Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Grateful for the NHS

It's that once-in-four-years day today. I always felt sorry for the girl at school who only had a birthday every four years, but at least she could lie about her age now - especially on those forms which say "age last birthday". *g* We have an elderly lady in a care home, here in the UK, who is 89 years old - and celebrating her 21st birthday today. How cool is that??

I have lots of good painkillers. And an anti-emetic because one of the painkillers (diclofenac) makes me feel nauseated when I take it. I am feeling slightly out of things but otherwise I'm well. Healing nicely.

God Bless the NHS. (National Health Service). Don't know what we'd do without it. We Brits like to grumble about it, of course, (just like we love to grumble about our weather), but we love it. We wouldn't want to be without it. It looks after us, it's cost-effective (much more so than most others - the WHO says our system is one of the best, in that way, in the developed world), and it's ours. You wouldn't believe how proprietary we Brits can get about things like that - our things - like the NHS, The Last Night of the Proms, Wimbledon, the BBC (currently celebrating 80 years of the World Service).

The current government is trying to destroy the NHS of course, (Conservative governments always do - and in this our government is a Tory government not a coalition). Chiefly because it doesn't make a profit for private industry. And Tories are all about profit for their city friends. But healthcare shouldn't be about profit.

What do they want?? A system like the USA - where the costs are enormous and the name of the game is make a profit, deny treatment, charge huge prices, drive people into bankruptcy, allow people to die??

A couple of blog entries by a US American ex-pat (and excellent author) Fletcher Delancey have reminded me just how lucky we are. (Well, that and the fact that I've had multiple operations on my shoulder and it hasn't cost me a penny at point-of-service). Without a Safety Net and Without a Safety Net, Continued

I am so, so very glad for our safety net. And I wish that my US friends had something more like it.

Stay well people. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Can't Think

Too many painkillers. Let's see. What to say...

First - my fandom - Lucy Lawless is awesome!! Gotta love a woman who stands up for her beliefs. (Whether you agree with her or not, you have to admit that she's got the courage of her convictions - she's doing something not just saying something should be done.)

Next - remember that website I mentioned a while back in an Uber Etc. post. The one that was archiving fanfic (and original, copyright stories) without permission. Seems they're still neglecting to ask permission.

But (according to a rumour I've read on a couple of groups) in addition to that they're gambling with the law. They are taking those stories and (in some cases) offering ebooks of them. This is foolish because a number of those original stories have been published. Commercially published. (Sometimes with revisions but sometimes not - just tidied up and edited). They are for sale.

And publishers don't like it when you take books which are copyright and for sale and you offer them for nothing. This is called theft. Book piracy. And it is against the law. Publishers tend to do nasty things to people who steal their income. They get the law on you. They issue take-down notices and get your website closed. They sue you. They demand damages.

It would be a very good idea to stop doing that before a publisher gets stroppy with you.

Finally. Yes, I did need an operation. Yes, I had the op. Yes, I am off work this week. I'm not doing much except reading because even typing is difficult as my range of motion is extremely restricted right now. (Finally managed to buy Georgia Beers latest book, 96 Hours. Cute isn't she?? *g*) Plus it hurts. But it should be a lot better in future.

They did wind up putting little plastic tubes in, to train the nerves down. The tubes were tiny. So thin. I had been expecting something a bit like a drinking straw, but these were more like a piece of hollow fishing line.

And I am on some very good painkillers. They do tend to turn what's left of my brain into cotton-wool though.


Monday, February 27, 2012


Going to take me a bit to get back into the routine of work. Tonight I feel totally tired. Off to bed early for me.

Enjoy the updates and I will ramble at you later in the week.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, February 26, 2012


Mom made it back to Oklahoma today. The boys are in Bellevue. It's just three of us tonight and the house is damn quiet. It's also not crowded, which is nice. Back to school and work for everyone on Monday. Time to get out of the lazy vacation groove.


Saturday, February 25, 2012


Our last night with Tamara's mom and we are watching The Mighty Macs. We will be off to the airport early tomorrow morning.

So enjoy these updates. I am off to watch the movie.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, February 24, 2012


Mark your calendars for Thursday, March 1st....
Another Door Opens - "The Closer" and Brenda/Sharon

Having recently spent a highly successful hour discussing "Rizzoli & Isles", F4F Radio looks to continue that success by remaining with the same genre, the same network, and even the same NIGHT. "The Closer", an award-winning police drama that wraps up its seventh and final highly-rated season this summer, stars Emmy/Golden Globe winner Kyra Sedgwick as Brenda Leigh Johnson, a Southern belle who just so happens to be a CIA-trained interrogator who heads the Major Crimes division of the LAPD. For several years, "The Closer" remained under the radar for the LGBT fanfic community - that is, until the arrival of Captain Sharon Raydor (two-time Oscar nominee Mary McDonnell), head of the Internal Affairs division responsible for investigating the use of force by police officers. Over the last three seasons that has meant Brenda and Sharon frequently butting heads over whose investigation takes priority. It's also meant dozens of Brenda/Sharon fanfics, thanks to the tension and friction generated by the evolution of their relationship from enemies to allies. Tonight we will have three guests to discuss their Brenda/Sharon works - Rahleeyah, author of the epic "Where You Least Expect it"; I-Love-Capn-Raydor, who wrote the equally epic "Synchronicity"; and Toomanycats, who created the ongoing series "Physics/Chemistry". We'll discuss our favorite ladies, whether Brenda's marriage makes writing more challenging, and what impact the end of "The Closer" and the upcoming Sharon Raydor spinoff "Major Crimes" will have on the fandom.


E is a big fan of The Closer so I'm very familiar with these two characters. I can honestly say I've never imagined them as a couple. I am looking forward to seeing the spin-off series featuring Raydor. She has certainly become more likeable as the series has progressed.


Thursday, February 23, 2012

Late on Thursday

This will be our last night in Bellingham. Tamara is off swimming with the kids while I am here doing the update. We leave tomorrow for home. I look forward to sleeping in my bed. We've had a good trip and saw some really great things.

One in particular today was outstanding. If you are ever in this neck of the woods do not miss SPARK Museum of Electrical Invention (formerly the American Museum of Radio and Electricity)

This place was truly awesome. I got a ton of pictures and will try and get an album put together this weekend. If interested in seeing them holler.

Okay enough babbling, it's late and I'm tired. Enjoy the updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Musings Litter Leads To

Cat litter that is.

My cousin was late for work this morning (she forgot she had an early start and got up at her usual time - which was half-an-hour later than she should) and so I said I'd see to her cats (she has four). It doesn't take long. Dish up four bowls of cat-food and clear out the litter trays (3) while the cats eat breakfast. I emptied the trays into a rubbish sack (you do not want details - trust me) and put that sack into a second one, and then into the wheelie-bin. Rinsed the trays out with soapy water and then re-filled them. And it was as I was re-filling them I started wondering.

What exactly is cat-litter. And is it eco-friendly. A quick read of the packet didn't tell me a lot. It said fuller's earth clumping cat-litter. Well I sort-of knew what fuller's earth was, but as for where it comes from and what it actually consists of, I hadn't a clue.

Oh boy, I was going to be off on one of my info hunts again, I just knew it. You know the sort of thing. You look up a word in the dictionary, and that leads you to an entry in an encyclopaedia, and another, and another. And before you know it three hours have gone by, you've learnt half-a-dozen new things about five different subjects, none of which was the one you began with.

It niggled at me all day and sure enough, as soon as I got home I started investigating. I didn't like the sound of things. Fuller's earth is not just clay. It's clay with aluminium oxide, silica, and iron oxide in it. And it's not just dug up it's mined. A non-renewable source with a heavy impact on the environment. Not eco-friendly at all.

I also found out a great many things about the wool industry in mediaeval England, the methods of shipping it to other European countries. The types of sheep that make the best fleeces, and where the Rare Breeds Farm is. Not to mention some interesting details about the founding and charters of the Tailors', Haberdashers', and Mercers' Guilds... Did you know that the Tailors' Guild should properly be called The Guild of Merchant Taylors of the Fraternity of St. John Baptist in the City of London. I didn't until today.

Eventually (a couple of hours later) I got back to the subject of cat-litter and decided to check for alternatives. And I found this Website. Lots of good eco-friendly cat-litters. She's going to try the wood pellet one first and if they don't like that she'll try the paper one she said.

If they don't like it?? They're cats. They don't get to choose!! If they're gonna be that fussy make them use the garden. A bit of nice, muddy, compost between their claws, in the pouring rain, and they'll be begging to use the wood one!!

She told me I don't understand cats. Cats aren't like dogs. Cats rule, humans obey. I told her I'd rather have dogs. Dogs are simple. Dogs love to do what you tell them to!! I think the cats understood me. I'll swear they're glaring at me and plotting my demise.

See you next week. (If the cats let me live). Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pancake Day

It's Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day here in the UK. I've blogged about it in previous years so I'm not going to bore you all with it except to say that as usual I've eaten too many and now feel a bit bleah.

Today is also (in the two-thirds of the world that write the date as day/month/year) a palindromic date 21/02/2012 reads the same backwards. I love dates like that, big kid that I am.

I'm posting tonight's updates a little early because I want to go to bed early (with some heavy-duty painkillers) as I'm in a fair bit of pain and I'm so tired I can hardly see straight. My shoulder is killing me. I am always aware of it, there is always a kind of dull, background ache to it. There always will be. The docs tell me I'll never be completely pain free. I can live with that. But for about six weeks or so the pain has been increasing from "dull ache which needs painkillers sometimes" into "hurts like hell and can't sleep without strong painkillers". And this past week (since about Thursday) it's reached "bloody agony and even high-strength codeine won't touch it and I'm not sleeping".

So yesterday I phoned the doc and said, "I think what you told me might happen has happened."

When I was injured, the very first emergency repair job they did on me required that all the nerves in my shoulder were severed, and some of them had chunks removed. The second and third operations required further cuts/removals, because nerves grow back. (Did you know that?? I didn't before that.) And they were growing slightly skew-whiff. After my final operation they said that they'd tried to set it so that the nerves would re-grow and join up over the plates in my shoulder, but that there was a possibility that they might grow under the plates. The first was more desirable but the second was acceptable.

There was, however, a remote chance that they would attempt to grow between the plates. This would be a bad thing as every movement I made would crush the nerve between the plates, resulting in nerve-ending shredding, reducing the chances of re-connection, and also in incredible pain from the nerve endings. If this happened I would need another operation and thin plastic tubing would be inserted in my shoulder, partially covering the nerve endings, so that they could be "persuaded" to grow along the tubes and re-join that way. Why the hell they didn't do that right from the start God only knows.

It looks as if the remote chance wasn't that remote. Or my nerves are as ornery as the rest of me and deliberately grew through the worst possible path. So I'm in for a scan on Friday, to check if they have done what the doc, the surgeon, and I, all think they have done. I've been told to act as though I'm having an op - don't eat in other words, because if they are between the plates then they'll do the surgery asap as a day-case. (They booked an appointment for me just in case).

If they do then I'm off work next week. Which since no work = no pay isn't improving my mood at all. Ah well. Can't be helped I guess. At least they've given me some really strong painkillers (Tramadol) so I might get some sleep tonight.


Monday, February 20, 2012

From the Hotel

Decent Wi-Fi and the kids say the 4 f.t deep pool is a bit lame but we are all here happy and safe. Tamara got the birthday dinner of mediocre Mexican food.

Tomorrow we start hitting up the museums and other fun places.

Until then, enjoy those updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, February 19, 2012


We're off to Bellingham tomorrow morning. I hope I've remembered everything. Usually I make a list but I winged it this time. I may come to regret that.

Plenty to read tonight, have at it.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Easy Saturday

Very few chores or projects had to be completed today, it was nice. A slow day all around. Exactly what weekends should be. Tomorrow my daughter joins us as we prepare for our trip to Bellingham.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Question for y'all....

Anyone have word on what's up with The Athenaeum?


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Vacation on the horizon....

One day left and then one full week off, I like it!

Enjoy your updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012


First things first... Today is The Goddess ROC's 41st birthday. Pwaise Hestia!! Happy Birthday Renee O'Connor.

Next. It is Nirvana Day for those of Jain or Buddhist beliefs. I wish you a peaceful one.

Finally. I've said it before and I'll likely say it a great many more times ere I die, but - I f$%&inng HATE football... congrats to any AC Milan fans out there. We were pathetic and deserved to be crushed.

It's half-term this week. I hadn't realised. I had noticed the bus wasn't quite as full, and that some of the stops had nobody waiting, but the penny didn't drop. Until tea-break today. I wandered over to the edge of the site, to sit in a patch of sunlight while I drank my coffee and ate my crisps and I heard a little voice going, "Hello building lady. How are you??" There she was, little Barbie, leaning on the fence and watching us with interest.

She had one of her friends with her, a boy about a year older. I really must learn his name - word association and all that - I keep wanting to call him Ken. Since Kenneth, (like Malcolm, Lionel, or Edmund), isn't a name often found in anyone under 45, there's no way anybody wouldn't get the reference and that would not be kind.

I took the two paces necessary to reach her and said, "Hello, Barbara, I'm fine thanks, how are you??"

She turned to the boy and said, "See, I told you the building lady was my friend."

He sneered at her and said, "She's not your friend, she's just a grown-up being polite to a little kid." I decided that I didn't like the obnoxious little brat. Especially as Barbie looked as if she might cry. I hate bullies.

So I gathered up my courage, took my life in my hands, and said, "I am too her friend." (I nearly added, "So there, yah, boo, sucks." But remembered in time that I'm supposed to be an adult.)

He looked astonished but persevered. "You can't be, mister. You're a grown-up." (He'd obviously forgotten I was building lady.

I stood up as straight as I could, put on my fiercest expression and said, "Are you arguing with me little boy??" I scared the bejesus out of him. He simply shook his head - so fast I'm surprised it didn't fall off.

The look on Barbie's face was priceless. I thought her face would crack, her smile was so wide. She said, "Thank you, building lady."

I gave her my crisps. She thanked me again and skipped off.

I think I'm getting soft in my old age. I'll have to find some puppies to kick.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Over-Commercialised, Pseudo-Romantic Fertility Celebration Day

Bah humbug.

I get stuck with St. Valentine's Day?? Me?? The least romantic person in existence. The least romantic person it's even possible to imagine might exist. You expect schmaltz from me?? Oh boy.

Romantic?? Well, I suppose it should be. The whole sending-a-card-anonymously-to-someone-you-fancy thing could be. Except that it isn't like that now, about lovers or people you would like as a lover, it's got to the stage where people send their parents, siblings, or children Valentine cards. So not the right kind of love. Or kids in infant school (5 to 7 years old) being made to send cards to other kids in infant school. Which is ridiculous when you think about it.

But then - it's just a de-paganised version of Lupercalia - the Roman fertility festival. Nothing romantic about running through the street being walloped with a blood-soaked goat skin is there??

Did I send cards?? Not bloody likely. Did I get cards?? Unfortunately yes. Waste of bloody money, sending romantic cards to me.

And all those over-priced chocolates - and triple-the-usual-price roses... Bah humbug.

So what about some links - recommended sites in my fandom - the Xenaverse:-

The original Xena the Conqueror fanfiction link site - created and maintained over many, many years (and the basis for the imitations) - The Annals of the Conqueror.

The original Xena-Uber & Mel/Janice links site - Ultimate Uber List

The original Xena (and Herc) pairing archive (want Joxer/Ares?? Gab/Callisto?? Xena/Jett?? it's here) - Asheras Archive

Want Xenaverse reviews?? Oldies but goodies - Lunacy and Blurb

And now I've an urge to go read some good Xena fic... see you tomorrow folks - have a good V-Day (in spite of me *g*).


Monday, February 13, 2012

Ze, the schmaltzy Valentine's Day post is yours!

Plenty to read on Valentine's Day Eve....


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Grammy Night

We are testing out our cheap antenna tonight to watch the Grammy's. I want to see Adele clean up. Unfortunately Whitney's death yesterday puts in a sad spot for the telecast, may she Rest in Peace.

Enjoy the updates on this day 2/12/12.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Nothin' Much

We had a lazy day here at the Hoelscher-Hodge household. Next Friday my mom arrives and we're on Mid-Winter break for a week. I did manage to get a whole lot of laundry done. E consolidated our wood and chopped some more kindling. Most of the day though we relaxed. The kids seemed okay with it as well.

Tomorrow haircuts and getting ready for the work/school week ahead. Enjoy the updates.


Friday, February 10, 2012


I am lucky enough have a ramble this evening. Thanks to Rio!
I ramble a lot. I ramble when I'm trying to tell a joke or when I'm trying to explain something that just happened.

When Elisa offered me the opportunity to ramble here, I thought, "now there's something I can do". So here goes.

I've been working on a couple of sites, The Conqueror's Library and The Xena Library. At The Conqueror's Library you'll find links, story descriptions, reviews, artwork, covers and anything else we could find for every Conqueror story we could find. At the Xena Library, we've got a good start on linking to stories of genres from across the Xenaverse: Classic, Uber, Post-FIN, Mel & Janice, etc. Looking for stories with Amazons? We've got a page for that. Think Gabrielle and Ares have great chemistry? We've got the stories for you. Looking for stories about Xena and Gabrielle as nothing more than best friends? Well, I haven't quite got to that page yet, but it is in the works. The Libraries are really all about making it as easy as possible to find the Xena stories you want to read. I hope you'll stop by and check us out. And, let me know if you've got any questions, comments or suggestions.



Thanks again for rambling Rio, come on by anytime! And to all you folks, check 'em out and let them know what you think. Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, February 09, 2012


I'll let you get to reading....


Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Drive Takes a Dive

OK... let's see if I can send tonight's update out without a glaringly obvious typo which I totally fail to see until it's too late and it's wound up in my inbox.

Next - apologies if you've sent me an email recently (chiefly in the fortnight up until last Saturday but also a slightly older one from Mel AKA Scribingbard) and I haven't replied.

Unfortunately the second-hand and rather elderly (80gig hard-drive, 256 RAM) HP PC I was using suffered a catastrophic and completely irreparable hard-drive meltdown. I use Thunderbird to read my email. The trouble with using an email client to read mail, rather than reading on the web, is that once you've downloaded it, if you haven't left a copy on the server (because you're saving space), you're stuffed. Your hard-drive crashes and takes everything with it and you've no way of reading them let alone replying. And everything you've saved for the past year - gone, never to be recovered.

In future I'll be leaving a copy on the server until I've replied. But that doesn't really help with those already lost. So - if you haven't had a reply, I'm really sorry but I can't send you one.

At least I'd backed my files up to cd. Although I can't do a lot with those cds yet, I'm currently using the (also second-hand of which I changed the hard-drive) laptop acquired a year ago. And it doesn't have a working cd drive!!

I will be buying a new pc asap. (Well, a new to me, refubished one anyway.)

So - a reminder - back up your files folks!!

Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, February 07, 2012

What the Dickens, this is heretical!!

Yesterday was the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty's ascension to the throne. Sixty years. Whether you are a royalist, or you think the royal family (or all royal families) is an anachronistic bunch of free-loaders, or you're from one of the territories that still sort-of belong to what's left of the British Empire (and which really should cut the cord and become republics) or the rest of the world, and don't give a monkey's either way, you have to admire her stamina. Sixty years in the same job is pretty good going. Strange that England's (and it is England in this case not the UK) three longest reigning monarchs (the UK's two longest reigning) are all female. Are women just better at handling the job or queen than men are at being king??

Today is the two-hundredth anniversary of the birth of Charles Dickens. The usual pontification is being done by the usual half-baked politicians. Lots of chattering about what a spur he was to social reform (erm - no - he reported the reform that was already happening - he didn't inspire it). And then the literary chattering classes shaking their heads about the way youngsters in school don't have the attention span to read his stuff these days. Got news for you chaps - kids never did like to read him, and it has nothing to do with attention spans. It's due to the fact that they're forced to read him in class. Being forced to read Jane Eyre as a kid means I still loathe that book.

Plus of course there's the fact that he's a pompous, sentimental, overblown windbag.

He was being paid by the word - and it shows. He was writing weekly instalments for magazines, and he needed to keep his readers coming back. And that shows too. He never "shows" if he can "tell". Preferably in huge info-dumps, the like of which would get any modern day editor buying red pencils (or blue, or which ever colour they prefer their strike-throughs to be) by the crate-load.

I've tried to like him. Truly I have. I re-read Christmas Carol (at Christmas), it's just about bearable if a little sickly. And I tried to read Tale of Two Cities last month, (brilliant opening paragraph, nonsensical and turgid rest of the chapter). And since I was born just yards away from where Mr. Pickwick was supposed to live I tried Pickwick Papers again last week. I managed a chapter and a half.

He's maudlin, sentimental in a sickly way. The only book of his era I can think of, off the top of my head, which is more sickly is Ellen Wood's East Lynne.

It's not the length of the books that means I (and the kids they're complaining about) can't stomach him. It's not the fact that styles have changed over time, or the bleakness of some parts of the stories. I like Sir Walter Scott. I like Wilkie Collins. And Mrs Gaskell. I love Jane Austen. I love Shakespeare. And Chaucer. And Langland. I even like Maksim Gorky, and you can't get much bleaker than that.

No, it's that he's awful. He's the Dan Brown of his era. Only with verbal diarrhoea.

I'm with Oscar Wilde on this. "One must have a heart of stone to read the death of Little Nell without laughing."


Monday, February 06, 2012

Monday Evening

Hey y'all, Nene Adams is doing fairly well but still has a long way to go for that new leg, help her out if you can. It will be greatly appreciated!

Enjoy the updates we'll ramble at you towards the end of the week...Have fun!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, February 05, 2012

Help an Author in Need

Carla Capizzi gave me a little poke about Nene Adams and her need for a prosthetic leg. She needs a great deal of cash and so far hasn't raised too much. I know many of you out there have read and enjoyed Nene's stories online. If you'd like to show your appreciation in the form of cash for her new leg then head on over to Leg for Nene. Spreading the word far and wide helps too.


Saturday, February 04, 2012

Saturday Night

My daughter and I are headed to Whose Live Anyway in a few hours. The tickets were part of her Christmas gifts. She loves watching the DVDs we own of the tv series and I am hoping these guys live are even better. This type of impromptu comedy is usually pretty good and I am thinking these guys have it down to a science.

So enjoy the updates and I can update you all on Monday.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, February 03, 2012

Chick Flicks

E and I have had two movie nights in a row. That's rare for us. Last night was E's pick...Friends with Benefits. It ended up being much better than her chick flick pick of a few weeks ago (One Day). My one complaint about Friends with Benefits would have to be the preponderance of butt shots. I've now seen enough of Justin Timberlake's ass to last me a lifetime.

Tonight's movie was my kind of chick flick...Haywire. It stars Gina Carano, a mixed martial arts fighter (and former American Gladiator star). She's not going to be accused of being a great actress but she didn't stink. Where she really shined, however, was in the action sequences. She can certainly kick some ass. I'd like to see her in more action roles.

Okay. Enough babbling. On to the update.


Thursday, February 02, 2012

So Close

And yet, distance ahead. I live in Washington State, the one that will be passing gay marriage within the next few days. Unfortunately those who do not agree with that will be having it stalled and then put to a vote of the people. A vote on a civil right. Skip the religion argument because if that were truly the case then how do you get a federal tax break? I am sick and tired of politics and people who claim some upper hand by their religion.

Well I never figured it would be legal in my lifetime, but hey who knows I could be in for a surprise. Here's hoping.

On another note, can we all skip the pink ribbons? There are hundreds (if not more) of organizations that will happily and wisely spend your donation helping women with health care.

Enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.
