Monday, December 29, 2008

Ramble from Jo

Jo seems to be liking the snow a lot more than we did.
Day 694 (...not)

Winter in MT means snow! Snow turns to ice. Snow on top of ice makes for interesting times - fish-tailing cars; slip sliding walks etc.

So far I've learned to shovel/sweep snow (not quite as straight-forward as you might think when the driveway is on a slope!); walk in the snow - a lot harder on the knees than the beach is; negotiate icy pathways.

I've also been to my first ever real live women's basketball game. Probably won't make it to tonight's game but tomorrow night might be ok.

It's a lot warmer than I expected - the houses here are fully insulated and double-glazed and have central heating (of some sort) - I'm sitting here typing this in a t-shirt - at home if the weather was like this I'd have many many layers on including big woolly jersey. And even when I was outside (30 mins ago) I just wore my cap to keep the snow off my glasses and wasn't cold enough for gloves. I love the snow pants - will have to buy some for myself (especially if I intend to do the MT winter again - but worth buying even for 5 weeks of snow).

I also have to remember to drink a lot more than normal as the air is very dry. And an unexpected problem is that I'm generating lots of static so have to remember to zap myself on something harmless rather than a computer!

I'm posting videos to youtube ( photos to flickr ( and blogging at my livejournal site (

Jo Fothergill ...
... mother of spacegirl and gravelboy

In Montana they know how to handle snow. The same can't be said of Seattle. Thankfully ours is almost gone...we're just left with dirty piles along the roadside. Trash pickup has started up once again and maybe, just maybe, we'll get some mail today. Mike's mom sent a box of presents to the kids for Christmas and it still hasn't arrived.

Jo, you keep enjoying that white stuff. I'll take the rain.


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