Thursday, January 31, 2013

3 Day weekend

Time off with Tamara tomorrow. No huge plans. Some basic chores and perhaps a visit to the storage space. In the end time off with her is something I look forward to and hope for much more in the future.

Anyone notice how small these updates are getting? Hence got other sites we should visit? Let us know.

Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Sun Has Got His Hat On


What a beautiful day. The rain stopped. The sun came out. It was a glorious, crisp, winter's day.

The river has broken its banks again of course, but the variety of water-fowl you could see paddling round the flooded fields was amazing. And the heron that flew over my head - so close if I'd been quick enough I could have reached up and caught it - amazing.

Somehow when the sun is out the world seems a so much better place.

Forecast for tomorrow is sunshine, too.

Not a lot for you tonight. Doesn't anybody post to proper websites any more?? Is the world of Femslash Fanfiction now confined to blogging sites and those load-it-yourself archives (which are rather difficult to report of, in the main)?? I know the demise or Geocities, AOL Hometown, and Fortunecity took a lot of good sites away. Especially AOL which went without warning - not a very good way to treat your customers. And that possibly made people wary of setting sites up with any other free webspace provider, but there are still some reliable places.

If any of you know of any really good - reasonably regularly updated - femslash websites (that aren't fanfic dot net types) that we don't cover but should - drop us a line, please.

It's late. I've been having a group discussion with a bunch of acquaintances while I've been updating, and I've just been Godwined!! So I'm packing it in. *g*. I'm for bed. See you next week.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

More in Sorrow Than in Anger

I forgot to wish our Australian readers a Happy Australia Day for Saturday, when I posted last week - hope you all had a good one - and that none of you are caught in any of the floods or wildfires.

It was Holocaust Memorial Day on Sunday. Many of my friends and acquaintances on various groups posted notes about it - mostly saying "Never Forget".

They're right - we must never forget the systematic extermination of groups of people, the genocide, the starvation. At least 6 million Jews, about a half a million gay men, around three-quarters of a million gypsies, and unknown quantity of lesbians ( they were marked with the same black triangle as prostitutes and other sex-workers, and no separate count was kept). Twenty million Soviet citizens.

But you know what?? Remembering is not enough.

If you want to ensure that no group, country, faction ever commits genocide again, if you want to make sure no-one is ever imprisoned, beaten, raped, tortured, or killed because of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, political belief, then you need to act as well as remember.

Because remembering not enough.

It was not enough in Cambodia. It was not enough in Bosnia.

It is not enough - right now - in Syria, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Gaza, Central Africa, South Asia, South America.

It is not so very far away from not being enough in central Europe, the USA, the UK.

Wherever you make someone "the other", less-than-you, not equal because different, you open the door just a fraction. It doesn't take much for a bunch of thugs disguised as a genuine political movement to force that door all the way open and unleash the horror upon us.

Never Forget. But never take freedom for granted.


Monday, January 28, 2013

Keep sending those good thoughts....

E succumbed to the cold. She has it a bit worse than I did. Maybe since she has it worse it won't drag on as long as mine did. Yeah, a hard hitting and fast exiting cold...that's the ticket.

Enjoy those updates!


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Farewell, excessive shall not be missed!

My annoying cold is finally on its way out. Yippee! It's so nice to be producing normal amounts of mucous. I'm sad to say E may be getting it now. Send her good thoughts for it being merely annoying rather than a kick-you-in-the-pants level cold.

I took the kids to see Les Miserables yesterday afternoon. Cal got a little bored. I was glad the theater wasn't crowded because it allowed him to stretch out across two seats for part of the movie. He said he liked it, however. I warned Little e to be prepared to cry. I think she was a little surprised at first but as the movie got going she found out I was right.

I thought it was very well done..lots of high drama, beautiful music and a moving story. Now I'll let you get to your tiny update.


Saturday, January 26, 2013


My beautiful rain has returned. Now it feels like a typical Seattle winter. Rain, rain and gray skies with clearing for a couple of hours a day. This feels normal to me...mild temps and rain with some sun breaks.

So other than the weather not much in our land beyond a nice calm day. T took the two youngest kids to the movies. I stayed home and puttered about. I am sure she will give you the run down tomorrow.

Enjoy your updates and if we skip or don't check a favorite site of yours, please let us know. It seems fewer and fewer folks are out there writing freely for the web.

Enjoy the updates and have a splendid weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, January 25, 2013


I'm way too tired tonight considering I only had a four day work week. Perhaps that's due to the annoying cold I've been dealing with. I'm ready for it to be gone.

We have another four day week next week but with a Friday off rather than a Monday. Cal's week consists of half days. He really likes it when conferences roll around.

Thank goodness we had more than two stories for y'all tonight. I'll let you get to reading.


Thursday, January 24, 2013

Late Evening

Off with the kids events tonight, hence little late. Not much to report, if find we are missing something let us know.

Until then, enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

In the Lane Snow is Glistening

It's Burns Night on Friday - to those of our readers who are Scots or of Scottish extraction - have a good one.

It carried on snowing last night, and was still snowing when I left for work. I swept the path rather than shovelled as the snow was still quite loose. It snowed most of the day. The buses were running - mostly - but the timetables were shot. North Devon was worst affected. The moors were horrendous. The link road treacherous for drivers. East Devon was badly hit, too.

The weather was quite strange in Devon today. Heavy snow, settling on the ground, up in our area, but none at all in the city centre.

In Exminster (a village just outside Exeter) fairly steady snow, but not too thick on the ground. In Dawlish, a small coastal town 8 miles away from Exminster, the roads were treacherous and nearly impassable with thick drifts. In Starcross, a village on the same road, midway between those two - not a flake of snow to be seen.

Haldon & Telegraph hills were both almost at a standstill, heavy snow making driving a nightmare. But Newton Abbot on the other side had no snow at all.

And Plymouth had hail.


They reckon it will thaw tomorrow - and they're predicting floods from the run-off. Great.

Some schools were closed. And yes - little Barbara was dead chuffed by the snow. And I did call round. And we did have a snowball fight. I was careful not to throw too hard - but oh boy, if the England Women's cricket team are in need of a bodyline bowler young Barbara has a future in the squad!! Even my bruises have bruises of their own.

I had a whale of a time!! *g*

See you next week, stay safe. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Snow, I Long to Clear a Path and Lift a Spade of Snow.

Actually I don't long for any such thing, (that's just a line of a song in the movie White Christmas) - but I'm going to have to do exactly that if I intend trying to get to work tomorrow. Unless we have a sudden thaw overnight. It's been snowing steadily, and heavily, for the last 7 hours. Nice big fluffy white flakes - coming down in their thousands.

It's very pretty - but oh it's such a pain to try to get to work in it. Please let the buses be running tomorrow!!

I'll bet that if I do manage to get to work - and I stop off to see little Barbara, that she'll be loving this. It doesn't snow much in this part of England, so for the kiddies it's a treat. Hmm... snowball fight after work??


Monday, January 21, 2013


Mark your calendars for this Thursday, January 24....
Back on the Couch - Tellofilms and "Gay Street Therapy"
After a brief hiatus at the end of 2012, Christin Mell and returns for another installment in a bimonthly series. This time we'll be focusing on the new webseries "Gay Street Therapy", which officially launched just one week ago. "Gay Street Therapy" is a completely unscripted comedy series starring Brandy Howard and Julie Goldman as two women providing hilarious, sometimes good sometimes not so great advice to lesbians about life and love. They're not Ann Landers, okay? Brandy and Julie, who previously collaborated on 2010's "Julie and Brandy: In Your Box Office", will be bringing their couch to F4F as well as they join Christin in discussing tellofilms' first big launch of 2013. We will also be taking a few minutes to talk about the recently-announced merger of tellofilms with OneMoreLesbian and what this means for all of us. And perhaps Christin and Brandy will have a few words to say about "Cowgirl Up: Season 2" as well.


Tiny update tonight sadly. I bet Ze has a lot more for you tomorrow.


Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday Evening

Weekend is extended for many of us in the USA as we celebrate Martin Luther King Day. This gives many of us and extra day. So tomorrow I will once again sleep in and enjoy relaxation, here is hoping many of you can do the same. May the day hold Joy for all.

Enjoy these few updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, January 19, 2013

More to Read

Hooray! We've got a much better update for you tonight.


Friday, January 18, 2013

Long Weekend

For us Martin Luther King Day on Monday is a holiday, so a 3 day weekend awaits us. I look forward to it a lot. I still have my job, however we were once again reminded today that another 100 lay offs will be announced between now and Feb 20. So what that means for the future is anyone's guess at this point. I am sick of this shit. It started in November and they need to get it over and done with. All my emails about low morale and steps they are trying to take to improve it. I have a step...stop laying people off unless they are in management since they are the ones that need to go.

Okay done ranting about work. Back to your updates enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cold and flu season is upon us....

Feeling puny tonight. I'll let you get to reading.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Not a lot for you tonight I'm afraid. At least there was plenty yesterday.

I feel worse, going to work in this cold weather probably wasn't the smartest thing to do. But I wouldn't be me if I did the sensible thing, would I?? I'm really not up to writing much. I'm off to bed as soon as I finish this.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bleh, Sniffle, Cough.

First - Caroline who sent an email wishing us all Happy New Year - thank you. I have been trying to reply but my email gets bounced back to me. Apparently my ISP routes through servers in the Netherlands that are also used by spammers, so your email has decided that everybody using those servers must be a spammer and is rejecting all traffic.. (Talk about sledgehammer/nut).

Next. No wonder I was grumpy last week, I was getting ready to be sick. Which is very annoying because I don't get sick. Injured, yes - but not sick. Except I am.

Oh it's not serious. It's only a head cold. But at the moment I'm in that alternatively sweating & shivering, sore throat, and I need another 6 boxes of tissues please, stage. And I can't afford to take any more time off work or I'm never going to be able to save enough for a trip to the USA!!

So I'm going to be really generous and go to work tomorrow and share my germs with everybody. Especially the plasterer. Who's a miserable git. Actually - I think he's the one that gave me the cold in the first place - he was sneezing for England last week.

At least it's stopped raining.


Monday, January 14, 2013


Another cold day here in the pacific northwest. I think they are forecasting a slight warm up throughout the week. No precipitation, which is nice. Just cold clear days and even those will be ending soon as we will slip back to our basics 40's with our usual drizzly rain.

Back to your updates, enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, January 13, 2013


Winter has finally hit here in Shoreline. Our night time temps in the teens mean we're getting some nice frost on everything. Will we get snow? So far it's not in the forecast but that can change. I know kids in the area will be hoping for snow every night when they go to bed.

Our weekend ends with a nice sized update. Enjoy 'em!


Saturday, January 12, 2013

Another Saturday Night

Words are mine tonight. So why is it so hard to think of something to say? Do you have something to share? Feel free to pass it along.

Until then enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


  • The Apology by Lora (GirlSlash).

    Grey's Anatomy
  • So Cold by A. Windsor (Callie_Arizona).

Friday, January 11, 2013


I'm officially pooped. The kids were all good this week at school even with it being their first full week back after break. Our weather is starting to turn colder and I'm having to be creative with my student's break times. He works best when he gets to move around a bit so today we ran some laps. It's been a looong time since I've run laps. I think we'll work it into our routine several times during the week though. He loves to run and it's good for me. I fully expect to be pooped more often as a result.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

End of Week

Today brought more rain and even a few snow flakes. But as night approached cold and dry was all about. Hopefully when I get up in the morning the roads will still be dry and not icy.

Friday means the weekend is here and I am happy about that.

Please enjoy your updates and consider sending us a ramble, it would be appreciated!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, January 09, 2013

What a Difference a Day Makes.

Twenty-four little hours
Brought the sun and the flowers
Where there used to be rain

Bet you're singing that now, aren't you?? *g*

It's appropriate - today's weather couldn't have been more different. It was sunny, clear, blue sky, and no rain!! Still unseasonably mild but forecast is for colder weather coming in. It's supposed to be raining again tomorrow but for today at least it was good.

Remarkable how a sunny day can cheer you up.

Plus the official word from Creation Entertainment is that there will be a Xena Convention in 2014, so this weekend's shindig won't be the last.

So I'm (almost) back to my usual (moderately) cheerful self. *g*.

Now if I could just find the author of the story I'm currently reading, and persuade her that her heroine is not (unless she's forcing the Magna Carta onto King John) pulling back on the reigns. Then my day would be complete.

Enjoy your updates, see you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Post-Christmas Blues

This weekend just gone was Christmas for the Orthodox churches, (Russian, Greek, Armenian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Ethiopian, etc.). I hope our Orthodox readers had a good feast.

Feeling grumpy tonight. Government just slammed the (working) poor and helped out the rich - again. Don't want to bore you all with UK politics but the old joke about "poly" means "many" and "ticks" means blood-sucking parasite never felt more like the truth.

I guess it doesn't help my mood that Christmas is over. The tree came down on Sunday (Epiphany) as usual. And the post-Christmas letdown is coupled with some very dark, very grey, miserable days.

And the Xena Con is coming up - and it's probably going to be the last one ever - and I couldn't afford to go - even though I've been cleared to fly now - because I ran through my savings while I was injured a couple of months ago.

So I'm decidedly grumpy.

Yah. Boo. Sucks.


Monday, January 07, 2013


I was good tonight and shut my computer down early. Then around 7:30 I had to boot it up again because I forgot to do the freakin' update. I'm definitely getting forgetful in my old age.

Enjoy the updates!


Sunday, January 06, 2013

Sunday already....

The new work week starts tomorrow. Kids return and chaos begins. Here is hoping y'all have a great week. Enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, January 05, 2013


Mark your calendars for next Thursday, January 10th....
Modern Lesbian Subtext 101
F4F Radio rings in the new year with a discussion of lesbian subtext in modern television - a topic I’ve wanted to discuss since before the start of 2012! Before the late 1990s, when fandoms began popping up with canon lesbian pairings on shows like “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, “Xena: Warrior Princess”, “Once and Again” and “Babylon 5”, gay characters typically lacked a screen presence beyond the “very special episode”. Today, more network and cable programs seem to be recognizing the appeal of lesbian and bisexual women on the small screen. Yet for every canon lesbian couple with a fan following, it seems like there are many more pairings based on subtext. Sometimes, it even seems like these are MORE popular. As gay and straight audiences, rightly or wrongly, perceive subtext more and more on their TV, we begin to ponder questions like, how much subtext is REALLY there? Are shows intentionally using subtext to pull in lesbian audiences without actually giving them maintext? Can fan followings of subtext couples potentially shift storylines in a maintext direction? We’ll be discussing these kinds of questions in a general context, but we’ll also focus on 4 shows in particular – “Rizzoli & Isles”, “Once Upon a Time”, “The Good Wife”, and “Warehouse 13”. I’ll be joined by a panel of three past guests who between them have written memorable femslash fanfic for all four programs – Adm_Hawthorne, Heartsways, and Sweetjamielee. That’s a lineup you can’t miss!


It's been a while since we've had a new show from Allaine and crew. Here's to a new year of Femslash4Fans shows.


Friday, January 04, 2013


Tonight JL Nicky has come by with some words.
Recruiting time...just an update for those of you who love to read.

Facebook group Lesbian Speculative Fiction Global

If you are interested in hearing the latest news about speculative fiction from some of the best lesbian authors and fans come check out this wonderful FB group. We welcome all members to post or read news about our favorite science fiction, fantasy, horror, paranormal, shift changing stories and more, that have lesbian female leading roles or lesbian characters, covering topics that include magic, space, alternate universe, apocalyptic, physic abilities, tele-whatever skills, fanfic/ubers, new releases, reviews, and much much more.

Looking forward to seeing everyone. Share the word.


There you go something to check out and enjoy! Now back to the basics, enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, January 03, 2013


Good news for all you aspiring writers....
It’s always sad when a publishing company decides to close up shop. Sadly, we’ve lost two lesfic publishers this year.

Today was to be the last day for our open submissions for our Nuance imprint, but then we started receiving queries and submissions from authors whose works have been recently orphaned by PD Publishing closing its doors.

We’ve decided to retool our submission guidelines a bit and to keep open our call for submissions open. As always, we’re interested in previously published books, as well as unpublished manuscripts.

f your book has been previously published and you want to re-publish it, we’ve made the first step simple for you. All you have to do is send a query to Tell us a bit about your book(s) and yourself.

If one of our staff, authors, or close associates has unmercifully twisted your arm (and bribed you with all kinds of sparkly and decadent things) and otherwise enticed you into submitting your previously published or unpublished book to us. Again, send a query to and don’t forget to mention who did the arm twisting.

To read the the blog in it's has the rest of the submission guidelines... please follow this link:


Have a Prosperous and safe New Year!

Enjoy the updates!


Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Post-Christmas Bleh.

LiveJournal's back - sort of. It's loading very, very slowly. And not every page loads. But I managed to get at least some updates for you all.

If you click one of the links don't worry if it seems to take forever to load - it will eventually. And if you get a pale blue strip across the top of the page, with something in Russian written there - it's just LJ apologising, saying that pages might load slowly, an that they're working on the problem.

Maybe LJ's just having a post-Christmas, nor-ready-for-work, bleh moment.

I'm feeling that way myself. It's that Christmas is over feeling, kind of down, and I ate too much rich food, changed my sleep patterns, got used to doing different things. Now I have to go back to getting up early, catching the bus for work in the dark, getting back to eating healthily, etc. And I don't wanna!! I want it to still be Christmas. lol

Ah well - at least the tree is up for a few more days - comes down on 12th night. Then the room will look huge and empty again for a bit. And in a couple of weeks I'll be totally back to my usual routines and Christmas will be a dim memory.

Enjoy your updates. See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Year

Happy New Year to all who celebrate this day as the new year.

I'm glad there was so much for you to read yesterday - because there's going to be sweet FA for you today.

Livejournal has been down for most of the UK (one of two people can get in but they're the lucky few) for two days - I can't access any of my usual sites.

So I'm limited to those few sites that are not on LJ.

If you can think of a femslash site that we aren't reporting - take a look at our grunts' list first - and that isn't a user-upload site like, FictionPress, etc. - and you think we should be - please let us know.
