Sunday, December 14, 2008

Snow and Cookies

We had very excited kids this morning as the snow fell and left plenty for the morning. We spent the first few hours of our day sledding at the park. Then home for a day of cookie making adventures. We made Russian Teacakes, Snickerdoodles, Lemon Bars, Toffee Bars, and started some Cream Cheese cookies that we will finish up tomorrow with Magic Cookie Bars and Spritz and perhaps some Rice Krispy treats.

Monday is the start of one more week of work before a nifty week off, hence gonna be a long one.



Anonymous said...

It's "How the Witch Stole Christmas." ^_^

Tamara said...

Okay, we're finally getting around to fixing that. Apologies galore! *g* Been crazy here in Washington...snow, snow and more snow.