Thursday, February 28, 2013

We're only human....

I would like Ze to know that E and I have almost skipped this update on more than one occasion. The only thing that saved us is we live together and eventually one of us remembered about that darn update. I won't be surprised if there comes a day when neither one of us remembers and we get to write a 'sorry I forgot' post too.

Speaking of updates E may be doing all of them this weekend. I will be spending the weekend at the Emerald City Comicon. I have an autograph to get that I wasn't able to get last year. I'll try and find something neat for the Brit third of the Grunts. She also has something coming from last year's con that I was too lame to ship. I'll nag E to wait for me to get home and do my portion of the update but last year she ignored me.


Mea Culpa 27/02/2013

Folks - I am so bloody sorry.

I had a complete brain-fart.

I was so damned tired when I got home.

I completely forgot to update last night.

I am so, so sorry. I promise I'll never do that again!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Not a Lot About Even Less

Well, that little burst of nearly spring didn't last long. It's been cold (very), dark, grey, and downright gloomy since last Thursday. Ah well. It won't be long now, though, even if winter isn't quite ready to let go yet.

According to one of those "On This Day in History" column, today in 1815 Napoleon escaped from his exile on the island of Elba. For which I hated the place, in my English classes, at age 11. Because that was how we were taught what a palindrome was with an entire sentence. Able was I ere I saw Elba. I've never been there, (though I have been to Tuscany several times), it's probably a lovely place, but I've hated it ever since school.

I wasn't too keen on that ridiculous sea-shanty they made us learn, either. Boney was a Warrior. I still hate that too.

And now I have a sudden urge to listen to the 1812 Overture but that would be a bit anti-social at this time of night. Or maybe that German pop-song I used to like - don't know if I still have it though - it's been a hell of a long time since I've seen the record. Maybe it's in the loft.


Monday, February 25, 2013

A New Week

Vacation is over and back to work we went. Not too bad for me and I think Tamara's day was okay as well. I am still bit tired from vacation but will be bouncing into routine soon enough. Unfortunately the boys are both sick and I'm hoping not for long. They are scheduled to go with Tamara this weekend to the Emerald City Comicon.

Here is hoping you are all doing well and now back to those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, February 24, 2013


I was too late on this one because it's happening today but give it a listen anyway.
Too Many Fandoms! - Authors Tamoline & Louisa

For tonight’s show F4F does something it hasn’t done in a while and focuses not on the TV show or the fandom or the webseries or even the author within the fandom, but solely on the author. While some great past guests have spent years writing within a single universe – Chris Dee being a perfect example – others have created a body of work where the number of stories they’ve written is matched only by the number of fandoms they’ve sampled. From Harper to Fembuck to Della Street, these writers have created fanfics in too many different worlds to cover in a single show. Tonight’s guests, Tamoline and Louisa, are more recent discoveries of mine. Tamoline is probably best-known for her “Kalicia” stories in the “Good Wife” fandom (which is still MUCH smaller than it ought to be), while Louisa, a Kalicia writer herself, has spent more time on “The Vampire Diaries” fanfic. But they’ve also done excellent work writing in the worlds of “The Avengers”, “Criminal Minds”, “X-Men”, “Ultraviolet”, “Chronicles of Amber” . . . shall I go on? Whatever world they choose to inhabit at any given minute, we’ll be talking about it tonight.


Back to the real world for us tomorrow. It's amazing how going away for vacation can take you away from everything.


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Saturday Wrap Up

Today we got lots of laundry done and put together stuff as everyone exits tomorrow. This time tomorrow night is going to feel very quiet with a bit of a let down as Tamara's mom leaves in the morning and then we take all the kids to their other places. However, it has been a splendid week of vacation. Disney was magical, as always, and it's a place where you learn to walk a lot and have ton of patience as there are lines everywhere. Then our plane trip home was uneventful...always a good thing.

Today besides laundry, we all took in movies. I went with my daughter to see Life of Pi, and the others chose Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. Our movie was wonderful and definitely Oscar worthy. Their movie, according to Tamara, was not.

Hope you all had a great day and enjoy Sunday as well.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, February 22, 2013

Home Sweet Home...for Real

We're home and all very tired. When you vacation at Disneyland you definitely need a few days after to rest up from your vacation. E sounded a litle underwhelmed in her last post but we did have a great time.

I'll let you get to reading.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Home Sweet Home

We head that way tomorrow. My feet will thank me greatly and I am looking forward to sleeping in my bed with my pillows. In general we had a good family vacation and Disney really is a magical place.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

On the Tiles

First - Happy Birthday, Tamara.

About three weeks ago I started thinking about half-term week, and little Barbara, and what I could find for her to do. I knew she was looking forward to coming to work again because her mother told me so. There wouldn't be any trouble getting permission since I'd done it twice all ready, as long as I could guarantee her safety. The only difficulty was finding something new for her to do, that she could do, and that would be safe. It's not as if she can mix concrete, or climb up scaffolding to lay roofing slate, or to lay bricks. She's a bright kid, but she is still a kid.

I was chatting, over coffee-break, with a couple of the lads from my team, who actually knew who she was, when one came up with a suggestion. Quick description of the site - large chunks of it are finished, people are living in the houses, some of the crews have packed up and left, some new ones have started. There are loads of workers of one sort or another on the site - most of whom I don't know and who don't know me, let alone Barbara. We keep to our work-gangs. My little section contains workmates who do know her.

Anyway - one of the tilers asked if I knew how to tile. I said that I did but I wasn't the world's best, though I could produce a decent finish that would pass inspection, I'd just take a lot longer to do it than he would. He said that he'd got some tiling she could do. Knowing the size of tiles we use - and how sharp they are when cut, and how they can shatter into some bloody vicious shards, I expressed doubts. He said that there was no cutting involved because it was a straight line - corner to corner on only one wall. And the tiles were very small, decorative, infill pieces, not full tiles. I knew the kind of thing he meant - and it was perfect.

So this morning, after coffee break, little Barbara, kitted out in her bib-and-brace overalls and little plastic hard-hat, was delivered to the site by her mother. I wore my Bob the Builder t-shirt (over a sweatshirt coz it was bloody cold this morning).

And Barbara learnt to tile. Boy can a little kid get messy when they're mixing tile fixative, and spreading it on tile pieces, and then grouting the tiles. (Mind you - this big kid gets pretty messy too *g*). She learnt how to space the tiles properly, and how to get just the right amount of fixative on them so that they're level when you press them against the wall.

And at lunch time she sat beside me on the bench and ate her sandwich and talked nineteen-to-the-dozen Before returning to work.

She did a pretty decent job of it. We took photos for her album as usual. And of course she got her Trainee Tiler's Mate certificate. And an extra from the tile gang-master (bloody big soft bugger!! he's got kids of his own not much older than she is) - he brought her a little wooden picture frame with a piece of the tile stuck dead centre, and her name and the date on a little label beneath.

I thought she would burst she was so proud.

Her mother picked her up halfway through the afternoon. She brought a tin of toffees for the lads as a thank you present. You wouldn't think that five grown men - construction workers at that - could look so bashful. I half expected them to shuffle their feet!!

We could hear Barbara telling her mum all about it - for a good 500 metres - as she skipped away, clutching her treasures.

She's a good kid.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Nearly Spring...

The past couple of days have been beautiful - starting off crisp & cold and then turning warm, sunny, blue skies. Positively cheers you up a treat. And then my team managed to go and spoil it all by losing 3-1 at home and pretty much guaranteeing their departure from the tournament and waving goodbye to any hope of a trophy this season - again.

Ah well.

Not much to say tonight - but, as it's half-term this week and the kids are off, little Barbara will be paying another visit to the site tomorrow - so I'll have plenty to tell you about then.

Oh - tomorrow is also Tamara's birthday - be sure to wish her a good one.


Monday, February 18, 2013


We made it to Anaheim. Checked into our hotel first thing surprisingly enough. We unpacked, met up with my brother, got a quick lunch and hoofed it over to the park. Today is a holiday so the park was packed although not as packed as it was the year we came in June. We wandered around for a few hours. The kids and my brother rode a roller coaster in California Adventure. Mostly we scoped out the place with plans to hit the park early tomorrow morning and skip some of those long lines.

Tonight the last member of our group will arrive around 10 or 10:30. Mike's mom went with us our first trip to Disneyland and she managed to make it this time around too. I'm hoping she'll be ready for bed when she gets here because I'm too pooped to stay up and visit. Plenty of time for that tomorrow.

I'm also hoping that my ears pop by tomorrow. I flew with a cold and the take off was fine. My ears adjusted no problem. The landing, however was another story. I've spent the afternoon with muffled hearing. It's quite annoying.


Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hours Away

Our plane takes off around 830am, hence early arrival at the airport for us tomorrow. We need to get all of us with full gear to the airport and then park the van for the week. Here is hoping it all goes smoothly. This time tomorrow we will be at Disneyland. Only 3 years of saving for T and I to be able to swing it all. I look forward to it a lot. A week of no work is a splendid thought.

Here is hoping you all enjoy your updates we will come at you tomorrow, perhaps a bit late.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Saturday, February 16, 2013


Repeat hype for y'all!
Hot Line, Alison Grey’s first English novella with Ylva Publishing has just been released.
Hot Line is an erotic romance and was first published in German under the title Richtig Verbunden.
It’s one of our bestsellers in Germany, and we are very happy to be able to finally make it available in English.
To celebrate this, we will be giving away two free e-books of Hot Line on our blog on Sunday, 17th of February.
Visit us on our blog on Sunday to learn more about this:

Astrid Ohletz

We've been busy packing today. I think E has everything she's taking rounded up. I still need to pack a few more things but I'm definitely close. Mom, of course, arrived already packed and ready to go to Anaheim.

I spaced on the Academy of Bards Valentine Special that was posted on Valentine's Day so it's finally listed below.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Hype that I forgot...

Okay I was lame and spaced this hype, hence doing it late and will repeat tomorrow:

Hot Line, Alison Grey’s first English novella with Ylva Publishing has just been released.
Hot Line is an erotic romance and was first published in German under the title Richtig Verbunden.
It’s one of our bestsellers in Germany, and we are very happy to be able to finally make it available in English.
To celebrate this, we will be giving away two free e-books of Hot Line on our blog on Sunday, 17th of February.
Visit us on our blog on Sunday to learn more about this:

Astrid Ohletz

Vacation Begins

Technically Monday is the start, but for me the moment I turned my out of office assistant on means vacation has begun. Tonight we pick up T's mom (late) as she is flying in so we all can then fly out on Monday for Disneyland. Small reminder to all...Monday's update will be late.

Here is hoping you all have great weekend. Enjoy those updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Get to reading!

Running a bit late tonight and you have a ton to read thanks to P&P.


p.s. Happy Valentine's Day if you're celebrating it.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

You All Did See That on the Lupercal...

Well, tomorrow is that day to celebrate a saint nobody knows much about, (or is even quite sure which of two possibles he is), a day based on a pagan festival from ancient Rome - the Lupercalia.

So are you all going to run naked through the streets whacking people with a goatskin?? No??

Well then, are you going to stand and wait to be whacked with a goatskin in hopes of getting pregnant?? No??

Damn. That's disappointing.

I suppose you're going to do the boring card, flowers, chocolate stuff then. sigh. Oh well. *g*

Happy St. Valentine's Day to those who celebrate it. May you all receive tokens from those you care for.

And for V-day some authors answer a question - Which of their characters would they date - and why

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Just Say Neigh

I'm a couple of days late, I know - but to all our Chinese, or of Chinese ancestry, readers - xin nian kuai le and gong xi fa cai (or gong hei fat choi, depending on your dialect).

Today is Shrove Tuesday. That's right - it's Pancake Day!! And as usual I ate too many, and, since they're richer than my normal fare, I now feel distinctly queasy. But oh, they were nice.

Yes, British people can eat pancakes on other days of the year, and many do, but I'm a traditional sort so I don't. Not that my pancakes follow tradition too strictly. Yes, they are still thin. Yes, I do have them with sugar and lemon. Yes, they are rolled up. But they're made with soya milk and egg-replacement powder, not milk and eggs. Good little vegan that I am.

Naturally as a vegan I've been laughing at the histrionics the British press have been indulging in of late. Ok I can see that there can be problems when food is not as described, and if some things that shouldn't be in it are in it, then who's to say more serious adulterations won't/haven't taken place. But really?? All this screaming because a bit of horse-meat was found in burgers and ready-meals?? Horse-meat is eaten quite safely right across Europe. What is the problem??

I have never understood why it is ok to eat cow, sheep, pig, or rabbit here in the UK, but horse?? Oh my word, the horror!! (And a great many Brits won't touch goat or squirrel either.) Meat's meat folks. If you're going to eat meat why be fussy like that.

It's created some great jokes and funny photoshopped pics though.


Monday, February 11, 2013

4 and Counting

Wonder how slow this work week will go? I am looking forward to vacation. Luckily work is busy so time seemed to have gone by fairly quickly, Here is hoping that continues. Enjoy your updates everyone.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Disneyland Bound

We're starting the countdown to our Disneyland trip. My mom arrives this Friday and we fly to Anaheim the following Monday. I think the 17 year old is the only one not actively looking forward to vacation.

Decent sized update for y'all tonight. Have at it.


Saturday, February 09, 2013

Still Reading?

So you continue to read? Well with that in mind if you find anything on the web you are reading (fanficton or female/female) and we are missing it do let us know as you can see over the last week or so T and I seem to be capturing less and less to share with you all. Are less people writing, what's with that? Got ideas, rambles, sites or just feel like sharing, holler back.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, February 08, 2013

R.I.P. Hippie 2

For several years now E has been running what I call the Home for Wayward Cats. The home started with E putting out food for one feral cat in particular. Eventually that expanded into a nice box full of fleece blankets next to the front porch for the cat to sleep in. Soon two other cats came around and let themselves be fed and given soft, warm beds of their own.

Fast forward to now and you'll find three cats sleeping in our shed every night. They have a nice oil heater to keep them warm during the Winter. Yeah, the feral cats aren't so feral any more.

I'm sad to say tonight our shed only holds two feral cats. Sweet and mellow Hippie 2 passed away today. She came to us already old for a feral cat. Her health over the past few years hasn't been great. She was constantly battling colds. The vet's suggestion of pulling all her teeth (they weren't in good shape at all) didn't help. This week we found out why...she had a tumor that ended up creating infection deep within her inner ear. She wasn't able to walk without falling over. Her appetite was practically non-existent. Due to the location of the tumor and the inner ear infection that wasn't going to be cured by antibiotics we decided to give her a peaceful end.

Hippie 2 is finally pain free but we'll miss her. She was a good cat.


Thursday, February 07, 2013


Mark your calendars for next Tuesday, February 12....
Swan Queen Comes Alive - Author Maleficently
In February F4F returns to its earliest roots and does something that hasn’t been done since last fall – the interviewing of fan fiction authors. Tonight we revisit the world of Emma Swan and Regina Mills, aka “Swan Queen”, from the ABC drama “Once Upon a Time”. Even though the series hasn’t even finished its second season, we’ve already talked about the enormously popular pairing of heroine and villainess 3 times. However, on each of those previous occasions we discussed Swan Queen with a panel, rather than interviewing a guest. That changes tonight. Author Maleficently, probably best-known for her ongoing trilogy “The Fatal Plunge”, has rapidly become one of the best and most prolific Swan Queen authors, writing about relationships that can – and do - transform from animosity to romance and back again, often damaged but never irreparable. My cohost this evening will be Heartsways, a four-time guest with a history of writing engrossing “Lost Girl” fanfic and arguably the first great author to emerge in the Swan Queen fandom.


Love Once Upon a Time fanfic? Don't miss this show.


Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Cold Makes My Bones Ache

It's a bit late, because given the time differences the 6th was yesterday not today for Kiwis, and I'm always a bit nervous about celebrations such as these, but - to our New Zealand readers - hope you had a good Waitangi Day.

Can't think of much to say tonight.I'm tired. My shoulder's killing me. Chiefly because of the weather - it's wonderfully clear, crisp blue skies, sunshine, and a bitterly cold wind that lowers the temperature about ten degrees. Which does nothing for the plates and bolts and breaks in my poor bones.

Went to the pictures this evening. Saw Django Unchained. I thought it was pretty good. Violent of course, graphically so, but it is Tarantino after all. At times the violence is so overdone it almost seems like a cartoon. Except that the film deals with slavery in the southern USA before their civil war. So it's brutal. And dehumanising. And that makes it real rather than cartoonish.

The film had some humour, too. Bits made me laugh. It was a better film than his last two or three.

Well, that's me done. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, February 05, 2013

One Step Closer

The bill for marriage equality has passed its first reading in the House of Commons. On a free vote, at that. By a quite substantial majority.

Oh, it still has a long way to go to become law - it's up to the "another place" (the House of Lords) now. It seems set for a fairly turbulent time there.

But we're getting there. Step-by-step. Now all we need is for the USA to join us. One day we won't be second-class citizens.

Of course, there are still a great many countries in the world where LGBT people would love to be as high as second-class. Hell, they'd love to be as high as fourth or fifth!! But maybe, just maybe, if the countries of the EU, and the countries of North America, and one or two others, can be seen to - finally - treat all people as equal, then maybe the rest of the world will follow.

We can hope.


Monday, February 04, 2013

My Turn

Not feeling well tonight. Work was okay, but came home feeling a bit under the weather. Here is hoping that I don't repeat Tamara's weekend fun.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Sunday, February 03, 2013


Looks like I'll finally be using a sick day. Yesterday I came down with what looks to be a stomach bug. E put up with my tossing and turning all night long. She always says it's better to have me there even sick so she's not worrying about how I'm doing out on the couch.

Today I'm doing a bit better. My night was so horrible though I decided to take Monday off to make sure I would be safe not having a toilet quickly to hand (so to speak). My job doesn't lend itself to readily available bathroom breaks.

As E said last night we settled on our rings. Since we were on a budget we're going with plain bands that can be engraved. They'll be ready by Valentine's day but I told E we couldn't wear them until we got married. She told me I was superstitious. I will never disagree with that assessment.


Saturday, February 02, 2013


Our rings have been purchased and next up is paperwork, getting that license and setting an appointment with a judge. Life is good.

Enjoy your updates.

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Friday, February 01, 2013

The hunt begins....

Today E and I went looking for rings. We haven't settled on a pair yet. If we were flush with cash there were two rings we really liked. But our budget calls for rings that cost a considerable bit less. I think it's going to take some more looking.
