Sunday, December 21, 2008

Time with Shovels

I spent the early part of the morning shoveling snow. Wow...a very uncommon feature here in Seattle. Sadly we were still unable to get the minivan up the street for us all to go to the mall. I was able to get my Scion out to pick up my daughter at her other mom's house, so that was good.

Last night we ended up at the airport picking up Tamara's brother who unfortunately had the trip from hell to get here. We then got to offer the trip from airport to home and more adventures in the snow. This city is not equipped at all for what has befallen us. Snow, more snow and yet more snow. Throw in some freezing rain and then tap down another few inches of snow today and you have extreme fun on the roads. My daughter did remind me though that is is splendid for sledding. I look forward to my rain.

Well enough of my ramblin's and if you want to see some pictures holler at us and we can gladly give you snow adventures for days.

Enjoy your updates!



Unknown said...

It's chapter 18 of Constants. (Sorry! ^_^)

E said...

Fixed, thanks!