Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Don't Panic

Eep. Huge update tonight. Gotta love that Passion and Perfection site update. Be warned. You will be using the handy dandy list of fan fiction abbreviations to the right of this post.

Brace yourself...off to the updates!


Monday, May 29, 2006

Good Evening and welcome to the update.

I hope your weekend was splendid. Tonight we have a few items to mention.

Number one is a reminder that we do have a yahoo group. If you prefer not to have to check our page daily for the updates, join today. The group is announcement only and is a duplicate of the daily messages, no other posts are allowed.

Secondly we continue to add new sites and places to search for different stories. If we missed one you know of, please email us.

Today we did add one site that is a challenge site with completed shorts from various fandoms called Fluff! - Femslash Challenge. Check it out and leave those writers some feedback.

Remember, let us know what you think anytime. Got words to share, you know where to find us.

Now on to the updates and thanks again for joining us.

Enjoy 'em,

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hmmm...slow weekend....

We really do intend to post more than BtVS updates. Honest. E has been hunting for new sites to check in other fanfic areas. Those Buffy fanfic writers sure are prolific though. Have a favorite f/f site you love to visit and think we should put on our list? Send the link and we'll check it out.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Saturday Evening update.

It's early for me, but late for many of you. In fact for some (across the pond) the day has already gone by and Sunday has moved into its place. Hope the day was or continues to be good.

Remember sometimes it only takes oneself to change that outlook and seek out that which is fun. Seek well and enjoy. On the way you may want to stop for some grand words. We don't post poems due to the fact we're busy enough with just finding fiction. However, I do get to hype my favorites once in a while and tonight we have a new one Fabricated Relativity by Professor. Some things are worth reading.

Enjoy it.

Have a grand weekend,

Friday, May 26, 2006


Yep, I'm tired. Reckon that means you'll get to these updates that much quicker. Have a favorite f/f site we don't check? Send us the link.


Thursday, May 25, 2006

The end is in sight.

One more work day and then a nifty long weekend. Looking forward to that. Time to get the grill in order. Bought the burgers and zucchini, so one will hope I actually am able to get it lit.

Now a reminder to all, feedback is an excellent way to karma points.

Happy Friday and enjoy the weekend.


Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Wednesday Night Hype

It's the middle of the week and you're going to get a little hype with your updates tonight.

First is a request from Claudia of Bedazzled Ink publisher of Christie and the Hellcat by Barbara Davies (buy one today!) and the Khimairal Ink e-zine. Claudia is looking for a few folks with real editing experience. She put it to me as needing "an editor who knows Chicago Manual of Style by heart." Contact Claudia at publisher@bedazzledink.com if you think you've got what it takes.

It's time once again to vote on the latest Academy of Bards Challenge. Head on over to the challenge page, read those entries, and vote. You have until June 2nd to do it.

Okay, that's all of the hype. Enjoy your updates.


Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Are we better off not knowing? ...No. Truth comes through regardless of outcomes. I still believe in that. Would I go back and change my past? No. Past is just that, past. It put us here in this life and gave us all the knowledge and insight we walk with each and every day.

Regret? No, why bother? Life is chips of knowledge that we gather and hold as tightly as we can while running or walking over bumpy paths. Some fall without our knowing it and some crumble and seep through like sand. That may be why we repeat so many things without even realizing it.

The best we can do every once in a while is to stop, relax, spread the chips out and feel each of the memories once again. Good or bad they are all important.

Live with your Truth and life can shine. Live for today and not yesterday. Seek that which allows room for the needed steps on your path. Hold on tightly because the road is long and changes quickly.

Laugh, Love and Live.

Peace for today and may more follow tomorrow.

Enjoy your updates,

Monday, May 22, 2006

Ramble from Minerva

Yeah, we're still here. Not much to report for Sunday so we skipped an update. Today, however, is an entirely different story. A big thank you to everyone who is sending site suggestions.

Okay...now it's Minerva's turn to talk.
I am an animal person. I always have been. Although, I did jump the fence as I got older from dog to cat. Now, I have to say that I straddle it, and I am the proud parent of three of the strangest beings in the animal kingdom. My beloved Legolas, the cat, hides in cabinets and jumps out when he hears someone close (we got a note on our door about excessive screaming by the way...to bad it wasn't the good kind of screaming but I don't think the old lady next door can tell the difference anymore). He also sits in wait behind furniture for the dogs to pass by, and then out comes a paw swiping at their hind parts. Oh, I almost forgot, Legolas has an obsession with those little ties that come off the milk. He tosses it and himself up in the air as if he's on acid.

Sam, the Pug, barks at the wind, running water, other things that only he can see, licks carpet, and dances on the ground with his favorite stuffed toy every chance he gets. He also rubs his ass on my foot when it itches and looks at me accusingly when I try to shoo him away.

Lastly, there is Mookie, the other Pug and the dainty one. What can I say about him? Mookie is a vagina--i.e. pussy. He whines when the cat stares at him, and Legolas can stare for a long, long time. He whines when the TV is too loud, and he whines when he wants to get on the bed because my Mookie is afraid to jump. The strangest thing of all is that when Mookie eats (he has to eat alone for some reason we haven't figured out), he has to find his brother, Sam, bark viciously at him no matter what room he's in before going to enjoy his food.

I'm not done yet! We have a queen-sized bed. That seems to be ample space doesn't it? WRONG! When the pugs are there, one is on my head; the other is on my feet; and somehow they rotate until they are taking up most of the space in the middle leaving me with an inch of room. This is about the time the cat bounds up, kneads my skin until it's red and plops down like I'm a piece of furniture. I wake up with fur in my mouth, and not the good kind. What can I say? My life is full.


Minerva's fiction can be found here: www.e-scribblers.com/minerva/. And don't forget, her former Yahoo group has gone bye-bye but she's got a brand spankin' new one: groups.yahoo.com/group/themindom/. Join it and give her some feedback.


p.s. Creme Brulee's site has a new url: www.celestialbuffet.com. Check it out if you're unfamiliar with her work.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Good evening and welcome back.

A couple of notes to start. Tamara and I want to thank all of you for joining us. An updates list is only as good as the folks who put the effort into using it. We'll continue trying to make things less confusing for everyone. Your ideas are always welcome.

With that in mind we appreciate all the great suggestions we've been getting. However we do want to mention that we're not going to physically be able to implement all of them. We'll do our best in mentioning if the story is complete or not and we hope to give you a clue about what fandom the story is from (if there is one). Please understand with the amount of links we are checking we're bound to make mistakes.

We won't, however, be able to denote story length. You'll just have to hope that the story disclaimers give you some idea of what the author has planned. Since a lot of fanfiction is written part by part I bet the authors themselves rarely have any idea of whether their tale will be novella, novelette, or novel length. Checking these sites takes a bit of time and adding the headache of page counts would make us go prematurely gray.

To give you an idea of how many sites we check, we've posted our list of links. Please feel free to offer up more if you know of f/f alt fic sites that we've missed and we'll gladly add them.

Also if anyone would like to share their words, recipes or news please email them on over.

Now off to your updates and have a wonderful weekend.


Friday, May 19, 2006

Coolio. A Ramble from Black Cherry....

We've had a few people offer suggestions for sites to check so you'll notice stories posted tonight that may be new. Don't forget the feedback. These writers love it when they know someone has read their work.

I was going to tell a story about Cal tonight but E bugged a writer for a ramble and she delivered. When you think about it, it's kind of fitting that the site's Author Ramble cherry is being popped by Black Cherry. She wasn't sure what to ramble about and E told her any ol' thing. Please let her know you appreciate her giving this ramble thing a go. Maybe she'll even come back.
I just came in from cleaning some fish. My mom went fishing with her senior citizens group and caught a nice mess of perch. I helped her scale and filet them. We hadn't done that since I was a kid.

I grew up poor in the farmland of Illinois. We grew our foods in a garden, raised chickens, had our own eggs. We had an orchard at one time, and a briar patch. We only bought meat and animal food for the pigs, chickens and dogs. Once in a great while we got some Pepsi. I never knew I was poor.

I value the survival skills I have from a life in a rural area, from being poor, and being from the wrong side of the tracks.

Moving to the city here, in the south, in Houston was a total culture shock to me. I was six. But I grew up here, and I summered there.

Mom sent us to stay with our nana in summer, my brother and me, to keep us away from my dad, who had a violent temper. All of us being home at the same time was a bad thing, and in summer we had nowhere to go.

I grew up hard. It's in my writing. My characters are personal. They are people from my life. The settings are fictional, some of the situations, the archetypes (Uber X and Uber G) are eternal, but the stories are mine. I hope my readers like them, and take something away from them.

Mostly that you shouldn't judge books by the covers, that it is possible to go home again, and truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

I just finished the fifth story in my Skin Deep series: Pushing Ink Hawaiian style. The stories are available online, but soon, the entire series will be published in paperback in one volume.

I love writing, I love uber. Xena is my hero. Battle on!


"All art is apolitical, except to politicians who try to make it political to suit their own ends. To make art property, tie it to political organizations, to desire for power or influence, to make it fodder for politicians' agendas, is to kill its essence." -Grandmaster Kim Soo, founder Chayon-Ryu

If you're not familiar with Black Cherry's work, go to her web site: home.flash.net/~monsters/the_pit.html. She also has a Yahoo group: tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/bowl_full_of_Cherries/. Enjoy the updates!


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Another Evening is Upon Us and Yes Another Update!

Time for another ramble of sorts and then some nifty updates. First...welcome to Uber Etc. Hopefully a one stop shop for updates to Fanfiction on the web. If you see someone we have left out or a site that needs to be included, please email either one of the grunts and we'll do our best to include them.

Growing up and living in Seattle all my life I do need to mention today is the 26th anniversary of the Mt. St. Helens eruption--something that I will always remember. By mid day the sun was semi-obscured as the ash began to fall. This was truly one of those awe inspiring moments in life. It's good to reflect on them from time to time. Check out the webcam on the mountain today.

Now back to the regularly scheduled programming.

Enjoy the updates!


p.s. Announcement from Minerva:

Yahoo had the hiccups and deleted my group. Those of you who want to rejoin The Mindom can go to groups.yahoo.com/group/themindom/ to do so.

Thanks so much,


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Wow. Two updates in as many days. Amazing.

Yep, we're on a roll. Let's see if we can keep it up. Please feel free to harangue us if we should fall down on the job and go two weeks with no update. Not that I'm expecting that to happen but you have been notified of your duty should it happen.

Let's see...I had some fun today. I went to see The Wiggles with my three year old. Now I know many of you probably think I'm certifiable to say that attending a musical function geared toward preschoolers was fun, but it was. I love their songs. How can you not like a song about drinking water? Or about crossing the street or going to the dentist? And, to top it all off, they're easy to dance to. Not that I dance mind you but it's great fun for the kids.

If you've got a little one in your life who likes The Wiggles, think about attending their show if they come to your town. It's a lot of fun and is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Okay, enough of my blabbing, here are the updates.


Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Welcome and thanks for being here.

When E told me she wanted to start another update site I thought she was nuts. Hadn't we just gotten away from that grind? She convinced me though and here we are. Guess I'm nuts too. Uber Etc. will be a place to find out what's going on in the wide world of online f/f alt fan fiction. Basically we spend time checking out the sites and let you know what's new. Did I mention we're nuts?

So...here's the first update. Join the mailing list if you'd like updates sent to you to read in the comfort of your home. Email us if you've got a site you think we should keep an eye on. Think that's about it. Wish us luck.


A quick comment about the site...this is a place for updates of online writers and their stories. We will be a place to find works from across the board, maybe even poetry that we enjoy from time to time. One note though, this is mostly geared to adult women, so please follow the story disclaimers carefully.

If you have a site of a writer or you are a writer and you would like us to scan a certain website please email us with the link and we will check it out.

We also are more than happy to have rambles or words from folks who would like to share with everyone. You never know what we may do, so stay tuned, come back often or don't miss a thing and join our new yahoo group today. The group, like the website is announcements only so never fear your email box will be able to take the load!

Have a splendid evening and we will see you soon,