Wednesday, September 30, 2009


A message from writer Insane Englishwoman.

    This is a quick note to apologies to anyone reading my unfinished tale Tin Soldier, where a British soldier loses her legs and is temporarily blinded. The apologies are because this tale is likely to remain unfinished. I began it with every intention of completing it and having my soldier find a future with the nurse who helps her through. I had received the next three chapters back from my beta, had made the required corrections and was ready to post them.

    And then a bomb went off in Afghanistan. A 19 year old British soldier was caught in the blast. He lost a leg immediately. The second became infected and also had to be amputated. He was left temporarily blinded and it was touch and go whether his sight came back. I don't personally know him but he is a friend to some acquaintances of mine. From them I have heard of his struggles to regain his life. He doing better, he has a new baby son. And he has (through some very painful processes) recovered partial sight. He's still got a long hard road ahead of him. Recently he featured in a BBC documentary along with several others similarly injured, whose lives are now far from the way they expected.

    I always intended my character to go through hell, I wasn't going to gloss over how hard it is to recover. But she is just a character. And suddenly writing some light romance, no matter how much I put her through, seemed almost insulting in the light of his blood, tears and sweat and that of all our dead and injured. I found myself unwilling to post the chapters I had completed and unable to continue the story.

    I don't know if I'll ever be able to continue it but, for now, readers should be aware that it will most likely not be finished. I am very sorry.

Well there you have it folks. Whatever you think about the wars we're currently fighting - and I personally think we had some slight justification for the Afghan conflict but we've totally bollocksed the thing. And I feel that the Iraq invasion was completely illegal, we shouldn't be there, we should never have been there and (in many ways) we've behaved disgracefully while we've been there. Whatever you feel about the wars - there are a lot of good young men & women doing their damnedest to do their duty, risking death and injury, in pretty bad conditions and for very little reward. The wars are wrong. We should bring them home. But those young soldiers deserve our respect and our gratitude.

Stay safe. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I'm old!! Sobs!!

It's official. I'm old. I'm going to have to head into retreat and retire from the trials and tribulations of the world. Know any good convents??

Why?? Well, it all started at the pet-shop I regularly use. There's a really cute assistant there. I flirt with her. Have done for at least 18 months. I flirt with all - female - shop assistants. And waitresses. And the post-woman. I'm an incorrigible flirt. A friend once told me that if I were locked, alone, in a room totally devoid of furniture except for an empty cardboard box, I would flirt with the box. She's probably right. Anyway, I flirt with this assistant and was doing so this past Friday when she suddenly said her shift ended in ten minutes and was I free to go for a coffee. I was gob-smacked. For two reasons, firstly nobody takes flirting seriously and secondly she's only about 19 or so. way too young to even look twice at me. I said yes. (What?? I'm too old for her but I'm not daft!! She's cute.)

She suggested we pop into Tesco and grab something in their coffee shop. I apologised and told her I'm banned from Tesco after an unfortunate accident with a cabbage, a screaming kid and some bananas. She looked at me funny but didn't enquire further. We went to a nearby fast-food place instead. A KFC. I don't think I've ever been in one before. Paying a king's ransom for a cup of the worst coffee I've had all year (even worse than the instant I had to have when the coffee machine died) we found a table. She looked incredibly embarrassed and asked if I was seeing anybody. I said nope. Then she asked if I wanted to see anybody. I said "Pardon??" Because she really was too young for me.

Then came the awful, awful, soul-destroying part. The part that told me I had finally passed from reasonably young, through not-too-old-yet and had hit old.

She said her mother was gay and had been single for some time and was lonely so she (the cute assistant) was taking it on herself to try and find her mam a partner. And she thought I was just her mam's type.

I'm no longer a suitable partner for cute assistants. I'm now a suitable partner for... mothers!!

What could I do??

I asked if she had a photo of her mam, of course.


Monday, September 28, 2009

One Down, One to Go

Flu season is upon us and today I took my first step and got my regular flu shot. Come the end of October and I will get that H1N1 as well. Working for a healthcare organization it's HIGHLY recommended and you sign all these liability forms if you choose not to get one this year. In reality I usually get the standard one each year in hopes of fighting off one more health issue.

My daughter will be getting both as well and then Tamara and the boys will be getting the H1N1 when available. As kids are the priority we're hoping to keep them as healthy as possible this winter.

One never knows, but why not hedge our bets since we're part of the lucky people who actually have insurance which will cover the cost of it.

So tonight my arm is a bit stiff, but other than that I'll move along in hopes of missing some flu adventures.

Back to your updates! Enjoy.


Sunday, September 27, 2009


The weekend is officially done. Cal had his birthday party with his friends today. We went bowling. The kids seemed to have a good time and I was thankful the party only lasted two hours.

You've got a lot to read tonight thanks to Passion & Perfection. Get to it.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome to the Weekend

Enjoy your update!


Friday, September 25, 2009

Made It

Yes, we made it to Friday. Let me tell you, I was so hoping Thursday was Friday. It was a tough week at school. But I made it to the end of the day and only had to be faced with a call from the Assistant Principal of Duncan's school. Yay!

That's taken care of, my comics are picked up and I've got an evening of watching a movie with Calvin. Then...time for sleep. Something I'd like to indulge in much earlier than I'll be able to.

Have a great weekend and enjoy the updates!


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Friday Yet?

Why does time feel like it shifts? There are parts of life that seem to fly by and then there are weeks that drag. This one definitely falls into the drag category.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming. Enjoy the update.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Beyond Tired

No words tonight. I'm just so damn' tired. Autumn being here the nights are drawing in. With the shortening of the days comes the panic. "OMG we have X amount of work still to do and it gets dark early" (not that we were working that late before it started getting dark early) and "winter's coming & the ground will be too frozen" (in Devon?? Do me a favour!! It's too cold to paint outside in February but otherwise it's seldom that cold). So the bosses sanctioned overtime payments to contract workers & sub-contractors alike, to finish the job asap. So we're working 7am to 7pm, mon-sat at the moment. It won't last. Eventually they'll get sensible again and realise how much it's costing them and that it doesn't matter if it gets dark because that's why we have electric light, in order to see after dark. I reckon about another fortnight before they stop and thing. But until then - I'm completely knackered. Still, at least I have a job and the money's good with all this overtime.

Hope your week is less... stressful. Good night and may your god/s go with you.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Here's wishing any pagans reading this A Good Equinox. First day of Autumn today. That's Fall to you on the other side of the pond. Strangely Americans are more traditional in using that word. I don't know why we in England switched to Autumn. (It happened sometime in the 16th century or thereabouts, too late to be part of the French=upper class snobbery that followed the Norman Conquest). Mostly we used Harvest prior to that (as German uses Herbst, still). Some areas in the north of England used fall o' the leaf or just fall. In fact some of them still do.

Unfortunately Autumn (especially late September) means more than just the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness. It also means the season of things with eight legs. Yep. It's spider season. Suddenly they all appear. Hundreds of them. Black and orange stripes on bulbous bodies. Webs spring out of nowhere and cover every bush, shrub, plant and fence in the area. There's neither sight nor sound of them for most of the year and then pouf!! There they all are. In all sizes. From tiny to OMFG it's as big as a horse!! Ok, maybe that's a slight exaggeration. But only slight.

Leaving the house to head for work becomes an adventure. I'm willing to bet the neighbours are holding early morning parties to watch and fall over laughing as I leave the house. Arms wind-milling about my head, or waving a stick in front of me like a majorette twirling a baton. Or worse, when these measures fail or I forget and OMG walk into a web, the spectacle that is the spider dance.

I won't half be glad when it's over and they've all gone back to whatever twilight zone they usually inhabit.


Monday, September 21, 2009


Long Monday, not much to say. Fortunately you've got many stories to read. Get to it.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

An Update from Marilee

Take it away!

Well, I managed to get myself comfortable in bed, my knee propped up, light blanket over me, phone and TV remote handy and the ice bag, in a tea towel, on my knee.

I am thinking....this whole thing is a 'bite in the butt'. I am 'ok' and following my doctors instructions.

Was watching a program, till my brother came in and swiped the we watched baseball for a while.

My leg felt cold after a while and I thought it was because of the ice bag being too cold on the outside and starting to drip just a bit.

That should have been a may get cold, not get no reason for the dripping.

After about an hour my leg was wet.....I had to get up and start rearranging things to get to the ice pack..........and what did I find......

The blasted thing has a hole in it! A ever so small hole.....Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

My brother laughed for moment, until I shot him the 'I would be VERY CAREFUL IF I WERE YOU' look. I might not be able to grab him, I just have way toooo many things I can throw at him.

He helped me get the wet pillow, the ice bag and the tea towel off the bed. Two things went into the washer, the other the trash can.

This morning a friend of mine told me to get a bag of frozen peas and use that instead of the ice bag (which I was going to have my brother pick up at the drug store this morning).

So, will stop here, get back in bed with my 'veggies', get the knee propped up, grab the phone and remote, cover up and HOPE that I won't have to move for a while.

Have a good Sunday.....


Well humor can be found in the strangest places. FYI, Marilee, those frozen veggies do work, sadly I have used them as well.

Back to your updates, enjoy.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ramble from Marilee

Words from Marilee tonight. Yay!

You would think, at my age (56), 'playing' on the floor would be something I had outgrown....nope.

I can't really say 'playing ' is the right word. I wasn't suppose to be there. I had no intention of getting 'up close and personal' with the rug....but I did.

I fell.

I fell hard!

Somehow, 'rug burn' always seem to have a different meaning....but I have to tell you, that is what I have on one side of my right knee. There is a feeling of tingle and hurts.

It all happened innocently enough. Accidents always do, don't you know?

I had put stuff in my dryer, come through the kitchen, turned off the light, took a step into the hall, then a step into my bedroom.

That rug has laid there for 6 years. I have taken care of it....made sure it was clean, it was laid flat (so I thought) and have managed to keep a lot of furniture off of it.

How am I repaid? The sucker had a bit of a 'bubble' at one end....exactly where I was stepping.

Any other time, I would have had slippers on, but not this time. I was barefoot...and as I took my next step into the room, the rug got caught between the 3rd and 4th where to go but down and man, did I do that.

I missed the desk with my head, my bed frame with my shoulder and the chest of drawers with my hip. How....???? I have no idea because I am not small in structure (ok, I am over weight) and the space between all this furniture isn't a whole lot.

All of me fell...well...pretty much 'flat' except for the right knee.

I laid there for a while. I wasn't 'dazed' just busy praying that I hadn't broken a bone and that the TV would not come off the chest of drawers because there was no way I could get out of the way.

It took several minutes of slow movement to make sure I was 'ok'....until I moved the knee......

Anyone reading this live in Ga,? Maybe the far west part of Tenn., or Ky.,? Did you happen to hear a 'OH! SH--!!!' around 9 pm last wednesday night and couldn't figure where it came from? Well, let your wondering be no was me!

It took some time to roll over, get myself against the bed and then pull myself up.

Years ago, I played softball...from pre-teen, to teen, to women's league. Have had the same knee cap turned 'in' and 'out' because of getting hit and my attempt to slide. I thought I knew what to expect....

Trust me, it was nothing like that!

The first visit to the doctor was a quick it, prop it up, stay off of it and take the Naproxen 2Xs a day.

OK.....when I am the only one in the house and something has to be done....I do it. If I wait on my brother...well, I go ahead and do it.

This past week, we had a cousin from Indiana come and visit.

Did I stay in bed? Did I keep ice on the knee? Did I stay off of it?

If you can't figure it out, let me help you ....... the answer would be 'NOPE!'

Oh, I did take the med and I did do the rest BUT only after I spent 8 hours with my cousin at my sister's house.

Let me tell all of you kids.....if you ever have something like this happen (and I hope you NEVER do), what the doctor says.

The past 2 days my knee has started to 'buckle' (sp). I have been unable to walk on it without havin it 'give' totally.

Today, I went back to the doctor (did I mention to him that I had not behaved and followed his directions, you might ask.................ARE YOU NUTS! I made out like I had been the 'perfect patient'. He would have fussed me out big time) and did find out pressure and pulse were ok...that was good.

He did another exam, and then, man, did he hit the spot that was soooooooo sore.

He says I may have torn the 'LCL' and that I am going to have to go see an Ortho. Before I do that, I have to have x-rays taken. If it is a tear and not a bad sprain, it may require surgery.

So, the orders are the same, but the meaning had settled in my brain a lot faster and with more meaning!

Listen up, all of you with rugs.....make sure those things are FLAT! Mind where you step! I don't want to see anyone go through any of this.

I DO hope you all have a good weekend.


Feel better, Marilee, and next time, listen to your doc!


Friday, September 18, 2009

Where Does Time Go?

Why do some weeks take longer than others? For me this was a looong one. Happily I made it through. Tired and now I'm off to rest. Enjoy the updates.


Thursday, September 17, 2009


I'm pooped. Enjoy 'em.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another late night

Dunno about toast more like I'll be fried bread in the morning!! Went to the pictures after work. Went to see District 9. I was supposed to go last weekend but stuff got in the way and I didn't get to see it then. I don't think I'd actually use the word enjoyable about it but I did think it was pretty good. Thought-provoking would be a better term. It dragged a little in the middle but other than that is was compelling stuff. Obviously very political, with many references to apartheid, but equally it could stand as a tale about racism in general. Or homophobia. In fact any kind of prejudice, bigotry or treatment or difference or otherness as "less than". That habit humans can have of deciding that that which we don't understand is automatically inferior whilst completely ignoring the fact that if you treat people like scum for long enough then they will behave like scum.

I'd definitely recommend the film to anybody who likes their sci-fi with a message. However, if you're expecting (or are only interested in) the kind of rah-rah let's-kill-all-the-nasty-aliens-and-be-heroes Independence Day sort of over-the-top super-patriotic rhetoric, then this is not the film for you.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009


And yes that is how it's spelt. *g* I'm late with the update tonight (it's 10 to one in the morning here and I get up at 6am). I'm cream-crackered and longing to toddle up the apples & pears to get some shut-eye, (translation for non-cockneys - dead tired and longing to go upstairs to sleep), so forgive me if I don't say a lot tonight.

The reason for this is a trip to the theatre. Regular readers of this blathering of mine might recall I worked as a steward (unpaid) for Shakespeare in the Park a short while ago. Part of the perks for that was free tickets to the Shakespeare. Well, tonight was more of those perks. Free tickets to the new production of Ibsen's The Doll's House; plus an after-performance cheese & wine type get-together with the cast. It was a good performance, managing to be both very traditional and yet modern, at one-and-the=same time. But it meant a pretty late evening.

One highlight of the party was I met Superintendent Brownlow - and shook his hand!! (That won't mean much to anybody who's never seen the British TV show The Bill). Apparently his wife (who is something to do with the local theatre company) knows my sister, so she came over to say hello and naturally he followed her. Of course I was just about adult enough not to announce "OMG Brownlow" to his face, reserving the fan-squee until they'd moved on. He was very nice. Much nicer than some other actors I've met over the years.

See you all tomorrow.


Sunday, September 13, 2009


Can't seem to keep my eyes open today. Y'all enjoy reading while I toddle off to find something to do to stay awake.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Last of Summer

One last push of summer here in Seattle. A couple more days in the 80's and that should be it. I'll gladly enjoy these last few and look happily to the future. Fall will bring our leaves to the ground and the rain to everything else.

Slow Saturday for us, few chores and lots of resting, makes for a good weekend.

Now back to your updates, enjoy!


Friday, September 11, 2009

A Good Week

It's Friday! E is off at a meeting so you get me again today. The sites were busy last night and there is a lot to read. I'll let you get to it.


Thursday, September 10, 2009


Good day for me at school. I found out the new guy they were going to partner me with for a month will be staying the year. This is good because he has a great rapport with our student and since he's had more training in the behavior tech field than I have (none) he will be a big help. I won't feel like I'm kind of flying blind some days. It's a win-win for all of us and I'm positive that we'll see good gains with our student this year.

My efforts to keep up with Duncan's homework and horribly messy backpack are going well. I'm going to make a big attempt this year to get him to see how much easier it is to keep up with your school work if you're organized. It's been a revelation to me that not everyone is naturally that way. I don't know how many times I've found homework papers folded up in a coat or jeans pocket. He's like a 13 year old Oscar Madison.

Enough blabbing...enjoy the updates!


Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Dates and magic socks

It's a rare date today. 09/09/09 or 9-9-9. A genuine rarity. Unlike some of those ridiculous claim in viral emails, you know the sort, the ones that state that such-and-such a combination will never occur again or not for a thousand years or some such rubbish. When in fact the specified combination type turns up about 20 (or more) times a century. Well this particular type of date occurs 9 times a century, But this is the last time for 92 years. Yep, it's a fact. There won't be another all-the-same-number date, in single digits, for another 92 years. Not until 2101. The date then will be 01/01/01. Course, none of us will be around to see that one. So I hope you all made the most of today.

I know I did.

I watched England hammer poor old Croatia again and qualify for the World Cup Finals. The first time they've managed to qualify with two group games still to go and a perfect win record. Magic. Of course I helped them get there. I had my England boxers on. And my England socks. And shirt. And a beer in my England glass. I'm pretty certain they wouldn't have done it without me. The power of England socks is just that strong.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, September 08, 2009

We lost another good 'un

This week author A C Henley passed away after a long and painful battle with cancer. She had many friends and fans who mourn her passing. One of these is a writer known to you all - Phair. Phair has sent us this tribute. R.I.P. A C Henley.

    where do the words go
    when the hand that held the pen
    goes still
    all the literally coded beauty of each bold day
    which was so carefully committed to paper
    both virtual and real
    after being heard by the writer's listening ear
    and captured by a ready pen

    who whispers the words now left without a hand
    is it known the him or her or it
    the pen can no more log details
    so benign they are poignant in their own regard
    and descriptions so rich one can see events
    unfold which never truly happened beyond
    the confines of the page by simply reading the words
    trapped black to white
    will the words swirl like fall leaves in a death spiral
    down to the hard truth
    or, are those whispered words forever silenced

    the writer is no more
    but, then she is no less
    she is just gone away
    perhaps to find some rest
    or perhaps, I hope, to whisper words herself
    to another
    listening ear
    letting them be, once more,
    captured by a hand which still holds the pen

    in memory
    AC Henley

© 2009 Phair


Monday, September 07, 2009

Ramble from Marilee

Yeah, shared words. Take it away, Marilee!

Well, my brother put his foot in it this time.

Our nephew is heading to Barcelona, Spain day after tomorrow. He is going as an exchange student until Dec, 23rd.....He will be our best Christmas gift this year!

He is heading up to DC to catch his flight. A friend of his, also my sister's neighbor, will take him there, then stop in Richmond to visit with her friends before she heads back home.

Now, our nephew has some money set aside for this trip and of course, as good aunts and ...ok, I guess I can count my brother as an 'uncle' and not one of the 'aunts', we gave him some extra $$, too. The kid isn't hurting for money.

As momma and I were having lunch, I heard my brother tell my sister he would pay for the hotel room for the 'kids' to stay over night.

They knew that the reservations had been made (nephew) already, so that wasn't a worry....what came as a shock was that he decided they would stay at the Ritz the tune of $170.00....for ONE night.

By the time my brother got back here, his 'panties were in a major knot!' and I don't blame him.....too much.

He and our nephew had talked about this trip and where to make the hotel reservations. CLOSE to the airport was a must, reasonable and they tend to have shuttle service to and from the airport.

My brother should have made the reservations right then and there.....and everything would have been 'ok'....but, nooooo, he let's the boy put it off, then make the arrangements on his own....................and now.......he is going to pay for it....BIG TIME!

My brother, when he does travel, will stay in good, safe, clean hotels.....Embassy Suites, Marriot, etc.....Oh, he could stay at the Ritz Carlton....but he says why? He can use the money to shop (that was a given) or go out for a nice meal....and so on.

Tomorrow, when he goes over to the house, he will talk it over with our sister. She will be ok with it the change.....when he says he will pay for 1/2 the price, but he won't go for almost $200.00.

As he sat in here with me, he was 'bitc--ing, moaning and bellowing' about the whole thing....placing the blame every where but where it should have gone....on himself. I had to laugh and shake my head at him.

He should of just let it go until the credit card bill came in (our sister has our nephew on her card. He paid her $1,500.00 up front....see, told you he had the cash), then offer to pay all or a part of the room..........but, noooooooooo....he just opens his mouth and NOW expects to get some sympathy.


In the end, the kids will stay someplace very nice, my brother will pay for all of it (he may fuss about it, but he will do it....wait and see) and then the next time our nephew says anything about 'hotel reservations', my brother will quietly leave the room.

Hope everyone has had a nice holiday.


Okay, other than me enjoying the story, here's hoping all else went as planned. And Marilee, one would think the next time he offers to pay he considers putting a few more stipulations on it.

Enjoy your updates and beginning of the week! Ze is up next and Tamara and I will return on Thursday!

Have a great night.
