Wednesday, September 30, 2015

The Moon's a Harsh Mistress

And she's still winning. Monday's early morning moon-watching is still affecting me. I haven't caught up with my sleep yet.

So I'm absolutely cream-crackered...

Went to see The Martian this evening. Not bad. Some good lines, pretty decent effects, excellent landscapes. And fairly believable. Worth watching if you can get a decent ticket price.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Blood Moons and Daisies

Today is Michaelmas (pronounced Mikklemus here), otherwise known as the feast of St Michael and All Angels.

It's still important for things such as Oxford & Cambridge university terms (semesters to US folk) - the term starting now is called Michaelmas Term. Same with the Inns of Court (Barristers [lawyers] chambers) and court sittings.

It also gives its name to a small purple flower of the aster family - the Michaelmas Daisy. Regular readers will know I'm rather fond of that flower. And I was delighted to see that yes - the Michaelmas Daisies have behaved and are actually in flower for Michaelmas.


So... did those of you lucky enough to be in the path of the lunar eclipse get to see it?? I did. I had to set my alarm clock for 2.30am to get out of bed for the totality - which I did. In spite of its being a work day and I have to get up at 5.30 for work.

It was worth it.

I went back to bed at 3.45. Got up at 5.30 and spent most of the day wandering round like a zombie.

But it was definitely worth it.


Monday, September 28, 2015

Sunshine Monday

Fall is here and those nice cool nights are definitely here. The house is cold but I try my best not to turn on heat until October. Gonna be close this year.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, September 27, 2015


We had a nice, relaxing weekend. Bring on the week.


Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sunny Saturday (tiny bit of rain)

Weekend filled with chores. A pleasant day over all. Hope yours is going well.

A note this update is brought to you by Ze as she pulled all these stories.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, September 25, 2015


My first full week of school is over. I'm tired. I'm also pleased with how the week went. Our new kids are settling in to the routine. The new teacher I'm paired with is doing great. Our strike is over and everyone hit the ground running. I'm looking forward to a fun school year.

Now I'll let you get to reading.


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Long Commuting Day

We had the Chinese President visiting Seattle. For security and safety reasons they closed our freeway down when he was headed to places like the Boeing plant. (They do this when Obama is here as well) Made for a very long commute this morning as the city became gridlocked. It took about 2 hours to drive 6 miles.

Hard to complain though as this man will have his country spend billions with our state (17.3 billion today alone for the purchase of new airplanes). The economy can use this and his country will eat a lot of apples and other agriculture from our farmers as well. Good for our state and worth a 2 hour commute.

Unfortunately my drive home was almost as bad due to an accident that killed folks and shut down one of the main highways through the city. Once again creating a gridlock on the other highway. This whole accident was darn sad as it was mostly young college students and tourists that were hurt. With 4 deaths and 50 others in the hospital, 25 of them in ICU wards that makes my long commute certainly not important.

Here is hoping you all had an easier day.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sport, Sport and More Sport

I think I'm all rugby-ed out. It was almost a relief to watch a football game tonight instead.

With the Rugby Union World Cup taking place over here, every single game is being shown live on TV. And I've tried to watch them all. There were four games back-to-back on Saturday, and three on Sunday.

And I've watched two of the three today. I didn't watch the third. I watched football instead.

My lads were playing their deadliest rivals...

Boy, do they like to keep you sweating. But we won. Brilliant.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Raindrops are Falling on My Head

Oh boy, are they ever!! Wet, cold, windy. You can tell summer is over. Which brings me to the greetings...

Summer is over. Tomorrow is the autumn equinox. So...

It's Ostara/Mabon - we wish our Pagan and Wiccan readers a good feast.

It's also the start of Eid al Adha - we wish our Muslim readers a good festival.

And it's Yom Kippur - we wish our Jewish readers a good and peaceful reflection.

Not so much for you today - less overwhelming - we've been sharing the goodies over the week. Enjoy your updates.


Monday, September 21, 2015

Officially Over

My Sunday was filled with Union stuff. Several thousand of us met at Benaroya Hall in downtown Seattle. I arrived around 1:40 and was done by 7:30.

It was very interesting being involved in the process. I'm also glad everyone approved their contracts.

We're set for three more years. Bring on the school year!


Sunday, September 20, 2015

End of the Weekend

Back to work for T and I, or hopefully. T is off voting for the new contract with her school and union. We are hoping it all works out, but you never know.

Here is hoping you all have a great week.

One other note here. Please give lots of feedback to our great grunt Ze. We need to be honest let you all know that the last few updates are directly due to Ze and her scouring A03. She pulls and then we take them for our updates as well. So at this point we have not found anything in the basic list so we borrow with no return from Ze's Tuesday draft.

So thank you Ze!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, September 19, 2015

Easy Weekend

Not a lot going on this weekend. Some basic chores and a decent amount of couch time. Hope you all are having a decent Saturday. Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, September 18, 2015

The strike is over...for now...fingers crossed.

Our first two days of school are finished. My feet are tired but it was so nice to be back at work. The new kids in our class are going to be a lot of fun. I'm definitely looking forward to getting into the swing of this school year.

My weekend will be shortened by a bit. Sunday I troop downtown to vote on the tentative contract. I'm going to take something to read. I expect there will be some debate. *sigh*


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Seattle Drizzle

Friday is on the horizon. This is a good thing. It's been a long week and I am tired. I didn't even have to walk some unnatural amount of steps. Schools are all back in session now as well.

Here is hoping you all have a really splendid weekend. Ours will consist of chores amongst some lovely Seattle drizzle.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Cool, Drizzle, Ferret-fun.

The weather earlier this week was torrential rain and gale-force winds. The ferrets didn't like it one little bit. They did not want to come out to play, preferring to stay wrapped up in their blankets in their hutch. Can't say I blame them. I didn't particularly want to stand around in it either.

Today though it was cool,with a little light wind, and intermittent drizzle. They love that. So they had a good old romp when I got home.

Arctic is playful but dignified. Polar, however, is completely loopy. He does the weasel war dance to the extent that he falls over, and then continues to wriggle and attempt to bounce while still lying on his back.

Needless to say I think that's as cute as all get out. Makes me literally laugh out loud. It's difficult to feel down for long when you have two little furballs who are so pleased to see you, so playful, and so much fun.

Stay safe folks. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

So Much, Owed by so Many, to so Few.

First - a couple of days late but Happy New Year to our Jewish readers.

Today is Battle of Britain Day. It's the 75th anniversary of the biggest battle of that aerial campaign, of the day when Hitler abandoned the idea of invading the UK.

There aren't that many of "The Few" left now. But today, those that could, attended a service of remembrance in St. Paul's in London.

After the service over 40 Spitfires, Hurricanes, and Blenheims took off from one on the RAF's wartime airfields and began a country-wide flypast. At least one of the planes flew over every remaining Battle of Britain airfield.

As it happens my local (small) airport was once one of those bases. And a local businessman owns one of the Spitfires. So we got a flypast.

The Spitfire flew right over where I was working. Quite low. I got to see it!! I can't begin to tell you how delighted I was.

Such a beautiful aeroplane.


Monday, September 14, 2015

25,305 Steps

According to my pedometer that ends up being something around 16 miles (25 km). My feet are sore but not as sore as last week. Also my legs feel like normal legs and not stiff, sore posts.

Today we started at my school and met up with many other schools at our closest high school. We spent the afternoon receiving honks of support and walking, always walking.

Tomorrow my school will be joined by several nearby elementary schools. Here's hoping the bargaining team has good news for us soon.


Sunday, September 13, 2015

Nice Slow Sunday

Minimal chores making for an easy Sunday. Dog got to the park in between some drizzly making him happy as well. The weekend is ending and work begins for me and more walking for Tamara. She is ready for school but the strike continues.

Here is hoping you all have a wonderful week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Saturday Steps

My feet are happy with the amount I've walked.

Negotiations resumed today between the union and the district. I'm hopeful we'll have school on Monday.


Friday, September 11, 2015


I remember. May they all Rest in Peace.



Thursday, September 10, 2015


I've had a tiring couple of days. Wednesday was supposed to be the first day of school for the kiddos at the school where I work. My union, The Seattle Education Association, has been negotiating with the district since May with no substantive agreement reached.

As a result, SEA members voted to strike beginning September 9 (the first day of school). On that day SEA members met at their respective schools and walked the picket line from morning until the end of the school day.

In the past two days I've walked over 30 miles. That's probably not a lot for Ze. She does a *lot* of walking. It's a lot for me though.

Tomorrow we're meeting at locations all over Seattle and doing public service activities. My school along with another Middle School will head to Green Lake and pick up trash. After a few hours of that we'll head back to our respective schools and picket until the end of the school day.

I've been very happy that the education professionals at my school have maintained good spirits throughout the strike. Support from the public has been phenomenal. We've been gifted with water, snacks, honks of appreciation, and homemade signs carried by student and parent supporters.

That said...I would like for an agreement to be made soon. I want to see the kids and get into the swing of a new school year. I love my job and would much rather be doing it than walking a picket line.
