Monday, November 30, 2015

Back to the Grind

It was a good Monday back after four days off for the kids. We didn't have any huge meltdowns. Tomorrow may be a different story....


Sunday, November 29, 2015

Sunday Dinner

We had our turkey meal today with kids and family. In my opinion we did another splendid job. Leftovers have been split, dishes are done and guests have departed. We are into our easy evening preparing for another full work week.

Hope you all have a great work week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, November 28, 2015

Countdown to Turkey

I do believe we're ready for our time-shifted Thanksgiving meal tomorrow. E made her pumpkin pie. I made a coconut cream pie. Green jell-o salad is made.

I need to finish my dressing tonight so we can shove some of it in that turkey that'll be going in the oven in the morning.

We also made it to Costco, which was surprisingly not busy. I guess everyone is at the mall. We picked up our Christmas cards and I got my brother and his girlfriend their yearly smoked salmon.

All in all a productive day. Looking forward to eating turkey and dressing tomorrow.


Friday, November 27, 2015

Cold Friday

Had to work today, but I got home nice and early. Was an easy commute though as all those folks were off sleeping or shopping. First time in a really long time that I got to go the speed limit to and from work. That was really nice. Made my commute lass than 15 minutes...wish every day was like that. My averages are around 45 minutes so it certainly made a wonderful difference.

Now we are home and Tamara is going for the online shopping adventure to make decent headway for Christmas and the kids. She seems to be doing really well and saving some money, another cool thing.

We will make a grocery list and get to the store tomorrow to start baking and getting our Sunday turkey feast started.

Enjoy your updates. I sure hope everyone has a great weekend wherever you are.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, November 26, 2015


Today was turkey day for the US. E and I had a regular old Thursday off work. Little e is at her other house so we're time shifting Thanksgiving again this year and having it on Sunday.

What did we do today since we didn't have to spend it cooking? I inventoried our Christmas gifts. The living room has been vacuumed and the floors have been swept.

I also spent a little quality time with an allergy attack. One actifed and an hour nap knocked it out.

Then we went to see Grandma at The Crest. They have the best popcorn of any theater in town. Grandma was really good too.

Tomorrow I may go to work with E and do some cyber holiday shopping. I love long weekends.


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

On the Brink

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the USA, we wish all of our USAmerican readers who celebrate this a good feast.

For some US Citizens the day is nothing to be thankful about. We wish those a peaceful Thursday.

For the rest of us - start praying that the situation between Turkey and Russia doesn't get any worse. Because if it does we could find ourselves in the middle of World War III

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

And Another Site Goes

Tomorrow is the anniversary of the birth of Guru Nanak Dev Sahib - we wish all our Sikh readers a good celebration.

Had an email this week from the writer known as rebelrsr - writer of BtVS fanfic. She has closed her website down. Readers need not worry, however, as she will be posting all her existing fics, and any new ones, onto AO3. If you've been reading her most recent story (Forging Bonds) - just search on AO3 under her pen-name (rebelrsr) and you'll find it, and many others.

Mickey Minner is closing her site at the end of the year. She's already removed all her stories from the site but there are links to the RAOB where they continue to be hosted.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Slam Dunk

In the US it's a short work/school week for many. I will get Thursday off, however I chose to work (nice light easy day) on Friday. One day down, a long one awaits me tomorrow and yet with an easy Wed and off Thurs the week will be a slam dunk or so I hope.

Here is hoping wherever you are your week is going well.

Cold and a bit damp here but over all no snow and that is a good thing (not according to the kids).

Have a solid week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thanksgiving Break!

I'm ready for a short work week. The kids and I have Thursday and Friday off. Yay!


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Sunshine Saturday

Easy day for us. Other than part 1 of roof cleaning by Tamara I think the day was an easy one.
Have a great weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, November 20, 2015

It Has Begun

Sorry for the late update. We ran an errand at the mall. Now is not the time to go to a mall.

We're back now and I plan to avoid the mall all weekend. Hooray!


Thursday, November 19, 2015


Cooler day today, however the sun shined brightly making for a lovely day. I was not feeling to well, so I came home early and took a splendid nap. Then a nice sunny, dry walk with a very happy Beagle.

Here is hoping you get a chance to enjoy the weekend ahead.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, November 18, 2015


This week two separate attacks by terrorist scum took place in Nigeria. Today's bomb killed 11 people. Yesterday's killed 30.

I wish the media would give the same coverage to the dead of Africa as they do they dead of France. I wish there was as much outrage over the scum of Boko Haram as there is about the scum of Islamic State.

But more than anything else, I wish they didn't have to report on terrorist atrocities, or mass bombing/shooting/murder of innocents anywhere ever again.


Last week a reader mentioned wanting pics of the ferrets - I could have sworn I'd posted some but obviously not. To remedy that here's a link to a few pics for you. Arctic & Polar Polar (the boy) is bigger and slightly more creamy in colour. Arctic is smaller and whiter.

No, still no hoodie pics. *g* sorry.


Stay safe folks.

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Imagine All the People

Some evil scum set off bombs in Beirut and butchered 129 in Paris last week.

My heart breaks for the families of the slain.

The scum who do these things claim to be religious, claim to follow a faith. They are not and do not. They are merely murdering scum.

Please don't do what they want. Please don't refuse the refugees a safe haven. Please don't attack peaceful Muslims. Please don't hate the innocent because of the actions of the guilty.

The scum want you to do those things. They want to create divisions amongst us. They want you to make Muslims feel threatened, unwelcome, persecuted, attacked, unsafe. Because if you do that and they feel that then the choice those peaceful Muslims will be forced into is... be productive citizens in western countries where they are hated, reviled, denied full rights... or leave and submit to the scum.

The scum don't need to actively recruit new fighters. The west does it for them every time a young Muslim is reviled, attacked, made to feel unwelcome.

The refugees are not the scum - they are fleeing the scum. The scum kill more Muslims than they do anybody else. They set bombs, kill, destroy, oppress more Muslims in Muslim countries in a week than in all western countries in a decade.

Let your thoughts and hearts go out to the victims. But don't let the scum win.


Monday, November 16, 2015


We're set for a wet and cold week. The best thing about that is having the house warmed by our wood stove.

Unfortunately our wood is home to many hibernating wasps. We store spare wood in the other side of the fireplace. Every time the wood stove gets going and heats up the other side of the fireplace, we're treated to several drowsy wasps flying around the house.

I'm not sure our method of shooing them out the kitchen window is going to keep the drowsy wasps away for good.


Sunday, November 15, 2015

Quiet Sunday

To all the families across the world struck by terrorism, we wish you well. May Peace find you soon.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, November 14, 2015

Rain Means Fall

Today E and I went to our best craft show of the season at the Saint Brendan School in Bothell. We're now out of the rain enjoying a nice, warm fire.

Enjoy the updates!


Friday, November 13, 2015

Happy for the Weekend

It's been a very long and difficult week. Here is hoping work will improve. We have a big craft fair tomorrow, other than that I think this weekend is about resting.

Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

Ready for Bed

I'm pooped. My sleep last night was interrupted by a dog who shall remain nameless. Tonight he's going to get his late night walk.


Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Armistice Day

Armistice Day. Along with half of the rest of the country I stopped for the two-minutes-silence at eleven o'clock. And wore my Flanders Poppy to work of course.

    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

    Age shall not weary them, nor the years contemn.

    At the going down of the sun and in the morning

    We will remember them.

The best way to honour them?? Stop adding to their numbers.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Ferrets in Da Hood

First - it's Diwali - we wish all our Hindu, Sikh, and Jain readers a good festival.

There was a time when fireworks were set off on Bonfire Night (Guy Fawkes Night) and only then. Now they're going off every night for around a month before, to two weeks after, that day. It's bloody annoying and it can't be much fun for all the birds, foxes, rodents, rabbits, cats, dogs, etc.

I wasn't prepared for the sudden explosions one night about three weeks before the 5th. If I'd been expecting them then the ferrets would have been tucked up safely in their hutch. As it was they were out in their playpen.

The bangs, hisses, and crackles didn't bother them in the slightest. But the fireworks that scream... oh boy. When ferrets are seriously hurt they scream. Mine have never been hurt so I've never heard that noise, but the fireworks must have sounded like a ferret scream to them because they went berserk.

Total panic.

I've never seen them scared like that. Not even when the cats got out and tried to jump on them. (Cats 0 - Ferrets 1. Ferrets have sharp teeth).

I leant over the side of the playpen to pick them up and pop them safely in their bed. I didn't get a chance. Arctic took off from a standing start and leapt into my arms. I often wear a hoodie with a sort of hand-warmer pouch on the front - not really a pocket, but she likes to crawl into it. Unfortunately I didn't have that one on that day. So she scrambled up my arm to my shoulder.

Whilst she was doing that Polar was clambering out of the pen. He's bigger than she is and heavier so he couldn't leap the way she had. I reached down and picked him up. He scrambled onto my arm and headed up towards Arctic.

As he was doing that, Arctic discovered the hood. She promptly wriggled into it and settled down. Another firework screamed. Polar jumped over my shoulder and fell into the hood. There was a bit of wriggling as they tussled and then it went still.

They'd settled down and gone to sleep.

In the hood of my sweatshirt.

So there I was, standing in the garden, night falling, with a pair of ferrets asleep in my hoodie. I couldn't take it off without hurting them. I couldn't reach into the hood to pick them out (since my motorcycle accident I can't reach back there). I was stuck.

Then Polar started snoring.

I couldn't help it - I just started laughing. Had the neighbours seen me they'd have thought I'd lost my marbles - standing in the garden, in the dark, laughing my head off.

Fortunately my cousin was home, and I had my mobile phone. A quick text message to say, "Help, ferrets in my hoodie, need help to get them out", brought her downstairs. She looked in the hood. "You would not believe how cute they look," she said. "Where's my camera??"

"Don't you f***ing dare." She didn't.

But she did lift them out for me so that I could put them to bed.

Little beggars didn't even wake up!!


Monday, November 09, 2015

Cloudy Rainy Days Continue

This was a rough Monday all around for me. Here is hoping your day was better.

We once again owe Ze thanks for the A03 pulls. Enjoy your update.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, November 08, 2015


The sun finally came out late today. Max was one happy dog.
