Monday, November 30, 2009

Ramble from Linda

It's been a while, and we are happy to hear from her once again! Welcome back, Linda!
A couple months back as I was leaving the house, I tripped over, well huh….air for the lack of a better word. There was nothing there to cause me to trip.

As I hit the ground we, (mom, niece Vicky and I) heard bones breaking. I had landed on my knees then my butt slammed into my feet. I had feared that I had broken my knees. As it turned out I had only strained the muscles and tendons of my right knee and tore some skin off the left.

The sound of breaking bones turned out to be my right ankle as I fell and my right foot when my full weight and butt landed on my foot. The right knee was better after about three weeks. Two and half months later my feet and ankle is still in a cast. Will be until right before Christmas. I hope.

I also broke three of my toes on the right foot and the big toe on the left foot but that’s no big deal. I have broken my toes so many times in my 52 years, they pretty much break on voice command now. LOL!

Flu season hit the house two weeks ago when 11 year old Vicky come home sick and soon everyone but me was sick. I finally got it the day before Thanksgiving. Oh Joy!

The kids were over it but all the adults were still sick. Thanksgiving was a snot fest. (sorry!) Lot of leftovers as nobody but the kids felt like eating. I could saved a lot of time and money if I just served TV dinners.

I told Vicky if she comes home sick right before Christmas that I was sending her to her father’s and let her spreading the joy at his place. LOL.

Happy Holidays.

Wow...that sounds like hell to me. Here's hoping Christmas goes much better and as planned. Heal well! Thanks for showing up and sharing.

Now changing tone a bit I want to send note to all, Peace. Here is hoping that we as humans can remember always that each of us has a life and a story that touches so many. I send good thoughts to all the families and friends that are grieving tonight for the loss of loved ones and a special message for the officers lost to an act of barbarism that ended their lives way too soon. May they Rest in Peace.

Enjoy your update.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

I'll take annoying over icky any day....

What is it about me and always getting sick on the weekend? Last Sunday I was feeling icky from a stomach bug. Today, I don't feel as icky, but I've got an annoying cold. I guess the fact that I never seem to have to use my sick days during work is a good thing. I then have more to use when the kids get sick.

Tomorrow school is out and I'll be attending a class to get a few of my state mandated Core Competencies out of the way. The kids will hang out and play video games all day I'm sure.

In the meantime I've taken it easy today. Sitting in the comfy recliner and watching cheesy action/horror movies is much easier to justify when you're sick.


Saturday, November 28, 2009


The day went by smoothly. Unfortunately Tamara has got some nasty little cold that has attacked her and her nose. But we went to the book store with the kids and then to lunch. Got home to a easy day at the house. I finished putting up the outside lights and now we await a wood delivery. Sadly it will most likely mean stacking wood in the dark.

Here's hoping you all are enjoying your weekend as well. Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, November 27, 2009

Hanging Out

Yesterday was Duncan's 14th birthday. He's definitely a typical 14 year old. Today we went to see A Christmas Carol in 3d. Duncan chose not to go with us. He's at that age where all animated movies are boring. I would have seen another movie with him but there wasn't a darn thing showing that either one of us wanted to see.

So he was left to his Xbox live devices and we sat through an okay movie. I like the real 3d so much better than the 3d that was around when I was a kid. The Real 3d actually works with my glasses for one thing and the quality of the movies is much better.

After the movie we ate a cheap lunch and I picked up my not-so-cheap van from the garage. I took it in for an oil and transmission fluid change and ended up needing my windshield washer fluid reservoir replaced (it was cracked) along with a piece of the windshield washer fluid pump.

Then once we made it back to the house the real fun began. E had the house painted this summer and in the course of that painting they removed all of the little hooks that hold the string of Christmas lights. Time to put new ones in. This entailed laying on the roof and hanging over the edge to screw in about ten little white hooks.

So it's done now and E is happy her Christmas lights are on the house. I'm very happy you only have to screw the hooks in once.


Thursday, November 26, 2009


In the US this is the day we're to sit back and give thanks. I'm up (my usual time, so not early for me) around 5 AM getting the 25-pound turkey stuffed and ready to go into the oven. Say goodbye, Tom! But now I sit and contemplate the rest of the day.

Now the second part of the day will be slow...that is splendid. We'll take our time trying to figure out where everyone will sit. We'll set up a second table in hopes to capture everyone at the event of eating.

And an event it is. Full on turkey, corn bread stuffing, potatoes, various veggies, green Jell-O salad, cranberry stuff, rolls, and gravy. That is dinner then we have the overload of pie with whipped cream.

But in reality what is this day? A day to remember what? Time and history play throughout. At first look is it that wonderful pilgrimage to our new country? The one we settled and then relocated a weaker native population. Something to be said there huh.

Man has a way of making history sound smooth, but if one truly studies it I'm thinking innocence lost would be more profoundly visible. Tamara and Ze are the history buffs, I tried to avoid it whenever possible. I find history sad. Death seems to be the main event with many innocents found among that list.

Okay, back on track.

Thanks. On that list would definitely have to be the kiddo and the boys. These kids show us hope. Something we all can use. Next up, as I sit here feeling fairly is far up on that list of something to be thankful for. Easily on that list would be the partner in all crimes. Tamara plays the part so well.

We're lucky to be squeezed into a house too small for us all and yet, one must be happy for that as so many have so much less. We'll sit down and enjoy a large meal with family and friends, definitely more thanks there.

Further outside our box we're lucky to have more friends and family viewing the fuller perspective and seeking nothing but the best for all.

As one truly views through a window there is thanks to be given for so much and here is hoping that each and every one of us can take a step to the window once in a while.

May Peace, Health and Happiness find us all. Truth will follow.


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Harvest Festival

Or something similar.

Actually Harvest Festival here is around the autumnal equinox in September and it's very informal. But it's probably the thing that comes closest to (and probably played a part in) the celebration that you're about to have on the other side of the pond. Thanksgiving.

I actually "googled" thanksgiving to see if I could educate myself a bit and find something to say about it for you this evening. Because although we learnt about it in school it was covered in about two minutes as part of a lesson on the American colonies and consisted of "the pligrims were starving, the Indians fed them and they celebrate each year by giving thanks." And I discovered it didn't quite go like that. I found some links regarding the national day of mourning by Native Americans that I thought about posting for you but I decided they weren't appropriate. The writers were for the most part very angry. And while their anger was justified and was appropriate, my posting them was not.

So I found some less angry but still interesting links. Like this one. Not quite as angry but still eye-opening. And this totally not angry but still very interesting history lesson. I learnt a lot from my searches. Thanksgiving is both much more complex that I'd thought - and yet much simpler.

I also found a site that mentioned that the day after Thanksgiving isn't just a religious frenzy in celebration of the gods of greed and consumerism (so-called Black Friday) but is also Native American Heritage Day. That's something to think about while you walk off your turkey dinner. *g*

Whatever you do or don't do, eat or don't eat (someday I'm going to have to be in the USA for Thanksgiving just so I can try Tofurkey!!), watch or don't watch - have a safe and happy day over there. See you next week.

Happy Thanksgiving. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Ok - first things first. An author (and regular reader of this here nonsense) is selling autographed copies of her published (in print form) novel and has an offer on an ebook in order to fund a small domestic emergency. If you're interested checkout her blog LZ's Blog post.

Second. Redhope's archive page for fanfic of Terminator:The Sarah Connor Chronicles is holding a Christmas Contest. See Here for details.

Right. I was head:desking along with Joan when I read her ramble the other day. Fancy not watching a film because it's monochrome!! All right - Dietrich couldn't act her way out of a wet paper bag but who cares - it's Dietrich!!. I can't begin to count the number of truly brilliant films that person will never experience because of this. They'll never see the incredible chemistry between Bogie & Bacall. And how sexy a woman can be fully-clothed and simply saying "You know how to whistle". They'll never see the perfect (and heart-breaking) depictions of the futility of war that are the original All Quiet on the Western Front or La Grande Illusion. Never become enthralled by Film Noir. Never be lost in the poetry of Orphee. Or laugh like an idiot over an Ealing Comedy. Or a Laurel and Hardy caper.

I just don't understand it. I mean - I could understand trying a particular film & not liking it. (I never could see the fascination with Brief Encounter - I laugh in all the wrong places *g*). Or disliking a particular actor. (Olivier - talk about over-rated!!) Or a particular style, or director. But to dismiss anything up to fifty years of films simply because they're in monochrome... What happens in a modern director gets artistic & decides to shoot in b/w then?? (They do sometimes).

I don't get it. But then - I'm so bloody old-fashioned that I love silent movies. Not the comedies. (Though I think Buster Keaton's a genius). No - I love the dramas (melodramas really). Broken Blossoms. Way Down East. The Wind. Metropolis. The original Nosferatu. Battleship Potemkin (Potyomkin really but English speakers always butcher it). Pandora's Box. Gish and Garbo and Brooks and Fairbanks. Hell - I even own a copy of Birth of a Nation. (Brilliant cinematography & directing - way ahead of its time - but oh God the storyline is evil.)

And don't get me started on books. I'm with the bloke who built the Time Machine (the version played by Rod Taylor not the dire remake). When he's shown the remains of the library, by the Eloi, and remarks that it tells him a lot about them. Bah. Humbug.

Enjoy your reading. Catch you tomorrow.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Bride of Stomach Bug

It took a week but E and I were hit with Cal's little stomach bug. E's started Friday night (after seeing Brandi Carlisle) and she had a crap night of sleep. Saturday her stomach was iffy all day. She didn't eat much, felt queasy. Then Saturday evening it hit me. I had a horrible night of sleep. Woke up Sunday after sleeping in and felt a bit better.

As we headed out the door to Fred Meyer I started feeling queasy. E tells me that I looked like sh*t at Fred Meyer. That's good because I felt like sh*t. Once we got home and put away the groceries I crawled into bed. After several hours of crackers and ginger ale and videos on I felt much better. Good enough to eat some rice for dinner. Made it to work today and feel back to my old self.

I'm very thankful that Calvin didn't bring back Puke-a-thon. I can live with Queasy-a-thon any day.


Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Ramble from Joan

What is the world coming to?

We all know that the next generation has never been able to aspire to the intellectual heights of their forebears, ever since Aristotle, probably before then, and still humanity has not only survived, but even made one or the other progress. Still...

One of the progresses the readers of this site may value highly is the invention of the printing press. After all, it ultimately led to widespread literacy, and the electronic version of printing is what enables us to read lots of wonderful stories, not least of
all because of the application of that art by our beloved grunts. Even if it is misused to publish rambles like this one, occasionally.

However, are you aware that *reading* must be considered a dying, nay, dead art by now? Even though you are practising it right this moment?

Because progress is a two-faced beast. After centuries of being a highly regarded cultural technique, reading not only takes a second place to moving pictures, it is being positively rejected by above-mentioned next generation. Many is the time I have argued for the advantages of forming your own pictures in your mind to complement the written word, only to be countered with 'A book? Nah, give me a video anytime!'

It's not that I object to videos per se, I have a (smallish) collection of them myself. However, the other day, I recommended 'Witness for the Prosecution', which, by the way, is based on a novel by Agatha Christie, to someone who had never heard of that movie (I won't
mention that person's name). When I pointed out the actress Marlene Dietrich, eyes grew wide -- 'Then it's in black and white? No, thanks.'

Reading? READING??? I won't mention it again. I am defeated, utterly defeated.


FYI Joan, I own a few books all about Aristotle and some with his writings, I have enjoyed them completely and will continue to do so for many years to come. Also we (grunts) do not believe posting your rambles in any way is a "misuse", hence we thank you for sharing your words, time and energy with all of us. Please keep visiting.

Now back to the update and remember if you have something to say, let us know, Enjoy!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Kid Free Events

Last night Tamara and I got to enjoy a free concert by Brandi Carlile and it was fun. Something I do very rarely anymore. When I was younger live music was something I enjoyed a lot, but as my hearing has deteriorated I chose to listen to my doctors. But on a rare occasion one steps out and enjoys life. And she didn't let me down. It was good fun and I'm glad we went.

Next up for our events with no kids is December 5 at the Seattle Mystery Bookshop were we'll meet up with the author Andi Marquette for a signing of her new book. I'll remind you Seattlelites again as time gets closer.

Until then, enjoy your update!


Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday once again.

Tonight E and I will be seeing Brandi Carlisle at Easy Street Records. I believe E will also be getting a CD or two signed. An evening without kids...feels kind of weird. I'm so used to having them around, when we do something without them it's almost like something is missing. Yeah, I need to get out more probably.

Enjoy the updates!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Where's Friday?

The week seems to be dragging. It must be that I'm looking forward to a weekend of peace or what I hope will be a weekend of peace.

Fall is clearly here and I'm loving our nifty rain and wind storms. As long as the trees stand and no flooding, I'll continue to be happy with the weather. It can be dark and rainy for a while as far as I'm concerned.

We had a sizzling summer, so let us rejoice in some great fall rain. Yeah, yeah I know I'm the minority.

Enjoy your update!


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fencing Lessons...sort of

Reisen wasn't well. I was up all night with him on Thursday, took him to the vet Friday and then was up all night Friday. He's got an infection (to be precise a UTI). Vet thinks he picked it up rolling in something unpleasant on one of his walks. (He does that a lot, that's Retrievers for you.) Probably tainted water she said. (Kids chuck stuff into the stream). Personally I reckon it was the two-week-plus-dead rabbit's head he found and lovingly brought back for me.

I could doze in between bouts of dosing him with antibiotics and his frequent (like every 45 minutes) trips into the garden for a pee, but all the same I was completely exhausted by early Saturday morning. Not really helped by the fact that all day and night Friday we had torrential rain and gale-force wind. A whole month's rainfall in around 4 hours...

Around 5am I let him out for yet another pee and idly watched the garden. I must have been tired because it was about 20 minutes before I realised he was standing stock still and watching the back fence swaying. In fact it was swaying backwards and forwards about 60 degrees. This is no mean feet because it's 2 metres high and 7 metres long (about 6 foot 5 by 22 feet). And held up by four posts 15cm by 15 cm thick, (6 inches by 6 inches). I had visions of it falling on him and squashing him so flat that I could slide him under the door. I got him in, put my boots on and went to investigate. Two steps into the garden and I realised it was a mistake. I could barely stand upright against the wind and I already looked like a drowned rat.

It took me 10 minutes to reach the fence. When I got there I promptly stood banging my head on it before turning around and going back indoors for some tools. And rope. Getting back in was a lot quicker. I fought my way down the garden again and started to try and hold the fence. Big mistake. I'm strong (stronger than I look) but I couldn't hold it against the wind. I went out through the gate and tried to get at it from the other side. The wind was stronger outside. The grass isn't very soft when you hit it face first. I managed to protect my shoulder though.

I crawled to the fence and stood up, grabbing it again. It blew inwards and took me with it. Then out again. It was like a fairground ride. I couldn't decide if I was having fun or not. I probably would have if I hadn't been soaking wet and freezing cold. I tried to get the rope on it all the while going to and fro. No luck. I tried propping it in place with another chunk of wood. The wood snapped. A strong gust blew me over and I heard the fence groan. I grabbed it, desperately trying to hold it in place. There was a dreadful crashing sound and it broke. The 15cm posts snapped like toothpicks and the fence flew sideways. Carrying me with it, perched prone on the top, like a flying carpet. Fortunately my weight was enough to bring it to ground quickly. Before it could take out the French windows. The force buried it into the lawn slightly so I knew it wasn't going to move again.

So there I was lying on the fence. When I heard a voice. The kid. Yelling. "Are you f***ing INSANE". I thought about that for a moment and concluded the answer was yes.

I crawled up the garden and into the house. I'm not sure exactly what she said to me but boy she yelled a lot. There were more swear-words. And comments about my sanity. And questions as to whether I was suicidal. I think there was a threat about double-pneumonia in there somewhere, too.

Reisen sat and watched. I'm not sure but I think he was laughing at me. I'll get my revenge for that though. As soon as his infection is completely cured I'm going to bath him. With flea shampoo. That teach him!!

But first I need some good weather. I have to build a new fence. Or maybe a wall.

Hope your weather is better. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Beyond Tired

It's a quarter to one. I'm cream-crackered. My shoulder hurts. I've got a sick dog so I haven't had a lot of sleep since last week. (He'll be ok - he's on the mend). There's a tonne of stuff to read tonight so I'll not say much. I'll tell you all about the gales, the monsoon, me & the garden fence when I update tomorrow.


Monday, November 16, 2009


Calvin stayed home from school today and so did I. Last night around 6 he started throwing up. Nothing would stay in his stomach, not even water. The last hurl happened around 9 pm. He slept until around 1 am and drank water and peed. We also watched a video, then both were back to sleep by 2:30.

I kept expecting him to wake up and lose all the water he drank but he kept it down. He woke up this morning feeling great. I still kept him home. I'd already called in the night before and you just never know with kids. Tomorrow though we'll both be back at school.

I'm very relieved because I fully expected another Puke-a-thon. The last one that went through the household happened in 2007 I believe. I didn't miss it one bit and would like 2009 to remain Puke-a-thon free.


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Announcement Night

Good News for all of you Xena fans.
Hi everyone. I'm angharad governal. Once Upon a Time and Long Ago, I used to be active in the Xenaverse. I ran several websites besides my own personal fan fic archive, namely the (infamous) Annals of the Conqueror (AOC) and BLURB: Recommendations of Xenaverse Fan Fiction. Recently, I noticed that the new(er) location of BLURB since I had given it to other webmasters had vanished from the web so I decided to bring an archive copy of the site back online. I hope this is of some help (and joy) to the old and new Xena fen out there. While I'm no longer active in Xena fandom, I do like the idea of keeping parts of this rather important femslash fandom "alive" in one way or another if I'm able to do so. This is the announcement I've plastered all over my sites as well as on my LJ. I do hope you guys enjoy the old site. And thanks! - angharad governal

    BLURB: Recommendations of Xenaverse Fan Fiction was active at the website address ( from 07 August 1999 to 04 September 2001. It was transitioned to other owners/webmasters after that date and moved to another location. On 14 Nov 2009, I noticed that the "new" BLURB site was no longer online. For the sake of keeping Xenaverse history accessible and "alive" to those who are now discovering online Xena fandom and the myriad of wonderful things that flourished in its heyday on the web, I have brought BLURB back from the ethereal and transitory thing that is the interwebs. Unfortunately, any content that was added to the site after the transition to the erstwhile other owners is more than likely lost. What is here is what I was able to piece together and salvage of the old site before new ownership had taken place. The majority of links to various stories are probably dead. My apologies for not updating those links. Irregardless of that fact, I do hope Xena fans will get a kick out of seeing the old girl back up again. As the former owner and webmaster, I'm delighted to bring this little piece of the Xenaverse back up and around. Do enjoy. And thanks for visiting. (P.S. Please ignore both the email links and the e-group join buttons, as the site is no longer "active", but kept online as a matter of preserving Xenaverse fandom history.)

BLURB at my fan fic site

BLURB at the tripod back-up

Thanks, Governal, for letting us know! There you have it, go enjoy.

Now back to your updates.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Get Busy...

Large update, enjoy.


Friday, November 13, 2009


Exciting news from the Academy of Bards.
Announcement from the Academy of Bards- Solstice Challenge
<.pushes button on cyber tape recorder.>

Good Morning Agent Bard...

It's that time of year again. the organization know as The Royal Academy has issued a challenge to ALL writers. This time they are encouraging multifandom stories. MULTI-FANDOM.

Oh, the audacity...oh the humanity...oh what killer stories we will have to read.

<>ahem, yes<>

You mission, should you choose to accept it, is to infiltrate the Academy by participating in the challenge as a writer. You will communicate with headquarters with a series of code words that you must include in your story. Follow the roools and your survival is assured; break them and we disavow any knowledge of your mission. Good Luck.

Oh and we understand that EVIL J and OZ are also cooking up a Punzle but we'll worry about that when it surfaces.

This cyber tape will not'll have to delete it yourself. <.g.>

The Royal Academy of Bards Solstice Challenge - The Rools

There you go. A fun new writing challenge for some of you. Those of us who read will just have to wait patiently. In the meantime, there's plenty to read below. Have at it.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

A re-ramble or something...

Yay...more shared words!
Joan is right it never hurt anybody to say "thank you" or to give praise to someone for something that you liked. I won't argue with that. I guess I just don't really feel comfortable about e-mailing writers. Funny thing really as I do like writing the reviews and letting everyone know my feelings about the fic's that I've read!? (Someone with a degree in psychology might like to explain that to me).

As for the reviewing business – it takes bit of work to write a review, but at the same time I get an excuse to do a rerun of fic's that I've found good enough to save! And let me tell you this - Rev is really good about the beta-thing, she gives out lot of commas and corrections for free!

So if you would like to share some of the good stories you have come across, please let the Rev know – I for one would like to know what you found, even if you just write a short review.


Good thing UK came by since I haven't much to say, do you? Let us know if you do. Now have at it, enjoy your updates!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Armistice Day

When you go home
Tell them of us and say
For your tomorrow
We gave our today

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you - and with those who serve.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Not a lot to say tonight really. I'm in a fairly sombre mood. (You might want to skip this ramble if you don't feel like being depressed).

It was Remembrance Sunday this past weekend and of course it's Armistice Day tomorrow. I bought my Flanders poppy last week. The day I got it was, coincidentally, the anniversary of the last day of the third battle of Ypres. Passchendaele. I died in Hell - they called it Passchendaele. (Siegfried Sassoon). And I thought about "The War to End Wars". And all the wars since then.

And then today six coffins arrived back in England. Six coffins, six soldiers, six fathers/husbands/brothers/sons. The youngest was just 18. I can't remember exactly what I was doing at 18. I was a-serving of 'er Majesty the Queen in what was then the WRAF. I was probably being yelled at for not having my hat on straight or something. Whatever I was doing I'm damned sure I wasn't expecting my life to end suddenly and bloodily. And I wondered what the hell was the point. What did all those millions die for in two world wars. Because we haven't leant a damn' thing. We still send eighteen-years-old lads to die in foreign fields. And for what?? Greed. Hate. Religion, (or at least the corrupted version of it). War settles nothing.

And tomorrow, when I stand silently for two minutes, I'll be thinking of them. The dead of the two wars,and the way we've betrayed their sacrifice by continuing to wage war ever more fiercely. I'll be thinking of the lads who died then and the lads who still die.

And I'll ask why. Why do they still die?? What's the point??

And I ponder the futility of it all.
