Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Did anybody else read the title Tamara's post "Melting" and hear the voice of the witch from the Wizard of Oz?? Not that I'm implying that Tamara in any way, shape or form bears any resemblance to said witch of course.

Christmas is over. It's not the New Year yet. And the trouble is that I work in a trade that closes down for the whole week to ten days. Our last day of work, known here as Black Friday (totally different to America's day of the same name), is the Friday before Christmas. It has that name because the construction industry knocks off early. And comprising mostly male employees and a large number of those being of Irish descent, they like a drink. Or three. So they tend to hit the pubs about lunchtime and drink until they're kicked out. Twelve hours later. Irish plus lots of alcohol. Not a good combination. As my mother used to say, "The Irish are a peaceful race and I'll thump anyone as says different." I didn't. Get drunk or start a fight I mean. Though I did have a quick half with the lads.

So here we are, finished with work and we don't re-start until Jan 2nd. Which is why I'm bored. And broke. (Self-employed means no work=no pay.) We could do with some of E & Tamara's snow - at least I could go out & play in it. I've mended the socket in the kitchen, I've put up the new wall-washes in the lounge, I've repaired the cooker-hood. It's way too cold to weed the garden. I'm getting desperate. I'll be tidying the kitchen cupboards soon if I'm not careful. I'm just grateful we don't have a spice-rack. Tidying that would indicate a need for the men in white coats.


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