Monday, October 31, 2011


It's about the candy and having fun. As a kid I loved it. As an adult with a kid it's good as well. Watching our kids dress up and take to the streets is as enjoyable. Perhaps it's kind of like Christmas. I actually enjoy watching others open their gifts more than opening those given to me.

Tonight though I am staying back as Tamara is taking them out and about. I will hand out candy to the very few kids that come this way. Here is hoping they are done early and I am once again completely tired.

Now back to those updates, enjoy.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween (a bit early)!

Everyone who celebrates Halloween, please stay safe and have fun. I'll be walking around with a few kids and hopefully snagging a few pieces of chocolate while I'm at it.

Light night. Perhaps tomorrow everyone will bring out the Halloween stories. Keep your fingers crossed.


Saturday, October 29, 2011


We just got home from a Diwali party. Kids hopefully are tired (I know I am). Full day of events for us as pumpkins got carved and chores got done. My bed awaits me.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Friday, October 28, 2011


Our busy week is over in in terms of work and school. Our weekend is pretty full, however, with a Diwali party for the kids on Saturday and Cal's belated birthday party (with school friends) on Sunday. Pumpkins will need to be carved some time this weekend. I'm due to pick up my comics.

Tonight I'll take the kids to the Ridgecrest Elementary Fall Carnival. E will stay home in front of the fire and enjoy the peace and quiet. I think I'll try and find an out of the way place to read. No matter how much noise or commotion is around me I can always read.

Y'all have fun whatever your weekend holds.


Thursday, October 27, 2011


The trees are starting to drop those leaves. Autumn is here in full swing and we, unlike Ze, have not been having much rain at all. Cold mornings with some fog that clears off to beautiful sunny afternoons. However we are once again are losing our light in the later afternoon as winter slips closer.

Pumpkins will hopefully be carved this weekend as well as other adventures.

Now back to your updates, enjoy 'em.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

'Tis Raining Cats...

First - it's Diwali/Deepavali - so to our Hindu readers Shubh Diwali.


'Tis raining cats, 'tis raining dogs,
'Tis pouring from the skies,
'Tis fun for fish, 'tis fun for frogs
But not poor butterflies!!

To get the full effect of that you really need to hear it spoken by an elderly farmer, in a thick Devon accent. As I did today. Nice old boy, must have been well into his eighties. Took pity on us poor workers and brought us tea & bikkies (rich tea fingers to be precise).

That rain we've been desperate for all summer?? Turned up this week. Torrential downpour and gale-force winds on Monday. Torrential downpour Tuesday. Torrential downpour today. Half the county's on flood alert. The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness has become the season of monsoons and muddy waterfalls. It's almost as if Mother Nature is trying to give us three months rainfall in a single week. My boots haven't dried out since about 11am Monday. They stink!! If you think trainers (sneakers) smell bad you haven't smelt work-boots that have been sodden for three days solid!!

I was soaked through to the skin, through a waterproof - hah!! that's a laugh!! - jacket & overtrousers, a fleece, a shirt and a t-shirt. Every day. I was also filthy. I cadged a lift home in the works van because there was absolutely no way that I was going to be allowed on the bus in that state. There was just about enough of a glimpse of cloth through the mud that proved that yes, I was wearing jeans and they were blue not brownish-red.

The ground is getting too sodden to dig. (If it rains again tomorrow the site manager said not to bother coming in as we can't do anything.) And yet a few centimetres below the (total mud that was soil) surface it's still bone-dry. We really need about another three weeks of this. By which time I'd have evolved webbed feet, and gills.

I wonder of I've got enough wood in the shed for an ark?? The measurements don't seem that as if it would be very big. No bigger than our (fairly small, terrace) house. I'm sure I could run one up over the weekend.

Stay dry folks. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Upon St Crispin's Day

This day is called the feast of Crispian:
    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
    For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
    This day shall gentle his condition:
    And gentlemen in England now a-bed
    Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
    And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
    That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

Yep. Today is indeed St Crispin's Day. And yep. It is the anniversary of the Battle of Agincourt.

And my inner Shakespeare-nerd loves this fact. *g*

And loves that speech.

Along with the God For Harry one earlier in the play (that's the one about the siege of Harfleur not Agincourt - non-Shakespeare-nerds in England tend to confuse the two).

I think my favourite Shakespeare rousing-type speech is the This England one from Richard II. Though I tend to take that one slightly out-of-context when I quote it and omit all of the speech after This England. Because the quote up to that point (and for about another paragraph) is very stirring & patriotic. But if you add the bits I (and pretty much every other English person) miss it's not at all flattering.

I love Shakespeare. So do a great many other British people. And a lot of them aren't too happy about the new film. In fact there have been protests. Very British and very restrained protests, but protests nevertheless. I won't be seeing it.

I did, however, go to the pictures this past weekend. I decided I felt like seeing something that didn't need thought, something light, something that was total escapist rubbish. So I went to see Johnny English Reborn. Because it is total rubbish. But I liked it anyway mainly because I loved the Barclaycard adverts that the character is based on.

I don't think I'd recommend it to most of my friends though...


Monday, October 24, 2011


We have all three kids with us and it's looking like a jam packed week ahead. One or both of us has something to take a kid (or kids) to five days out of seven. Normally our weeks aren't like this, thank goodness. We're lucky. I know plenty of parents who are on the go all the time. And, of course, next week we'll have a quiet, slow time with no kids. Time to recuperate at least.


Sunday, October 23, 2011


The day seem to be filled with them. And I have a few more to do tonight. Hence enjoy your updates and have a great week.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Saturday, October 22, 2011

Plenty to keep you busy....

You have a lot to read and I must get busy with my online Safe Schools test. You'll be having more fun than I will....


Friday, October 21, 2011


That is my hope for the weekend. I have a few things I want to get done chore wise but over all, relax. Perhaps even sleeping in would be nice.

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Thursday, October 20, 2011


I have nothing constructive to say. I'm warm by our fire, my Farmville farms are all caught up and I'm contemplating watching something on Hulu while I fold clothes. Exciting I know. Y'all have a good night.


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

People Are Not Things

Minor grammar nit-pick ahead...

I've seen this frequently (almost to the exclusion of the correct form) in fan-fiction written in American English. I've seen it quite often in proper printed books written in American English. Now it's starting to gain a toe-hold in fan-fiction, websites, etc. (even the BBC news website) in British English.

"The woman that gave me the book." "The man that jumped from the train." "The man that I saw yesterday." And it throws me every single time. It's not correct. People are not things.

The woman who gave me the book. The man who jumped from the train. The man whom I saw yesterday. (Man is object not subject of the sentence in this.)

Who not that.

Inanimate objects are "that". The book that was on the table.

Animals are "that". The dog that barked. (Although since I'm a) English and b) horribly old-fashioned I tend to say "The dog which barked.")

People are not. People are "who". Thank you.

And on the subject of people. Tomorrow is Spirit Day. Blimey, is it really a year since I froze my wotsits off in a t-shirt?? It's 3c at the moment and forecast to reach the lofty heights of 11c tomorrow, so I don't think I'm going to be wearing that particular t-shirt again. But I might pick up a purple sweat-shirt on my way to work. (There's a market stall near the bus station that has a wide range in some startling colour combinations.)

Whatever colour you choose to wear tomorrow have a good day. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Autumn's Here.

Warehouse 13 - same warnings apply as last Wednesday.

It's turned right chilly today. They're forecasting overnight temps of 4c (that's about 39f) so it's definitely Autumn now. It's dark of a morning, too. I hate getting up in the dark and getting back home in the dark. And in less than a fortnight the clocks will go back and it will get darker even earlier. Which means my hours will be cut (we're not far enough along in the site preparation to justify the expense of floodlights and night shifts just yet) and that's a pain. Ah well, at least I've got a job.


Monday, October 17, 2011

Ramble from UK

Our lives are filled with all the things that we find to be essential parts of "A Good Life". We work, we play, we eat and drink, have sex, read, sleep ..... There is no room in our lives for ... waiting! We don't count on being kept waiting, it's not on our schedule and when it happens we get uncomfortable because waiting is an unknown factor, something that we cannot control.

Nevertheless we are kept waiting .... for the man who is coming to install the phone .... he will arrive sometime between 8 am - 4 pm (!), for the new washing machine with an estimated time of delivery 3 - 5 days (!), on the phone queuing to talk to Support about the black screen on the new PC ... "You are now number 5 in line ..... ".

The companies we pay to deliver the consumer goods that we cannot live without has incorporated our waiting in their business plan! But while we wait, we think! Think about all the things that we cannot do while we wait. We might even think about how we can avoid the waiting .... do we need the phone, can another company deliver the washing machine ... today ? Those who count on us for their livelihood mights think about the power they give us .... by giving us time to think!

While I wait I think about the things that I don't have to wait for. I think about the friend that I know is always on time for our get-together, the gf who will give a hug whenever its needed ...... an update from the ladies of The Uber Ect.!

I am happy to say that You ladies are not only my most valuable and reliable source of information on the going-ons in the fan fiction Universe. You are also among the very few things in life that don't keep us waiting, I am impressed by your ability to keep up with the regular posting!

And that was really what I wanted to say. I am sorry if I kept you waiting for the point of this Ramble ;-)


Okay, what can be said here other than Thank You (I say it with smile on my face)! You made my day. Back to it, y'all enjoy!

Peace, Health, and Happiness.


Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hype Update!

Allaine's latest show, Fall and Rise of Soaps - "The P@ssionate & the Privileged" (, has been postponed to Monday 10/17. If you thought you missed out by not catching this one last Thursday, you're in luck!


Saturday, October 15, 2011


Our kids are getting older. Of course we aren't. Today at the pumpkin patch farm it was the first year where it hit me, that the kids are starting to age out. Today may have been our last trip to the Farm, but hopefully we have one more. Time will tell.

We had a good time and once again we (Tamara and I) reaffirmed that they are the best one around in our neck of the woods. Fun was had by all. We got there nice and early beating out the crowds. We were able to pick out some nice pumpkins and then take the rest of the day to play.

Hope you all are having a great day/weekend!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, October 14, 2011


Another week down for us at the Hoelscher-Hodge household. Cal only had school for half the day on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (parent/teacher conferences). Emory and E had today off. Duncan lucked out with a half day today because of the Homecoming assembly. I made it through the entire week with no mishaps at work. All in all...a good week for everyone.

Tomorrow we're taking the two youngest to The Farm to get our Halloween pumpkins. We've tried other pumpkin patch farms but we always end up wishing we'd just gone to The Farm. Now we know not to bother with other places. Money will be spent, food will be eaten, a hay maze will be tackled, and pumpkins will be picked tomorrow. I predict a long day and two very tired adults.

Y'all get to reading.


Thursday, October 13, 2011


Which means Friday for me. And that is a good thing. Here is hoping you all had a wonderful week and end it with something grand! Tomorrow is Friday...may be it be splendid.

Peace, Heath and Happiness.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Green Grow the Rushes-o

Before you read any stories in the Warehouse 13 section - a quick word of warning - many of them concern (and therefore contain spoilers for) the finale of the third season - and not all of them warn for this. If you are in a country where they haven't reached that yet then you might want to be careful. I have marked those I know to contains spoilers with a * after the link - but I'm not guaranteeing that I found them all. (And I'm not promising to do this every time, either!! *g*)

I was absolutely filthy when I got home today. There was a concealed pond. At some point it had obviously been a proper pond, with water, and probably frogs and newts. But that was before the rushes ran riot. Rushes do that. You plant one or two in a pond, to provide shelter and a little greenery, you turn your back for five minutes and they've turned into a jungle and your pond is nowhere to be seen.

I've never been able to understand how they managed to find the baby Moses. I mean - have you seen how big bulrushes grow?? They'd wouldn't have been able to see him until he was old enough and tall enough to be vandalising cigarette machines and setting fire to litter bins!!. Seriously. If he'd been in the pond I was at today the Pharoah's daughter would have needed a machete and a couple of good axes to get to him.

Anyway, the pond was completely hidden. It looked just like another part of the ivy-infested, bramble-covered, grassy field. Until I found it.



I stepped back and there it was. And since I wasn't expecting it to be there, or rather I was expecting solid ground to be there, not mush. I wasn't able to keep my balance.

The rushes had formed a near-solid mat at the bottom. And naturally the years of neglect had allowed a fair amount of silt to build up too. So it wasn't water any more. It was very, very liquid mud. Slimy and stagnant and revolting.

They laughed at me!! There I was, dripping mud, cold and wet. And did my work-mates sympathise?? Did they rush to help me?? Did they even offer to get me a coffee to make me feel better?? No. They laughed at me.

And the bus driver wouldn't let me on the bus to go home. Not that I blame him. I wouldn't have if I'd been in his shoes.

I showered twice when I got home. The first time fully clothed in the hope of getting at least some of the mud off.

I don't think I'll ever get this shirt - formerly light-blue - clean again.

Have a good week. Good night and may your God/s go with you (and keep you out of ponds).


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Left a Bit...

Weather wouldn't have been too bad today if it hadn't been for the wind. Which was icy-cold and cut right through my fleece and polo shirt. Tomorrow I think it'll be long sleeves and a woolly-pully. You wait, we'll probably have a mini heat-wave and I'll bitterly regret it!!

Spent most of today measuring and spraying. You hammer a large metal pole into the ground. Then another a short distance away. Then somebody stands a couple of hundred metres away with a third pole while you squint at the first two and try and align them as you wave left or right or yell, "Stop!!". Then you run a piece of string between them. And hammer small poles every 1,9 metres along the string. Then you remove the string and spray round the poles with an aerosol can of marking paint. Taking care not to stand downwind of the spray or after about two hours you'll be as high as a kite. After you've spayed all round them you remove all the poles, leaving the area marked with little white circles. You move on and measure out the next section while the bloke who gets to play with the really cool toys follows on and digs a bloody great hole in each using a mini-digger with post-holer attachment. And a crew follows him with the posts and fixer.

Marking out plots for temporary buildings for the work-force. Dead boring. And remarkably tiring considering it isn't exactly strenuous work. So I'm sitting here - feeling as though I haven't done much today but I'm shattered and yawning enough to break my jaw.

Not an awful lot for you tonight but I'll let you crack on anyway.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Gripey Monday

E very kindly did the links tonight since I was taking Cal to play rehearsal in Bellevue. I found out today that the rehearsal schedule I had isn't the schedule it will be every week. Evidently rehearsal days change every week. I wasn't very happy about this.

Cal's play rehearsal this week happens on Monday, Thursday and Friday. He won't be making it to Thursday rehearsal because we have a prior commitment. And...if he makes it to Friday's it will be because his dad takes him. Bitchy I know but it annoys the heck out of me that he didn't mention this when we talked about play practice and that I just found out today. Argh!

Okay, enough bitching. Get to reading.


Sunday, October 09, 2011

Ramble from phair

Words from another, take it away phair.
Routine isn't always simple. I found that out two weeks ago sitting in the dentist's getting a cleaning.

"How long has this been here?" She asked in the tone professionals use when they become concerned.

"My PCP said it was nothing," I knew the reply wasn't exactly an answer so her follow up was not unexpected.

"Let's get Dr. Tabah to take a look. But, I’ll snap some pictures first, okay?"

She asked like I could actually say no with her hand holding my lip down.

Less than a dozen heartbeats later the dentist was saying, "I don't like the look of that."

Less than three hours later, I was in an oral surgeon's chair with a very large needle piercing my lip listening to the words you hope never to hear. "We'll send it for biopsy."

In just under eight hours, I heard two of the worst sentences a doctor could utter; 'I don't like the look of that' and 'biopsy.' I rocketed from annoyed with a small change in my daily schedule for routine dental maintenance to terrified that my mouthful of new stitches were holding together cancerous tissue. I had this unreasonable desire to rip my own lip off with my bare hands.

So, I sat in my car to gather my wits enough to drive and not mutilate myself. I was in the downtown section of the depressed city of my youth. So little had changed since my last visit there. It was amazing how little had changed since the day I first arrived in 1974. It was still gritty and poor and desparate. But, I am an adult now without the parent who brought me here and the brother who promised never to leave me. But, that is a wishful promise none of us can keep.

I thought of my old and much missed friend AC Henley. Years ago, while she was battling for her life against cancer, she told me she struggled to get her doc's attention to run more tests when her symptoms persisted but there were delays.

Precious time lost looking at the wrong information. By the time her cancer was discovered, she was facing a deeply entrenched disease. She fought hard but could not beat back that hideous illness. She was taken from us far too soon.

As I sat in my car, shaking from fear and a post surgical adrenline rush, the rain began to hammer the Jeep. And, in spite of it and the impoverished surroundings, I felt grateful to live where I live with ample doctors nearby and health insurance to cover the bulk of the expense. My fears about what the test would show ebbed a little thinking how happy AC would be to hear that even though one doc ignored the growth in my mouth the next doctor didn't and the specialist took immediate action. Whatever was in my mouth was out within three weeks of the first time I noticed it.

It struck me then that AC and I are at another cross roads of sorts. Her novel, McKee has been re-released by L-Book. It is the novel as she first envisioned it reedited by her wife, Sherry. My book, Coward, will be released in December of the year. This marks the first time AC and I will be with the same publisher and I could not think of a better novel to proceed my own. I miss her wit and her prose and look forward to savoring her words once more.

I have been extremely lucky. My biopsy was negative. However my doc was spooked enough to order a boat load of follow up tests to rule out everything that could be wrong. Which is inconvenient but prudent. I wish somebody had ordered these inconvenient tests for AC when she asked the first time. It is painful to think how much time we lost with her and how many stories she did not get to tell us. It is our loss.

Well, phair, keep the luck. Negative is good.

Peace, Health and Happiness y'all!


Saturday, October 08, 2011


Another cool show from Allaine....
Fall and Rise of Soaps - "The P@ssionate & the Privileged"

Last time we spoke of the demise of the ABC soap opera "All My Children", which has moved on to an uncertain future as an online production. From five days a week on a major television network to the wild, woolly world of the Internet, it must be a huge step down, right? Not necessarily. This week we'll be speaking to the creator of what is not only a new online soap opera, but also the vanguard in an experiment that could potentially change the role production companies and audiences play in series development. "The P@ssionate and the Privileged" contains many of the classic tropes familiar to soap fans - wealthy families at war, conniving outsiders, surprise twin siblings, unhappy marriages, forbidden affairs, power games, and true love. But it also explores subject material which was only explored by soaps like "AMC" and "Guiding Light" in the last decade. It's not uncommon in soaps for members of rival families to begin a romance that defies old hostilities, but it IS when we're talking about lead female characters Brynn Logan and Simone Randolph. Their undeniable attraction towards each other has only grown as Season Two approaches its conclusion. Tonight I'll be talking with Hope Royaltey, who left her role as director and executive producer on the webseries "Venice" to create "P&P", as well as its home site FlagshipTV, an interactive entertainment webpage designed to make viewers involved in a show's development as well as its success or failure. We'll discuss P&P, FlagshipTV, the current state of soap operas on both TV and the Internet, and what impact she believes she can have on the entertainment industry.


Mark your calenders, folks, because it's coming up this Thursday.


Friday, October 07, 2011

Coughing and More

I am sick of it. My nose and all the gunk factory inside it can stop now. Little grumpy, sick of being sick and happy that it is Friday.

Here is hoping you all have a splendid weekend!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, October 06, 2011


No Indian Summer here in Washington. We finally seem to be getting into our Fall and wet. Soon the fireplace will be in constant use. I know the cats are looking forward to that. I am too actually.

E is slowly getting over the cold. I seem to be having a tiny relapse but it's only attacking one sinus this time. And with nowhere near the ferocity of last weekend. I don't have work tomorrow so I'll sleep in a bit and hope that knocks the cold back on its ass.

This weekend we don't have much planned beyond rest and I'm all for that.


Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Mind Like a Grasshopper.

The weather's turned again. Cold, windy and wet today. Shame. For the past week or so we've been enjoying an Indian Summer (at least here in England. Scotland hasn't been so lucky). Cloudless blue skies, brilliant sunshine. Temperatures of 27 to 29c (80 to 84f according to the online converter - although that sounds a bit high to me. But then I know what 27c feels like. I haven't a clue what 84f should feel like any more). Whatever the correct range - it's been hot. Too hot really. Digging up tree roots with spade and mattock in 28 degrees in not fun.

Then I started thinking. (My uncle always said I had a mind like a grasshopper. It jumps from subject to subject, link to link, chasing whatever facts take my fancy, much as a grasshopper jumps from blade of grass to blade of grass, seemingly at random.) Back on topic - thinking. About that expression, "Indian Summer". I used in a fair bit in conversation recently and I started wondering, "Indian" as in the indigenous peoples of The Americas, or "Indian" as in the peoples of the Indian sub-continent - south-west Asia?? Then I started hoping that it wasn't actually a racist comment. That there wasn't some deeply offensive but long-forgotten insult behind the saying. I have friends in both those communities and I would hate to say (or do) anything offensive to them.

So I started checking. It seems nobody quite knows why we say it, or what the origins definitely were, though there are many different theories. Most people are in agreement as to what an Indian Summer is now. The time of year/type of weather is recognised in most places. And most of the terms in other European languages seem to be sexist!! A considerable number of them referring to old wives or old women!! Sources said "Indian Summer" is a US English term, and only arrived in the UK in the 20th century. So definitely First Nations peoples and not south Asians. And, depending on which vague suggestion on origins you fancy, it might be racist or it might not. I decided that it probably wasn't racist, but since it might be then perhaps I would stop using it.

The original term in the UK was a St Martin's Summer. (After the saint's feast day which occurs in early November). I thought about that one. Nope. I might be fierce in my love of my country, its language, its history, but I couldn't see myself using that. Firstly no-one would have a clue what I was talking about and secondly I'd sound even more of a pretentious prat than even I could stand!! *g*

Maybe I'll call it "Last-Gasp Summer" or maybe just "bloody hot for Autumn" because it certainly was that!!

Enjoy your updates, See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, October 04, 2011

I'm Very Well, Thank You.

I do not feel unwell. In fact (touch wood) I'm as right as ninepence and feeling quite chipper. I do not have a cold, the sniffles, flu, or general bleh-ness (no it isn't a word, so what?? *g*).

I thought you'd like to know that, given that my fellow grunts are right proper poorly.

Unfortunately for entertainment purposes, I am also:- uninjured, have not set fire to anything, broken anything, been banned from any supermarkets, or caused mayhem and chaos, at all during the past week. So I don't have any funny stories for you. Which is a bit of a bummer really.

At least there are updates for you. So you do have something to read.
