Thursday, July 31, 2008


Busy today washing clothes and getting stuff organized for packing. Enjoy the updates!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I really do like my van.

It gets reasonably good gas mileage for a car its size, it's got working air conditioning, I can seat my children far apart, it's easy to drive, it's great for vacation trips...but I absolutely hate how dirty it gets. Since it's larger than your average car the kids think it's okay to treat the car as an extension of their rooms. My oldest son even felt it was a great place to lose our cordless phone for a week.

Today I spent several hours getting trash and toys out of the van. I vacuumed and washed nooks and crannies. I also scrubbed out the cupholders in the back seat. I don't know why but Duncan can't seem to get it through his head that his mom absolutely hates gunk in the cup holders. I've asked him to clean up messes he makes back there to no avail. After today's clean out I told him if he makes a mess back there again and doesn't clean it up he'll be grounded from anything electronic for a week. The kiss of death to him for sure. Hope it works.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ramble from Phair

Another day in the life of Phair.
Another Dog's Day

It seems like a lifetime ago I wrote my last ramble. In a very real sense, it was a lifetime or, to be more exact, the end of a lifetime. Scout's symptoms worsened rapidly after my posting.

The weekend before July 4th, I was off work for a long weekend. I must have realized on some level below reason I should stay home with him. My fridge was full of food. Usually, I shop one day at a time for daily meals but I stocked up on all the things I could possible want during the prior week's big grocery run. So, there was nothing to drag me away from his side. Scout and I spent every moment of that weekend together.

Tuesday, I made a doc's visit for the annual rite of GYN humiliation. When I got home, I took Scout out. He came to me housebroken and rarely had an accident. So, even at his sickest, he wouldn't mess in the house. He stumbled a bit but at the backstairs he started to shake. I took a minute to understand Scout couldn't make it back up the stairs.

I tried coaxing but he was too unsteady. Finally, I got behind him and pushed. He let me do this and struggled to get his front paws up the steps while I supported the rest of him. It almost worked perfectly. With his front paws on the top step and he back paws on the third and me on the forth with my hands on his hips, Scout collapsed into my arms.

Somehow I managed to hoist both of us onto the porch. Tears streamed down my face as I reassured him. "Everything's gonna be alright, Boy."

He looked at me and I could see the message in his eyes, "Do something!"

My denial ended with a dim twinkle of brown eyes. Once in the house, he staggered off to curl up on the living room rug. I called the vet. They would squeeze us in Wednesday morning.

Scout couldn't eat anything. He hadn't eaten much all weekend. He did keep drinking like he'd never tasted water before. When bedtime approached, Scout seemed resigned to his being alone. Twelve stairs up to my bedroom would be impossible. I can count on my fingers and toes the nights the two of us slept apart. There was no need to add another.

I flipped open the futon and made it up under his watchful eyes. After shutting off the lights, I settled into the rock hard cushion hoping for a couple of hours rest. Scout got up with a heavy groan and licked my hand. He repositioned himself beside the sofa; still guarding me, as always.

Scout had congestive heart failure most likely caused by a tumor. There was nothing the vet could do; no surgery, no pills, no decision. It was time to love Scout enough to say goodbye. The vet gave him something to help him relax. He dropped like a stone into my lap. It must have been the first easy breaths he'd drawn in days. I kept telling him it was okay to go find Thom. I want to believe Scout had already found Thom before the vet gave the last shot. Scout died with his head in my lap Wednesday July 2 at 9:30 am.

This is where things get... surreal...

The vet, who usually is extremely professional, said something outrageous. She, a wife and mother, lost both her dogs recently. She couldn't get through the next weekend without a dog in the house. You'd think her family would keep her un-lonely enough.

"I'm a dog person, I need a dog. You're a dog person, you need a dog," she said as she handed me tissue after tissue.

It was a completely inappropriate conversation considering Scout's still body was still at our feet. I could've got angry. I could've got hysterical. I could've got physical. Instead, I got the breeder's phone number. Five minutes later, I was sitting in a yard surrounded by twelve yellow labs. Nine of which were three weeks old and for sale at a bargain rate of $700.

I stayed a while trying to ease my broken heart. One of the puppies waddled over and fell asleep on my shoe. It didn't look comfortable so I picked her up. She immediately licked my face. I sobbed into her soft fur.

The breeder said it was too soon to pick one out. She said I'd have second choice if I showed up at the vet's in three weeks with cash.

Once my head cleared from the fog of grief, I convinced myself not to get the puppy. Why rush? Wait a while.

I would've stuck with that plan but somebody knocked on my door the day after July 4th. There have only been five knocks at my door in two years and I was expecting three of those knocks. My immediate reaction was to grab Scout so he couldn't charge the door. Then I remembered, I was all alone.

It turned out to be a benign neighbor knocking. He'd broken down and wanted to leave his car in front of my house. No worries. But, the point was made, I was alone and vulnerable. Scout would be pissed if I let my guard down now after all the years he put into caring for me; guarding me. I called the breeder and made an appointment to see the puppies again.

They changed. A lot. I lost hope of finding the one that picked me out a week before. She was a yellow lab in a sea of yellow labs. All I could remember was she had soft versus coarse fur, she was more white than yellow, and she's a girl. Several people were there and I enlisted them in helping identify the females. Then I eliminated the coarse fur pups. But, I was having no luck. A woman in the room grew tired of my search and got up to leave. She put down a little whitish, soft fur pup. The pup took two hops toward me. I scooped her up and confirmed she was a she. As soon as I turned her to hold against my chest, she licked my face. It was her. I found my friend. I found my Dakota.

Scout was a good dog and a great friend who stayed by my side during long hours of writing. It's only fitting he have a place at my site. Go to to view his page.


Phair, Scout is at peace and life brought you what you needed now. Dakota found her new family. Thanks for sharing. We appreciate it. Best of luck.

Enjoy your updates.


Monday, July 28, 2008


My dinner is ready and I'm hungry. Short words as a result. Enjoy 'em.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Finally Over

My garage sale is done. We didn't make a big haul but I did get rid of some stuff, which was the real reason for the sale. I figured I could clear a few things out and make a little money. That goal was accomplished.

I knew a garage sale in Oklahoma in the middle of July was an iffy proposition. We sweated our butts off on Friday. Had a good turn out in the morning, the afternoon was dead, then a small flurry of folks close to getting off work time. Saturday was dead. So dead that when lunch time rolled around we packed it in. People just don't want to be looking at other people's junk in the blazing hot 99 degree heat. The rest of the afternoon we spent swimming at my mother-in-law's pool. Time well spent I say.

Monday I'll call a local thrift store to pick up what didn't sell. A few things I'll take to the comic book store for Buck to dispense to customers who might want something free and comic related. I'm so looking forward to having half my garage back. Maybe I can actually get my car in the garage for the few weeks in August we're here.


Friday, July 25, 2008

Day Off

Badly needed. Crap week at work with another one on the horizon. Hence, today is my only full day with my daughter for another 12 days, so I took it off. I was willing to go swimming, parks, movie, whatever she was up for. You know what we're doing? She's still in her pj's at 2 in the afternoon playing with Lego's and watching videos.

She wants to go nowhere. Sadly we need to head to the grocery store later on, but at this point I'm letting her enjoy the peace. With windows and doors open to a beautiful day of 70 degrees and sunshine all seems good.

Back to doing nothing I go. Peace and Health.

Enjoy your updates.


Thursday, July 24, 2008


Garage Sale day is almost here. I've spent today sweating in the 95 degree heat (35C) making sure I've got all of the garage sale items together. The baby items have all been squirted off with the hose (dusty from being in the attic) and later Duncan and his friend TJ will move the plastic sandboxes to the front of the house. Tonight mom and I will set up the many books I have for sale on a tarp and cover them with an old blanket. E asked if any morning drizzle/dew would get on them and I just laughed. You don't have to worry about much getting wet in Oklahoma in July.

I may take a chance and put more stuff out tonight like the canopies that will help the glassware from becoming so hot you'll receive second degree burns from touching them. I've got my friend Tracey's lab/rottweiler mix with me this week and I'm hoping any snoopers will be scared off by his booming bark from the house. Now if any early birds will just pay attention to my sign on the front door and not ring that doorbell before 8am. I'll be damn cranky if they don't.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Demand Capacity

If I had to hear this comment in another meeting today I was going to puke. I'm sick of visual displays and the lean process. So far that process has taken hours of time I could have used to actually work and in the end produced a blank group whiteboard.

How lucky for me we get to try again next week in a brown bag 3.5 hour meeting. Bah.

Now back to your updates. Enjoy 'em.


Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Garage Sale and PMS Do Not Mix

Damn but it takes a lot of work to get ready for a garage sale. I've got a handy dandy price gun so pricing things is a breeze. But my problems arise when it comes to where the heck do I put all of the stuff until the garage sale. My garage is more than half full of things we're taking to Washington (emptied from the attic). The other side of the garage is fast filling up with garage sale crap.

My kitchen cabinets are covered with mugs and various glassware I don't want. There's a table full of books in the garage and a huge pile of books in the living room. I don't expect many of those to sell...garage sale addicts don't seem to be looking for book bargains.

I'm praying my mother-in-law stays away from the house while it's all out. She has a tendency to cherry pick the piles. I wouldn't mind but the woman hardly needs more stuff. Now if I can just keep from being too bitchy to my kids. They'll have to bear with me. Sunday I'm sure I'll feel better.


Monday, July 21, 2008


Tired tonight as I lost most of my sleep on Saturday night due to a sick kiddo, hence still feeling sluggish today. I think I'm too old to stay up all night. Takes a lot longer than one day to make up the difference now. Odd to think of how I used to easily stay up to watch the sunrise.

So here be your updates, enjoy 'em.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Day After

I thought after yesterday's IDF extravaganza our update tonight would be quite small. To my surprise it's decent sized due to a few stragglers. Enjoy 'em!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Finally Here!

The International Day of Femslash. Loads to read and please don't forget about letting all these great writers know what you think!

Feedback does make the world go around. Enjoy!


Friday, July 18, 2008

Counting Down

Today I tackled my comics. I emptied 3 short boxes by consolidating those issues into other already organized boxes. I'll have to go back and pull them out eventually but for moving purposes having full boxes is better.

I'm hoping that once we're settled in Washington I can take some time to refile my comics. It was something I was going to do this summer but the move put the kibosh on that plan. As weird as it sounds playing with my comics is very relaxing to me even with all the huffing and puffing involved with moving those heavy boxes around.


p.s. Tomorrow is the International Day of Femslash.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


No words to share tonight. Go enjoy some of these others.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Too pooped to come up with words. How fortunate that we've got a lot of them below. Get to reading and don't forget the feedback.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008


More stuff done toward the move today, which is good because we're coming up on the four week countdown. The kids are even getting into the idea of moving although my youngest has a tendency to be more emotionally fragile and acts out every now and then. Normal behavior I figure.

I also took the plunge and applied for a few jobs online last night. It's quite depressing to make a resume when you've done nothing but be a stay-at-home mom for the past twelve years. E kicked my butt though and she and Mike banged one out for me. It's quick and dirty but hopefully will do the trick.


Monday, July 14, 2008

5 days and counting...

The International Day of Femslash is this weekend. Hence, get ready.

Enjoy the updates.


Sunday, July 13, 2008


My garage is now set for me to get ready for that garage sale. Yippee! Okay...maybe a less effusive yippee is in order because a garage sale in July in Oklahoma is just nuts. I'm going to do it though and put everything at fire sale prices. Whatever doesn't sell will be donated to a local thrift store. And then I can actually park the van in the garage again. Bliss!


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Weekend Magic

The day seems to be going by well, even though we saw a less than stellar film. I should have stuck to the original plan and seen Wall-E. Instead we ventured off and saw the Journey to the Center of Earth. My opinion, it could have be better. Putting Wall-E on the calendar for next weekend for sure.

Reminder if you have something to say or share please let us know. We seem to read our words way too often.

So, back to why you are here, updates. Enjoy them.


Friday, July 11, 2008


I may not be packing my entire house up and moving (although that's in my future I'm sure), but this week felt like it lasted way longer than 5 days. I look forward to some serious rest and relaxation. I do plan on seeing Wall-E with the kiddo, but other than that, plans are scarce. Naps are my friend, so it's highly likely one of those will appear.

Now back to your regularly scheduled updates. Enjoy 'em.


Thursday, July 10, 2008


Tim aka zigpal, writer of many Catherine and Sara fics, would like all of you fans of this particular subset of femslash to know that he's set up a bulletin board. Check it out here: Cath Sara Idolatry.


Wednesday, July 09, 2008


They're an amazing tool that can do so much for so many. Both good and bad, hence share wisely.

May Peace find us all. Enjoy your updates.


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Adios, Sombrero

Today my oldest son's room got the scour for junk treatment. I now have a large garbage sack full of stuff that will be leaving his room for good. I took advantage of his being at a friend's house to throw away some things he wasn't wanting to part with. For we really need to move half a straw sombrero to Washington?


Monday, July 07, 2008

10 Days and Counting...

The International Day of Femslash is almost here. Make sure you're keeping up with these stories because both Tamara and I think there will be an overwhelming amount of stories for you all to read then.

Until then, enjoy these updates!


Sunday, July 06, 2008

Baking Heat

We've had a busy weekend here at the Hodge busy that I haven't gotten much done toward the move. Monday I'll get back to it and just in time for our really good summer heat. You know it's summer in Oklahoma when walking outside feels like a hot blast from an oven. Thank goodness for air conditioning!


Saturday, July 05, 2008


Tamara is off enjoying more holiday weekend family fun, hence another update by me. I am whipping this one out quick as I am planning on heading to the Seattle Storm game this evening with kiddo and friends.

So enjoy your updates!


Friday, July 04, 2008

A Friday Off

For many of us here in the states today is a holiday. A time to gather with family and friends eat loads of food and then venture outside and either blow things up or watch others blow things up. So, if you are out there doing that, have fun and be careful. And if you are not, have fun and still be careful.

Enjoy the updates!
