Friday, November 30, 2012

Weekend Plans

It's time for another three day weekend for me and the kids. All this will mean is I'll get the kids to their dad's earlier and get to avoid the after school traffic.

Our weekend is planned to the gills with a basketball game and a few craft shows we want to see. Cal and I will make a trip to see Rise of the Guardians. All of that and our usual weekend chores. If weather permits E may want to get on the roof and hang those Christmas lights.

Whatever your weekend holds, stay safe and have fun.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Waiting on Restructure

Work is not very fun as I wait for leadership to decide whether I am restructured inside the system or let go outside the system. At this point who knows. I obviously would prefer to keep my job but I do not believe I will have a choice. So I wait for the outcome.

Very small update, so back to it, you best enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Quiet Tonight

It's the birthday anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev Sahib - wishing a good celebration to our Sikh readers.

Sign-ups for the Shatterstorm Productions Advent Calendar are open. If you feel like writing a fanfic for us to report on, well - there's your chance. Go check out the rules.

Temperature is due to drop to 0c tonight. Those poor beggars who are still under water are going to have a miserable night.

In case anybody was wondering (or worried), given that the Clyst, the Culm, and the Exe all overflowed, and Fairmile, Broadclyst, and Cranbrook all had flooding issues, little Barbara and her mother are safe and well, and were not troubled by flood water at all. I dropped in on them after work yesterday to check.

Needless to say Barbara found the whole "Devon is under water" thing exciting rather than worrying, and she was disappointed that her school wasn't closed. Her mother was simply relieved that they were safe.

Not a lot for you to read tonight, I'm afraid.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The fludd comes fleetinge in full faste,

one everye syde that spredeth full farre. For fere of drowninge I am agaste.

Bloody Ada - what a week.

Torrential rain for several days and nights. Severe Flood Warning (Danger to Life), on two rivers in Cornwall. Flood Warnings (Flooding expected - be ready to evacuate) on every river in Devon and Somerset, and most rivers in Dorset & Wiltshire. Flood Alerts (Flood possible - be prepared) on the rest. A 200-year-old canal burst a wall and chucked millions of gallons of water onto the Devon village of Halberton. Dozens of rivers broke their banks. Scores of towns and villages throughout the South-West were cut off by flood water (some still are). Roads impassable, the main Exeter to London railway line is navigable by boat but no longer by train. And - lo and behold - the national news programmes remembered that, yes, people do live south of Bristol!!

Thousands of fields left waterlogged and unusable. 800 homes uninhabitable. And a young Exeter woman, homeless and living in a tent, killed by a tree brought down in the gales. She was 21. In one of the better off countries of the world, a modern developed nation, a 21-year-old woman has to live in a bloody tent. It's disgraceful.

We were very lucky. We live at the top of a hill and were safe from the floods, and, while being so exposed we caught the force of the gales, the only damage was the loss of the back gate and a couple of shrubs.

It's stopped raining here, and the rivers are receding and the clean-ups beginning, but the rain is still falling elsewhere, it's simply moved north. Wales is currently being hammered and several towns are flooded. Gloucestershire has floods. There's flooding in Yorkshire. Flood Alerts all over the north-east of England.

It's unreal.

And look out Switzerland, Italy, and Southern France - it's heading your way at the end of the week.

Stay safe people.

The quote, by the way, is from Noyes Fludde - Number 3 in the Chester Mystery Plays Cycle. (In mediaeval times "mystery" meant "craft" not detective story *g*)


Monday, November 26, 2012


Today my oldest son turns 17. It seems like only yesterday he was being put in my arms looking like a wee Winston Churchill. Now he's taller than me by quite a lot.

As with all kids it hasn't always been smooth sailing with him. But I know I've had it easier than a lot of parents. He has a lot more growing up to do. If the first 17 years are any indication, I think he'll turn out just fine.


Sunday, November 25, 2012


We had a delayed Thanksgiving meal today. We have enough turkey for days of left overs. With our turkey will be cornbread stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, almond green beans and rolls. Heck we haven't even cut into the green jello salad, pumpkin or pecan pies. It will have to be later.

Here is hoping your weekend was splendid and that your week is grand as well.

Enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Delayed Thanksgiving

E and I didn't succumb to Black Friday madness. I did do a little online Black Friday shopping, however. I'm officially done shopping for my brother. Calvin is done but for one item (a basketball). Duncan and Emory have been the two tough nuts to crack.

Tomorrow we're finally going to cook our Thanksgiving feast meal. In fact, as soon as I'm done with the update I'll be off to make some biscuits and cornbread for stuffing.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Non-shopping Day

As millions of folks (in the USA) flocked to stores in hopes of some great deal that may or may not exist, Tamara tagged alone with me as I headed to work for a few hours. We came home, captured a few online deals for a good advance of our Christmas shopping.

I made the pumpkin and pecan pies. Tomorrow we will continue creating food for Sunday. Green Jello salad, corn bread stuffing and some homemade cranberry sauce awaits us. Sunday we can finally prepare to overindulge in food with leftovers for the week.

Our kiddos will have the opportunity to enjoy another feast at our place as they all return home on Sunday.

Now back to your updates, enjoy!

Peace, Health and Happiness.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy T-Day!

Today is Thanksgiving here in the US. Rather than the traditional turkey and dressing we'll be having pasta. Since all the kids are with the other families, our turkey dinner will happen this Sunday.

Mostly we've relaxed today. We did manage to get on the roof and sweep off a whole lot of leaves and pine needles. Our fifty Costco supplied Christmas cards are being depleted. And movies have been watched.

Tomorrow E works for a few hours and I'm heading that way with her so I can check out Half Price Books for Christmas presents. I'm hoping Black Friday at a used bookstore isn't too crazy.


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ramble from Joan

Happy Thanksgiving to those of our readers in the USA.

And bless you three times over, Joan. First for the ramble (on a night when I couldn't think of a thing to say except to grumble about the weather again), second for your loyalty, and third for the plug for the e-scribblers site!!
    Writers are vain. Well, perhaps not all of them, but I certainly am.

    I even have the very first response to a story I wrote framed above my desk. And now I have even sold a story (On the Road), and it will no longer be available on e-scribblers, as requested by the publisher.

    That puts me in a difficult position. Said publisher (Ylva Verlag, you may remember their call for submissions a few weeks ago) invited me to send in further samples, which I was happy to do, of course.

    Understandingly, they want exclusive rights to publication. That includes stories not being available on the web.

    I told them that I would pull no more stories from Elisa's and Tamara's site; it will have to be seen if that will be a real show-stopper. Perhaps they won't even like the other stories. But the thing is, Elisa and Tamara gave my stories a home after they had been rather brutally kicked from the site I originally offered them to. I feel indebted to both of them.

    Do you think I'm being silly? Regardless, that contract on my fridge is priceless. And I recommend you to sample e-scribblers, at least dabkey and InsaneEnglishWoman. My favourites, but there's more.


And speaking of e-scribblers there are a couple of calls for submissions listed on the e-scribblers blog if any of you out there are serious writers and might be looking for a home for a story or two.

PS - check the palindrome date!!

Enjoy your updates, See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Soon be Christmas

OK - I know you lot on the other side of the pond have another feast day to get through first, but we don't do that celebration here, so Christmas is our next one.

I brought the tree down this past weekend. And all the ornaments. Checked them all, none seem to be broken. Some of the trimmings (the streamers/decorations that hang across the room) are looking a bit the worse for wear, but then they are four or five years old. Might need to buy some new ones this year.

Won't be putting them up yet of course, nothing goes up before the first of December. But everything is ready to go as soon as we reach that date.

I love Christmas. I love the tree, the decorations, buying pressies, sending cards. I love cheesy Christmas songs, and traditional carols. I love Christmas pudding, with (soya) custard. I love, love, love mince pies.

Just a big kid really.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Rain, Rain, Rain

We have some serious rain going on. Inches worth which means floods soon enough. If I did not have to drive back and forth during rush hour traffic I would be enjoying it a lot more.

Holiday week this week, hence short week of school. We do not have the kids this year on Thanksgiving, but will be enjoying all the fixin's on Sunday the 25th instead. Gives me time on Thursday to make those pies and jello salad.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming, enjoy.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Late Hype!

I missed last week's Blogtalkradio from Allaine.
Get Ready to Root For the Bad Guy - Xena Villains

This month, as F4F Radio frequently does in May and November, we dive back into the world of Xena: Warrior Princess because, well, this is a fandom where you never run out of things to discuss. Otherwise there wouldn’t still be three gazillion Xena/Gabrielle shippers out there. Tonight, however, we’ll shift focus a little bit away from our favorite heroines and spend time with the most prominent VILLAINS from the television series – Ares the god of war, Callisto the insane vengeance-seeker, Caesar the would-be world conqueror, and Hope the harbinger of pure evil. You love them, you hate them, you love to hate them, maybe it’s all three, but we’re talking about all the reasons why. Author/filmmaker Kim Pritekel will once again be leading the discussion, and we'll be rejoined by the Xena fans who participated in previous segments - Kelly Neal, Zea Apa, Chris Salameno, and Adm_Hawthorne.


Go give it a listen. I'll try and catch the next one before the actual air date.


Saturday, November 17, 2012


My daughter's first game was today. They did well for 6th graders who have never played before. I think they also had the advantage with some seriously tall girls allowing them to grab most of the rebounds. More practice and games will only improve their play. By the end of the season I am betting they will be a darn good team.

Other than that today we did a bit of shopping at the usual places. Now home for the evening as the rain continues to fall. And our wood stove continues to get use.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, November 16, 2012


I think I'm trying to get sick. If I do, it'll last the weekend. By Monday I'll be well enough to go to work. At least next week is only 2 1/2 days long due to Thanksgiving.

Not too much tonight. Hold out hope for more tomorrow. Have at it.


Thursday, November 15, 2012


The weekend is on the horizon. Kinda sad that work has become such a bummer that all I seem to be doing (besides my work) is looking forward to not being there.

We have one craft fair to hit up this weekend and my daughter has her first basketball game. So things to look forward to.

A reminder we are always open if you would like to ramble. I am sure others would like the change as well. So feel free to send us something and we will post it up.

Have a great night, enjoy the updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ibrahimovic 4, England 2

Tomorrow is Al-Hijra, the Islamic New Year, a happy new year to our Muslim readers.

There was a fair bit for you to read yesterday but today - well - there's next to nothing. So I hope you saved a couple from yesterday to read today.

Spent the evening watching the England football team get well and truly beaten by Sweden, as expected. Well, actually the England team were well and truly beaten by Ibrahimovic. That last goal of his was a thing of beauty. Worth watching a rather boring game just for that spectacular effort.

Not much else to report really. Have a good week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho

First. Diwali, hope all our Hindu, Sikh, and Jain readers are having a good festival.

Next. Back to work!! Last week I was cleared to return to work this Monday. My wrist is nicely healed, I still have some exercises to do for it but otherwise it's fine. And when I called the company to see if I still had work they said, " yes, absolutely". Which was a relief. When you're a self-employed sub-contractor you never know for sure about that sort of thing.

Good to be back, although it felt a little strange. So much has changed in the time I've been away. The area I had been working on has been finished, I'm now doing different buildings in a different part of the site. Working with the same group though.

Wrist was aching by the end of the day - give it another couple of days to get used to the work again and it'll be fine.

Glad to be earning again - the past few weeks haven't half put a hole in my savings!! I had almost saved enough for my flights & expenses for a trip to the USA - now I've just about got enough to get to Glasgow and back!! And Christmas is coming so I'll not be saving much until January. Still - I'll have six months or so to save. I should be able to do it - barring any more idiotic accidents that is..


Monday, November 12, 2012

Farewell, three day weekend!

Small update. I bet Ze has many more for you tomorrow.


Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Wrap

To all you veterans, Thank You. To all you politicians, bring them home!

So Tomorrow is USA's official Veteran's Day, hence Tamara and kids are home. I, on the other hand, still get to go into work. However, it's short day for me. I'll go in for 4 hours and then go pick up my daughter who will be at basketball practice for most of it.

Y'all have a great week and I will ramble about nothing some more towards the end of it. Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, November 10, 2012


The Pacific Northwest is starting to see signs of winter. Frost on the cars has been a common sight most of the week. We had to put an extra blanket on the bed last night. When the socks stay on my feet all night I know I've been too cold. Not so last night. That extra blanket made sleeping perfect.

And finally, we're starting to see an uptick in the amount of Craft Shows. It's been slow but we've finally managed to get clued into the craft show network here. Craft shows are always a great resource for interesting Christmas gifts. In fact, today's visit to the annual Saint Brendan Catholic School craft show in Bothell yielded quite a few finds.

Small update for y'all tonight. Have at it.


Friday, November 09, 2012

Friday Evening

The weekend has finally arrived. Unfortunately work seems to be going slowly these days making for long weeks. Tamara and the kids are all off on Monday. I will be going to work but coming home early to enjoy the day. Between now and then Tamara and I are going to visit some craft shows. And then I need to get my checkbook updated and some bills paid.

Other than that...resting.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, November 08, 2012

Good Guys

The older I get the more I realize the good guys don't always win. In fact, the good guys rarely win. I see it all around me every day. I figured that this election would justify my pessimism about the world. Record amounts of money were spent after all. One political party has been doing it's damndest to keep folks from voting...but just certain folks.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Americans not giving into the intimidation. Even going so far as to stand in line for up to six hours to cast a vote. Then I was even more surprised to see my fellow Americans in four states say 'no' to the bigots in our country who want to deny the right of marriage to same sex couples because their religion tells them it's a sin.

Four more years under a President who does many things I don't always agree with, but damn if it doesn't make me feel like the good guys finally won.


Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Done and Dusted.

The election is over. President Obama won a comfortable majority of the college votes and a majority (albeit a slender one) of the popular vote. The majority of rest of the world is rather relieved.

Dare I hope that all the vitriol that's been spread around will cease now?? That the politicians of the USA will stop all the hate and remember that the first word of their country's name is United??

Or am I just being a dreamer again??

Sometimes though, dreams work. The dreams of a fair few US citizens came true yesterday. Maine, Maryland, and Washington voted - the people of those states voted in favour of marriage equality. Now that is something worth celebrating.

Congrats USA. Job well done.

I am knackered - I stayed up through the night to watch. I got about two hours sleep - so I'm pretty much out of it now. As soon as I send this I'm heading for bed.

Not a lot for you tonight I'm afraid - but maybe instead you'll be able to read all the stuff you didn't read yesterday because you were following the election.

See you next week, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Elections, Bonfires, and Tar Barrels

First - I doubt there's a person in the world (who has internet access) who isn't aware that there's an election today in the USA. If you are one of the 200million or so people who happen to live in the USA, and are eligible to vote - please get out there and vote.

Now you might be thinking to yourself, "She's British, what does she care, none of her damn' business??"

Well yeah, maybe it isn't my business to tell you who to vote for, or how, or why. But it's certainly my business - and the business of everybody who has struggled for, or is a descendent of someone who fought for, the right to vote - to ask you politely to get out there and make their sacrifice worth while by voting.

And your election matters to most of the rest of the world because what the USA does affects the rest of the world. The USA is the only super-power left. It won't always be that way, it is the nature of empires to decay and be replaced, and yours will in due time. Fifty years from now I reckon it will be India and China that are the super-powers. But right now it's you.

So please vote. And vote carefully, with due thought and consideration, for the candidate you feel best represents your country's future. And for the future of the world.

Right. Yesterday was Guy Fawkes' Night (aka Bonfire Night) here in the UK ()and in many of our former colonies. For years (decades even - separately and as a family) my cousin and I have celebrated this night with our own little rituals. Baked potatoes, (veggie) sausages, and beans. A trip to an organised bonfire and firework display. And every year for the past ten years we've discussed skipping the ritual and heading to Ottery for the Tar Barrels.

Well this year we finally did.

It was fantastic. I didn't think it was possible to get so many people into such a small town. I was astonished to see just how close the watchers can get to the barrels. Close enough to get singed if you don't duck in time. I would love to run it but you have to be Ottery born-and-bred.

Of course, pillock that I am, I forgot my camera. I tried taking pics on my mobile but I only have a 7 year old, basic, Sony Ericsson not a nice modern smartphone, so all I got was a lot of pics of blackness interspersed with the odd pic of searing brightness. None of which show anything.

But if you'd like to see what it's like there's a YouTube of last year's run.

We even managed to pick up some veggie sausages from one of the many vans selling hot snacks. Magic!!


Monday, November 05, 2012

Very Quiet

That is our house right now. All the kids are at the ex's places, hence leaving our place calm and very quiet.

Tomorrow in the USA is election day. This cannot come soon enough. Lots at stake and hard to know which way things will go. One always hopes it is the way we want, reality says this year may not be that year, sadly.

In our state the ability to marry those we love is on the ballot. I really hope this passes. Never in my lifetime did I truly believe this would come about. It's only a matter of time for everyone on this...the fair and decent thing to happen, but I sure would be happy if it was tomorrow evening for our state.

Many many other important things are up for votes and I am still shocked by how many people believe so many untruths and outright lies. But the polls suggest they do and that is sad.

Okay enough of that, back to the updates. Enjoy please.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, November 04, 2012

Falling Back

We gained an hour today. Now we're getting dark before 5 pm. I do like that our mornings will be brighter. The only downside to falling back is it's a bitch to get the boys to sleep.

Little e's party was a success. The girls were all asleep by 11. E never did sleepovers when she was a kid but I remember trying my damndest to stay up all night. And it sucked if you fell asleep before everyone else. You could count on strange things being done to you while you slept.


Saturday, November 03, 2012


My daughter is officially 12 today. Wow, where did all that time go? She is having her friends over for the night. They seem to be having a very good time. I sure do hope the next twelve go a little slower, but most likely not.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, November 02, 2012

Bye, October!

Halloween is officially over for me. Today we had our school Halloween party. Food was eaten, kids danced, everyone was safe and happy...all good.

Tomorrow morning I get ready for little e's sleepover guests. Duncan has promised to clean the bathroom. He promised no bitching. We'll see....


Thursday, November 01, 2012

Where is Friday?

Long week. Looking forward to resting, but won't get much as the kiddo turns 12 Saturday and she will be joined by 4 of her friends for fun all around. Hence not much down time for us adults. Tomorrow I come home and make a cheesecake as requested.

Enjoy your updates!

Peace, Health and Happiness.
