Monday, March 31, 2014

My Bad

First and foremost Tamara and I would like to apologize to our 3rd grunt. Ze, happy belated birthday (yesterday), here is hoping you got lots of presents and have a year filled with Joy and less accidents. And please give our toast to Aries as well!

Wrap up of our weekend. Sunday was great for Tamara. Waltzing around the con in the dealers room looking at her favorite items. I on the other hand had one flat tire. Found one shop open on Sunday to deal with it. 4 hours later...the more serious issue of the day was the phone screw up. A very nice guy named Albert somewhere in Seattle finally got his phone in the mail and happily put his sim chip in and turned it on. Unfortunately some people are not fully competent at their job because whoever helped Albert was that person. They ended up configuring the sim card with Tamara's number (one digit off what Albert's was suppose to be).

So as T was enjoying her time and wondering why her phone was not connecting to the network, Albert was getting texts and calls from people he did not know. I was in the face of a scared worker at T-Mobile. Excuse me, my wife is at Comic Con and our son is down there looking for her, but hey her phone is going to someone else, so what are you going to do about that? I can be and was the complete bitch. It only took couple hours and us going to T-Mobile and getting a new sim card reactivated. Can we say how the hell can that happen? Hello? Any fail safe systems in place?. I am still not happy with T-Mobile. Wrong on so many levels.

Done with rant, once again Happy Happy, Ze & Aries all our best sent over the pond to you!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, March 30, 2014

ECCC 2014

Another Emerald City Comicon is over and I am pooped. I love going to this every year but by the end of the weekend I feel like I could sleep for a couple of days. Unfortunately I've got work tomorrow.

Cal, Duncan, Mike and I had a fun time. Mike took lots of pictures on Saturday. We even stayed for the Costume Contest...a first for me. Every year I express an interest but the kids were usually too tired and ready to head home. This year they were game. It ended up being a late night for us but watching the contest live was worth it.

The last day of the con was made a little hectic by my phone losing its phone number. Evidently a T-Mobile rep somewhere programmed a SIM card for a new customer with my phone number. It wasn't supposed to be my number but they input it incorrectly (one number off). You'd think the system would flag that as a number that's already in use, wouldn't you? Nope.

Around 1 p.m. today I lost all use of my phone due to it not being recognized by the network. A nice young man by the name of Albert was very confused by the texts and then slightly frantic phone calls he received. You see...Mike and Cal went to one part of the con while I spent the last few hours of the con in the massive Dealer's Room/Artist Alley. Payphones are a thing of the past and I had no way to get in touch with them to tell them where I would be when the con was over.

I opted for sitting in a place where I could be easily seen and we eventually spotted each other. Needless to say, E wasn't very happy with T-Mobile and while I was unaware my number had been assigned to another phone (I just thought my SIM card had gone tits up somehow) she was ripping T-Mobile customer help a new one.

All is well now. Albert has his new number and I have my old one back. Let's hope today's phone mix-up and E's flat tire (yeah, it's been a day) isn't a sign of how the week ahead is going to be.


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Kitty Update

Bean is back from the vet. He is on pain meds because they found an impingement on his spine. This is most likely from falling somewhere (I think off the bed). We are to try and limit his jumping. He is definitely drugged and may have to be for up to a month as it can take that long for this work itself out. (which we want to happen)

Tamara and the boys are off at Comic Con. My daughter and I went to her Ultimate games (2) during heavy wind and rain. This does not make for easy frisbee play. They won one and lost one not bad on this very cruddy day. Tomorrow slugdom for daughter and I while T and boys will once again head off to Comic Con.

Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, March 28, 2014

ECCC Time!

Day one of the Emerald City Comicon down...two more to go. Saturday will be our longest day. I'll have both boys with me and Mike (ex-husband).

It's a long story but Mike's life is currently in major flux. On the plus side, we may be getting my dog Max. How that will work out with Beanie (E's cat) is a big unknown. Not on Max's part...he's been around cats for a few years. We're more worried about Beanie's reaction. Mainly showing his displeasure by peeing on pillows and shoes (usually E's).

Early to bed tonight. I'm shooting for a 10 am departure time. Wish me luck.


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sick Kitty

Another cat at the Vet's. Yeah they are older but not that old. I was hoping to clear 2014 without pet issues. Not to be. Beanie is spending the night in hopes they can help him with pain and allow us all to sleep. Last night's sleep was far too little. I might be tired but I was much more worried about the crying from the kitty all night.

Here is hoping it is simple. What are the odds?

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cakes but No Ale.

This Sunday coming is Mothering Sunday here in the UK. (And in the Republic of Ireland, and Nigeria).

It's now also celebrated as "Mother's Day" after we adopted the US custom but applied it to our, much older, religious festival.

Mother's Day is celebrated in most of the world's countries. The largest number on the same day as the USA (which makes sense since they invented it), but there are a good score or so of other dates used by various nations. A lot of eastern European countries seem to use International Women's Day, while a large number of Islamic countries (mainly Arabic) celebrate on the Vernal Equinox.

You're supposed to eat Simnel Cake on Mothering Sunday. Does anybody still eat it?? Or make it??

Since I'm one of those weird people who loves fruit cake - and also loves marzipan (anything almond flavoured actually). I'd love to find some. The difficulty of course is finding a vegan one. I'm pretty certain your average everyday bakery isn't about to use egg replacement powder in its cakes *g*. This means it'll probably be a home-bake thing.

Me. Plus cooking. We all know how that will end!!

I wonder what my chances of persuading my cousin to make one will be. My former bribery currency has lost its value. I used to be able to tempt her with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups - begged, traded, or bought from friends in the USA, because she loves those, but they're now available over here in Aldi & Lidl supermarkets, so she can buy them herself.

Hmm... she mentioned the other day that she'd like the dining room woodwork re-painted in a darker green... maybe we can trade...

Have a good Mother's Day those of you who celebrate it.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Half a League Onward

Today was the feast of the Annunciation - hope all our Christian readers had a good day.

Tomorrow is Khordad Sal in the Fasli tradition - we wish our Zoroastrian readers (in that tradition) a good festival.

Been watching the news about that terrible mudslide in Washington state - well north of where E & T live, for which I was grateful - but an awful thing to happen. Prayers for the missing.

What's happening in Crimea is pretty bad, too. Sanctions won't bother Putin. I don't think he gives a toss what the western powers think, he just wants the territory of the USSR back wherever possible. And thanks to Stalin's people shuffling there are ethnic Russians in pretty much every one of the former soviet countries. Whatever nationality those ethnic Russians may consider themselves Putin can still use "concern" for them as an excuse to move in on more countries.

Worrying times for eastern Europe.

We really don't want another Crimean war.


Monday, March 24, 2014


News from Claudia and Bedazzled Ink!
Wow! How time flies in the publishing business. I’ve been remiss in updating all the exciting happenings at Bedazzled Ink. There have been reviews, finalists, and awards, old favorites back in print, books in a series continued, a slew of new books, and books soon to be published.

This is just a brief recap, more info always can found at our website—which is getting a facelift soon--at

  • With the release of her third and fourth books, Hidden Truths and Awakenings, in the Intertwined Souls Series, Mary D. Brooks has put the first book of the series, In the Blood of the Greeks on her webpage ( We met up with her at the Xena Con . . . always a pleasure!

  • The first book in our Forever Windsor Series that celebrates same-sex marriage is Flights of Fancy by Barrett, in which Silke and Kirin from Balefire decide to tie the knot.

  • We released another Xenaverse favorite, Cold by Midget, aka Alison Carpenter. It’s currently one of our top sellers!

  • Beloved Anne Azel’s Tides was an Honorable Mention for the Rainbow Awards. Here’s a great review in Curve Magazine ( As you might know, the wrong edit was sent to the printer, but we quickly corrected it and are replacing any of the uncorrected editions. Contact us if you need a replacement—but who knows? It could end up a collector’s item.

  • The first two missions of Anne Azel’s Dark Matter Corps Series are out—Dark Matter Command and Dark Matter Enemy.

  • Letters Never Sent by Sandra Moran won two Rainbow Awards and is a finalist for the Edmund White Award for Debut Fiction, presented by the Publishing Triangle. It’s quite an honor. Past winners of the Triangle Award include Emma Donoghue, Sarah Waters, and Dorothy Allison.

  • Sandra’s newest book is Nudge and I guarantee, you will not stop talking or thinking about it. Really. It’s amazing. I’m thrilled I can finally discuss it with other readers. It’s a real mind-bender!

  • Roberta Roberti’s cookbook, Vegetarian Italian: Traditions, Volume 1, has been released as a Kindle ebook and will be in paperback around the first of April. The full color photos are so vibrant you’ll want to eat the pages.

  • Baxter Clare Trautman’s The River Within has just been released. Three women, three decisions—a powerful and timely story that will stay with you.

  • Ann McMan and Salem West’s Hoosier Daddy is a Lambda Literary Award finalist. Super congratulations to these great ladies.

  • Upcoming releases include Blowback by Bev Prescott, Spirit Home by Ruth Perkinson,The Surrender by Terias McKlay, Rabbits of the Apocalypse by Benny Lawrence, Everything by Carole Wolf, and Jody Klaire’s The Empath.

  • For up-to-date happenings, follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Enjoy!


    There you go. All the information you need to go and purchase some books at Bedazzled Ink. Enjoy the updates!


    Sunday, March 23, 2014


    Tamara and I actually got a few things done and we tackled the venting issue on the dryer. Happily completed, only needed to make one trip to Lowe's. Unfortunately the weekend is coming to a close and another work week is ahead.

    Long days with Ultimate practices, parent evenings and math practice. I will be ready for next weekend.

    Enjoy your updates.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Chilly Saturday

    Pretty quiet here today. I managed to clean the inside of my car. We still haven't tackled the ramshackle shed project. I didn't poke E about it either. Can you tell I'm pumped about that one? Maybe tomorrow.

    This time next weekend I will be having a fun time at the Emerald City Comicon. I have this week to get my comics organized and decide what I'll be hunting for, what I may want to get signed, etc. Let the countdown to comic geek fun begin....


    Friday, March 21, 2014

    Yippee...Friday is Here!

    I for one felt this week was far too long. Sadly I am feeling that about most work weeks these days. Hopefully our nice weather will continue so we can accomplish a few house chores this weekend. And Sunday we get our hairs cut, and that is a very good thing.

    Here is hoping your weekend goes splendidly as well Enjoy your updates.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Thursday, March 20, 2014

    Day Off

    Cal and I are off tomorrow. We have a hair cut and comics pick up planned. Then I'll take him to his dad's for the weekend. I'm getting Cal (and Duncan) next weekend for the Emerald City Comicon. That's Mike's weekend so we're swapping.

    E and I have some home repair planned for this weekend and not much else.


    Wednesday, March 19, 2014

    Spring is Sprung

    De grass is riz. I wonder where de boidies is.

    Tomorrow is the Vernal Equinox. It's the (traditional) first day of spring.

    It's actually been spring-like for this past week. We've had crisp, clear morning. Sunny days with brilliant blue skies. It hasn't lasted though. The forecast for tomorrow is wet and windy again. Ah well. It was nice while it was here.

    Actually I saw my first ever yellowhammer today, so I know where de boidie was - it was sitting on a tree branch singing its little heart out and, in between songs, watching me with suspicion.

    Tomorrow is also Ostara (northern hemisphere) and Mabon (southern hemisphere) we wish our Pagan readers a good festival.

    Friday is Noruz (New Year) in the Fasli tradition of Zoroastrianism. We wish those of our readers in this tradition a Happy New Year.

    Not a lot for you tonight I'm afraid.

    See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


    Tuesday, March 18, 2014


    Can't think of a single thing to say tonight. Not a sausage.

    Just as well there have been plenty of updates over the past few days.


    Monday, March 17, 2014


    ...A term used often here. Meaning some sun, not fully, and some rain possible at any moment. But it is lovely right now as the sun came out in time to set. Hope your Monday was splendid.

    Enjoy your updates and the rest of the week.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Sunday, March 16, 2014

    Watering those flowers....

    The rain is back. I'm glad it waited until today. Yesterday's Ultimate Frisbee game would have been a lot squishier.

    Cal and I are looking at a four day week ahead. I love Thursday Fridays.


    Saturday, March 15, 2014

    Weekend Update

    Busy day for our house. We had an Ultimate Frisbee game this morning. The rain was slight and that was great. Home for a quick change and off to see the kiddo dance for St. Paddy's day. Fun, but very crowded and loud. My semi headache now is full blown and going to make my night short. Over all good day. Tomorrow is looking quiet with basic chores and lots of rest.

    Here is hoping your weekend is going well. Enjoy those updates.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Friday, March 14, 2014

    Lightweight Friday

    I made it through the week with all of my shirts intact. I was prepared for a sleepy/cranky student and he was on his best behavior. In fact, all of the kids were great this week.

    Tomorrow we may be getting a bit soggy while watching little e's Ultimate Frisbee game. E's not looking forward to it. But I look at it as we'll be much better off than the kids who are running on the field getting soaked. I plan on parking myself under a nice, big umbrella.


    Thursday, March 13, 2014


    Tamara has adjusted well to the springing forward (I think).

    Another work week is coming to a close, but we have a busy weekend as my daughter's Ultimate Frisbee games will begin on Saturday. In addition to the game, she is doing a dance with her Irish dance group in celebration of St. Paddy's day.

    Sunday is holding out to be a lazy one, I hope.

    Enjoy your updates and the weekend.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    Aye, Caesar, but Not Gone.

    This Saturday is the Ides of March. Made famous by old Shakey's play... beware if your name is Caesar!! *g*

    It's also the start of the Jewish feast of Purim. We wish our Jewish readers a good one.

    And next Monday is the Hindu festival of Holi, and the Sikh festival of Hola Mohalla, we wish our Hindu and Sikh readers a good festival.

    Monday is also St. Patrick's Day. Which will probably be celebrated with greater enthusiasm by US Americans of various origins - not just Irish - than by Irish people in Ireland... so... by way of a public service announcement to spare Irish folk the annual torture inflicted upon them by non-Irish (but well-meaning) well-wishers.

    It's Paddy - not Patty

    Not a lot for you tonight. Just as well there was so much yesterday.

    See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


    Tuesday, March 11, 2014


    Out of the Champions League again. Why do we have to keep running into Bayern??

    Not surprising we didn't make it, we have so many first team players out injured. And Ozil was a waste of space tonight. What with that and Robben chucking himself on the floor every time somebody breathed on him...

    Bayen were class, though. Definitely the better team. I wouldn't bet against them taking the title again.

    (Football - in case you were wondering.)

    Ah well, at least we're still in the FA Cup, and not yet out of the running for the premiership.


    Monday, March 10, 2014

    Daylight Saving Hell

    I hate springing forward.


    Sunday, March 09, 2014

    Back to Basics

    The work week starts again tomorrow. Our rain was heavy on Saturday and held off most of today (raining again for the evening though). Long days ahead for me this week as my daughter's Ultimate Frisbee practice goes until 5:30 at a park that isn't real close. Hence home around 6 to 6:30 Monday and Wednesday Gives me a few extra hours at work. That's always fun.

    Hope y'all have a great week.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Saturday, March 08, 2014

    Rain, Rain, Rain

    The rain continues to fall. Fortunately we're not having the horrible time of it that folks in Ze's neck of the woods are. We've had a few mudslides and avalanches that have blocked passes. Other than that we're just very soggy. Even E is wishing for sun and she loves the rain.

    Our day has been easy. Clothes, a trip to Lowe's for household fix it projects, and a visit to the comic shop for me and Cal. We're also enjoying what may be the last fire of the season.


    Friday, March 07, 2014


    Glad the work week is over and I have two days to rest up before I return. Long week and I assume next week will not be any shorter.

    Enjoy your updates and the weekend.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Thursday, March 06, 2014

    Light Night

    Kind of pooped tonight. E is focus grouping until 9 so it's just me and Cal tonight. I was going to take him out for dinner but he's developed a nasty head cold and stayed home from school today.

    He feels better now and doesn't understand why we can't go out anyway. Tomorrow if he goes to school we'll do our dinner out. It's hard when you're the parent who sticks to the being a responsible parent rules. I told him he'd understand when he was a parent one day...or at least I hoped he would.


    Wednesday, March 05, 2014


    Ash Wednesday - start of Lent.

    Gave up biscuits.

    Now that might not sound like much of a sacrifice but I really do like my rich tea biscuits. And since I don't eat meat, don't eat dairy (so no chocolate), don't drink much these days, there's not a lot else that I could give up that would actually mean something - and that I stand a chance of sticking to.

    Giving something up for Lent, even if you aren't religious - or even Christian, is a great way of concentrating the mind. It helps you see how blessed you are that you have things in your life that you can give up. It helps you think of all those people who are less fortunate. And if you donate to charity the money you would have spent on whatever you've given up it helps those people too.

    Not that I only think of these things or make those donations at this time of year... I lend to Kiva, It's only a small amount from me but it can help make a big difference to others. And I sponsor a little girl through Plan. I give bits and bobs to other charities when I can. Especially Wateraid and the PDSA.

    Why not join me?? Give something up for Lent (or just for March if you like), save the money you would have spent on it, and donate to a charity you support, or which does something you like.

    Go on, it'll make you feel good.

    See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


    Tuesday, March 04, 2014

    Shrove Tuesday

    Yesterday was Rosenmontag, hope all our German, Austrian, and Swiss readers had a fun time. Today is Shrove Tuesday - celebrated as Mardi Gras, Fasching, Carnevale, Carnaval, Carnival, Karneval, Fastan, or simply Shrove Tuesday depending on your nationality. Whatever you name it we hope you had a great one.

    Here in the UK it's Shrove Tuesday but better known to all as Pancake Day.

    Yes, we had pancakes for tea, as always. Yes, with lemon juice and sugar, as always.

    And yes, I ate far too many, and, being unaccustomed to rich food, I now feel bleh - as always.


    Monday, March 03, 2014

    Woo hoo!

    Something to read tonight. Have at it.


    Sunday, March 02, 2014

    Oscar Night

    Nothing to read here, sorry. Go enjoy the Oscars, we'll return tomorrow night hopefully with something for y'all.

    Peace, Health and Happiness.


    Saturday, March 01, 2014

    Costco Fun

    Last night E and I made our annual trip to Costco to spend the cash back we got from our Costco American Express. We've been making a list for a few months now. Our trips to Costco lately have been for small things here and basket busting purchases. Not so last night. We ended up with 92 cents back from our check...outstanding.

    One of the few frivolous purchases was for Gravity. I saw it in the theater with the kids but E couldn't do a movie like this on the big screen. We'd have one sick to her stomach E if she tried. Tonight we're going to see how she does viewing it on the small screen. Wish us luck.
