Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Shiver, shiver.

Blimey it's cold.

Typical, isn't it?? I get a contract to paint the outside of the windows of a nice, big, building just as we hit the lowest November temperatures for about 50 years!! I was wearing 6 layers today. Six!! And I was still cold. It would be nice if it would at least look as if it might creep above freezing point sometime soon. Pretty please??

Oh yeah, before I forget - Happy St Andrew's Day to any Scots readers.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Ramble from UK

Hooray! UK sent a ramble!
Ahhh she is slick with a well toned body and delicate features. She sits effortlessly in my lap ready to perform any task I might wish - ooh do I wish - wish that she could read my mind or would just listen when I speak of what I want.

Yesterday all the world was within easy reach and now... now she is here .... gone are the well known weight of my old partner who knew of all my needs, gone is the gentle humming, gone is the world I knew

A feeling of anger and frustration of loss and inadequacy overtakes me - I want what I used to have, I want my partner back!

I treat her with gentleness and respect, I do things her way .... or at least I try. I drag my fingers slowly from top to bottom, right to left. I use one finger, two ... uuuh even three fingers at a time. She sends me mixed signals, she moves around, jumps or remain absolutely still. What ever I do - she remains calm and with an effortless tranquillity that I so wish I could share.

She holds the keys to the world at large, to the universe of on-line fiction, to my tools of communication and I'm relentless in my effort to get her to share. I'll tickle her pad, I'll stroke her keys, I'll travel the net and I'll even read a manual if I have to - I will get her to share her magic!

Share ... I will share my thoughts and my reading time at Fan Fiction Reviews and F/F Fan Fiction Reader's Corner, I'll even share a ramble with you, but I won't share her. She is hot and she is mine and mine alone! If I could only persuade her to dance at my keystrokes - I would truly love her.

I don't think that I'll get lucky tonight so I might just sit back and entertain myself with a little light reading and wonder if I really did the right thing by leaving my partner of 5 years and walk away with some flossy chick with sleek features.

(If you want to know how I ended up in this mess, I'll leave you a clue - Fletcher DeLancey Mac vs. PC - in the future I'll think twice about taking the advice of a fan fiction writer;-)


UK...thank you as my words are getting old! If you want to ramble, holler. Now back to it, enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, November 28, 2010


Back to it I go. The holiday is over and I now have 3 full weeks until the next one. Perhaps within that time I can actually catch up...there is always hope.

With Hope in mind may you all have a grand week and I will ramble at you later on in it. If you are feeling like rambling for us, please step up and send us those words.

Until then, enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness!


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Back to Normal

This has been the strangest Thanksgiving break. We ended up with a lot more of it due to the snow. The snow is now gone and we're back to a typical Seattle winter...40s and rain. The kids, of course, are hoping for more snow. E says we'll get it. I'm hoping we don't.

I must now start thinking about Christmas in earnest. I've been picking up a present here and there but it's time to get organized and buckle down. I also have to mail presents to Mom. She's not coming out this year and instead will visit us during Winter break in February. She's very bummed about it but I must admit I'm kind of relieved. We tend to spend more when she's here and it'll be nice not to stretch ourselves so thin during the holidays.

Another light night. Enjoy 'em.


Friday, November 26, 2010


Well today we did the Thanksgiving feast as we were able to have all the kids and a set of grandparents join us as well, hence I am full. We have eftovers galore. I think we'll be eating turkey for a while...those 26 lbs birds are big.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programming and I hope you are busy as tonight's set is rather small. This gives you an opportunity to go back and catch those you missed.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Legend of the Seeker
  • Part 8 of Pieces Form a Whole by sos10 (LotS Femslash).

  • Part 8 of A Guardian's Love by Stein Willard (Academy of Bards).
  • Thursday, November 25, 2010


    Hope everyone had a relaxing day. Small update tonight. Have at it.


    Wednesday, November 24, 2010

    I Haz a Happy...

    Post title misspelt in keeping with yesterday's macro. *g*

    I knew if I was a good little roofer's mate, punctual, hard-working, polite, didn't complain about working in the wind and the rain, and chatted nicely to people that good things would come of it.

    One of the people I chatted to - and talked about my actual trade - was the Building Services Manager. Today he came & had a word with me.

    They have some budget to use up. Re-decorating budget. It's been allocated to re-painting the windows. (Weather permitting). Leaving aside the idiocy of painting outside windows at this time of year - when it's dodgy that it won't rain or that the temps will stay above 5c - you can't use gloss under 5c. There are over five hundred windows in the building. All old-fashioned metal casement type. They all need rubbing down, priming, undercoating and then glossing.

    The Buildings Manager said he wanted to hire one Master Craftsman, two time-served painters (journeymen) and two brush-hands (unqualified painters who do the basics but not the finishing work). He also said he was impressed with my dedication and work ethic (hah - little does he know how lazy I am!!) and he wanted to offer me the contract as Master Craftsman.

    Fan-bloody-tastic!! I gave him the names of a couple of lads I've worked with who are decent brush-hands and recommended a bloke and a lass I know who are pretty good time-served painters and he said he'd speak to them. Which he did.

    So next Monday I start several weeks of work. Lasting until the New Year at least - probably well into January. And at my proper trade.

    Boy do I haz a happy!!

    On another note - tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the USA. I won't go through all the links I posted last year. I'll just say - Happy Native American Heritage Day for Friday. And Happy Thanksgiving for tomorrow.

    Good night and may your God/s go with you


    Tuesday, November 23, 2010


    This macro pretty much sums me up.

    All because of the football. We were beaten on Saturday. At home. By our worse enemies. For the first time in 17 years. After being 2-nil up at half-time we lost 3-2. And I'm still sulking about it.

    We can forgive you for many things M Wenger. We can forgive you for the fact that we haven't won a trophy for several years. We may never forgive you for this!!

    I'm grumpy about other stuff too. I can't be the only Brit cynical enough to be thinking... Oh, look. We have another right-wing Tory government (coalition my bloody left foot!! The Lib-Dems are powerless. Their job is to say yes sir and sit down!!) who are cutting services all over the shop. They're about to wreck the NHS (as Tories always want to do but have never quite managed before). They're making higher education the privilege of the wealthy once more, instead of there for everyone. They're about to force the unemployed to do, for benefits which are less than minimum wage, the jobs they used to do for minimum wage before the cuts in services made them unemployed. And look - just to distract all those nasty working-class people who might otherwise start making a fuss... we'll have a Royal wedding!! What a good idea. (It worked for Thatcher - twice)

    Bah. Humbug.


    Monday, November 22, 2010


    The title says it all. We got it...my commute was hell. I'm expecting the same tomorrow. My daughter is happy, I am less so. It also has brought with it some serious cold weather. The teens and twenties are not what we are used to, hence cold.

    The week looks to be pretty much filled with serious cold weather. Hopefully less white stuff will fall. Sadly those roads are going to be nothing but sheets of ice since we plow, sand, salt very little in this area.

    Enjoy the updates!

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Sunday, November 21, 2010


    The kids are with their dad for another week. It's always way too quiet when they leave. I know E is going yay! it's quiet! but I'm used to the sound of my kids. On the plus side, I get to have noise again in the morning (I take Cal to school) and for a few hours after school while they wait to be picked up.

    We got a little snow today in Shoreline. I was really bummed because they were nice, fat flakes. After the snow didn't stick I wasn't so bummed. I'm hoping we dodge the snow/ice bullet again this winter. Seattle doesn't handle it well and I'm not so keen on driving up and down hills that are covered in ice.

    It's a short week for us due to Thanksgiving. The kids and I have full days Monday and Tuesday and we're out by noon on Wednesday. Being a household with split kids we're doing our Thanksgiving meal on Friday so little e can be with us. It would probably be easier to join everyone together but no one has a place that's big enough. And, I must admit, I'm partial to my cornbread dressing. I don't enjoy Thanksgiving as much if I'm not making it. Plus...leftovers are essential to a successful Thanksgiving. E and I always cook this meal with leftovers in mind.

    You've got a decent sized update tonight. Have at it.


    Saturday, November 20, 2010


    Craft Fair day for us. Amongst the wind and chill we spent money on the local economy. Now back to the easy/lazy night.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Friday, November 19, 2010

    Friday Evening

    November has finally hit us here in Seattle...rain, rain and more rain. Not that I mind. I haven't found the weather to be too oppressive here. E thought she might have to purchase one of those UV lamps for me. She was afraid I might be affected with seasonal affective disorder due to lack of sunlight. Hasn't happened yet though. I've found that there are plenty of sunny days. I've decided that the whole Seattle is depressing and rainy all the time tag is just a way to keep too many folks from moving here.

    There is one thing I do miss...those spectacular thunder and lightning heavy storms you get in Oklahoma. I do not, however, want them here. Lightning and strong wind don't work well with Pacific Northwest trees. I'll be content with the drizzle and gray and occasional windstorm that inevitably knocks out power somewhere in the city.

    Not a huge update tonight. Y'all enjoy 'em and have a good start to your weekend.


    Thursday, November 18, 2010


    Whatever colds many of the kids and my colleagues seemed to have last week have officially hit me. I feel terrible. So with that in mind I plan finish up this, grab something light to eat (ramen) and head to bed.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    Days Like This

    On days like this I ask myself why I wanted to work outside. Why didn't I choose an office job?? A nice warm office. With carpets. And central heating. But no - I hate being inside all day, I hate office work.

    So I chose construction. Well I didn't really choose it as much as I kind of fell into it while I was at uni. But I stayed in it and qualified in it because I loved working outside in the fresh air and sunshine. Even in the cold, crisp autumn & winter fresh air and sunshine.

    But on days like today?? Where there are gales. And rain. Heavy rain. Heavy rain being lashed almost sideways by the gales. And I'm on the roof of a five-storey hospital building. Days like this I really question my sanity. (Ok - I know almost everybody else questions my sanity every day, but I only question it sometimes *g*).

    But at least, on days like this, it's nice to come home, a have a nice bowl of hot stew, and watch the football.

    Good night and may your God/s go with you.


    Tuesday, November 16, 2010

    Don't Jump Off The Roof, Ze

    You'll make a hole in the yard, Mother's just planted petunias, The weeding and seeding was hard...

    The original was Dad not Ze of course *g*. The reason for the song?? I'm working as a roofer's mate again. I'm not qualified to be a roofer but I can be a roofer's mate. We're working at the hospital, replacing the slate tiles on the Victorian bit. There are 3 roofers so consequently there are 6 roofer's mates. I'm lucky to be working. ROK sacked another 1800 workers. So there's a lot of competition right now.

    Of course I'm doubly useful. I'm qualified to erect and take down scaffolding. This saves them hiring a separate scaffolder to oversee the work.

    Mind you - if I hear one more crack about the size/speed/state/etc. of my "erection" someone is going to be wearing a scaffolding pole in a location which will make sitting down somewhat of a problem!!


    Monday, November 15, 2010

    Light Night

    Due to Livejournal experiencing some issues we don't have a few of our usual suspects tonight for the update. This means tomorrow Ze will have a buttload to update I'm sure. Sorry, Ze! It's Livejournal's fault!

    So enjoy the few stories you do have tonight and send Ze your warm, don't-pull-your-hair-out thoughts.


    Sunday, November 14, 2010


    The weekend is over and that means back to work for me. Oddly enough I am actually feeling run down. Not a good start for the week. Hh well, suck it up and move on.

    We didn't actually do a whole lot today and yet it felt like we did. But I know my desk and inbox hold numerous things for me. So lots to be done there...good thing I don't do overtime (or I should say rarely).

    Here is hoping you all have a great week.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Saturday, November 13, 2010


    It's chilly here tonight. Light update...enjoy 'em.


    Friday, November 12, 2010


    Odd week and I'm looking forward to a full two days off. Unfortunately we have some required things we must do this weekend, but still should have plenty of time to hang out and be slugs (the part I look forward to).

    Here is hoping you all had a great week and have an even better weekend.

    Peace, Health, Happiness.


    Thursday, November 11, 2010

    Actions Speak Louder than Words

    Today is Veterans Day in the US. Politicians like to use this as an opportunity to blab on about how wonderful those folks are who served their country in the Armed Forces. Now if we could just get their lip service to turn into actual support for our Veterans I would believe their love of Veterans. Giving them adequate healthcare would be a fantastic start.

    So if you love your country's Veterans, make sure your Representatives/Senators know that means you support programs for Vets. Don't let their "big government" ideals whittle away more of the services for Vets. It's a piss poor way to thank them for their sacrifices.


    Wednesday, November 10, 2010

    November hit

    And with a vengeance!!

    Last weekend I was in the garden, hanging up the laundry, two pairs of my work jeans, washed twice and still not clean really, (we hang laundry out to dry over here - tumble-dryers are for days when you can't hang the washing out. They're too expensive to run as a matter of habit.) The sun was beating down. It was hot (by UK standards) and felt more like August than autumn. Within a couple of days that's all changed. It's cold, wet, grey and frosty. There are gale-force winds - bitter, northerly winds at that. Not our usual not-too-bad south-westerlies.

    I went to work today in a t-shirt, shirt (long-sleeved), hooded sweatshirt, body-warmer, denim jacket, and I was still freezing!! I'm getting soft in my old age. Or maybe it's just the shock of going from 19c to 2c overnight.

    Still, look on the bright side. At least I've still got work to go to. An awful lot of folk haven't. I may be out a considerable chunk of change if ROK don't pay their sub-contractors, but I'm better off than (so far) 742 of their 3800 employed staff who've just been given their marching orders. And the rest are likely to join them if the administrators can't find a buyer or buyers for the business.

    It's crazy. Four big construction firms gone to the wall and yet there're masses of construction contracts available here. The companies aren't going bust because of lack of work. They're going bust because the banks are still refusing to lend or re-finance loans to business, in spite of being bailed out with several billions of taxpayers' money. They've hauled up the drawbridge and are watching the rest of the world collapse. The (previous) government pumped funds into them and the Bank of England keeps the interest rate low in order to get and keep the money flowing but the banks won't co-operate. They're not exactly popular at the moment. In fact I think you could probably admit to being a mass-murder who kicks puppies for fun and be more welcome at parties than admitting to working for a bank right now.

    What a daft world we live in.

    Hope those of you who want work have it. And keep it. Good luck all. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


    Tuesday, November 09, 2010

    Flamin' Recession.

    Not a lot to say tonight - too busy making lemonade...

    Another of the district's construction companies (the fourth in recent weeks), the biggest local company, just went into administration. It's suddenly not such a good trade to be in...

    Didn't get to Ottery for the Tar Barrels - maybe next year. But the fireworks here were good. And the baked spuds were tasty.


    Monday, November 08, 2010

    One Down

    On to Tuesday we go. Have at it.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Sunday, November 07, 2010

    Daylight Savings

    Most of us in the US did the Fall back thing today. Gone are my lovely dark mornings and the sun will be leaving us earlier in the evening. It's not as hard to get used to as the lose an hour we do in the Spring. The older I get the more that one hurts. Everyone will most likely be perky and awake for about a week until they adjust to the new time change.

    Today E and I didn't do anything exciting. We went to the grocery store and did chores around the house. None of the kids are here this weekend, which is odd. It's been really quiet as you might imagine.

    Not a huge update but not painfully small either. Enjoy them and we'll have more for you tomorrow.

    A big thank you to Elizabeth and Gillian for the lovely donations. They are much appreciated.


    Saturday, November 06, 2010

    Crafty Saturday

    Today was my daughter's 10th birthday party. It's a little shocking that she is now a decade old. Tamara and I delivered and watched kids consume cheesecake. Then we left for an afternoon of Craft Fairs. We managed to make it to two. First was decent and the second was much better and we spent money in both filling our bags for the holidays ahead.

    Now we're back home resting it up and listening to the splendid rain on the roof while we futz about with a nifty fire to keep us toasty.

    So here be the updates, enjoy!

    Peace, Health, and Happiness.


    Friday, November 05, 2010

    Rainy Friday Night

    I was ready for Friday to be here and now that it's here I'm really tired. I'm yawning as I type this. Read, enjoy...I think I'll hit the hay.


    Thursday, November 04, 2010

    Ramble Night!

    Yippee...a ramble! Take it away, UK.
    I would like to thank you ladies of the Uber Etc. for your amazing dedication in bringing us the news from the world of on-line fiction – I thought I might pay up with a guest ramble. I hope that some of your other fans might do so as well ? We'll see. Let's ramble!

    Do you ever wonder if you are alone out there? Don't worry I'm not thinking the great void, the Galaxy or any other Sci-Fic kind of place. I'm just thinking the close neighbourhood of the World Wide Web!

    Do you ever wonder if you are the only one following the rambles on your favourite site? If the site displays a site counter you can follow the number of visits to the site. In that case you probably know that you are not alone! Between the blogger, the automatic search engines and yourself there is only so many site visits that the "three" of you can generate – the rest are the viewings by ... well I don't know who... do you ever wonder who "they" are ?

    "They" could be your neighbour, a mate of yours from school or a friend from work, but they might just as well be someone from a place on the other side of the earth at least if you view a site in an – lets say – international language like English.

    The www is funny in the way that you can share your interests with someone whom you'll never meet, someone whom you never know was there with you, reading what you read, laughing out laud at the same jokes that you did, and pondering the same thoughts as you – close by but still far away.

    If you are a site administrator of a blog you can get a couple of steps closer to the readers that share your interests, not as close as in knowing "who" they are, but still you can get just a little peek at who has been reading your rambles.

    At Fan Fiction Reviews we have readers from all over Europe, from USA, Canada, Australia, Brazil and unlikely places like Taiwan and South Korea the readers arrive by way of links from other web-sites like the one you can find at Uber ect. at the The Grunts' Checklist [http://ue.uberetc.com/links.shtml] or by way of a keyword search on the title of an on-line story or the pen name of a writer.

    Through the stats offered by the Google Blogger you can even get a peek at the more geekish stuff like what browser, OS or device the readers use to access the site. If you are just slightly geekish you might find it interesting that the browser Firefox is just bit more popular with the readers of Fan Fiction Reviews than the IE, that the Mac OS is still way behind among the readers and that some even use a Playstation 3 to browse for fan fiction material – I would never have guessed!

    I guess that this kind of info doesn't really bring us any closer. We can all still wonder who we share our interests with, and I guess that with the www this is how it's always going to be. We share an interest, we view the same sites, we laugh at or ponder the same things, but even if we might be close in physical distance, we still do it from afar, separated by the anonymity of the www.


    I love this ramble. It's so true and yet, for me, I stepped out of that box and found reality from within.

    I met Ze who visited from the other side of the planet. I met a friend who was in Texas who now lives in Wales with her partner she met online.

    And I have another good friend who lives in the Midwest and I look forward to meeting up with on vacation next year. And I have many more folks that I consider friends that I may not have met in person, but feel like I know well enough.

    And, of course, I live with Tamara who actually packed and moved the family from Oklahoma to Seattle ...seemed like a lot to do just for me, but I'm damn glad she did. So as for this online world, it rocks! Thanks to you all and please do come ramble and tell us your story!

    Now back to your updates...enjoy.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.
