Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Mince pies

First, sorry for the mistake with the story Into the Now yesterday. I did pop in to fix it but in the meantime the author had taken exception (rather emphatically) to the error (for which I apologise) and requested we remove the link, which I have done. Sorry about that if you were hoping to read it. You can still read it if you head to the author's site. EDIT - Author allowed repost - link is back

It's nearly Christmas. I'm a big kid when it comes to Christmas. It's all I can do to wait until December to put the tree up. (But even I can't bear to start too early.) Come on?? Don't you all follow Father Christmas (Santa) on the Norad Santa Site?? You dont?? Go on - it's just a bit of fun. Anyway tree went up today. And of course since it's December I can have mince pies. Not sure if Americans eat those but I love 'em. Not that I would have to restrict myself to December if I really didn't want to since seasonal stuff is available all year now. When I was a kid mince pies were only available at Christmas; hot-cross-buns were only around for Easter; pikelets and crumpets were strictly winter fare; and pancakes were for pancake day (Shrove Tuesday). This meant that things like that were treats. To be savoured. Now you can get them any time it's spoiled a bit of the specialness (is that a word??). I try to keep it special though. Which is why I've been holding out and today I ate my first mince pie of the year. Ah. Perfect!!


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