit lickety split.

And have no doubts that I will. Why not keep that magic alive as long as possible? Whatever splendid holiday you celebrate, I hope the magic is alive and well.

Now on to your updates, enjoy.


Monday, December 18, 2006

Back to Basics

I had an interesting few days. I learned many things. First and foremost was the fact that I like electricity. It brings heat, hot water and even light. But on top of all that it allows my ISP to come back online and that is splendid.

I also have learned I may love the trees, wind, and rain but not all are necessary in extremes. My city is still recovering. My roof is safe and I'm lucky.

So back to normality I'm hoping soon.

Enough of my ramblings, back to your regularly scheduled event. Tonight's update is large so go and enjoy! Reminder to let them (the writers) know what you thought.


Sunday, December 17, 2006


Spent all day making cookies--four batches of snickerdoodles and two batches of peanut butter Hershey kiss cookies. Tomorrow my spritz cookies will get done. Thankfully those won't take as long. One more year of making enough cookies to choke several horses under my belt. I'm pooped.

Tonight's update is incredibly varied. Have fun reading.


Saturday, December 16, 2006


Everyone finished with their holiday shopping? I'm not but I'm very close. Hope your weekend is relaxing. Enjoy the short but sweet updates.


Friday, December 15, 2006

Wind, wind, wind, and some more wind!

What the hell is up with our weather this year? First it was a freaky ass Spring with the heavy overload of Summer into the Fall from hell and now wind? WTF?

We're usually a city of temperate seasons and such, but that was last year I guess.

I live in an earthquake zone, one in which we're prepared for hurricane weather. However last night gave us a small taste of that affect. The difference might be we have very tall pine trees everywhere, two of which found their way to my roof. Fortunately not through my roof.

My daughter and I sat in our darkened house a bit cold but overall safe. Once again the lucky few. One can only hope the hundreds or more with flooded or damaged abodes get help quickly.

Peace even in the dark.


p.s. Be sure to check out Lara Zielinsky's Hanukkah story.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Ramble from Phair

It's time for a special holiday themed ramble from Phair.
At some point in 2005, I did a ramble which included references to Christmas' with my Dad. A reader emailed me to thank me for the ramble. She liked the piece because it was about my Dad and our way of celebrating an important event in our lives; Christmas. The reader went on to tell me her family tradition did not include Christmas and that she lost her Dad while she was young. Still, something about the ramble made her feel good. She asked that I ramble more about the subject in the future. So, tonight is a ramble at special request...but with a little shift of focus.

Christmas is the season of hope and love; an ancient promise fulfilled. My earliest memory of the big event was my Mother's annual announcement sometime after Thanksgiving Dinner was devoured to the barest bone.


Mom would always say it with such a stern look on her face that our overfilled bellies would almost turn. All seven of us stared back silently at her in a gravy stained apron, mock polyester turtle neck sweater and matching Capri pants. Her hands were balled fists on her hips waiting for one of us to protest her pronouncement. Nobody ever did. She would turn on her heel and head for the kitchen when my Dad made his way into the living room from places unknown (usually the basement due to a blown fuse).

"Matt, Thom, clear the table. John, Joe, wash the dishes for your mother!" he directed as he settled down to sit crossed legged on the floor. "Mark, get Sorry so we can have a game with the girls."

My sister and I were the girls. We were the youngest two of the seven and followed five and eight years behind the youngest boy, respectively. My father realized very early that my sister and I were going to be the last of his children...ever... and he allowed himself to enjoy fatherhood as he never did before. He took time to play with us, to show us, to teach us, to do all the things he didn't get to do with his dad because the man died too soon and all the things he couldn't do with his sons because he was struggling just to survive with a young family.

Getting back to Mom. She was always the realist in her relationship with my father. He handed her his paycheck and expected she'd take care of everything. AND...she did. Rent, heat, lights, phone, tuition, food, and holidays, Mom could stretch a dollar from sea to shining sea. If Dad's pay was not enough then Mom worked two jobs and sometimes three. Mom's primary job was as a soloist for a church. She'd do the early morning Mass Monday to Saturday for $1. If it were a funeral then it would be $5 just like her Sunday Mass pay. Funny that the same church that is giving our government a bad time about fair and decent wages saw fit to pay my Mom only $1.57 an hour knowing she had seven kids to support. If you think we ever got a free turkey at the holiday then think again.


I can remember waking on Christmas morning 1971. My little sister was lying in the bottom bunk next to me and our brother Mark was snoring in the bunk above us. The house was sleeply quiet. I shifted a bit to wake Mary. Her eyes snapped open. That's the kind of sleeper she was then and is today.

"Christmas," was all I needed to say.

Mary rolled over and fell out of bed, sprawled on the floor. I jumped out after her and grabbed her by the arm. If somebody was getting into trouble for being up then I wanted company. Our feeted pj's betrayed any attempt at stealth as we raced for the living room. The tree glowed before us with lights inherited from our long dead, unmet Papa my Mom still cried about missing. Beneath the shining tree were stacks of wrapped and unwrapped gifts. There were treasures from our aunts and uncles and friends of our folks and friends of our grand folks and, of course, Santa Claus. Mom and Dad never got credit for any gifts until after our Confirmations. Even then Santa still got partial credit until the family's youngest member turned thirteen.

There were skyscrapers of gifts from one end of our living room to another. My sister was shivering so hard at the sight that I wrapped my arms around her to calm her... or maybe myself. My parents came in shortly after our arrival and called for our brothers. It still makes me misty eyed to think how long my Mom and Dad laid snuggled together waiting in their bed not ten feet from where my sister and I shivered in awe. Once my brothers raced into the room, chaos ensued. Mom was the referee while Dad got breakfast rolling. Toys were scattered everywhere.

We had finished with round one of eggs, bacon, and toast when Mom stood up and glared at my toys.

"Where's the puppet?"

"HUH?" It was the most intelligent answer I could grunt around a swallow of scrambled egg.

Mom then looked at my sister. She was ignoring her breakfast too feasting on her gifts instead.

"No puppet?"

For the first time in my life, I thought my Mother was going to cry. She gazed around the room with a look of panic. She stopped briefly on my arrogant brother as he sized up himself in his Nehru Jacket. (SIDE NOTE: Mom worked overtime renting TV's in hospitals so he could have that coat and the jerk only wore it once.) Then she turned to her reliable guys, the oldest and his Irish twin.

"Matt, Thom, I think Santa dropped something on the stairs!"

Mom's voice was never sounded like panic. She was in control of all things with just the strength of her will. That's who she was. So, to hear Mom sound shrill and to see the older boys jump like that we little ones moved this fast! ZIP. Thom corralled us at the front door of the apartment. Matt disappeared briefly then brought in a white plastic bag; all crunchy and punchy.

"Santa dropped a bag. That's all. It might not even be for you two," Thom cooed in our pink ears as he tickled and distracted us. He would have been a fine politician, my Thom.

"Girls, come here!" my mother bellowed. We were released from Thom's hold to barrel to our Mom's chair where she clutched the bag to her chest. "As you might have guessed, Santa brought only some of your gifts. Dad and I got you something's too. But...I really wanted you to have these."

She held out a Bert and Roosevelt Franklin puppet. I grabbed Bert and my sister grabbed Roosevelt. Somehow, I ended up in my Mom's lap which was usually a bad place to be but I kept saying, 'thank you.' She held me close and whispered, "I'm sorry."

For the longest time, I didn't understand what my mother was sorry about.

My sister and I were stunned when we discovered, quite by accident, frugal meant economical or sparing expense. My Mom worried that her gifts were lacking. But, she could not have been further from the truth. In fact, if you asked either my sister or me what our heartfelt response to the word frugal is then the answers would be; abundant, lush, extravagant, rich, full, happy. Yes, our frugal Christmas' were deliriously happy.

We were lucky enough to be able to tell this to our parents years before their deaths. As adults, we laughed about the vocabulary confusion; language versus reality. As a family, we've adopted the word frugal as our family catch phrase for wonderful things.

So, on behalf of my sister, my brothers, and me, we wish you a frugal holiday season,


E and I both loved that Phair chose to share this memory. Please take a little time to let her know how much we all appreciate her gifting us with these rambles.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Recipe Night

Yep, another splendid recipe. Once again thanks go to Amy.
Something to keep in mind for the holidays: Decreasing the sugar in recipes can affect the quality of baked goods. Sugar not only influences the taste but the browning, tenderness and many other characteristics of a food. However, up to 1/3 of the sugar can be eliminated in many recipes without replacement. So here are a couple of cheesecake recipes that are sugar reduced, with about 1/3 of the calories and half the carbohydrates of regular cheesecake and by golly, they taste pretty darn good.

Transformed Cherry Cheesecake

Nonstick pan spray
1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs
2 pkgs ( 8 ounces each) fat free cream cheese, softened
1 pkg (8 ounces) reduced fat cream cheese, softened
2/3 cup sugar
2 Tablespoons all purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
2 eggs
4 egg whites
1 cup evaporated skim milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray the bottom and sides of a 9 inch springform pan with non stick pan spray, then sprinkle the bottom and 2 inches up the sides of the pan with graham cracker crumbs Place the springform pan in the refrigerator to chill while preparing the filling.

Beat softened cream cheeses and sugar together with an electric mixer until well blended. Add flour, vanilla, and almond extract. Beat well to blend. Beat in eggs and egg whites, one at a time, then beat in the evaporated milk. Pour mixture into the springform pan. Bake in preheated oven for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to 325 degrees and continue baking for one hour longer. Remove from oven and cool. Pour 1 can of artificially sweetened cherries on top and chill in the refrigerator when the pan is cool enough to handle.

Transformed Vanilla-Caramel Cheesecake

15 reduced fat chocolate or vanilla wafer cookies, crushed ( should make 1/2 cup)
2 pkgs (8 ounces each) reduced fat cream cheese, softened
2/3 cup sugar
3 egg whites or 1/2 cup fat free cholesterol free egg product
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups vanilla low fat yogurt
2 Tablespoons all purpose flour
1/2 cup fat free caramel topping
Pecan halves, if desired

Heat oven to 300 degrees. Spray 9 x 3 inch springform pan with nonstick cooking spray. Sprinkle cookie crumbs over bottom of pan.

Beat cream cheese in medium bowl with electric mixer on medium speed until smooth. Add sugar, egg whites and vanilla. Beat on medium speed about 2 minutes or until smooth. add yogurt and flour. Beat on low speed until smooth.

Carefully spread batter over cookie crumbs in pan. Bake 1 hour. Turn off oven, and cool in the oven for 30 minutes with the oven door closed. Remove from oven, cool for 15 minutes. Cover and refrigerate at least 3 hours.

Drizzle caramel topping over cheesecake. Garnish with pecan halves.


Wow, caramel over the top with pecan halves...yum. Now off to your updates, enjoy!


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Another good night. Enjoy 'em.


Monday, December 11, 2006

Monday Rain

Lots and lots of it. Something splendid in my city. One will hope something splendid is happening where ever you are as well.

Enjoy your updates.


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Winging It

Sunday at the Hodge Lodge and we're finally getting the Christmas stuff out. Unlike E, I'm one of those fake tree afficionados. I did my time with live trees as a kid but the only funny stories I have to tell involve the tree crashing to the living room floor at least once around 3 am. That's a fun thing to wake up to, let me tell ya.

We had our annual Unitarian Christmas service today. The kids from the church act out the nativity along with an adult narrator. We sing some songs and it's a fun service. I was especially impressed by the inclusion of a dragon at the birth of Jesus.

As I type this Mike and Cal are putting lights on our fake tree. I always make sure I'm not the one who puts the fake tree together or puts the lights on. If I end up with that job I never want to put any ornaments on the tree for at least two days after. It's hard to want to gussy up a tree that you'd like to pummel after all. It turns out to be better for everyone if I stay away from the light placement portion of tree decorating.

Okay. I think I've blabbed about nothing quite enough. More updates tonight than last night. Enjoy 'em.


Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Tree

I was giving my daughter her usual bedtime story last night when she asked if I had any true stories about Christmas trees. I started laughing right away. Of course I have had many (we do have cats) but the one that was an instant reminder of laughter was a rare moment of joy in my childhood.

One year my sisters and I went with my mom and dad to pick out the all-important tree. This was always a big event and, looking back, many of these times (tree searching) were actually positive memories. We picked a nifty 9 foot tree (we always got the huge trees). The tree lot folks loaded that puppy on top of our Nova Super Sport, baby blue, 4 door wagon. I was five, making my sisters six and nine at the time.

We got on the highway headed home with that tree tied down with the wonderful waxy twine they used. My oldest sister asked us what we thought would happen if we pulled the very nice bow that came together in the middle of the back seat. It was where the string from all four windows came together. I was smart enough to realize something not great would happen, but my very gullible middle sister went for it. I remember the moment like a slow motion scene in a movie as the string started slipping through the windows and my sisters and I all turning around looking out the back window watching our beautiful tree fly off the back of the car.

I started roaring with laughter, which of course made my oldest sister follow suit. My middle sister sat there scared of the consequences (they were usually severe in my home). My mother couldn't help but laugh since the two of us had totally lost it in the back. My father looked ready to explode saying not a word as he turned the car around getting back to the spot of trouble. Luckily we were in the right lane and the tree actually fell to the side of the road. Upon our return our lovely tree was still there not looking too shabby (probably a good thing for my sister).

With my mother and us two pipsqueaks in the back all howling with laughter my father somehow, in a very rare moment, saw humor and joined in allowing my sister not to fear for her life on this evening and enjoy the moment as well.

After we finished laughing at the story, my daughter reminded me last year when we got the tree they put it on my car and I insisted on a knot (no bow). I didn't remember that but she did. I'm sure when we go pick out another lovely noble fir I will once again ask for the twine to be knotted, but I'll see the vision play out in my head of that string slipping through the windows of the Nova and turning around laughing as I watched our tree like a rocket shoot off the back of the car.

Peace and may your season remind you of laughter.

Now off to your updates, enjoy 'em!


    Birds of Prey
  • Words Not Needed by Debbie (ShatterStorm Productions FemSlash Advent Calendar: The Dead of Winter 2006).

  • Bothered and Bewildered by Elizabeth E. Carter (ShatterStorm Productions FemSlash Advent Calendar: The Dead of Winter 2006).

Friday, December 08, 2006


My first week of phone calling is almost done. Seems like it lasted much longer than it did. I keep telling myself paying off the credit card, paying off the credit card. The family is adjusting to the change in routine slowly. Fortunate for all of us this is only temporary. If it weren't, I'd probably have to kill someone by about month three.

Hope everyone's week went well. If it's cold where you are, stay warm. If it's warm, stay cool. Some interesting updates tonight...enjoy 'em.
