Thursday, March 31, 2011

Ramble from phair

Tonight I poked phair for a ramble about her announcement at her site that I thought was very intriguing, so here you go.
E very nicely offered me a chance to ramble about a new addition to my site. The section is for my next manuscript, Eternal Blue Sky. It is a work of about 15 thousand words so far. When it is done, it will be about 100 thousand. I've got a lot of work to do with it. But, I'm a writer…that is what I do.

So, why is this news worthy of a ramble?

I've created a space on my website just to house this project. It is called Build A Novel. True to the title, I will be building this story on line. My subscribers will get to watch it grow and change over the course of the coming months. Additions, subtractions, cross outs, and misspellings along with horrible grammatically errors will all be right there for the world to gape at.

This is either going to be an amazing on line experience of creativity or a virtual traffic accident which begs to be watched. Personally, I hope it is a little of both.

You can only view Build A Novel if you are a member of my website. Membership includes the Dirty Story of the Month Club and monthly on line chats with me. Total cost is $19 per year.

Oh sure, it would be great if I didn't need to charge anything but it would also be great if my mortgage company had a better sense of humor about me not paying them on a regular basis. This is not the case. Sadly, Snidely Whiplash still works in the banking industry and, apparently, he's the CEO.

So, to keep Snidely's lash of my back, the cost to subscribe is $19 for a new 12 month membership starting in 2011.

That price locks in, by the way. It will always be your subscription rate if you become a member in 2011. Just ask the 2010 members who have a locked in rate of $13 per year even if they don't renew immediately. That is their rate for as long as the site runs. Unlike cable companies which give better rates to newer members, I want my die hard fans to know how much I appreciate their support. You folks literally make the difference between the words getting written and the pages staying blank.


There you go, I say check it out. I'm a member are you? In the end supporting our writers is up to each of us. Tell her what you think.

Now enjoy your update!

Peace, Health and Happiness and please lets see if Japan can get a break.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I don't think you're using that word in quite the right way, folks.

The BBC News just announced that "President Obama has secretly authorised covert assistance to rebels seeking to overthrow Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi" and "He recently signed a secret document".

Secretly authorised and signed a secret document.

Can't be that bloody secret if it's all over the 10 o'clock news, now can it??

Thanks for all the birthday wishes. I will get round to responding to you all, honest. Had a pretty decent day. Got rained on this morning, dug post-holes, got filthy dirty. Fun. Came home, showered & then went out for dinner with my cousin and a couple of friends. We went to the tapas bar. I didn't spill anything, break anything, or drop anything. I didn't knock the waitress over, or cause her to drop anything. No food went into orbit. I reckon that counts as a pretty successful meal.

Then we went to the film club to watch an art-house type movie called Room in Rome. It was best described as "weird". I have had plenty of casual encounters but none like this. And I think if I ever did have one like this I'd be tempted to check myself into a padded room at Colney Hatch, not a hotel room in Rome!!

Got lots of nice pressies, too. Stuff from both my sisters, and my nephew, and my cousin. Though my (remaining) brother forgot it was my birthday - again.

I guess sharing a birthday (although ten years apart) is one of the reasons I'm close to my cousin. After all, when you've babysat someone and read them your equivalent to a bedtime story, for several years, (Rudyard Kipling poems - I think she still likes to listen to Gunga Din!!), when you did a bit of growing up in the same house, you share a birthday, you have the same taste in tv & films (mostly) and she's smart enough to support the same football team, you kind of wind up as best mates.

It's a good life.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Busy weekend

But first. Elisa - aw mate - did you have to... Thanks for the good wishes though. The kid says thanks, too.

Right, yeah, busy weekend. Protest march in London last Saturday, against the swingeing cuts our present government is making in public services (and the hatchet job it's about to do on our beloved NHS).. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. I've been on a few marches in my time. (Save the Whale; LGBT Pride; Anti-Trident; etc.) But this one?? This was phenomenal.

Firstly because it looks as if close to half-a-million people turned out. The largest I've been on until now was 200,000 on a CND anti-nukes march back in the Greenham Common days.

And secondly because of the mix of people. There were the sort of people you'd expect to find on this kind of march - young left-wingers, university students, and and working class trades union members - but there were also professionals, mothers with toddlers in push-chairs (baby buggies), middle-aged, middle-class, usually Tory-voting, W.I. members. There were urban working-class, rural middle-class. There were OAP's (senior citizens) and secondary-school kids (high-schoolers). And it was all good-natured and responsible and law-abiding. (Except for a handful of more radical activists who broke away from the main march & caused a bit of a dust-up in Oxford Street).

The only bad thing about the whole day was the singular lack of food choices in the motorway services (freeway rest area) on the way home. So I had to eat fat-filled, greasy, junk (Burger King "fries") and wound up getting coach-sick. (Coach = long-distance bus).

Then on Sunday I took advantage of the good weather and dug the allotment over, ready for the new season of veg growing. (Glad I did because the weather has turned cold & damp again and I don't fancy doing it this weekend).

I was glad to get back to work on Monday for a rest!!



Reminder to everyone please wish our favorite Grunt a Happy Birthday...

Ze looks forward to more of them I am sure...So I can be first...Ze (and her cousin Aries) I wish you both a spectacular day and may the years hold many more.

Happy Birthday Mates...

From our Hoelscher-Hodge household to yours!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ramble from UK

I'm wiped tonight and am especially pleased to present a ramble. Don't mind me, I'll be snoring in the corner while UK handles things.
Ramble – a set of keys...

With a smile you might make the day a bit brighter for those who catch sight of it, but a good heartfelt laugh will carry father, beyond the line of sight, around the corner and with an echo it might even carry on...

Laughter is the sound of joy and happiness, laughter is a catching tune, the music of life, and an instrument you always carry with you and one you do not need to tune! Laughter like music speaks to the soul through the ear.

The ear is a powerful organ and music is a key that can reach through the ear to memories locked away. A simple tune can bring back memories of your life... a group of friends, the first time..., the last ...

If you put together the tunes that caught your ear at the turning points in life - the good times and the bad - you have the soundtrack of your life! You can tune in any time you want. If it gets too heavy you can turn off the music for a while or you can play a different tune.

Music and laughter are powerful keys; one can set you off on a walk down memory lane, and with the other you can bring joy to those around you.

We carry this set of keys with us every day, wherever we go – why not use the keys? Keep in touch with the story of your life, play the tune that matches the memory of a joyful moment or just turn up the volume on the radio when it's played on air. Laugh with your partner, friends, co-workers or a fellow shopper – if it's not too weird - to share a fun and joyful moment. Maybe you can put a smile on someone's face today!

Yes - I know I'm rambling...and I might as well admit that "the soundtrack of my life" was really not an original thought of mine, but one put forward by "Bookish Butch".


Thanks, UK. I'm so out of it I had E give me a witty remark to put here..."Some days I want to throw the keys away." There you have it. I will now try to stay awake while playing Zooreeka with the kids. *yawn*

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Announcement Night

Nikki Dodgen has asked us to pass along some info that may be of interest to all you Melissa Good Fans.
My name is
I have the great honor of being allowed by Melissa Good to start the first Missy Good fan page on Facebook. At the Missy-Good-Fan-Page I am trying to grow our community of fans who enjoy Missy tales and who are looking for a place to discuss the stories. Also fellowship, fun, trivia and games are mixed into post generated throughout the week. Even Ms. Good adds two cents here and there with member questions or ponders.

This fan page is not a profit making scheme - I am admin'ing for pure pleasure and true fandom of Xena and Uber Xena alt/fiction. I have enjoyed these tales for many years like a secret indulgence often wishing to chat with others about the themes, content or possibilities but due to the type of story many friends laughed at the notion. At Missy Good Fan Page the forum is open for all kinds of discussion. Over 140 people already have joined - I think more will too if the word gets out about a place for fans. I hope you will
mention this page in a future blog so others can come and fellowship.

Again Thank you
Nikki Dodgen
Okay Nikki, I have mentioned it and I am sure many folks will check it out. Once again, a new Facebook page dedicated to Melissa Good. Enjoy!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, March 26, 2011


Another short update for y'all. Have at it.


Friday, March 25, 2011


Spring is in the air and I like it. Came home from work and spent an hour in the yard (at this rate weeds will get done in December). Hoping to get a bit more outdoor time this weekend. Need to create a nifty dessert and deliver it tomorrow afternoon when we get Tamara to her comic book store for the bi-weekly pick up.

Light update, perhaps you can catch up from the rest of the weeks worth. Enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

The usual....

Tomorrow is Friday and I'm happy about that. I'm not as ready for it as I was last week. I caught up on my lost hour of sleep. Things at school have gone well. We survived the full moon anyway. It seems like we have an uptick in fun stuff when the moon is full. The super moon was no exception.

Our plans for the weekend include a dessert delivery, comics pick up and discussion of possible chores for the kids to do each week. We're about to sync up and have all three kids on the same week. That's going to be weird. Part of our discussion will need to include ideas for equitable tv time. Duncan with his Xbox Live tends to be a hog. I foresee fun times ahead in the Hoelscher-Hodge household, don't you?


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Star has Gone

Hollywood lost one of its great, larger-than-life, characters today. And the world is a slightly dimmer place.

Dame Elizabeth Taylor died today aged 79.

I was never that keen on her as an actress, most of her movies weren't really my cup of tea, although I did love the line some film critic wrote about one of her less profitable over-the-top productions. "Cleopatra barged down the Nile and sank."

I did admire her for all that she did for AIDS awareness and AIDS victims though. She put herself on the line at a time when Hollywood - hell the USA - wanted to bury its head in the sand and pretend the world didn't exist. Dame Elizabeth stood up and made her voice - and the voices of people with AIDS - heard around the world. She did an amazing amount for AIDS charities, she was a good friend to the gay community when most people with her kind of fame acted as if gays were pariahs who should be removed from sight, if not from society.

She was flamboyant and totally outrageous, and she didn't give a monkey's what people thought about her, but maybe that's why so many gay boys loved her.

The gay community has lost a friend. The AIDS network has lost a champion. A bright light just went out. She will be missed.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring is Sprung, Der Grass is Riz

It's a quotation so the bad grammar is intentional. It continues I wonder where der boidies is. It's a bit of nonsense verse I learnt as a kid, it's called Spring in The Bronx. I had a whole book of nonsense poems like that. Stuff like "I eat my peas with honey, I've done it all my life, it makes the peas taste funny, but it keeps them on the knife" I think my favourite was I Wish I Was a Little Grub which went something like this

    I wish I was a little grub, with whiskers on my tummy,
    I'd crawl into a honey pot and make my tummy gummy.

See - now you know why I'm bonkers. Other kids had nursery rhymes, I had
    The chicken is a noble beast
    The cow is much forlorner
    Standing in the pouring rain
    A leg on every corner

But anyway, as I was saying - spring has arrived. And the weather has been beautiful this week. Warm & sunny. All the daffodils are in bloom in the woods and parks (just in time to be stolen for Mothering Sunday), and the forsythia in the garden is spectacular. The birds are singing their little lungs out. Or croaking them out if they're the sort that can't sing. And I got a contract for the new housing development. Six months work!!

It's great to be alive.


Monday, March 21, 2011


It's fun and we could use the send it on, because I obviously have nothing of value tonight.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

Back to It

We're back to work tomorrow and here's hoping everyone has caught up on that lost hour of sleep.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

A beautiful day in Shoreline....

The sun arrived and spent the day with us. I got up and cleaned off the roof and gutters, then the back porch. Finished off the day with some wood chopping and stacking. Now inside to rest and take ibuprofen for my very sore body. It really needs spring and summer to arrive to get out of its sluggish winter mode.

Here is hoping the day went well. Enjoy your updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, March 18, 2011

Day Off

Today the boys and I had the day off. I must admit I needed it. By Thursday the lost hour was catching up to me. Yes, I'm a wimp. It was also catching up to the kids at my school. I left Thursday sporting a fresh new bite. I'm hoping sleeping in Friday allowed everyone to catch up on their rest and Monday we'll be fresh as daisies.

What did we do today? Relaxed mostly. Cal went swimming with a friend. We had a lovely McDonald's lunch and the friend came home with us for an afternoon of play. Now he's got another friend spending the night. They're in the living room annoying Duncan as I type this. What can I say? It's the little brother's job.

I'm looking forward to getting them settled in bed with a movie. I will then settle myself in bed and watch an episode of Fringe.

Light update tonight...have at it.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Saint Patrick's Day

Still not Friday. Feels like it should be. Tamara and the boys are off tomorrow, but I must go in to work.

Okay, don't forget to high tail it over to and put your name in the hat for the free book...the deadline is tomorrow! What do you have to lose? Good fun can also be found at the forum enjoy!

Peace, Health and Happiness and extra sent to all those in the nightmare in Japan.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Book Giveaway

I was going to ramble tonight about something - but I can't for the life of me remember what. That's just another of those totally annoying memory glitches my poor, battered, brain throws up - in addition to my everyday short-term memory issues. It's a right royal pain. Ah well. All is not lost, we have a short message about a competition/draw type thing for a free copy of one of author Colette Moody's books

    What could be nicer than the arrival of Spring in the cold mid-western US? Winning an autographed book by a fantastically funny author, that's what!

    On the most recent episode of Cocktail Hour, Andy and I were lucky enough to have one of our favorite authors, Colette Moody, join us to talk about her work. She graciously offered to give away an autographed copy of any one of her books to one randomly selected winner. In order to enter, all you have to do is email me your answer to a trivia question from The Seduction of Moxie. You can get all the details you need, and even listen to the show, by going to our website All entries must be received by 11:59 CST March 18th.

    If you haven't heard of Cocktail Hour, I hope you'll take a moment to check us out. Every other week, we talk about femslash and/or published work. We generally focus on lesbian authors or books that contain lesbian or bi characters. And, true to our name, we feature a different cocktail each show. If you're interested in seeing more, you can visit our website or our forum. Oh! And we're on Facebook, too!

    Best of luck on winning the book!


Have a good Paddy's Day tomorrow. Please don't commit the sacrilege of drinking Guinness from the bottle - be proper about it, put it into a glass.

There you go. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Aye. Caesar, But Not Gone

It's the Ides of March. In case you were wondering. Every month has an Ides, actually. Not just March. It isn't always on the fifteenth, but it's usually around then. But right now it's March. So the Ides of March are come.

It's the subject of one of my favourite Xena episodes - and that up there is a line or two from a brilliant play. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, which I studied a school when I was 13.

Fortunately I had been introduced to, and fallen in love with, Shakey's works long before that, by my uncle who also loved Shakey's plays. This meant that school didn't have a chance to ruin it for me.

Unlike the Brontes. I still can't bear Jane Eyre. Or Orwell's Animal Farm.

I don't understand how that happens. How can a school subject permanently wreck your chances of ever appreciating a piece of fine literature?? The teacher was excellent, one of the few who didn't despise or patronise the scholarship kid from the slums. She taught me to love poetry. (I can still hear her voice every time I read Ozymandias). She was passionate about her subject. Loved literature.

The school was an excellent school. Yet something about the way English Lit was taught completely wrecked it.



Monday, March 14, 2011


I don't like the Spring forward part of Daylight Savings time. I had an easier time getting my kids up than I expected. I, however, did not get up easily. The kids at school also had a good day. Maybe our four day week will cushion the sluggishness for everyone. Yeah, I'll keep telling myself that.

Enjoy 'em.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Where did it go?

The weekend is over. I had a sick kiddo the entire time and was feeling a bit under the weather myself. Now it's back to work and not feeling well rested, but in the end we are much better off than so many.

I wish Peace, Health and may those affected by the earthquake find Joy soon again.

Big update thanks to P&P. Enjoy.


Saturday, March 12, 2011


Want to help with the relief effort in Japan? Here's a list of organizations that would put your donations to good use:

If you're in the US, a writer I like recommends donating to Operation USA. Their motto is "give and it gets there".


p.s. A big thank you to everyone who expressed their condolences. I have no doubt that right now Syl is laughing with my Aunt Betty and chewing out my Uncle Sylvester.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Saddened by the day. Our planet is not happy and it is letting us know. Wonder if reality will shine through...hope so. Today was yet another piece of destruction on top of rain in Australia, earlier earthquakes in Chile and New Zealand with all the other season related nightmares, the planet is screaming at us.

I can only feel lucky as so many have nothing. I send my best and once they start unraveling more of the nightmare I will send more in hopes it can help someone.

Until then today is yet another reminder to make sure to live your life fully.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, March 10, 2011


My cousin died today. Approximately a month ago she was diagnosed with stomach cancer. My mom said she'd been talking about having stomach pains for at least a year. I can't help thinking if she'd mentioned it to her doctor she might be alive today. If you're having a problem with recurring pain, please talk to your doctor. It might be nothing. But if it isn't nothing there are likely people out there who love you and who want you around for a good long time.

Love you, should have been with us for many more years.


Wednesday, March 09, 2011


And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be taxed... Well, maybe not all the world... A decree from Cameron that all the UK should be taxed... and very taxing it is too.

In other words the census forms have arrived. As soon as I saw ours was here I looked at the clock. Not yet 6pm (18.00hrs). I made a coffee and waited. Sure enough at one minute after six the phone rang. (Calls are cheaper after 6pm.) It was my sister. As I had expected. Also as expected, she was furious.


Ow. I held the phone at arms length to protect what's left of my hearing. I could still hear her quite clearly. I let her rant for a bit. When it went quiet I figured it was safe to put the phone to my ear again. "I take it you've seen the questions," I said.


Oops. Arms length again. Eventually (at almost ten to seven) she calmed down enough to talk at a volume below 100 decibels.

My sister has been living in her own home and completing the ten-yearly census forms since at least 1981 and every single census year she rages about the form, government intrusiveness, "Big Brother", and "why do they need to know that - all they need is name, gender and age!!". Each time the forms have become more detailed, ask more questions, and generally raise the hackles of half the civil liberties groups in the country and bring her to explosion point. Each time she refuses to fill out some sections and each time she argues with the census taker and is threatened with prison. (It's a criminal offence to refuse to fill out all or part of the form).

People who don't know our family well think that she - a respectable, well-spoken, chartered accountant, mother, and charity volunteer would be the amenable type and I, the foul-mouthed, left-wing, motorcycle-riding, adrenaline junkie, would be the rebel. They'd be wrong. Being good little, obedient citizens, my cousin and I have always filled out our forms with nothing more than a quiet grumble.

This year, however, my sister has a point. The form asks some very pointed and totally unnecessary questions, which (although the information is supposed to remain secret for 100 years) look very much as if they're part of our current government's war on the welfare state. Not to mention the fact that they aren't being analysed by the civil service. This year they're being handle by Lockheed - a US American arms dealer (another of my sister's trigger points). The USA is not legally bound by UK data protection laws. If they chose they could data-mine for commercial purposes to their heart's (and bank-balance's) content and we could do nothing. In fact - given the draconian measures contained in the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Act - the US government could require Lockheed to break the confidentiality seals and hand over every bit of information - no matter what their contract with the UK states, and all Cameron could do is express his displeasure.

Not good. I might even join my sister in her protest this year. Or I might just fill out the sections on "ethnic origin" as half black, half Chinese, even though I don't have a single drop of Chinese, Black, Asian or anything other that Anglo-Saxon and Celtic blood. (UK law states that nobody can decide your ethnicity but you. If you say you are black then nobody can question it; equally if you say you're white - even if you're obviously African, Black British or Asian - then you're officially white.)

Or I might put my religion down as "Jedi". We'll see.

Enjoy your updates. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Pancake Day Again!!

It's Shrove Tuesday - this means it's Pancake Day again.

I learnt my lesson after last year though. Smaller quantities of the ingredients, fewer pancakes, and a happy, full, feeling rather than an "oh my God why did I eat that many, now I feel sick" feeling.

Four pancakes for tea. With lemon juice and sugar of course.

Not so happy later, mind you, referee made a shocking decision, sent van Persie off, and probably cost us the game. So we're out of Europe. Gutted.


Monday, March 07, 2011

Not Letting Go

That is what my cold is doing. I am ready to breathe through my nose again. Time for this cold to pack it in.

Okay P&P updated tonight, so lots to read...enjoy!

Peace, Health and Happiness to you all!
