Thursday, October 31, 2013


We have kids and I know it is one of the best things I have ever done. And when I read Ze's rambles (see last nights as one example) I think she would be such a great mom. If you have not read Ze's adventures with kids, I highly recommend you take some time at the site and go back and seek out Ze's posts. They are worth your time.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Quick Visit

It's half-term this week, but what with the weather, the state of the site, and the general to-ing & fro-ing, young Barbara hasn't been allowed over. I did drop in for to see her and her mother on the way home this evening, though. She was pleased to see me. Her mother made me a cup of coffee but unfortunately she made mine the same way she makes hers, completely forgetting I don't take sugar. Yuk. How the hell do people manage to drink coffee like that. It's awful!! (Fortunately she drinks hers black too, so I didn't have to suffer milk!!)

I drank it (or at least most of it) - I was brought up properly - to drink or eat what I'm given and not be rude. Though I have to admit that I don't see what's so virtuous about suffering through something you hate rather than saying, "Oops, I'm sorry, but...". After all, I wouldn't eat a ham sandwich if she made one, so why did I drink the coffee?? Lord knows... I guess I'm just weird or something. *g*

Barbara's mother mentioned that she'd had to have a little chat with Barbara's form mistress (class/year/grade teacher). She had set the usual task to write a story about "what I did in the summer holidays", and it must be "what you really did". Barbara wrote about being an apprentice plumber's mate. And about painting and decorating, and tiling, and carpentering. The teacher didn't believe her. She sent a note to Barbara's mother to discuss "her rather too vivid imagination and failure to understand the nature of the task". Boy, was the teacher stunned when told that not only was Barbara telling the total truth, but the discussion came complete with the evidence - the certificates, photos, and souvenirs. So Barbara got an "A*" for her work.

Barbara's story said that she likes plumbing, and carpentry, but when she grows up she wants to be a painter, just like her friend the building lady. Aww. Got me all choked up, she did. Kid knows how to worm her way into your heart, that's for sure.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

And the Wind, Crying and Moaning, Rocks the House

Well we came through the storm quite well. No damage to the house - or the fence. And we only lost power for a very short while. My nephew in Hertfordshire lost his fence - completely - the whole thing blew down. And he's still without power but since a) the weather is quite mild for the time of year and b) he likes to eat out a lot, he's not terribly worried by that.

The deaths, while fewer this time than in the Great Storm of '87 (which was much worse) are all still terrible. And our thoughts and prayers are with the bereaved. And with those whose homes were damaged.

Of course, when compared with Katrina, or Sandy, or Phailin, or any of the myriad cyclones, typhoons, and hurricanes that hit in the zones which suffer them, our little storm was nothing. It's only because we in the UK don't suffer these things on a regular basis that they're so shocking when they do happen.

Floods?? Yeah, frequently. But hurricanes?? Nope. 1987. 1990. And now 2013.

Every death though, whether four (England), thirteen (across northern Europe), twenty-two (1987), or 300 (1953), is still a tragedy.

    No man is an island,
    Entire of itself.
    Each is a piece of the continent,
    A part of the main.
    If a clod be washed away by the sea,
    Europe is the less.
    As well as if a promontory were.
    As well as if a manor of thine own
    Or of thine friend's were.
    Each man's death diminishes me,
    For I am involved in mankind.
    Therefore, send not to know
    For whom the bell tolls,
    It tolls for thee.


Monday, October 28, 2013

There's wind and then there's wind.

It's the time of year when colds start making the rounds. Little e succumbed this weekend. Two kids and one staff member were absent from school today. E is starting to feel puny. I'm doing okay so far and hope I can keep it that way.

Send good thoughts to our readers in Northern Europe and the UK who are being battered by hurricane force winds.


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Easy Day

A day of rest for sure. Pumpkins were carved and not much else was done. My daughter is down with a bad cold and I'm having her take tomorrow off. Her cough and sinuses need the break and that two hour basketball practice would put her under.

She is now sitting and slowly spending serious time carving a very nifty pumpkin. Also sitting out in the living room is a nice one done by Tamara, my nothing special one, and two very nice ones done by Calvin.

Tonight our porch will glow happily.

Enjoy your updates and have a good early week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, October 26, 2013


Finally took the kids to see Gravity. All I can say is, go see it. You'll be at the edge of your seat for the whole damn thing. I don't even regret splurging on the 3d.


Friday, October 25, 2013


I am very pleased to say it's the weekend. It was a long week and now I get a couple days of rest. Not a whole lot of plans, of course some, but not a lot.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

And we're off!

No school for two of us tomorrow but we've got a busy day ahead just the same. In the morning I've got a 9am eye appointment. Around 10:30 kids should start arriving at the house for our trip to downtown Seattle and Gameworks for Cal's birthday party with his friends. We're taking the bus there and back so I can avoid driving and parking in downtown Seattle on a Friday. Duncan will help me wrangle kids and enjoy time at Gameworks as well. I plan on bringing plenty to read.

I'll let you get to reading. I've got to get me and Cal fed before we're off to Ridgecrest Elementary Skate Night at Lynnwood Bowl & Skate. Plenty to read will make an appearance here for me as well.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Said too much yesterday. Can't think of a thing to say today.

Except to hope all our Aussie readers are safe. If I could send you some of our near-monsoon-levels of rain I would. Hope those fires are under control soon.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013

But Why...

That's me, always wanting to know why. And how. And what. Just like a kid I'm still fascinated by things, by learning, by knowledge. I want to know everything. Or, if not everything, at least as much as possible.

Today's "why" started when I left the house this morning to go to work.

I walked through a spider's web that was stretched across the front path. There was that moment of total panic and flailing arms that every arachnophobe can empathise with, before I calmed down, safe in the knowledge that the web was unoccupied. I knew it was empty because there had been no blob in the middle to warn me it was there.

It's still dark at that time of the morning, but our front door faces east and there is enough light from the approaching dawn to make out shapes. I could quite clearly see the blobs in the other two webs stretching from the hanging baskets to the fuchsias (not across the path). Had there been an occupant to the web I found with my face I would have seen the blob and been warned that the web was there.

Whereupon I would have returned to the house and climbed over the back wall instead!!

But my reaction set me to thinking. I thought about it the entire journey to work - two bus trips, and almost an hour including waiting times.

Arachnophobia is one of the most common phobias. But why?? It makes no sense. Some of the other common phobias (in moderation) make a lot of sense when you think about them, especially if you consider today's humans' distant ancestors. Take acrophobia (fear of heights) for example. Very sensible if you don't want to be out hunting-and-gathering and fall to your death. You stay clear of cliff tops.

Or agoraphobia (fear of open spaces). Humans have made themselves into a predator species but our natural state is prey, not predator. (Prey animals breed prolifically so they make plenty of food for predators. Predators do not breed so heavily in order to reduce the danger of over-hunting. We breed like rabbits!!) If you are a prey animal you are very nervous to be out in the open, away from cover or bolt-holes. You are very vulnerable in that state. We may no longer be at risk since we've developed weapons more powerful than our natural predators but the race-memory of that fear is still there and can quite easily develop into a phobia.

Some of the rarer phobias are obviously linked to more personal circumstances, things like linonophobia (fear of string), nosocomephobia (fear of hospitals), arachibutyrophobia (fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth) - no, honestly, it really is a phobia Willie Garvin says so - though I doubt it's in the psychiatry books.

But arachnophobia?? It's not logical. And it's far too common to be linked to personal history. So why?? Yes, some spiders are large. And some are lethal. But the largest and the most lethal are on continents that have been settled quite recently (in terms of how long there have been humans or human-type species on this planet) by people of European origin. And they're the ones in whom the phobia is most (though not exclusively of course) common. The original inhabitants don't seem to be half as bothered. So why?? Why are so many people afraid of something that is generally 200 times smaller than they are??

I want to know!!

Maybe if I ever find out why I can stop being so bloody terrified of the things!!


Monday, October 21, 2013

Long Day

Mondays every other week for a while will be a bit long. I am currently sitting at my desk with another hour to go before I can pick up my daughter from basketball practice. Makes for long day for us both. Perhaps I will get it together here soon and do some exercising while she is off doing hers. Maybe.

Have a great night, enjoy your week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday Night

Our sunny weekend turned out to be overcast and cool. We didn't end up tackling the ramshackle shed ceiling. I pushed around on it a bit and it's my not so expert opinion that we're safe from bits falling on us for the time being. I'll keep an eye on it through the winter, however.

We did manage to get yardwork and housework done this weekend. I reconciled my money. Thank you, Hulu and America's Next Top Model. It's the perfect show for balancing a checkbook.

The upcoming week is going to be a hectic one but mostly for E and little e. There are many after school commitments for them this week. They'll both come home very tired. One will be also be slightly grumpy.

Cal and I have a four day school week. Friday we're finally going to have his birthday party with friends and head to Gameworks for the day. That'll be a full day and I plan on taking plenty to read.

Whatever your week ahead holds, stay safe and have fun.


Saturday, October 19, 2013

A Small Episode

Unfortunately had a small bout of dizziness today. Took some drugs, slept a while and am feeling zoned but not dizzy (a preferred state). Did get the rose bush whacked back for winter, but our fog never cleared. Being that it is almost 4 I'm thinking no sun today.

Here is hoping y'all are having a good weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, October 18, 2013


Our quiet week of work is at an end. The weekend holds chores and relaxation. E has yard work planned and I have money and indoor tidying to do.

The ramshackle shed needs more TLC. The wonderful gutter doesn't need work. Although we haven't gotten a good torrential downpour yet to really give it a good test.

The portion of the shed where we wash and dry clothes is having some issues with the ceiling drywall. E's afraid it's going to fall on someone. Two years is all it needs to last. I'm hopeful that for this weekend's fixit project we can get away with just one trip to Lowe's.


Thursday, October 17, 2013


Where has the week gone? Work is crazy as it is evaluation and renewal season. Means my desk and office looks like a tornado went through. Statistic printouts and vendor flyers are everywhere. Time for me to get the financials in order and make some decisions for next year. What I really want is a vacation where I don't have to make any decisions. That is nowhere to be found.

Enough of me, how about an announcement....
I am very happy to be able to announce the publication of "When The Clock Strikes Thirteen", an anthology full of paranormal stories from wonderful authors such as:

- Lois Cloarec Hart: Midnight Messages
- L.T. Smith: Batteries Not Included
- Emma Weimann: Lost and Found
- Joan Arling: Chrysalis
- Diane Marina: Sisters of the Moon
- Erzabet Bishop: Wolf Moon
- R.G. Emanuelle: Love Bites

We have it all: Ghosts, vampires, werewolves, faeries… and it was a pleasure for me to collect and edit those wonderful stories with the help of Day Petersen.

My introduction to the anthology gives you a glimpse of what to expect:

Fantasy is one of my favorite genres—if not my most favorite one. I love the thrill of the unknown, of the things and beings that (could) exist without most of us acknowledging their existence.
When I went to Ireland a few years ago, I dreamed of meeting a faerie—and maybe I did without even knowing. In England, I feared and hoped to stumble across a White Lady, and in Edinburgh, I would have given everything to hear the drummer ghost of Edinburgh Castle.

Unfortunately, I didn’t. But I haven’t given up hope for the future.

Until then, I continue to dream and publish stories that portray a reality different from the one we experience every day.

For this anthology, I had a range of wonderful authors contributing their stories as well as a talented graphic artist and a meticulous editor.

You’ll find a variety of the otherworldly and supernatural that will keep you glued to your seat.

Enjoy the read and never stop dreaming…

You can buy When The Clock Strikes Thirteen at Smashwords and amazon.
It will also be available from Bella Books within the next few days.

Astrid Ohletz

There you have it, something to check out. Remember let Astrid know what you think.

Now enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Done It Again.

The walking disaster zone strikes again.

Barely had I finished healing from my fall from the ladder when I wound up back in the doctor's surgery.

And all I did was step off the kerb!!

Seriously that's all I did. I went to cross the road to the bus stop this morning. I stepped off the kerb with my left leg and suddenly felt something "go" in my knee. It hurt like hell. I hobbled off to work but by 11 o'clock I could hardly put my weight on it, let alone climb any ladders, so they sent me home - via my GP. (Not painful enough to consider a trip to A&E).

By some miracle I could actually get to see my GP today. (GP = General Practitioner. AKA Family Doctor). Usually you have to wait a day or two for an appointment but luckily for me her last appointment of the day (18.50hrs/6.50pm) was free.

She poked & prodded my knee, had me walk across the room without my jeans on so she could watch the way it moved. And then she informed me that she believed I'd hyper-extended my medial collateral ligament.

I said, "Do what??"

She laughed and replied, "You've sprained your knee."

I didn't even know you could sprain your knee (I've done my ankles loads of times).

She sent me off with the usual instructions to RICE. And take paracetamol if necessary. She said to take tomorrow off but if I really must then I can work Friday as long as I have a proper orthopaedic support on my knee - not just an elastic bandage.

Who knew kerb-stones could be so dangerous??

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

We Did It!!!!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving in Canada, hope our Canadian readers had a good feast. Today is Eid al-Adha, hope our Muslim readers had a good festival.

We did it!! England won!!

Our football team that is. We beat Poland in the final game of the qualifying rounds. We topped our group and made it to the World Cup finals next year in Brazil. If we'd lost there would have been a hell of a lot of unpopular bus drivers, hospital cleaners & porters, and construction labourers tomorrow!! (About half of our local bus drivers are Polish migrants. And a lot of labourers are too.)

I don't know if it was a good game - I was too involved in it to be objective like that. I do know it was a bloody tense time. A draw would not have been enough to qualify. Talk about relief - when our second goal went in I'll swear my yell of YEEEEESSSSSS!! could be heard three streets away.

(S)He's football crazy, (s)he's football mad, that football it has taken away the wee bit of sense (s)he had.


Monday, October 14, 2013

Driving, Driving, Driving

Today is the day I drive to Bellevue to swap the kids with Mike. This trip required a side jaunt to a Gamestop in Redmond because, genius that I am, I pre-ordered the new Pokemon Y for myself there. I know that when you pre-order a game at a Gamestop you have to pick the darn thing up at the same Gamestop where you pre-ordered it. That's why I usually do that at our nearby Gamestop in Northgate Mall. I had a huge brain fart that day and totally spaced it. Hence, when the game came out I picked Cal's up at Northgate and ended up getting mine in Redmond. Oh well, it was close to Mike's house. At least I didn't pre-order it while I was in Oklahoma.

So two hours later I'm back in Shoreline doing the update. After this I will enjoy my dinner and watch some tv. No kids means a quiet week for us.


Sunday, October 13, 2013

End of the Weekend

Easy day today. My daughter had to finish her mountain of homework and in the middle we took a break to go see The Way Way Back and it was very good. They will all see Gravity the next weekend they're with us. That will be with out me. Space is not always easy to watch for one who is already dizzy most of the time.

Have a great week

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Day!

The grumpy one made it through the day. We ended up going to a totally different area this year for our pumpkin patch. Usually we end up at a farm in Snohomish County. This year we opted for Spooner Farms in Pierce County. This location also had the added benefit of allowing us to go to the Sonic in Puyallup for lunch.

I'd have to say this was one of our top pumpkin patch farms. The prices were reasonable and they had a lot of fun activities for the kids. Granted many of the activities were for little kids but our two had fun just the same. Duncan, of course, had no interest in getting up for a pumpkin patch trip. He stayed home and slept.

One thing we skipped this year was purchasing our pumpkins at the pumpkin patch. This place just had their pumpkins out in a big patch of dirt. Not nearly as fun as scooting a wheelbarrow through an uneven pumpkin field. It was really crowded and we figured buying our pumpkins at the grocery store nearer to Halloween would be better.

E is hopeful that we'll be off the hook next year. I don't think she's going to get her wish though. Today both kids expressed an interest in us going back to The Farm so we can do the Washington state corn maze again.


Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Night

Tomorrow is another year at the pumpkin patch. I am hoping it stays dry. I'm not really excited about this. Our kids are getting older and most of these places are built around little kids. But our kids feel like they are missing something if they don't get to go. This may end up being their last year so I'll try and approach it with an enjoy it while I can attitude. After all, they'll be out of the house and on their own before I know it and I'm sure I'll be missing them. Y'all have a great Saturday as Tamara and I most likely will be walking through muck.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, October 10, 2013


Running a wee bit late for ya'll tonight. Have at it!


Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Email - Grrr.

We're in the middle of Navaratri - I hope all or Hindu readers are having a good festival.

I have got to do something about my email Spam filter. Not because I have tonnes of spam in it - no, far from it, I checked it today and I have just four emails in it.

Unfortunately those four emails are not spam.

They are in fact "hope you feel better" emails from four very good friends - all of whom are in my contacts list and should be safe!! Jean, Vic, Gov, and Dani - sorry I haven't replied but Thunderbird (or maybe GoDaddy - I wouldn't put it past them!!) sabotaged you - I will reply tomorrow. And thank you all.

Every single email from a stranger got through with no trouble but these four got diverted!! Why?? Half the time posts from the Uber Etc. Yahoo Group wind up in there too. Including my own!!

What with the complete mess that Yahoo have just made "improving" their email (which was fine the way it was). Not to mention the pig's ear they made of Yahoo Groups lately. And the similar mess that Hotmail's improvements have made. Plus the travesty that resulted when AOL took over my beloved Netscape mail some years ago. I'm starting to think that email is actually a plot to drive us all to drink!! Make mine a Laphroaig please. And don't put ice in it!!

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, October 08, 2013

I Hate Thieves

Plagiarism sounds like such a nice thing, doesn't it, it's a pretty little word, inoffensive, multi-syllable, almost poetic. But what plagiarist actually is - well - it's simple... A plagiarist is a thief. A dirty little thief. A stinking, shitty little liar claiming to own that which belongs to another.

Plagiarism is theft. I hate thieves.

There is a new thief in town. This is the account on FF.Net. This person is claiming as their own a large number of stories, in various fandoms, by many different writers. All of the stories seem to have been stolen from Passion and Perfection.

The author info contains one of the usual fake excuses that thieves use when caught "it wasn't me - my friend/enemy/brother/sister/long-lost uncle posted it" or "I was hacked and the hacker did it". In the case of this thief it's the hacker excuse. But the stories are still there.

Tell me... if you found your account had been hacked and things posted to it that you did not post, wouldn't you immediately delete those things?? And if those things belonged to somebody else, wouldn't you - instead of making a faux-apology on your own page - immediately contact everybody concerned and apologise properly?? I know I would.

If you have an account on would you consider filing a report - Plagiarism Report or if you're a member of Stop Plagiarism, the LiveJournal community run by some of the same people, file a report there.

And if you find your story in her list - the bottom of each story has a "report abuse" button. You don't have to have an account to use it.

I have never (and probably will never) understand what pleasure anybody can get from any feedback, praise, or compliment they receive for something they know they did not write. That they know is actually praise for the person they stole it from. How can that give you any satisfaction??


Monday, October 07, 2013

Waiting for the Rain

We know it will happen, however now we are a bit impatient for it to happen. I thought it was good news that the gutter is still attached. There is something, right? Tamara is hoping for a good hard rain to give it a real test. I would be happy with a lighter test.

Now back to your updates one note another update to the Wreckage story is out there, so give it a shot.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, October 06, 2013

Mission Accomplished

The ramshackle shed does indeed have a brand new (somewhat ramshackle) gutter. I'm hopeful this will keep the shed from flooding when we have the occasional heavy downpour. I know the first heavy rain we get I'm going to be going outside to watch the rain run down that damn gutter.

The gutter took up our Saturday so today we did what we had intended to do Saturday afternoon...go see 20 Feet from Stardom. We both really enjoyed it and I highly recommend seeing it if it's playing in your town.


Saturday, October 05, 2013

We Rock

Tamara and I got up and put a gutter on our our leaky shed. We also boarded up all the rotting out sections. It only took two runs to Lowes. Now I am wiped, tired and sore. Where is Ze when you need her? Tamara is also going through some bad allergy attack hence a bit looped now on some antihistamines. Here is hoping y'all had a productive fun weekend.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, October 04, 2013


Our sun is back at least for the weekend. E is ready to turn on the heat. I'm trying to talk her into waiting a bit. It truly hasn't been that cold yet. Extra blankets and hoodies are our friends.

Since the sun should be with us this weekend that means we can tackle the problem of the leaky shed. A trip to Loew's first thing Saturday morning I bet. Send us good thoughts for being able to patch that ramshackle add on for at least two more years. After that this property will be owned by the Department of Transportation.

Whatever your weekend holds, have fun and stay safe!


Thursday, October 03, 2013

Another Thursday Evening

Today I have something new for you. An author let me know she was writing a new story and asked that we list the update. Here is a quick blurb on the story with links to Chapters 1 & 2. And I want to thank Jane for giving us the opportunity to share her words with everyone.
When fragments of memory begin surfacing after an accidental dosing of ecstacy and an encounter with a famous actress, successful children's book author Michelle Shepherd must exhume her hidden history to save her own life and the lives of those she loves.

Chapter One (

Chapter Two (
Once again..thanks, Jane, and let us know the next time you update.

To everyone one else, have a great night and remember the weekend is just around the corner.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, October 02, 2013


Went to see Rush this evening.

Hemsworth did a pretty good job with Hunt's accent and mannerisms. (I'm well old enough to remember the things the film covers).

I'm not sure how much interest there might be in the USA about the film though - I know that F1 isn't such a big sport over there as it is in Europe. Even without knowing much about the sport - or the personalities involved - it's still a pretty good film and US Americans with any kind of interest in motor racing should like it.

You could tell from the pre-film adverts exactly who they thought would be watching - in spite of the audience being 50/50 male/female the adverts were: two for men's colognes, three for cars of the sort that appeal to 18-30 year old males, two vodka ads, two ads for Grand Theft Auto, (because only males play games, don't you know), and the ubiquitous EE network (mobile phone) ad. Sexist pillocks.

Of the trailers one upcoming film looks good - Gravity. Definitely going to look out for that one.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Weekend Stuff.

My face is almost fully healed. The bruises have faded to next-to-nothing. I'm just waiting for the scab on the cut over my eyes to go. Thanks again to everybody who sent messages. I've almost finished replying - I have about 8 to 10 left...

The weather has been awful - torrential rain interspersed with dull, grey or misty days. And one cracking thunderstorm (sheet lightning not fork which was disappointing) that woke me at 4.30am on Saturday. I was going to wake early anyway so as to watch the Aussie Rules Grand Final on TV - but not that early.

Spent the weekend watching sport - in between painting the dining room. It's now white with dark sage green trim. (It was sky-blue with white trim).

My footy team are top of the league. Yeah!! And they won in Europe tonight so they're top of their Champions' League group too. It won't last of course. But I'm going to make the most of it while it does.

Other than that it's been work, eat, sleep... nothing of interest really.
