Friday, January 31, 2014

Where did the month go?

I spent a lot of it hacking and being sick. Time for health please. Here is hoping February is better.

Enjoy the couple of updates, perhaps you can go back and catch those Ze found on Tuesday.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, January 30, 2014


I finally succumbed to the cold that went around our household. I even missed a day of work. I'm on the mend now and dealing with the irritating after effects of a head cold. I got the cough but nowhere near as bad as E.

I'm ready for the weekend. How lucky that tomorrow is Friday.


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Keep On Trucking.

Ribs are a bit sore tonight. I backed into a truck.

Yeah, me, on foot, not driving. And the truck wasn't moving either.

It was at work. It's a tipper-style truck. Like this one. You can undo catches on the side to drop the sides, or you can unlock the back at the top to drop the tailgate, or at the bottom so that when the truck tips anything in it slides out.

Unfortunately, while the clips for the sides are unobtrusive, the lock-bars for the back are not. They're ruddy great bars of metal (about 12cm long by 3 cm wide) that, when unlocked, stick out at the sides like old-fashioned car indicators (turn signals). They really shouldn't be left sticking out, but it's a pain to keep raising them every time you want to put the tailgate back up, so they're left sticking out when it's down.

Turns out they're just nicely rib height. And they bloody well hurt.

I have a really nice bruise there now. I should have paid more attention and watched where I was going. But they should not have been left like that. What if a member of the public had walked past??

And no, I wasn't the one who left them out. And I'm making damned sure they don't get left out again.

See you next week, stay safe, avoid parked trucks. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

All that is necessary...

... for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

Yesterday was International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

I went to Auschwitz once.

I stood by those railway tracks.

I walked through that gate with that lie wrought over it, "Arbeit Macht Frei".

It was about 30 years ago. And I was lucky. Because I was just visiting a museum. A memorial. And at the end of the day I could get back in the luxury bus, and travel back to my nice hotel, and walk down by the river, and eat a filling meal in a good restaurant.

I knew about Auschwitz of course. We in Europe get a pretty decent education about the Second World War, and the Holocaust. We've seen the films of the camps as they were liberated, and been taught about the concentration camps and the extermination camps. I thought I knew what to expect.

I was wrong.

Because being there, seeing the ovens, the "showers", the barracks - and the nice, clean visitor centre, with its pristine glass cases, filled with thousands of pairs of spectacles, or hundreds of pairs of shoes; and the neat ledgers, documenting with that wonderful German efficiency, how much hair was packed up to be sent for wig-making, how many kilos of soap were produced, how many coats, hats, suits, were sent to Germany. Seeing that infamous wall, with its bullet-holes... no amount of reading, study, film will ever be enough to prepare you.

It was a sunny day when I was there. And (contrary to legend) the birds were singing. And in the twin camp of Birkenau there were rabbits lolloping through the grass. And somehow that felt like an insult. But life goes on. And that life could be where there had been so much death was right and proper.

I went back to my hotel. And I ate that good meal.

And I couldn't sleep for four days.

We must never forget.

Humans are a savage species. The worst of all creatures. And - while we have not been so efficient and so precise about it since then - we still indulge in genocide. Cambodia; Rwanda; Syria; Central African Republic... We are all - every one of us - capable of doing these things, in the right circumstances.

Where are the good men, when will they learn to do something??


Monday, January 27, 2014

Cough & Repeat

It's back to the usual whine as I am once again home sick with cold and cough. So far I have to say 2014 has not shown itself to be better than 2013. Good thing we have lots of time for improvement. Here is hoping me being a slug all day today (came home after about 2 hours at work) will allow a full day of work tomorrow.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Time to catch up on your reading....

It's been a light weekend for stories.

Today we watched little e's team win their last game of the season. I was really glad they were able to finish on a win.

Cal and I have the day off tomorrow. He gets to have a rare Sunday night sleepover because of it. Fortunate for me it's a sleepover at someone else's house. Hooray!


Saturday, January 25, 2014


I hate coughing and yet my body continues down that path. It seems to have come back stronger in the last few days. I was enjoying "the less" a lot more.

Today the whole family went to the Ursulmas Medieval Faire. I think it was a one time interesting event, but not one either Tamara or I would repeat. Pricey with not enough value for the basic spectator. Mind you the majority of people there were engaged fully into the event. It was fun to see all those different outfits and as the kids pointed out fun to watch them beat each other up. We somehow missed the archery which also would have been enjoyable, but oh well.

Tonight a few more for you. I also cleaned out our Grunt's List, so once again we ask if there is something we are not catching or some site you love that we don't know about please pass it our way. Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, January 24, 2014

My Apologies

Another Friday has made an appearance. I was ready for it.

Not much for you tonight I'm afraid. Send good thoughts for the Femslash Fairy to bring fresh stories tomorrow.


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Where is that weekend?

TGIF and I am very happy about it. My cough is a bit better, but continues to be heard. Cough suppressants are good.

If Ze is blank one knows I certainly am not filled with words.

Here is hoping we all have a good weekend.

And if you have words to share, please feel free.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mind is Blank

Can't think of a thing to say.

Saturday is Burns Night - we wish all our Scottish readers a good one - enjoy your neeps and tatties.

Sunday is Australia Day - we wish all or Australian readers a great day. Enjoy your barbie.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

St. Agnes' Eve, Ah Bitter Chill it Was

Actually today was St. Agnes' Day, but yes, it was bitter chill last night. And today. But at least it wasn't raining.

Well, up until 15,00 hrs anyway...

It's rained since then. And the forecast for tomorrow is heavy rain. The weekend isn't looking too good, either. But from what I've seen on the news reports it's going to be a lot worse across the pond. Two inches of snow an hour!! Blimey.

Stay safe people. Stay home.


Monday, January 20, 2014

Four Day Work Week!

We're at the end of our lovely three day weekend. Much resting was done. And the best thing we accomplished this weekend was that tickets for the trip to Oklahoma in July were purchased.

Duncan turned 18 this year and he opted not to go. Little e is going with us, however, so we'll get to show her around Oklahoma. And she'll get to participate in the huge 4th of July battle in Mustang.

Not too much for you to read tonight. Tuesday should bring more.


Sunday, January 19, 2014


My cough is actually a bit better. I look forward to even more cough free hours. Here is hoping your weekend is wonderful. I luck out with Martin Luther King Day tomorrow, hence another off work day. E has another sleep in morning.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Is that a cough I don't hear?

Today was the first day E didn't cough many times a day. I think all she needed to do was go to the doctor and have them tell her she doesn't have pertussis or pneumonia. Actually it's been long enough it was time for the cough to start winding down. She did find out she doesn't need to take mucinex...her lungs are clear. A cough suppressant should do the trick for now.

I'm extremely thankful that I've dodged the bullet of this cold. Knock wood that it stays that way.


    Grey's Anatomy
  • Jingle Bell Rock by Nerdfightergirl/librarynerd (Callie-Arizona).

Friday, January 17, 2014


I really needed this to be the weekend. Sleep is in my outlook. I actually went and saw a doctor today about my 4 week cough. I got tested for pertussis and pneumonia and lucky for me I don't have either. Just a nasty cough that could last a few more weeks. I really, really hope not.

Here is hoping you all have a great weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Cough That Would Not Die

E's cough continues to plague her. We need a few fog free, sunny days I think. Not sure we're going to get many of those until Spring. Hopefully she and the many other folks like her who are suffering from this cough will find some relief soon.

Friday is tomorrow and we've got a three day weekend due to the MLK holiday on Monday. Even though we just completed two weeks of Winter break, I for one am happy to see the three day weekend.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Light Night

Tomorrow marks the start of the year for Buddhists of the Mahayana tradition, we wish our Mahayana readers a Happy New Year.

The rain did indeed return today. Which meant it was a bit milder. But when I got home from work I was soaking wet and looked as though I'd been rolling in mud. There's more mud on my jeans that in my garden!! I hate having to wear fresh work clothes when the week is half over, (all that extra laundry), but I'll have to tomorrow.

Not a lot for you tonight I'm afraid - still, that'll give you a chance to catch up on all the updates from yesterday.

Stay safe - whether you're in an Arctic freeze, a monsoon, a Somerset flood, or a heatwave of epic proportions. (42c in Melbourne?? Seriously?? Climate charge is real...).

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Top of the League

The sun shone today, (although it was rather cold), I'd almost forgotten what that was like, it's been so long... Forecast says the rain's back tomorrow. And my work boots leak (sole's coming away from the upper). I need to get a new pair before I wind up with trench-foot, or flippers, or webbed-feet, or something.

Didn't get a lot of sleep last night. Went to a footy match. Eight o'clock kick-off - four hour drive - an hour to get out of the ground, back to the car, and out of the traffic-jam. It was 2am before I got to bed. And I had to be up at 6am. I need my head read. Especially since the game was televised!!

We won though. 2-1. Not the best game I've ever seen, but a good result nevertheless.

*sings* "We are top of the league, say we are top of the league."

My lack of sleep is why this update is a little earlier than usual, I for bed as soon as I've finished (I want to be asleep before 23.00 not after 1am!!)


Monday, January 13, 2014

Just another night....

No kids, so I get to go to bed early. Another day of coughing, wonder how many more I have to go?

Have a good week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Colds Suck

I've spent the weekend trying not to succumb to the cold E is getting over. I've dosed myself with lots of vitamins and tried to get good sleep. Today was the first day I felt kind of blah. Now we'll have to see if I can keep this up and avoid the nasty cold and cough.

It's a kidless week ahead for us, which means lots and lots of quiet. Although as the kids have gotten older they're much quieter. I guess the lack of extra people just makes the place seem quieter.

Small night, have at it!


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Another Saturday

A new year and medium night of updates. It was a quiet day for us. We had an earlier basketball game and then at home hunkering down from wind and rain. Tamara started a nice warm fire in the stove and we both did our time on our new rower. Here is hoping whereever you are that you enjoy your weekend and stay safe and warm.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Slim Pickings

I survived the week with only the loss of one shirt. Managed not to succumb to the cold too. *knock wood* A basketball game and comics are all we've got planned for the weekend. I'm hoping E's cough lets up with plenty of rest.

Slow night for fiction. Good time to catch up.


Thursday, January 09, 2014

Friday Yet?

Long weeks these last few. Looking forward to Friday tomorrow. Perhaps sleeping in an extra hour or so on Saturday. So here is hoping you all have a great weekend.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Guest Ramble Night

Went to see American Hustle this evening. Was very disappointed. It did not live up to the hype at all. I was bored silly during the last half-hour or so. Even Jennifer Lawrence (who was good) and Christian Bale (who was excellent) couldn't redeem it. And one of the best scenes from the promo ads didn't appear in the film at all. Save your money and wait for the dvd.

And now - a guest ramble from Joan.

    The times, they are a-changing

    And it's a gay thing, in both senses of the word. A virtually shocking quote from the pope: "Who am I to judge them?" when asked about his stance on homosexuality. Not that he endorses it, but no brimstone, no smell of burning sulphur. Nota bene: according to the Old Testament, being gay was apparently a deadly sin for men, but go see Ruth, 1:16.

    Some German politicians, perhaps most outstandingly Guido Westerwelle, former Minister for Foreign Affairs, are openly gay, and everybody just shrug their shoulders. Of course, I don't follow what the minority movement of the Nazis say -- they bear watching, but have little-to-none political influence.

    DADT is (hopefully) dead in the United States, not to mention that two of our beloved grunts were finally able to marry.

    In the German Women's Football (American: Soccer) Team, being gay is not a topic. If anything, lesbians are over-represented there.

    In the German Men's Soccer Teams, being gay is not a topic, either. But for a different reason: There are no gay players. Not one in over two hundred. That makes sense: soccer players are hard, competitive and risk-tolerant MEN -- and we all know that gays are pansies, right?

    Not quite so, apparently. Thomas Hitzlsperger (no, please don't ask me how that is pronounced), a top-end soccer player who has had more than fifty appearances with the national team, has come out. He waited until he ended his career, but considering that he'd probably never get to play again, that's understandable. And a howl of scandal erupted over the country... Wait, it didn't. Instead there's confetti from everywhere. Politicians, sports executives and even my neighbour's cat applaud his courage. Too bad that it still takes courage.

    Times may be changing slowly, but changing they are. Thank you, Thomas.

Thank you, Joan

I always did like Hitz when he played for the Villa. Good player. Nice bloke.

Well, that's me done for this week. If you have a ramble, something interesting to chat about, something you'd like to say, an event you want to promote, etc., drop us a line. E & Tamara will be very grateful since I've just pinched the only guest ramble we've had for a while. *g* Or if you know of a femslash site we should be checking, please let us know that, too.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, January 07, 2014


Today is the Feast of the Nativity - Christmas - for the Orthodox churches, we wish you a peaceful day.

We're still getting torrential rain and fierce winds. Or thoughts are with those suffering from the flooding.

And North America is suffering record low temperatures and blizzards. Stay indoors, read some fanfic. Hope you and yours stay safe and well.

Please don't send it our way...


Monday, January 06, 2014


My first Monday back was without incident. A whole bunch of our kids were absent today. We'll see how many make it in tomorrow. I know there's been a nasty cold/flu thing making the rounds. E is still getting over her bout with it.

Send good vibes my way. It's been my experience that after a long break the second day back is when we usually have those 'I've gotten used to sleeping in and doing my own thing' behavior issues.


Sunday, January 05, 2014

Ready, Set, Go

I think we're ready for the week ahead. Get to reading.


Saturday, January 04, 2014

Sunny Saturday

Unlike the rest of the country our weather was nice and sunny today. With that in mind I send good thoughts to the rest of you. Stay safe and warm. T and I took our tree and lights down today. The house is officially back to basics. We went and watched our daughter and her basketball team take a beating. Always hope for next week.

Tomorrow should be a nice and calm one for us. Here is hoping whereever you are you can enjoy your day in some manner.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, January 03, 2014

Back to It

I managed to get my to-do list done. I've also made a lot of progress in my Dr. Who episode watching.

Now we just need to get the Christmas tree packed away and I'll be ready to return to work on Monday. All in all it was a relaxing and productive break.


Thursday, January 02, 2014

A Few Words...

If you are on the USA east coast stay warm and dry and to all you folks in the UK, may the rain and snow stop soon. I think we got the lucky end of this season in comparison to many. We may not have much snow in the mountains, but overall I would say we are in better shape than most.

Tamara and I had an awfully quiet New Years as it is a no kid year and just the two of us. I continue to have my crappy cold with cough so I was out early, sadly now Tamara seems to be catching something and I am hoping she kicks it quickly.

We are officially into 2014 and leaving 2013 behind is just fine. I will seek out some changes this year for bettering myself and my future. I need to somehow pull myself up to the task. Here is hoping we all reach our goals.

Gotta start somewhere.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Oh The Weather Outside Is Frightful

Although I'd rather we didn't "let it snow, let it snow" etc. Thanks all the same.

It's bad enough with what we have. Strong winds and torrential rain. It's been like that all day. In fact it's been like that (with a couple of days break here and there) for the best part of three weeks. I don't think there's a river that doesn't have a flood warning posted. It's the same in most parts of the country.

And some poor souls have only just had their power restored - after being without since before Christmas. Not nice.

So glad today was a bank holiday and I could stay snug and dry at home. And read some of my new books.

I got loads of books for Christmas. Which is great, you can never have too many books. I won't list them all but I will recommend K G MacGregor's latest.

I also got a Georgia Beers and a Gerri Hill. And Nichelle Nichols' autobiography, Beyond Uhura.

And I got a Huntress statue (my favourite DC character.)

And a telescope. Which is absolutely bloody brill!! It's going to be fantastic being able to look with a telescope at the next comet to pass by, instead of just my ancient binoculars. And to get a really good sight of the moon whenever I feel the inclination to sit in wonder at the Apollo missions.

And I ate far more mince pies than was sensible.

All-in-all I had a great Christmas and New Year celebration. I hope you all did, too.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.
