Sunday, September 30, 2007

Me Again

E's ISP is doing some maintenance today so she's internet-less. There's a little more variety for today's update. Hope y'all had a relaxing weekend.


Saturday, September 29, 2007

Variety...Not So Much

Good news for Buffy fans. Keep your fingers and toes crossed for a bigger update tomorrow.


Friday, September 28, 2007


The weekend is on the horizon and I'm very much looking forward to that. Being sick all week and trying to get healthy while being very busy at work and at home with the punk-o-lunk makes for one very tired E. I'm hoping to sleep in tomorrow, perhaps all the way to 8.

Hoping all of you have a great weekend! And for you folks down under here is hoping your weekend already in progress is splendid!

Enjoy your updates.


Thursday, September 27, 2007


Quite a nice mix for y'all today.


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Mid Week

Another Wednesday goes by. Hence I'm now on the low end of the work week with the weekend in sight. I've been trying to get over a flu bug all week. It was my first full day back at work today and I'll sleep very good tonight. Wish my voice would be a bit less gravelly though.

Now on to your updates, enjoy 'em!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Halo 3 Day!

For all you Halo fanatics out there, I hope you're happily zoning out on the newest installment in the Halo franchise. I know my son is. This game was actually supposed to be his birthday present. Well it still is but two months early. Bill Gates blew my plan when he moved the release date from November to September. I couldn't very well torture my son by making him wait to open his Legendary Edition. I dutifully wrapped it and a game guide and made him wait until his little brother got home from school to unwrap everything. I took pictures too, after all it is his birthday present. He was very pleased and has spent every minute since then playing it.

I'll be thinking of all of you nursing your sore thumbs in the weeks to come. Have fun!


Monday, September 24, 2007

Ramble Night

Something special is being shared with us...a view from another American who looks forward to change. DS Harnden sent me this after reading my comment about Peace on Saturday. She jotted it down in a Shoney's in South Carolina, driving back from a Washington DC rally on 9/15.
"Tell me what democracy looks like."

"This is what democracy looks like!"

Cadence. Call and response. Thousands of voices raised in chant, echoing the slightly hoarse lone voice of one woman, somewhere in the middle of the crowd.

"Tell me what democracy looks like."

"This is what democracy looks like!"

And it was. On Saturday, September 15th somewhere around one hundred thousand people gathered in Washington, D.C. and marched from the White House to the Capitol steps with one unified goal in mind: to stop the unjust war in Iraq.

Where did we come from? We drove up from Florida. We flew in from Oregon. We came from across town before our shift at the pizza joint on 13th Street. We noticed the gathering crowd while shopping and decided to join in.

Some of us inadvertently had breakfast together at The Corner Bakery.

Some of us rode in together on the Metro, taking the Red Line from Shady Grove and Bethesda, carrying our signs and our flags and talking in excited, hushed voices, brimming with anticipation. We came in rented buses and on bikes. We came on foot and on crutches or carrying canes. Some of us came before our first birthdays, riding in a pack on our mother's back. Some of us came with our walkers, joints creaking with age and voices raised in triumph.

Some of us came in the fatigues the military issued us. Some of us came with the clothes on our backs and ratty shoes on our feet.

Some of us came with our dogs, on stilts, dressed in pink, or bare-handed.

Some of us came with tears in our eyes. We held our fists high and stood proud against the war hawks who stood behind barricades and hid behind police, shouting out in anger and fear and hatred, practicing the flip-side of the same coin.

Some of us stood on the Capitol steps in riot gear, just doing our jobs. Some of us came to get arrested and did so with pride, standing tall in the mid-September sun with our hands bound behind us. Some of us lay on the grass or called home on our cell phones, reassuring worried loved ones that democracy is not always overtly dangerous.

Some of us worried. Some of us swore. Some of us walked in anger, some in quiet despair. Some of us walked to empower, others to be strong.

All of us came with voices, raised in chant or lowered in prayer.

All of us came as Americans.

"Show me what democracy looks like."

This is what democracy looks like.

I, for one, am proud to have been there.

DS Harnden

Let us all thank DS for sharing this moment in US history. Nicely done and I'm glad you were there. Hope for a better future is what we have. Time is now for each of us to step forward and be a part of change. May Peace shine through.

Enjoy your updates!


Sunday, September 23, 2007


Hope the weekend was good. Enjoy the updates.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Wondering Moments

Life is filled with paths. Each one throwing out options, choices and decisions. Odd to know which way to walk sometimes. Perhaps if the signs were easier to read we would all live in a happier place. I wish I had the key to share, but alas no. Today brings us closer to tomorrow, may it in turn bring us all closer to Joy and Peace on this planet.

Now letting me wonder is probably not a good idea, hence got some thoughts to share with us? We would enjoy it! Until then read and let Peace reign soon.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Another Week Down

My computer has liked its new power supply. Now if Mike can solve the issue of my laptop being kicked off the network while I'm using it in the bedroom I'll be a happy camper.

I'm so close to being done with entering all of my comics. I've got three boxes left in my bedroom and normally I'd drag them into the computer room to input them. But...Tuesday September 25 is the day Halo 3 is released and my son will be taking up my inputting space with hours and hours of Halo 3 play. I could probably finish entering those three boxes before the 25th but I'm enjoying taking my time. That does mean I'll have to put off my filing until he burns out on Halo 3. But that part isn't really as much fun as entering anyway.

Okay, I've blabbed enough about inconsequential crap. Y'all enjoy the updates.


Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fall Arrives

Yeah, the air feels like fall. Cool mornings leading into the gray and semi sun-filled afternoons ending once again with a cool evening. I love fall. Spring is my favorite but fall is a close second.

Back to the program. Enjoy your updates.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007


My computer seems to be running okay with the installation of a new power supply. *knock wood* Upon removing the old power supply Mike noticed it was only a 150 watt unit. Evidently that's way too weak. It was probably okay for when this machine was put together (a cheapie E Machines computer from Best Buy). He replaced it with a 300 watt power supply and, so far, it hasn't shut down unexpectedly. I even opened Dreamweaver, Microsoft Word, Firefox and Notepad all at the same time with no shut down. Mike also ran the memory diagnostic disc that was making the machine shut down and it stayed up. I'm hoping this fixes the issue. If I can get at least another year out of this computer that would be great.

And...on a more interesting note, my friend The Keith tells me it's Talk Like a Pirate Day. So brush up on yer pirate lingo and join the fun.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Only Tuesday

Feels like Friday for me. Perhaps the slug for 95% of the time creates havoc during that 5% of busy time. Few more days left before weekend and relaxation occurs, hence I best find some extra energy.

Now to your regularly scheduled update, enjoy!


Monday, September 17, 2007

The stories keep on coming....

Nice little update tonight. Enjoy 'em!


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday Evening

Another week lies ahead. Enjoy it and all these updates as well!


Saturday, September 15, 2007

One of those days....

Mine started out okay. Taking a benadryl at lunch (stupid allergies) has put me in an irritable mood. On the plus side, I'm sniffle free. My computer isn't helping my mood today. It shut down in the middle of doing this update. A new power supply will be tried this week. Stupid technology.


Friday, September 14, 2007

Movie Day

A rarity for me. I don't usually see a lot of movies in the theater that don't include a 6 year old. I treated myself today. I have a few actors that I truly follow and Jodie Foster is one of them.

I can say her last few films have not been my favorite. However The Brave One puts them all to shame. Ever see The Crying Game? Neil Jordan directed that one as well. Once again he comes through with a mind blowing film. The critics and reviews of this movie have completely missed the intensity of it. Even amongst the incredible amount of violence in the movie I enjoyed it (another rarity). The photography captures it all as it pans around almost in circles and Jodie's voice haunts us throughout.

So if you don't mind a lot of violence, and I mean a lot, and you enjoy thought-provoking and intense movies I recommend The Brave One.

Now on to your updates, enjoy.


p.s. Thank you, Dez. We appreciate the comment! (see comment on 9-12)

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Yep. The ol' computer went tits up again. Both times happened when I was working in Dreamweaver. Ever wanted to punch your computer? E checked all the links tonight because of my computer issues. I'm glad I have my laptop as a backup. *sigh*


Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Enjoy your updates!


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Recipe Night!

I'm always looking for ways to use my too ripe bananas. I'm heartily sick of muffins and when mom found this recipe I figured what the heck. Oddly enough they're a lot like little cookie muffins. Also...I didn't add the optional chocolate chips to mine but I did add walnuts.
Banana Oatmeal Cookies

1 cup sugar
1 cup margarine
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 or 3 ripe bananas
2 cups oatmeal
1 cup chocolate chips*
Chopped nuts*


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. In a medium bowl, cream the butter and sugar until smooth. Stir in the eggs and vanilla. Sift together the flour, baking soda, cloves and cinnamon. Stir into the creamed mixture. Add the mashed bananas, oatmeal, chocolate chips, nuts and mix well until blended. Drop dough by rounded spoonfuls on to unprepared cookie sheet. Bake for 10-12 minutes in the oven. Remove cookies from pan to cool.

I think the next time I make these I'll try adding a little brown sugar and some raisins. Might make them more oatmeal cookie-like and less muffin-like.


Monday, September 10, 2007

Another day of summer here in Seattle....

I patiently wait for Fall. Been a long day and progressing into a long night as well. Hoping you all have a splendid evening/day. Got something to share...feel free to pass it along our way.

Now to the updates, enjoy 'em!


Sunday, September 09, 2007

Computer Update

Thanks so much to everyone who sent suggestions for my computer. The general consensus was that it's definitely a hardware failure. Most likely an issue with overheating. I've taken the step of cleaning out the inside of the computer with a can of compressed air. The fan is now nice and dust free (a necessity here because Oklahoma's alternate name is Dustland). We'll see if that works. I'm not so sure I want to mess with replacing the power supply for this machine. It's several years old and I can likely replace it for less hassle. I would like to get at least a year more out of it though so let's hope making the insides a little less dusty will help.


Saturday, September 08, 2007

Saturday Stroll

Easy update for you all. Hardly anything here, hence take the opportunity to stroll backwards and catch up on that huge night.

The day has been one of the crazy ones for me. I slept way too long and yet just long enough. Planning to get out and mow the lawn and then the slug that I am can feel like I made accomplishments today. After all one is better than none.

Enjoy your updates.


Friday, September 07, 2007


Here's my problem. My computer was having the issue of shutting down suddenly. It didn't happen when a particular program was up, it didn't happen at a set time. Recently it started getting worse so I had Mike wipe everything from my hard drive and reinstall. I thought the issue was taken care of. The computer was running less sluggishly and I was a happy camper. It was not to be, however. Today it did that shut down thing again. Has anyone had an issue like this? Any suggestions what I should be looking for? I'm extremely frustrated. E-mail me if you have anything at all.


Thursday, September 06, 2007


I am low on words, but tonight's update offers plenty for y'all, enjoy.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Announcement Night

Let's see if y'all can give this new venture a little help.
Et tu, Conqueror? Help Wanted

You too, Conqueror will have a taste of power! This is the slogan of the soon to come "Et tu, Conqueror?" (EtC) Website. EtC is based on Xena the Conqueror and will be hosting everything and anything that has to do with the Conqueror and her glory. Currently, the EtC staff is looking to expand and needs more officials as well as donations. We don't need monetary donations as the Conqueror does pay for everything. However we look for fanfiction, artwork, graphics, reviews, and anything else Conqueror related. Please visit the website at: We hope to see all Conqueror fans in October!

Hail, Conqueror!
-The EtC Officials

You'll be hearing more about this site soon I'm sure. If you can volunteer, give them a shout.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Ramble and Game from Phair

Fun to be had for all!
For my birthday, my amazingly brilliantly beautiful little sister made me an aunt for the first time again for the twelfth time since this my oldest niece, Laura Lyn arrived. But my sister also had a gift for me to keep for myself. An iPod. She got me a Shuffle. As I took the item from the bag, she told me not to open the box unless I really wanted to be trapped with 'limited technology.' Everything I needed to get going was in the bag she handed me but it was capped at 250 songs. No Pictures. No Movies. No Extras.

"I didn't want to force you into the current techno babble society you complain about all the time. So, you can keep the Shuffle and enjoy OR..." It's OR 's like that which made Satan his fortune.

The OR was an upgrade. All I needed to do was go to the local Apple Store. I only went to the store to get help setting up my Shuffle. I swear I did. But the nice handsome chiseled featured man in the green shirt told me about all the advantages for...screw it, I'm lying! The handsome guy at the store wanted me to keep the Shuffle. He said he loved his and there was no need to upgrade given my current decreased techno demands. DAMN!

I craved that upgrade. It was a need I can't describe with only words. And, not just by one level. I went two steps up to the nano so I could get the red to match my phone. Dear God, I don't even match my clothes. Or even iron them for that matter. I would have gone up two levels to THE iPod but there was no red. I'm such a lost cause consumer! Please just take my money out of my pockets and charge me more for the curb side service. Ungggh.

Well, I sit here tonight with cool September winds blowing the summer tourists back to the main land and listening to my Nano iPod. All 18 songs. Yes, only 18 up loaded songs out of 9000 possible.

Fine, be disappointed in me but don't throw things yet. I thought of a game we could play to entertain ourselves, 'Name phair iTunes.' This could be fun for you and help me store good music. Just toss some songs and artists my way (it would be best if they were available at iTunes, easier to load but not a deal breaker if they're not). The winning categories are 1) The most happening, 2) The most forgotten best tune ever, 3) The most best music ever and 4) Most suggestions by an individual.

The winners in each category will be awarded a prize (a signed copy of my novel The Aethereal Sea). I'm the only judge. No contesting the outcome. I'm phair but not that fair.

To help narrow down my likes and dislikes and never rans, I'll tell you the songs currently on my iPod and in my car CD and house stereo (yes, I have a stereo, I still play records - stop laughing at me).

1 Photograph - Ringo Starr
2 The Wedding Song - Peter, Paul, and Mary
3 Heaven - Psychedelic Furs
4 Ghost in You - Psychedelic Furs
5 Pretty in Pink - Psychedelic Furs
6 Love My Way - Psychedelic Furs
7 President Gas - Psychedelic Furs
8 Life is Beautiful - Vega4
9 See the World - Gomez
10 Who Loves You - Frankie Valli
11 Shut Your Eyes - Snow Patrol
12 You're All I Have - Snow Patrol
13 Run - Snow Patrol
14 Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol
15 Chocolate - Snow Patrol
16 Nausea - Beck
17 Whole of the Moon - The Waterboys
18 Running up That Hill - Kate Bush
19 Mushaboom - Feist
20 My Moon My Man - Feist
21 People Get Ready - Eva Cassidy
22 Tall Trees in Georgia - Eva Cassidy
23 Take Me to the River - Eva Cassidy
24 What a Wonderful World - Eva Cassidy
25 The Perfect Kiss - New Order
26 I Take My Chances - Mary Chapin Carpenter
27 Born in the USA - Bruce Springsteen
28 One Step Up - Bruce Springsteen
29 Tunnel of Love - Bruce Springsteen

And while they are not currently loaded, RUSH and Peter Gabriel and Chuck Mangione are huge for me.

Hope to hear from you soon,

I personally am a musicholic, hence tonight's ramble leaves me going through my collection and wondering what I can suggest. Join the fun and throw some suggestions to phair. You never know you may get a nifty book out of the deal! And phair, I still have my turntable as well, but it is hooked up to a dandy Audio CD-R burning machine.

Off to your updates, enjoy!


Monday, September 03, 2007

Long Weekend

For those of us here in the US it's the long weekend that traditionally marks the end of summer. Evidently you're not supposed to wear white after today too. I've been a lazy slug. Organized more comic boxes for entering. I completed my run of Iron Man last night. I was very happy to be done with those.

Tonight most likely more comics will be entered. We'll partake of a traditional Labor Day feast of hamburgers and hot dogs. Labor Day thankfully involves very little labor. Have a good one.


Sunday, September 02, 2007

Wandering Around?

Looking for a few more for your reading pleasure? Came to the right place. Remember if you have something to share we are interested in that as well, so please do let us know. We always are looking and hoping others will pop by to ramble.

Until then, enjoy the updates!


Saturday, September 01, 2007


I did something special this morning...slept until almost 8am. That's a rarity for me. I'm one of those early morning people. 5-530am is my standard wake up time. Been feeling wiped though after the hard week. Feeding the cats late last night paid off for a few hours this morning.

The day has been pleasant in the 60's with sun and I have been a flawless slug. I ate breakfast late, laid on the couch and watched a horrible movie and that is the extent of my day so far. So other than checking on these links, I've done nothing useful. I do hope to gather, sort and clean out my extra room and perhaps a few cupboards as well. Who knows what will actually get done though. Slug I am means not much I am sure. But hey I have tomorrow and Monday as well, so all is good.

Now back to your regularly scheduled update, larger one this evening so enjoy!
