Saturday, February 28, 2015

Rest in Peace

Years ago I went with Tamara to the Emerald City Comicon and it was the year Leonard Nimoy was the special guest. I watched from a space outside of the chaotic signature line. He was getting up to head to his panel with folks clamoring all about. He brushed by me ever so lightly, turned and and in a thoughtful manner asked if I needed a signature.

Amongst all the people and chaos this man was completely pleasant and calm. He played this character and it was who he was. May he Rest in Peace. Thanks for all that you brought us. You will be missed.


Friday, February 27, 2015

Field Trip Fun

The sixth grade field trip to the Pacific Science Center was today. My student had his fill of the building around lunch time. After lunch we walked. And walked. And walked. And walked some more. To say my feet are tired would be an understatement.

Next week I repeat the experience with the 8th grade class. That trip, however, should involve less walking.


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Stupid Cold

Damn it. My throat is sore. I really don't want to succumb to the crud that's going around work.

*sigh* I'm going to prepare myself for being sick this weekend.


Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Still Coughing

But feeling a little better.

I slept. Boy, did I sleep!! Didn't wake in the night at all. This morning the alarm went off at the usual time, I woke, turned it off, and promptly went back to sleep. I woke again and half-past-seven. Which, considering I needed to shower, dress, breakfast, and get to work (an hour away) by eight, was a little inconvenient!!

So I was late for work.

They were surprisingly understanding. Probably because I sounded as though I was at death's door - or at least like somebody who'd been smoking 60-a-day, unfiltered, for about a century. I think they were just glad I'd gone in at all.

I feel quite a bit better tonight. Still coughing, but shorter bouts with longer breaks between. And my lungs don't feel quite as sore. I am so grateful for the existence of Benylin original!!


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Cough, Cough

Only a small update for you tonight folks as I'm feeling like crap. I've a cough that would give granite a headache and my lungs feel as though they've been sandpapered.

Probably as a result of spending 9.5 hours in a tin-can, twice, with a bunch of strangers, all hacking their lungs out.

I can barely keep my eyes open, I'm sure I dozed off in the first half of this football game that I'm (theoretically) watching...

I'll try & get a good night's sleep and have more for you tomorrow


Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday Ramble from Joan

Ramble night...

Authors and Editors
"Jubal," Anne said worriedly, "is your stomach upset?"


"That one's for the file too?"

"That's for the New Yorker. Their usual pen name."

"They'll bounce it."

"They'll buy it. It's morbid, the'll buy it."

"And besides, there's something wrong with the scansion."

"Of course there is! You have to give an editor something to change, or he gets frustrated. After he pees in it himself, he likes the flavor much better, so he buys it."

—Robert Anson Heinlein, A Stranger in a Strange Land
I love it when real-life authors write about fictional authors, like in Jae's excellent Second Nature. I can't help but feel that some real experience spills over into the story. But what do we have here? Let's get back in time for a spree.

-- RAH's novel was published in 1961, and he had been forced to cut back the word count from about 220,000 to about 160,000. Could he have refused? Certainly, but then this brilliant novel would probably not have been published at all. You see, RAH has long been dubbed a "Science Fiction" writer, a category that was received to be at the lowest end of literature, if literature at all. ("Wham! With a smile, Buck Rogers blew the smoke from his Universal Disintegrator and warily surveyed the remains of the extraterrestial intruder.") Only few people seemed to notice that, while investigating tomorrow's science as part of the deal, RAH always concentrated on the the social impact of that science. To him SF probably translated as Social Fiction.

Imagine his frustration when he had to shorten this novel by such an amount. Of course, it was simply too long, wasn't it? Could have done nothing to do with the fact the he was challenging commerce, certain aspects of capitalism, government and human sexual behaviour, could it now?

Fast forward. Today, lesbian fiction seems to emerge from the bottoms just as SF was about to then. It's still on the fringe (classics like Jane Rule's Desert of the Heart aside), but there are publishers who will judge your writing solely on the merit of your text, not accepability of the ideas expressed. See for one shiny example, and no, I am not getting payed for mentioning them here.

Mind you, it's not a song and a dance with them. Their editors will work you to exhaustion, shivers and desparation -- not to make you conform, but to get the very best you can deliver out of you.

So, Ladies, keep on writing. If you want to undergo the struggle with publishing, I whish you luck and endurance. If you just want to entertain yourselves and your friends, have fun. But keep at it.

Best, Joan
Please take the time and thank Joan for coming by and sharing some words. Always good.

Enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, February 22, 2015

Oscar Night

I haven't watched the Academy Awards in a long time. Even though I'm haven't seen all of the movies being showcased I decided to sit down with Cal and watch it in real time using our digital antenna. We have to deal with the digital drop outs every now and then. I'll take those over the cost of cable any day.

It's definitely weird watching a show with real commercial breaks. Thank goodness for my ability to the Oscars, read, watch the Oscars, play a game on my tablet.


Saturday, February 21, 2015

End of Vacation

A nice easy day today. Everyone but I headed off to a movie and I spent the day uploading pictures from our trip to the beach. Tomorrow a day of chores and taking T's mom to the airport as she heads back home to Oklahoma and vacation officially ends for us all. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and may the week bring Joy to y'all.

Tamara asked that I post this link to help raise funds for season two of Nicki & Nora: Nikki & Nora Season 2 crowd funding at Indigogo.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, February 20, 2015

49 and Counting

I haven't had a birthday at work in quite some time since it always fell during mid winter break. My new school district's mid winter break ends after Tuesday. I took Wednesday off due to vacation but headed back to work yesterday. This meant that I had to suffer through many birthday wishes at school. It surprisingly wasn't too bad.

I, along with a co-worker, brought some fruit to give everyone something to eat while we celebrated the two birthdays that happened this week. This let our gluten free and diet kids eat all they wanted without any worries.

All of the kids were super sweet and interested in what I was going to do for my birthday. I don't think they quite understand that when you're older you don't really go all out for your birthday.

I went out to dinner for pizza with the family. Then we headed to Third Place Books because it was nearby. Home after that to get this update done but not before being surprised by homemade German Chocolate cake. No bakery has ever made a German Chocolate cake that passes muster so this was a very nice surprise.

Now I'm looking forward to hitting the hay and sleeping in tomorrow.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Vacation Ending

Tomorrow wraps up vacation for me. Tamara had to head back today and she even has to work on her birthday which is tomorrow.

We had a good time at the beach and will look forward to it again.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Shrove Tuesday

Pancake day!!

And I've eaten too much.

As always.

Not quite as much as usual for you tonight I'm afraid, I've been having intermittent connection issues.


Monday, February 16, 2015

Holiday Monday

In the USA today is the federal holiday of President's Day. We are still at the beach for another full day. And the excitement of getting to the rainforest lies ahead for us all. Today was another wonderful day of sunshine and ease at the beach. A full family affair for sure.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Washington Coast

Vacation is moving along nicely. We all slept in today. Took a nice long walk on the beach in the morning then had a lunch of grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. We managed to get in a drive to the tiny town of Pacific Beach where we looked in a few gift/junk shops. Then before dinner the kids and I and one of the grandmas walked a different trail to the beach.

Now we've finished dinner and after this update we'll play some cards. More relaxing planned for tomorrow.


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentines Day

We spent the day driving to Seabrook. We are here and looking forward to hitting the beach tomorrow. Settling in and hoping to sleep well and late. Also Doggie did well on the drive (usually gets sick) and that is a plus.

We'll keep you updated. Happy Happy y'all.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, February 13, 2015


Sorry the update is late. Must pack for tomorrow. I'll let you get to reading.


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Vacation Time

One more day and then one full lovely week off. Something to look forward to for sure. On top of the actual time off we will be at one of my absolutely favorite places on the planet (mind you, I don't travel much). But the Washington coast is oh so great. Having very few people around (it's the off season) makes it even better.

May you all have a great weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Chocs and Over-Priced Roses Ahoy

This coming weekend is Lupercalia - beware of goatskins!!

It's also that over-hyped, commercialised, guilt-inducing, sickly sentimental, rose-butchering, St. Valentine's Day rubbish.

If you're the sort who loves the day, loves getting cards, etc. Have a great day and I hope you get everything you desire.

If, (like me), you're about as romantic as a slap in the face with a wet kipper join me in a session of "bah, humbug" and pray not to get any cards.

Have a good weekend whichever it is. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February Already??

Loads of updates for you. Can't think of anything to ramble about.

Except politics. And I'm pretty sure you don't really care about my opinions on the upcoming British elections and the sudden desperate scrambles by the various parties to make themselves electable...

It's February already. How did it get to be February already... Come to think of it - how did it get to be 2015 already. I'll swear it was the turn of the millennium only a little while ago...

It's been bitterly cold lately. I want it to be spring.


Monday, February 09, 2015

Vacation Preparations

My day was filled with the usual routine. I've got things I need to get done this week before mom arrives.

Our bathroom needs a good scrubbing and the open areas could use some vacuuming. Both Cal and little e got their rooms tidied. E and I also need to do a little pre-vacation shopping.

The kids at school are gearing up for a four day weekend. I'm taking one more day off and must get my sub notes updated for the new semester classes. Other than that, I won't have much to do much to prepare the sub for my school day. Kind of a nice change from previous years.

I'm ready to relax by the ocean, play some games with the family, walk the dog on the beach and read, read, read.


Sunday, February 08, 2015

End of Weekend

The sun came out today. The rain held off until tonight. Hopefully we can have a beautiful day like today this coming up weekend while at the beach. Usually a little windy, rainy and fewer sun breaks, so we will hope for more.

Full work week between now and than. Mine is filled for sure.

Few more updates to enjoy tonight. Have a great week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, February 07, 2015

Vacation Planning

We've started planning our trip to the ocean in a week. My mom arrives on Thursday. Saturday we'll head out for four days of fun in a lovely house with a hot tub and game room. Plenty of hiking on the beach, a trip to the Hoh Rainforest, and card and board games should make for a relaxing vacation.

Tonight's update is tiny. Let's hope for more tomorrow.


Friday, February 06, 2015

Finally Friday

One more full week of work and then one very needed full week of vacation. Tamara's mom arrives Thursday morning and we leave for the coast one week from tomorrow. Something totally to look forward to. Lists will get drawn up this weekend.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, February 05, 2015

Light Night

Kind of late with the update tonight. Looks like it's a good time to catch up on Ze's nights.


Wednesday, February 04, 2015


It's cold. I'm cold. We had snow. (Just a smidgen - nothing like the quantities that Scandinavia & the USA have suffered). Can it be spring soon please.

So much horror in the world right now - it's too much to dwell on.

Enjoy your updates - there's plenty to keep you busy for a big.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Ramble Time

And my plea was answered - we have a ramble.

    A scribingbard52

    As I sit here in my study, in my 350 year old cottage, looking across a timeless valley view, and just having celebrated 24 years with my lovely wee girl Suzy, I am musing over how time passes. Not in the form of a physics problem - or even from an astrological or horological point of view - but in terms of what we remember of those years as they pass... and why.

    My Veedub camper needs to be MOT’d next week, this is a legal responsibility here in UK and engraved upon my mind from the sheer terror of forgetting and the consequences thereof.

    My blood pressure annual check is due at the local surgery... I try hard to ignore this for as long as poss cos I am TOTALLY phobic about needles and blood tests.. But, sigh, eventually the Doc tracks me down... curses... darnit... busted!!! I must drag myself to the surgery.

    My memory of the day that my wee Suz came into my life is a fresh as the day it happened... I remember the weather, what we ate, and how beautiful she looked then - and still does today.

    Memories of my teaching days, and the children I still see in my minds eye. For example Ryan. We were deep into the genetics of the Drosophila fruit FLY that has no wings... and Ryan suggested that it should be called a WALK!!! I still smile at the wit of it and remember his 15 year old face clearly. He will now be in his late 40’s and I wonder how his life has been.

    Painful times also - we all have those. So why do we remember them? Surely so that we are not doomed to repeat the same mistakes again.

    Last evening we watched a programme about Auschwitz. It followed some of the survivors in their lives since then. Some chose to remain, understandably, in that time and to relive the dreadful events every day. One man described how he took even the smallest kindnesses and saved them as bright sparks in dark days and continues to do so, even now. Many spoke of nightmares and others of wonderfully serendipitous moments that led them to lifelong friends.

    One man who had tried to distance himself from the camps, decided to begin to tell his story because he said that ‘evil will flourish if good men do nothing’. A paraphrase of a famous quote but powerful none the less.

    The world must NEVER forget the horrors of the Concentration Camps or the ‘Final solution’ of the Nazis. Never can those times be consigned to archives.

    So our memories are sometimes precious, sometimes terrible, often salutary and always a learning experience.

    We have them for a reason.

Thanks scribingbard52 - you're a star


Monday, February 02, 2015

No More Fireworks

Things in the city can try and get back to normal. Our rain has returned. It seems only fitting that today was mostly gray and rainy. The team did well yesterday but not as well as New England. There is always next year. I am sick of everything being blue and green and all the craziness of folks in the city as well. Back to average we go.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, February 01, 2015

American Football

It's Super Bowl Sunday here in the US and we're managing to mostly ignore it. I've been checking my Twitter feed occasionally to check on the score. I'm sure we'll hear a few fireworks if the Seahawks score.

Our day has been mellow. I went through the piles of paper on my desk. Found a form I should have mailed in December. Popped it in the mailbox today at the grocery store. Ah well...better late than never I guess.

Our evening will be full of relaxing and getting our stuff rounded up for work and school on Monday. Others will be spending their evening either feeling crushed or jubilant.
