Sunday, July 21, 2019

One Giant Leap

Well, hello there strangers.

Yeah, it's been a few years. And it's good to see that not every live-journal community is totally dead.

I couldn't resist posting something today. After all anyone who used to follow my ramblings on this site, back in the good old days, knows how I feel about the moon landings. Especially the first one.

It's been fifty years since that first one. Hardly seems possible. And yes, this weekend I looked to the moon and marvelled, as I do every year, And I stood amazed, as always, that human beings left this world of ours and stood, for a short while, on another planet.

The unity of wonder that the world experienced watching those steps, the thrill that we all shared, gave, and still gives, me hope.

Hope that humans can be more - more than the venal, the greedy, the hate-filled, the self-serving, the callous, the war-mongering, that they seem to be everywhere these days. Hope that we can be better.

Look up at the moon folk. Look up in awe and wonder.
