Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Enjoy your updates!


Monday, July 30, 2007

May Peace Find Us All

Enjoy your updates.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

End of the Weekend

For many including myself it represents work bright and early tomorrow morning. Two days of rest and relaxation is over. I wonder who really does nothing but rest and relax on the weekend? Odd concept, one that I wish I could fulfill, but sadly things like food shopping or laundry seem to always get in the way. I even mowed the grass this morning.

I will finish this update, my laundry and then find my way to the kitchen to clean it up as well.

So may you all enjoy your week, the updates and I will chat at you tomorrow!


Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hit the Road, Jack....

Yeah, you've got me again tonight. I'm leaving for a week at the lake tomorrow and E will be on her own with the daily updates. Take pity on her and send recipes or rambles for the week. I might be able to snag some wireless internet somewhere in Sulphur but I'm not holding my breath.


Friday, July 27, 2007

Explosion Free

Cal's friend is back at home and I didn't come unglued. It was touch and go a few times there but I took deep breaths and channeled all of that stress into my head. Yeah, probably not good for my blood pressure but Tylenol helps and I don't kill any kids.

Now I have to get ready for a week at the lake. I do feel like I need a vacation after this week but my kids are going too so it's not really the vacation I've been longing for. I kid (sort of). We'll have a relaxing time I'm sure.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

I won't explode....

That's what I keep telling myself today anyway. A pal of Calvin's has been with us all day and will be spending the night. I've been with them (and Duncan) all day. We spent the first party of our day at White Water. I wasn't too thrilled by the prospect when we started but I had set it up after all. I ended up having a fun time with them.

When we got home they played quietly for awhile and then decided to get rambunctious with Duncan. That was too much. Duncan has a knack for getting small children to squeal...a lot. Took them to the park after that to let them run off some energy and I can safely say that I'm done with bickering kids. Thank goodness I only have two of my own.


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Middle of the Week

Another tiny update giving you all time to catch up from those really huge nights. And to all of you stricken by weather nightmares here's hoping you and your family are safe.

Enjoy your updates!


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tuesday Evening

Hellishly long day at work. Enjoy your updates.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Stories Anyone?

Wow. Quite a change from yesterday. Thank you, P&P. Enjoy 'em.


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Light Night

Slim updates tonight. Take the opportunity and scan back for many other wonderful stories. I've got my rain and am loving it. Sorry for some of you others who have too much rain...best of luck and be safe!



Saturday, July 21, 2007


Have a good one and enjoy the updates.


Friday, July 20, 2007


A completion of the work week for me...yippee! Also my weather wish has come true. Rain, splendid rain has dotted the week. Got to love that. Seems to have made a lot of people around here grumpy and they so need to get over it! You really can't get much better than the scent and sound of rain each morning with the usual afternoon drizzle mixed with sun. So tomorrow's solar fair I'm attending with my daughter shall be even more fun. Because, of course, we'll go rain or shine.

May you have a great weekend and enjoy those updates!


Thursday, July 19, 2007

Comic Book Day

Thursday is the day I go to the comic store and pick up my weekly fix of comics. New comics arrive every Wednesday but the place is usually hectic on that day so I wait until Thursday. This makes Thursday my favorite day of the week. Enjoy your updates and I'll enjoy my new comics.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Hype Night

Yipee, more words from someone else!
It's no secret we love short fiction. We love producing Khimairal Ink. We jumped at the opportunity to publish a collection of Barbara Davies' speculative fiction stories, Into the Yellow and Other Stories. We enjoyed working on Into the Yellow so much and are so pleased with the final product that we decided to put out a series of small books, in the spirit of literary chapbooks, devoted to lesbian literature. These story collections are by authors we enjoy and by authors we've yet to discover.

We're especially excited that our first Zerynthia's Tales book is devoted to the stories of Sias Bryant. Readers will remember her unique and entertaining stories in Khimairal Ink.

Join Sias Bryant at the Amazon Bookstore Cooperative in Minneapolis on July 24th at 7:00pm to celebrate the release of Remnants of Shadow and Light.

Zerynthia's Tales 1
Remnants of Shadow and Light
by Sias Bryant

Order at: nuancebooks.wordpress.com/order-books/

Every living moment houses a story and an author's greatest challenge is to flesh these stories into existence. Sias Bryant pens a collection of beautiful, sometimes humorous, sometimes terrifying, moments experienced by women as they face life's unexpected crossroads.

"Sias Bryant has written an exuberant new treasure chest of short fiction. While these stories defy categorization, at once dark and light, painful and sweet, they resonate with a deep clarity and an even deeper honesty about women's lives. I couldn't recommend this collection more highly." -- Ellen Hart, 5 Time Winner of the Lambda Literary Award

"Sias Bryant writes with an unerring ear for dialogue and a sensitivity to human emotion. Every story packs a punch and leaves you gasping for air, surprised and amazed by its intensity. Five-star reads all around." -- Lori L. Lake, author of Stepping Out: Short Stories

Claudia Wilde

If you have not taken the time to check out Bedazzled Ink you should. They have something of quality to offer many. Khimairal Ink there free magazine is very well written and worth your time.

Now onto your updates! Enjoy.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Cal has been taking swim lessons with his pal Tanner for the past two weeks. They're done by YMCA staff at a local outdoor pool. After each morning lesson Tanner has been coming over to our house for a full day of play time. He calls it "Calvin's Daycare".

For the most part these two get along, butting heads only when they both want to be in charge. Tanner's mom thinks I'm crazy for wanting to put up with them all day but it keeps Cal entertained and lets me get chores done. And I genuinely like Tanner. He's a great kid, very different from Cal. So much so that I call them the Odd Couple.

Today though they got on my last freakin' nerve. Maybe it was the fact that the air conditioning in Mike's '95 Neon was going to cost $520 to fix that set me up to be tense. (And, no, we didn't elect to get it fixed. He can just be hot on the short drive to and from work.) By the time they were in the swimming pool and freaking out about a dead spider at the bottom of the pool I was ready to get in the car and drive far, far away from children. I resisted the impulse and got them settled in playing. Then they pushed things by playing full contact basketball...in the house. Argh!

I'm thinking tomorrow we'll be spending most of our afternoon at the pool where they have their swim lessons. They can frolic under the watchful eye of lifeguards and I can read with the occasional dip in the pool to cool off.


Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday Sunshine

I'm one of those sick people who totally enjoys the rain. Seattle seems like a good fit for me. So I'm more than ready for all this hot sunshine to be cooled way down by some gray morning drizzly rain with the light afternoon clearings reaching into those low 70's...for me that's a perfect day. All these 80 and higher days suck. Yeah, I'm a wimp and I'll gladly admit it. Please send me back my rain.

Here's hoping you all had a splendid weekend and a good Monday. Now to your updates.


Sunday, July 15, 2007


My day has consisted of moving slowly and ironing. If I'd moved faster I would have gotten a better start on my huge pile of ironing. But I puttered aimlessly and I'm only about halfway done with the shirts. Yes, I'm a procrastinator and end up waiting until Mike has worn every shirt before I get around to ironing them. It's not even that I dislike ironing. It just seems like there's always something more pressing (no pun intended) to do. As a result I end up with a huge to iron pile and it takes me 2-3 hours to get through it all. On the plus side I get to watch DVDs while I do it. Currently I'm watching Xena episodes.


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Slow Night

So you only get reminders. Beyond hoping for more rambles, recipes and thoughts, we are always on the look out for more sites to check and stories to post. So do you go someplace we don't check? Run it by us.

Also a reminder that we have a nifty Yahoo group and if you're not getting this update in email you can give it a try. The group is an updates only list, hence low volume.


Friday, July 13, 2007

Ramble from D

I love it when folks answer E's call to ramble. Here's a thought-provoking ramble from D.
I am curious.

I have discussed this question with friends on both sides of the equation (writers and readers), and I am bringing it here in the hopes of obtaining a broader perspective.

Over the years, I've found that there seem to be several motivating factors that make bards write - the need change or rewrite show canon because (in the case of strict fanfic) TPTB will never go there or do that; the compunction to get the words out of your head and onto the screen for some peace from the voices in your head ; the desire for feedback from readers; the hope of being published; and simply writing because it makes you happy to do so - or in my particular case... to keep Pink & Fluffy (the muse) out of mischief.

But I am curious... what makes a reader READ these days?

A long time ago... in a Xenaverse far, FAR away - bards wrote and readers read. It didn't matter what it was, readers read it. Then came uber, and people still read, because it was new and different. Then came came other femslash communities and suddenly it seemed that readers and writers were choosing sides - now either you write/read Xena fic and uber or you write/read other shows fanfic. I'm not saying everyone should read and/or like everything that is out there (I certainly don't), but I am curious as to why there seems to be such a split.

I have done both - five fandoms including Xena as well as uber/original works and a cross-over type story. I have seen the difference in reader reaction.

Now I have talked to a few Xena readers and most admit that in uber/original works, they will picture tall/dark/blue and short/blonde/green no matter how the writer describes the characters. So what makes a reader read - the story? the characters? the bard? What keeps readers from reading other fanfic - the fact that there are already other actors cast as the characters that are being written? Would it make a difference if the descriptions were tinkered with and the fic was presented as original instead of from a different fandom? Do readers prefer to be completely familiar with a show to read its fanfic or should a writer be able to bring you into a new 'verse and give you enough information that you don't feel the need to go out and buy the DVDs to yet another show? Is there a perceived lack of quality or quantity on either side of the line? Or is it simply a difference between preferring publishable material instead of actual fanfic?

As I said, I'm just curious. I'm gonna keep writing what Pink & Fluffy give me regardless - it's my only hope for achieving peace and quiet in my lifetime. :-)


A worthy batch of questions posed by D. I've read my share of fanfic but I must admit that I'm drawn to fanfic for shows that I actually know something about. Y'all email your opinions and thank D for rambling.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ramble from Linda

Yippee...a ramble from Linda.
Today is another hot day in Tucson with temperatures in the high 90's. Normally it would be in the 100's but our monsoon season has started.

My niece Victoria insists on playing outside in this heat. Every hour I have her coming in the house to cool off and rest for awhile. Today she was playing with the cute boy across the street, Gavin. Because she didn't want to come in I had them sit in the shaded area near my front window. I gave them some fresh fruit slices and bottles of ice water.

As they ate, I watched them from my chair. They were so cute together talking and stealing fruit from each other's bowl. Few minutes later I got a shock. Gavin moving with lightning reflexes kissed Victoria on the cheek. I think all three of us were stunned by the kiss.

I wanted to run out there and pull Victoria in the house. 'She's too young' my mind screamed. Thank the gods I didn't. It was have embarrassed her to no ends.

Short time later Victoria came in to the house with the cutest look on her face. Total dreamy, stunned and happy look. She sat on the couch, staring off into space. I didn't say anything because I didn't want her to know I was spying. Ten minutes passed before she said, "Linny, he kissed me."

We talked about it. It was her first kiss from a boy. I teased her about what her father or her Uncle Bill will say about this. They would most likely want to know what his intentions were, were they going to marry and could he afford to support her. I wanted to laugh but she got this look of horror on her face. Victoria made me promise never to tell her father. He says the girls can't date until they are 30. He's joking, I think.

Then she said something that totally blew me out of the water. "Besides it was just a little cheek action." EXCUSE ME!!! A little cheek action!!??

Where the h*#% did that come from. Victoria is 8 years old. I am 50 and I have never heard that one before. I didn't know rather to laugh, cry or lock her in her room. I was speechless. Victoria of course found it funny how I reacted.

I find that I am not ready for this at all. OMG, a little cheek action. OH, look I think I just found my first gray hair.


Of course I have a few comments here, first off I would not do well in Tucson, that kind of weather would do me in. Secondly I am gonna hope in a year my 7 year old doesn't shock me with "a little cheek action".

Please thank Linda once again for sharing, we all totally appreciate it. Also consider sending us your thoughts and stories, we always appreciate these rambles. Now back to your updates, enjoy 'em.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hot Mother F**king Day in Seattle

Geez...with a title like that you'd expect this update to be from E. Actually she typed that in when she put her links in the draft and I liked it so much I decided to keep it. I did do a little edit so it wouldn't get thrown into too many SPAM folders.

Currently it's hotter in E's town than it is here. Yep, she's experiencing 95 and I'm at 86 (35C and 30C respectively). That should be reversed. It's just wacky.

Think good thoughts for E this week. Seattle isn't set up for this kind of heat. In fact...think reversal thoughts. We'll take that heat and handle it just fine with our abundant air conditioning. Seattle denizens could sure use the break.


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Ramble from Jo

We got lucky...Jo (aka Lessa) took pity on me and sent in a few words for you all!

I'm overwhelmed at the kindness and generosity of my friends in cyberspace.

Two recent events in my life have seen support coming from people I've never met.

The first was to do with my daughter (spacegirl) and a problem she was having with a flatmate who basically told her she had to leave - I had lots of private supporting emails from people over that.

The second was kind of related and I was so overwhelmed with "stuff" and spent a night in tears, finally sending an email out to a very small group of friends (who I've never met but we share all sorts of things) who just poured out the love and support to me.

The old saying about "a problem shared is a problem halved" is so true. Emailing and skyping with these friends helped me see a way through the "stuff" and two days later I'm feeling so much better and more positive about everything.

I feel privileged to have "met" so many people through various online forums and lists (Missy's Merwolf list initially and then others) and I can't imagine what life would be like without these online friends in my life. I am so looking forward to meeting people when I finally get to do my OE (overseas experience).

Jo Fothergill ...
... mother of spacegirl and gravelboy


Couple comments to this from me. Thanks for the ramble and ...

I totally agree about what a privilege it has been meeting so many folks and I have been fortunate enough to meet a few of them outside of this online land as well with some great outcomes. My actual partner in crime here at UE (Tamara) is one of those people, so I do know first hand how splendid this online world can be. I'm also going to hope that when Jo gets her OE she makes it to Seattle and I will gladly meet up with her in my city. Perhaps some day I'll get that OE opportunity.


Monday, July 09, 2007

Reading Anyone?

Yeah, not only did the Kim Possible Slash Archive update but so did Passion & Perfection. I must admit I'm intrigued by that Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Facts of Life crossover fic....


Sunday, July 08, 2007

Weekend Finale

The begging has begun. Please share rambles with us. Don't make me have to go beg in emails to people personally, I really don't like doing that. Help us out instead be kind and freely send us rambles, recipes or anything you are willing to share.

Okay, now back to your updates, enjoy.


Saturday, July 07, 2007

Feeling Lucky?

E tells me today is deemed to be especially lucky. I don't think I've been more lucky than usual today. I ran a few errands with Cal and my mom. I guess the fact that my local Borders didn't have the latest Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide could be seen as unlucky for me. But they did have two Greg Rucka paperbacks I hadn't read so it evened out.

Mike and Duncan are at Roman Nose with the church youth group for an overnight camping trip. Mike was certainly lucky that I set my alarm this morning otherwise his butt would have been late meeting up with everyone. I'm weird in that when I know I have to be somewhere early in the morning I make sure and get to bed at a decent hour *and* I set my alarm. Mike stays up late and then forgets to set his alarm or turns it off in a sleepy stupor.

Let's hope the luck stays with them and the new tent goes up easy and keeps the mosquitoes out. And think good thoughts for Cal falling asleep early tonight. I could use the quiet.


Friday, July 06, 2007

Friday Evening

The weekend is here, have fun! Enjoy your updates.


Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Day After

We survived the 4th. My car smells like gunpowder but we came through unscathed. Enjoy the updates.
