Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow, Ice and Vacation

What a bizarre week. I spent half or more of it at home with kids and snow time. I'm on vacation all next week, hence I've been a bit stressed with what little time I did get at the office. Oh well...all that stress will be waiting upon my return on the 29th.

The snow and ice have put a damper on our shopping fun, but tomorrow we plan to get going nice and early and have a full day with thousands of other folks across the area. More snow and ice with wind thrown in is due on Sunday. Wow what an oddity this has all been. We get snow but it usually is a dusting or perhaps one day closed with some okay sledding at the park. This week...a winter wonderland with many inches and it has stayed in the 20's which is darn tootin' cold for us. Record making times I'm sure.

Tonight we're off to the Seattle Children's Theater to see The Wizard of Oz. We'll pile in the van and hope for the best.

Enough of my ramblings onto your updates, enjoy!


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