Thursday, December 18, 2008


This has been my week.... Monday school started an hour and a half late because of icy conditions and snow. The streets were darn icy too. Getting Cal to school was an adventure. The kids at my school were told to stay home (walking is an issue for some and we didn't want to risk injuries). Instead we had a day long meeting discussing each student. That was extremely helpful and something we never have time to do.

Tuesday school started on time. Cal went for a half day so mom kept my car, picked him up at 11:10 and then they picked me up from work at 3. The roads were much better though slippery in spots.

Wednesday I woke up once again to no school. The odd thing was it hadn't was supposed to snow starting sometime in the morning and school districts in our area uniformly cancelled school due to the impending huge dump of snow. Bonus. A day home from work. We puttered, we went to Fred Myer, we ate lunch...still no snow. Finally around 3 pm hard almost hail-like little pellets started falling upon Shoreline. It was supposed to continue until midnight. It stopped snowing around 7 pm.

I warned Duncan not to count on Thursday being another snow day. I told him go to bed with the idea in his head that tomorrow we were going to school. I figured why be disappointed. The snowfall we got wasn't bad. The roads were much more passable than they were on Monday after all.

So imagine my surprise when I was poked awake by E at 5:30 (she's a disgustingly early riser) and told no school today. Overnight the snow continued off and on in Shoreline but it went gangbusters in Seattle proper. E braved work today (imagine seeing folks on their cross country skis getting around the steep, snowy streets) but came home before lunch.

The kids have had a good time sledding at the park. I made cookies. Mom wrapped a few presents. All of us, with the exception of Mike who (crazy man that he is) went into work, have stayed far away from city streets.

I'm thinking tomorrow Duncan can sleep in again. Christmas break started a little early for us this year. Now if I can just pop over to work before the weekend is over and grab Luz's bag of Christmas cookies...three weeks in the staff office won't be kind to them.


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