Saturday, June 30, 2012

June is leaving....

Welcome July. Here is hoping for the best. Sorry not much to ramble about tonight. Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, June 29, 2012


Our first full day in Oklahoma was spent visiting with the Great Grandmas. Well, we managed to see one. Mike's grandmother wasn't home. We'll make it a point to see both of them multiple times while we're here though so no worries.

Other than that we had lunch out and went to Target. I forgot to bring Duncan's deodorant. The rest of the time we've enjoyed being slugs.

Cal has managed to check in with the neighborhood kids he plays with every year. Last night he was out playing until 10 pm. Being on Seattle time made it a challenge to fall asleep. I'm hopeful that tonight we'll have an easier time of it.

Tomorrow we'll meet up with Nana Gayle and go see Brave.


Thursday, June 28, 2012


First up, thank you, John Roberts! The USA today made huge strides in actually getting decent health care for everyone, not just the middle and upper incomes. The Supreme Court actually did what was right.

Secondly, Ze, about time you treat yourself to a real laptop. Welcome to the current computing days. Enjoy...and Windows 7 rocks, do not remove it. Get use to it and you will realize how good it is.

Third the house is quiet. Tamara and the boys are in Oklahoma where it is 98 degrees currently. I am home with my daughter and a comfortable cloudy 65 degrees and a few rain showers due anytime. Unlike the flooding, fires or way to hot, Seattle and Shoreline are in the perfect zone for me. But I do miss T and the boys. There is something to be said about chaos. I will do my best to enjoy eleven days of peace.

Lots of sleep over the next four days with no work and no major plans. Easy days with just me and my kiddo. Hopefully my episode can float on by.

To the rest of you, enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Stay Safe.

Lots of people emailed to say to give 7 a chance and that it's excellent and user-friendly. And not to judge it by the wreck that was Vista, (cue booing & hissing). It seems that 7 is very popular. Don't worry, I will give it a fair shot. And if my programmes don't run on 7 I'm sure I can find alternatives that will. Or even built in components that do the same thing. Modern OS seem to have as standard things that once were extras.

Been watching the reports of the fires in Colorado - bloody ada they're frighteningly bad. Hope all our readers are safe. Same for the folks in Florida where the flooding seems even worse that the stuff we've had here. Please folks, don't hang about. If they say you should leave - leave. It's a hell of a thing to see everything you own go up in smoke, or vanish under water, but it would be a thousand times worse if you were in there when it did.

We were short of updates on our usual sites this evening, so I trawled around a bit to see what else I could find. Hope they're to your liking.

See you next week (on my new laptop by then *bounces*). Stay safe. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Toys

No - not that sort. Minds out of the gutter, people!!

My laptop was doing strange things this weekend. I'm-about-to-give-up-the-ghost-and-die-on-you type things. So I decided to give in before it gave up.

I decided to buy a new one.

A real new one. Not a new-to-me refurbished one. Not a hand-me-down-from-a-relative one. Not a free-to-collect-on-freecycle one. A real new one. As in - nobody owned it before me. Fresh, unadulterated, new.

My first ever new laptop.

I've been saving as much money as I can because I want to visit friends in the USA next year (including the terrible twosome who also update this site), and I've managed to get the airfare together. I still need to save more, I need to cover expenses at home for the period I'm away and therefore not working. Plus food & stuff while away. And travel to-and-from airports, etc. But I'm two-thirds of the way to having enough.

So I decided I could afford a laptop. Not a Mac though, much as I might like them. I can get to the USA and back twice for the price of the cheapest Mac. No, I looked around and settled on a Dell. I'm not a fan of Dell in general but they offered the best deal.

Blimey, haven't laptops changed. My first (second-hand) laptop had a 20gig hard-drive and 128 Meg of RAM. The one I decided I could afford this time has a 500gig hard-drive and 4gig of RAM. Considering that my current about-to-die machine has an 80gig hard-drive (and 256 Meg RAM) and I've used approximately half of that I don't think I'm going to run short of space on a 500 gig one, do you??

The only downside is - it runs Windows 7. I like XP. I've used XP comfortably for years. Ever since I upgraded from WIN98 when my old PC died. (You really don't want to know just how small the HD and ram was on that!!) I don't like change. And I'm not sure some of my favourite programmes (which are getting rather elderly) will run on Win7. But there isn't any option. It's Win 7 or nothing.

I've heard good things about Win7 though. My nephew likes it. Says it's Mac for Windows. And I suppose if I really, really hate it I can always borrow my sister's XP disc and load that instead. Of course the first thing I'll do is download a different browser. Then uninstall McAfee and load my own choices.

It arrives Thursday. (UPS not Royal Mail - that would take at least a fortnight!!) If you hear lots of cursing Thursday night, that'll be me, struggling with Win7.


Monday, June 25, 2012

Oklahoma Bound

The kids and I are counting down to our annual trip to Oklahoma. We'll be flying out Thursday. Cal is super excited. Once Duncan figured out he could get his Xbox into his carry on luggage he's been more amenable to making the trip. The only downside is he can't stay up most of the night playing. The Xbox gets set up in the room where I sleep and he has a mom who isn't a night owl.

The next few days I'll be packing. The kids will be enjoying the slug life. E is taking it very slow after her episode hit last Friday. Half days of work for most of this week and then home for a nap. Rest is really the best way for her to get back on an even keel once again.

The next time I type at you I'll be in the land of abundant sun and baking heat.


Sunday, June 24, 2012

Awake, but not for long....

The weekend wraps up. Today is Pride Day in our city. Happy Pride, y'all!

We once again missed it. My weekend consisted mostly of sleeping. I will attempt a full day at work tomorrow, more than likely I'll be home early for a nap.

Here is hoping you all have a good week. Stay away from being dizzy, it sucks.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Good Update

Have at it.


Friday, June 22, 2012


This is a terrible word for someone with Menieres disease. I hate being dizzy.

Tonight is Friday, here is hoping yours is better than mine.

Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer Begins

Tomorrow is the last day of school for Duncan, Cal and me. All of us have a half day. The kids will hang out at the house and I'll spend some of my afternoon getting my eyes checked. I desperately need new glasses. I'm thinking it's finally time for bifocals.

Y'all enjoy the updates.


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Rain Stopped Play.

Today is/was the summer Solstice. Happy Litha to our Wiccan, and Pagan, readers in the north. And happy Yule to Pagan, and Wiccan, readers in the south.

And here in my little part of England, especially to mark the start of summer, the rain returned!! The cricket match I was intending to see was called off.

So I went to the cinema and saw Prometheus again. (Second time of watching). A prequel to a prequel for Alien. I caught one or two things I missed the first time. I still think it's an excellent movie. And I still think there's absolutely no chemistry between Noomi and boyfriend. In fact there's more chemistry between Vickers and the android than between Shaw and Holloway.

And I really do question the intelligence of a woman who runs in a straight line away from a wheel-shaped spaceship which is rolling towards her. Run sideways you plonker!!

There is bound to be a sequel. Can't wait!!

Have a good week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Hmm. What's new this week. Weather's great. Sunny, hot, beautiful. Summer has arrived, albeit briefly, the rain is supposed to return on Thursday.

The government sucks.

The crisis over the Euro has been averted (for a while anyway, until they wake up and remember that history has taught us that austerity measures make recessions worse not better, there's always the chance it may go pear-shaped again).

Lynn Ames' new book arrived today. I was surprised it got here so quickly. The Royal Mail isn't usually that swift.

In fact there was an opinion piece in my paper yesterday on that very thing. A US American correspondent, currently living over here, wrote a short piece comparing two institutions with their US equivalents. First she praised the NHS, said how brilliant it was. Especially compared to the US system. (Well, the World Health Org. has said The NHS is one of the most cost-effective and efficient services in the world. I think the US system comes well down the list). I preened a little at that. We Brits may grumble about the NHS but we love it.

Then she compared the Royal Mail with US Postal Service.


In fact she praised the USPS to the skies. And basically said the Royal Mail was crap.

Immediate knee-jerk reaction from me. Bloody Yank. How dare she... Then I stopped being an arrogant Little Englander for two seconds. And I had to admit that she was right. The USPS is pretty damn' good. The Royal Mail is expensive, inefficient, ineffective, and slow. The cynic in me wonders if this is deliberate. Yet more of our government's "destroy the national industries so we can sell the cheaply to our big-business friends and they can rake in the dosh" tactics. (They are, after all, trying to privatise the NHS by the back door - not quite successfully as things stand, doctors, nurses, and the public took up arms against it.) It has already been set up so that RM can be privatised at any moment. But if I'm honest I have to admit that this sorry state of affairs pre-dates the current administration. And the one before.

Maybe we should send the chairman of the Royal Mail over to the USA to learn how it's done.


Monday, June 18, 2012


I am a collector or gadgets. Some work, some don't. So to be honest over the last couple of years I have surprised myself by having some type of block when it comes to the new electronics out there. I don't own a smart phone and I just recently (last 30 days or so) have gotten electronics that involve apps. However tonight I worked through an issue with my Phillips Connect and have downloaded a new music playing app. I officially have purchased one and hopefully it will continue to work well.

Next I have a new Nook tablet that I actually won at my conference last month, so I have put a couple books down on it in hopes to get use to it as well. It may take a little longer.

I am preparing myself for the eventual trade in. End of the year is time to upgrade the phone and I think the time has come. Smartphone here we come.

You got advice let me know.

Until then please enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Today many folks in the US (and other countries) celebrated Father's Day. When I lived in Oklahoma we'd head over to my parent's house and grill something for dinner. I stopped giving my dad any kind of card or gift years ago. He hates opening them and I decided it would be a nicer Father's Day gift to spare him the discomfort.

Here's hoping whatever you did today, it was fun.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Saturday ...

Another night and not much to say. We had a great day and have one more before we head back to the routine.

Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, June 15, 2012

The Home Stretch

One more week of school to go for me and the kids. Little e had her last day of school on Wednesday. So did my student (along with the other Seniors at our little school). He was very happy. "I will have a good life," he posted to his Facebook. I believe he will too.

My last week of school will be filled with kids and lots of cleaning and organizing of the classroom. I should be nice and pooped by the end of the week.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Following Ze

It's hard trying to write words or a ramble after Ze, but I am giving it a try. Do I have any great stories? No, so you are left with just my boring ramble.

Tomorrow is Friday. It's different from all the others as it will be unique in its own way. Hence take the opportunity to create what you want. May it bring what you need.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Done Well You Have, Young Apprentice

As promised. The tale of the Young Apprentice.

Young Barbara, that is. She kept coming over to look at the site. Even when we closed it off she still came as close as she could. The boys lost interest but she never did. And any time I was close enough she would ask questions about what I was doing, and how, and why. I thought I'd see if I could give her a day on-site. Especially now we've got three sections to the site. One still cordoned off where they're still breaking ground; one fenced area where there are houses part-completed. And one unfenced, no hard-hats needed, area where we have the show houses, finished and almost-finished houses. Which is where I'm currently working, painting the insides.

There still aren't enough women in the construction trades over here. The industry makes positive efforts to get more young women interested in the trades. There are "take your daughter to work" days. And arranged school visits. All these are usually for older kids, teens mostly, though. There's not a lot for under 10s.

I checked with the foreman. "Out of the question. It would never be allowed. Besides you'd need a CRB and the company won't pay" I pointed out I already had a CRB, since last year I'd done some work in a residential home for kids with spina bifida. He still wasn't very helpful. I went higher. Eventually the district manager said, "Why not. You'll have to arrange everything though. Permissions, waivers, insurance, etc."

No problem I thought.

It took ten minutes on the phone to get my insurance company to extend my public liability insurance to cover her for one day. Another ten minutes to sort out accident insurance for her. It took a week for the CITB (Construction Industry national body) to grant temporary licences and permissions. A half-hour discussion with Barbara's mother, explaining what I wanted to try, and she gave, enthusiastic, permission.

It took five weeks - five bloody weeks - and twelve phone-calls for the regional director to sign the letter of agreement!!

Eventually it was done and I could now ask Barbara if she'd like to work with me for a day. She nearly knocked me off my feet, throwing herself at me for a hug. I did my usual frozen rigid I-have-been-attacked-by-a-bear routine. She didn't seem to notice. She carried right on hugging and babbling away. I finally managed to pry the little limpet off me and her mother and I fixed up a date for half-term.

Half-term came. We'd decided a full 8-hour day would be too much, so Barbara's mother brought her over at 11am (after tea-break). She was wearing (as advised) jeans and a long-sleeved top - old & very scruffy. And carrying a sandwich in a freezer-bag. I had a little toy hard-hat for her, and a set of child-sized painter's whites. She put them on. I've never seen a kid look so chuffed. I thought her face would break she was smiling so much. I gave her two brushes, one 23mm, one 50mm. Not the quality I'd use but not dead cheap crap, either. Cheap brushes are a waste of money.

And then I taught her to paint. We were only doing undercoating. (Walls are too much to handle when you're tiny, and gloss is too easy to ruin - and impossible to get out of hair and clothes!!)

I've had real apprentices who didn't pick it up as quickly. She learnt how to "cut-in" in less than five minutes. OK, she only did skirting boards while I did door-frames, doors, and window surrounds, but she was having the time of her life. She kept up non-stop chatter for the entire time. When she wasn't singing that is. We stopped for lunch at 12.30 and she still chatted.

She finished her "work" day when her mother came to collect her at 2.30. She was still babbling. She hugged me again. Her mother thanked me, Barbara thanked me and asked if she could do it again. I said yes, why not.

I let her keep the whites, the brushes (after I cleaned them), and the hard-hat. And I gave her a little certificate I'd printed up, with fancy writing on it, that said she'd completed a training course and was now qualified to be a junior apprentice painter's mate.

And then her bloody mother hugged me!!!!

I do not do hugs. Everybody who knows me knows I do not do hugs.

Anyway, she'll be back with me, on site, sometime in August. Just for one day. Maybe two. Depends on what permissions I can get.

And no disasters happened!!

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Had Enough.

I know, I know, I said there'd be a story for you.

There will be, promise. But tomorrow.

Today I'm tired (didn't sleep much last night) and in pain (which was why I didn't sleep). My shoulder is killing me. Even the heavy-duty painkillers aren't touching it, and if Tramadol won't block it then nothing will.

It's nothing I've done (at least I don't think I have) it's just one of those days that comes along every so often to remind me that yes, I did have a serious accident a few years ago. And yes, I have got a bunch of plates & bolts in my shoulder. And yes, it will hurt on a regular basis.

It's astonishing how tired being in pain makes you. Can it stop now please?? I've had enough.

So I'm going to have another Tramadol and go to bed. See you tomorrow - hopefully better rested and in less pain.


Monday, June 11, 2012


Coming up June 14....
Swan Queen Rising - "Once Upon a Time" Discussion

Tonight F4F Radio will be moderating the first of two discussion panels for the month of June. Regular audience members know that while we normally interview authors and filmmakers about their work, we do also occasionally have panels where the authors visit to discuss the fandom itself, not their own work. Past examples have included All My Children, Babylon 5, and Harry Potter. This time we'll be exploring the world of the hit ABC series "Once Upon a Time", which finished its debut season last month as the top-rated new drama on that network. OUAT is at the forefront of Hollywood's renewed interest in fairy tales, with NBC's "Grimm" getting renewed as well and two different Snow White movies in theaters this year. While there's a lot to be said about this show, such as the work of actors like Ginnifer Goodwin, Robert Carlyle and Giancarlo Esposito, or the similarities between OUAT and the creators' last show, ABC's "Lost", we'll be focused on the "Swan Queen" phenomenon which quickly became popular at the start of the season. "Swan Queen" is the name most often used to describe the pairing of heroine Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison), daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, and villainess Regina Mills (Lana Parrilla), a.k.a. the Evil Queen. People have always loved hero/villain relationships, of course, and SQ is currently one of the most popular couples on sites like and ArchiveOfOurOwn. We'll be looking at SQ from ALL angles, from Henry to hatesex, dark curses to true love, Snow to Cora. Tonight's panel will consist of myself and four other SQ authors - Heartsways (who discussed her Lost Girl fic earlier), Writetherest, Fictorium, and AdventurePants. Live listeners are encouraged to call in with opinions of their own.


Enjoy the updates!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Work here we come.

So our weekend is coming to a close. This one was excellent as well. Here is hoping the week is as good. The summer schedule throws huge wrenches into our consistency of having the kids week on and week off and making sure they overlap. This week is the end of that.

Here is hoping you all had a great weekend and have a wonderful weeks as well. I'll be back towards the end of it.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, June 09, 2012

Ice Cream

I've spent a good part of the day making ice cream. Graduation for five of the kids at my little school is Wednesday and it's been tradition for me to make some ice cream. This year I'm making banana pecan. I also made enough for us to have at home. Five batches of ice cream later and we have two almost gallon containers full. I never really cared for home made ice cream until E made this recipe for me. Turns out what it takes for me to love home made ice cream is lots of good heavy cream and whole milk. Imagine that.


Friday, June 08, 2012

Late Friday

Tonight was my daughter's final strings concert. Summer is just around the corner. The school needs to purchase a few more chairs...standing during the whole thing makes one tired. A weekend with very few plans lays ahead. That be nice.

Here is hoping you all have a great one. Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, June 07, 2012


Our house is in countdown mode to the end of school. Little e has her last day of school the same day as my student (next Wednesday). The boys have a week and two days past that and then their school is over. As always, we'll be heading to Oklahoma for a few weeks in July. Cal is looking forward to the blistering heat.

At my little school we're currently counting down to graduation day for our Seniors. We have five this year. This weekend I'll be making some banana nut ice cream for the graduation cook out on Wednesday. It should be a wild day with lots of music and food. I'm looking forward to it but I'll miss the guy I've been working with for the past three years. The good news is I'll be seeing him over the summer.

As for tonight's update, you're in luck. Passion & Perfection had a small update so there's a decent amount to read tonight.


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Need a Light-Sabre

First - Corpus Christi tomorrow - wishing our Catholic readers an good feast day.

Second - apologies to Kali - yesterday when passing on the information she had sent I called her Kerry (as that was the email header) in error.

Third - BuffyFaith.Net is still down I'm afraid. So there are no updates to list from there. Which kind of meant there was very, very little for you tonight from our usual sites. (Just the one from MJ Duncan to be precise.) So I trawled around a few places we don't usually grab stuff from, so at least you'd have something to choose from. And then the RAOB updated, so there was a bit more. Still not a lot there though. Sorry about that.

I should have a decent ramble for you next week, if all goes well, (and, knowing me, an even better one if disaster strikes), as tomorrow I'll have a young trainee spending the day on site with me. It's half-term. Her mother said she could come out to play. It was a right bastard of a job getting all the permissions, but I got them!!

Of course, I'm going to spend the whole day referring to her as "my young apprentice", because I've always wanted to do that. I'll have to see if I can pick up a cheap toy light-sabre on my way to work...

Have a good week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Rumblings in the Lair of the Behemoth

The behemoth that is, that is.

One of our readers, Kerry Smith, has drawn our attention to something causing concern throughout fanfiction communities. She forwarded this to us -
    comments from Writtenword aka Kuschi is doing a major "cleansing" of all stories that contain scenes of a mature sexual nature. That means pretty much 90% of all their stories. Their rules have always been vague, because what constitutes as "adult themes" in one place of the world, is totally acceptable for teenagers in others. If you have your stories archived on, be sure to get a backup before your account ends up deleted or temporarily banned. A couple of Mirandy stories have already disappeared!! It could very well be that my account there gets banned or deleted some time soon as well, because half of my stories contain sex scenes. Where I live, consensual, happy, non-violent sex does not constitute as "MA", but apparently on it does.

Women in Kevlar has a moderator's notice about it. With links to a petition you can sign.

And the LiveJournal community dedicated to rants about has about 40 posts on the subject - including how to get AO3 codes

To be honest, while I'm surprised that the FFdotnet admins have collectively managed to find the energy to do anything - given their snail-like attitude to dealing with complaints of plagiarism or abuse, I'm not surprised that having decided to do something they are removing these stories. Many of them are, after all, in contravention of the sites TOS, and if you play in somebody else's garden you have to play by their rules. I do think they should give people warning though, and allow them to amend or remove their stories themselves, rather than simply charging in left, right, and centre. And if they're cracking down on this then they really should be cracking down on all the other abuses - script-fics, for example. Or non-fics that are merely ship rants. A bit of consistency in applying the rules is always a good idea.

There are plenty of other load-it-yourself sites which do allow more adult themes. Lunaescence, AO3, l-word, Adult Not to mention the communities on Dreamwidth or LiveJournal.

And of course there are masses of single fandom or multi-fandom submission-only archives around.


Monday, June 04, 2012

Welcome Monday

The routine returns. My Monday was decent. Unfortunately our weather is a bit cool and my sinuses seem to be a bit unhappy about it. Here is hoping they settle one way or another.

Hope your week is going splendidly and one will ramble at you towards the end of the week. Reminder...if you want different rambles, send them in.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, June 03, 2012

Sunday Evening

I believe we're ready for the week ahead. Grocery shopping was done today and not much else. We both managed to get our bills and money squared away this weekend and also got a lot of resting in as well.

I'll let you get to reading.


Saturday, June 02, 2012

A Beautiful Day

I love our kids and yet I can say it was really splendid having a full day with just T. Another one awaits us tomorrow. She makes me smile and laugh. What more can I ask for? Our kids start arriving back tomorrow evening to take another week of school and work. We be ready.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness it exists if you let it.


Friday, June 01, 2012

You have a decent amount to read tonight.

Here's to a weekend of updating my bank account and not much else. Hope yours is as relaxing (and productive).
