Sunday, February 28, 2010

Read away.

Not as much as yesterday but I bet you're not even caught up yet. *g*


Saturday, February 27, 2010

A ramble, a request and lots to read!

A ramble (part 1) from the one and only phair.
I'm beyond half way. More than midway through my life. There is little chance of me getting to be ninety two. To get to ninety two, you need to have some basic building blocks from your gene pool. Like, some direct line ancestor living to their ninety second birthday. An eighty second birthday, at least. I'm in a direct heredity line of mid seventies survivors. There is not one eighty year old among my three grandparents who knew how old they actually were. My Dad's mom does not factor into the equation. She had hedged and fibbed and outright lied about her age so much, she forgot how old she really was. However, she remembered it was important to keep the lies going. So, if you take the average of my parents' ages when they died then I'm looking at about thirty more years of living.

There are not guarantees, of course. There was no guarantee I'd get this far. Life's only constant in inconsistency. Anything could happen and a lot of it usually does. But, I've always planned for the future. No, I was not some kind of self motivated overachiever. I was a victim of my parents' ambition. They were stage parents who were not seeking a theater stage for their offspring. My parents were grooming professions and future home owners. This is the odd part. My parents were entertainers; singers and musicians. Their dreams for their children shunned the bright lights of music or acting and embraced the roles of doctors, nurses, accountants. Mom and Dad dared to pray their children would grow up and garnerfive figure salaries. Imagine their thrill, when in my first six months out of graduate school I made more than my Dad's last full year working before retirement. I thought my mother would orgasm right there at the kitchen table doing my 1988 taxes. She didn't but the imagery is still vivid.

A well planned life will face interruptions. No way to avoid the drama of the daily grind regardless of how well you map out your child's future during the last semester of first grade. I failed first grade, by the way. Then I complicated my mother's corrective actions by failing second grade. Mom and Dad were not deterred. They informed the school my low grades were due to the teachers' incompetence. I was enrolled in a different school and did marginally better which allowed Mom and Dad to re-sketch their plans for my future. However, the reimagining of my future imaginary life included a backup plan at every level. JUST IN CASE, the first grade teachers were not entirely incompetent.

Our array of back up plans included, multiple school switches and a move from the city to the suburbs. College prep high school? Absolutely! Typing elective to be on the safe side? Definitely! College applications? Yes. Ivy league University, small private college, smaller public college, and tiny junior college selections? Positively! Much to my surprise and my parents' faith, I manage to get accepted by both midrange colleges. Then to shock and horror of my high school guidance counselor, who informed me I needed a job where pictures were put on the cash register keys, I was accepted to a graduate school after successfully finishing college in four years. Okay, it took three years to get through the two year masters program but I finished and nobody has asked about the extra year since my first job as a professional.

I built an impressive career since then. I live in a nice home in a location I always dreamed about living. There is food eat in my kitchen and fuel to keep me warm and get me from here to there. Some months are tighter for cash flow than others but it is because of the things I want versus the bare necessities of living. Lap of luxury? Not really. Living comfortably? Yes...sort of.

I walked away from my day job last week. It was a career first for me. My boss knew I was leaving and was supportive of the decision but wanted thirty days. More than reasonable. It was all very civil. You might even say friendly. It was based on mutual respect and the knowledge I have a new job starting soon and the site I was leaving would be covered. No problems, I just needed to work through my notice.

But...couldn't do it. Down to the last four days, I walked out. Packed my meager possessions and handed in my name badge.

I'm in a freefall.

We will be posting part 2 (of sorts) shortly. Now a request from a reader:

Would you be able to assist in finding a story that is no longer posted anywhere I can find on the web? It was a series called "Unbroken" written by Carrie Ryan and K. Darblyn. The beginning of the second series "Unbroken: Wedding bells" is still online but it says to contact the authors for the first series. Problem, can't find the authors. Do you know the best way for me to beg, borrow or buy this series? Any input would help. It took me a week to recall the name now I am just determined to find the story. Thanks from one Tamara to another. :)

(a different one)

There you have it, can someone please help this Tamara out?

Thanks and have a great night!


Friday, February 26, 2010


I'm pooped tonight. Not sure why. My day wasn't rough. I'm darn glad the week is over though. Enjoy the updates!


Thursday, February 25, 2010

End Is Near

Friday that is...been a very long week. Somehow vacation makes my desk seem like I took off a month. Oh well, I'm happy I have a job...hence long week coming to a close and I gratefully look forward to Friday.

Now enough babbling off to your update, enjoy!


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Slightly better

The painkillers put me out like a light last night. I didn't wake up until nine this morning. NINE!! I can't remember the last time I was that late. I haven't taken any today because while my back aches it isn't really that painful, since it's only a muscle strain, and I hate taking stuff. Doc says I can go to work tomorrow if I can touch my toes without wincing. I can't right now, in fact even sitting, typing isn't too comfy, but I'm sure I'll be able to in the morning as I'm much better than yesterday. Well maybe not much better - but I am better. I'll set the alarm anyway in hopes.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you


Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Not a lot to say tonight. I'm slightly out-of-it on some fairly heavy painkillers. A wall fell on me. No, I'm not injured. Nothing's broken. The wall wasn't brick, it was mainly lathe & plaster. I'm a bit bruised and a bit stiff and if I can walk tomorrow it will be a bloody miracle. I twisted my back a bit, trying to protect my shoulder, when I saw the wall start to topple. The doctor at A&E gave me a couple of pain pills & said stay home tomorrow but other than that I'm fine. I'm just too stoned to think straight.

So here are a couple of other things to entertain you. And a lot of reading matter.

The Cath and Sara LJ community (CSI:Vegas femslash) have put out a request for Beta readers.

Blog entry about an amazing woman Petra


Monday, February 22, 2010


Back to work and school we went today. I know E had a heckuva fun day...back after a week with many fires to put out. The kids seemed to have okay days at school. Mine was easier than expected because my student was absent. It did allow us to set up his new computer and I found many algebra worksheets online for us to do. There are a ton of good math sites out there. We'll be set for the rest of the year at least.

Tonight rest for us then back at it again tomorrow. Y'all enjoy the updates.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

An End and a Beginning

Vacation is over and a new week back at work begins (or at least for us). I'm more than sure my day tomorrow is going to be super pleasant. Here's hoping you all have a splendid week!

May the new beginning bring us closer to Peace, Health and Happiness.

Enjoy your updates!


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Another Year, Another Birthday

I had a fantastic birthday and a big thank you goes out to everyone who sent me a greeting. I ended up doing absolutely nothing today beyond going to a movie and eating out with the family. That's the perfect birthday for me.

I also got some keen action figures *and* the latest Mary Tyler Moore and Bob Newhart television show DVDs. E is prepared to hear those two theme songs many times in the near future. Hope everyone's day was as relaxing and fun as mine was.

FYI: The Voting Page is up for The Athenaeum's 2009 SF/Fantasy Writing Contest. Read those entries and vote for your favorite.


Friday, February 19, 2010

Mixed Up

That would be me. Having this day off makes me feel like i's Saturday, but oh well, I can live with that. Today was a day filled with chores and resting. All good on my account. Things will get back to normal soon enough.

One note to all. As you can see the update is fairly small, which may give you ample time to send Tamara a birthday greeting as she inches closer to old age tomorrow.

Have a splendid night and enjoy your updates!


Thursday, February 18, 2010


We are home and tired. Driving wipes me out (actually I think it wipes all of us out). So tonight we're home and looking forward to our own bed. It will feel great!


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I'm feeling much better today, thanks. (In case you were wondering). Fully recovered from making such a pig of myself yesterday. I didn't sleep very well, though, what with feeling so bleh. It didn't help that I got to bed so late last night. So tonight I'm heading straight for bed after this update. I'll deal with my email tomorrow. I'll have to make a note for next year - less batter!!

The lads didn't fare too well tonight (Arsenal's Champions' League match vs Porto) - still it's only the first leg. We should do better at home. Stupid mistake by the 'keeper over that back pass. Not to mention rubbish defending when Porto took quick free kick. But we really should have had a penalty...

Skiing was good. Hope Paerson's ok. Congrats to the winner for an excellent race. Fantastic skiing. I won't say any more just in case there are folks, with delayed coverage reports, who haven't seen it yet.

Just before I go - quick message - Writer Lara Zielinsky is giving away a copy of a new e-book - for details see HERE

I'm away. See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Pancake Day

Yeah!! Pancakes!!

Now before any of you Americans (who are used to breakfast pancakes on a regular basis) get worried - no we don't eat pancakes only on one day a year. It's just that Pancake Day - Shrove Tuesday - is special to us Brits (and several ex-Empire countries such as Australia). Although these days we eat pancakes at any time we (or most of us) make a point of eating them on Pancake Day. And they're for tea (evening meal) or dessert after that meal and not breakfast. The tradition started long, long ago and was originally the last fat-filled treat before Lent.

English pancakes are not like American ones (which to us would be griddle scones, drop-scones, or Scotch pancakes). No, English pancakes are thin - more like a crepe - and are served sprinkled with sugar and lemon juice. And very nice they are too.

In our house we eat them for tea - lots of them - and as usual I've eaten way too many. I should have stopped at six, but I had two left over. (Same amount of batter as usual but no dogs to share with any more). Eight was too many. Eight was insanely over-the-top.

I don't feel so good.


Monday, February 15, 2010

Made it!

We made it safely to Long Beach, WA. The drive went well and we arrived quicker than expected. Max did puke twice in the car. I was expecting that and had the kids prepared with a large blanket. He's been susceptible to car sickness ever since he was a puppy.

We haven't gone to the beach yet. The kids did check out the hotel's indoor pool. Tomorrow we'll don our wet weather gear and wander the beach. I'm sure Max will find many interesting things to sniff and roll in.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

A busy day for us. Get up, clean, and pick up crap. Open house was happening at 1 and we went on our separate ways. I went with my daughter to go see a play at the Seattle Children's Theater and Tamara took Cal to a movie.

Now I'm home, tired and must pack the rest of the stuff into the van for an early departure for the long drive tomorrow to the coast. Before we leave we must once again tidy up the house and make sure I have left instructions for the cat sitter as well.

Here's hoping you all had a splendid day and, if not, perhaps the evening can be better. Enjoy your update!


Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Day Before V Day (for some of us)

I expect tomorrow we'll get a lot of Valentine's Day stories. You're lucky to get the Academy's early. Plenty to read as a result. Now I must get back to packing....


Friday, February 12, 2010

Vacation Time!

We (Tamara, kids and I) have the next week off, hence we are headed to the coast for some rest and relaxation. No worries, they have wireless internet. Hopefully while we are gone some person will fall in love with our house and make an offer.

Okay, it's Friday (Saturday for some) hope you all enjoy the update!


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Closer to Vacation....

Yippee! Tomorrow is Friday. It's been an interesting week for me. One thing I can say about my job is there's always something new to discover. Whether it's about the students, your co-workers or yourself, it's all good. Hope your week is going well too.

Enjoy 'em!


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dates and Dead Rats

Today was a pretty rare date in that half of the world where folk write it as day, month, year (mostly the western hemisphere). There are only about a dozen dates (sometimes fewer) in a century that are palindromes. Today was one such. 10/02/2010. Though in the half which uses year, month, day (mostly the eastern hemisphere) it wasn't a palindrome there's came in January. Along with the USA#s version. I think Americans (as in USA not as in whole continent) are the only ones to use the somewhat illogical month, day, year patten.

It got to be very late here. (So shopping for clothes will have to wait until next week). I had to go out unexpectedly. And it was late when I got back. Small family drama - nothing serious - got an emergency call to rush down to my sister to deal with a dead rat that her cat brought home. She can't stand dead things. She can capture and carry outside a live rat, or mouse, or bird. Or even *shudder* a spider. But not if they're dead. Can't bear to touch them - even with a spade. Where on earth her cat found a rat is anybody's guess. She does live quite close to a brook so maybe it came from there. And as my nephew is away for the week she had no-one to remove it. So she rang me. After all, she could hardly leave it sitting, slap-bang in the middle of the kitchen, until he gets home on Sunday, could she??

It could have been worse.

I had a cat when I was at university that not only brought me a dead rat as a present, but lovingly dragged it into the bedroom, onto the bed and draped it across my stomach. My naked stomach. While I was asleep. It was cold - and wet (with cat drool) - and it woke me up. The resulting yell, leap and cursing ensured that he never did it again. And I never left my bedroom door open again either.

This coming weekend sees the start of the Chinese Year of the Tiger - so I'd like to say to any readers who are Chinese or of Chinese descent an early Gung Hay Fat Choy.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your God/s go with you.

EDITED to add

Couldn't sleep - got to bed & realised I'd completely f****** up - the palindrome was the FIRST not the Bloody TENTH!! - head - meet desk - repeatedly.!!! aaargh!!

Tuesday, February 09, 2010


It's turned cold again here. We don't have the snow the Yanks are getting though. And I sincerely hope we don't get that much. I want it to be spring. At least it's getting lighter in the mornings now. I can actually leave for work in daylight.

Had to go shopping at the weekend. Clothes shopping. I hate clothes shopping. I especially hate clothes shopping, in the city centre. On Saturday. At least I went in earlier enough that it wasn't too busy. Not busy enough for me to start wanting to bite people anyway. I had to go in early because the Six Nations and the Women's Six Nations started this past weekend. And England were on TV.

We won. (I'm convinced it was my England Socks and replica jersey that did the trick). The men's match was not exactly best quality. But at least we won. The women's match was a walkover. I felt sorry for the Welsh Women's team. We beat them 31 points to 0. Didn't feel sorry for the Men's team though. The national rivalries between the various constituent countries of the UK are way too strong for that.

We play Italy next Sunday. We should win, it should be a good game. The Italians are getting better - and they battle - they never give up.

I'll tell you all about my shopping tomorrow - unless anything more interesting happens. Until then, there's loads to read, so get stuck in. *g*

PS. Never totally trust spellcheckers - always proof-read - I nearly posted this with the title CSI:Mew York!!


Monday, February 08, 2010

Vacation is just around the corner....

It's our last week before Winter break and I know the kids (and E) are really looking forward to it. too. We're going to Long Beach on the Washington coast for a few days. Duncan will probably suffer Xbox Live withdrawal but it's good for him to be oppressed with family things once in a while. Max is even going with us. He'll love running along the beach and sniffing all of the interesting items that wash up on the beach. In the meantime we need to get through this week at work and school. Wish me luck....


Sunday, February 07, 2010

More Fun!

Sorry for the late update, but to be honest Tamara and I got so busy with house, kids and cooking that we spaced tonight, hence late update.

Here it is, please enjoy!


Saturday, February 06, 2010

Our Decadent Lifestyle

The house officially goes back on the market tomorrow so our day has been spent cleaning. I've mopped all of the floors with the exception of the main bathroom. The computer room still needs a tidy. The kitchen cabinets need to be cleared off again. Add to those some minor tidying in each of the bedrooms and we'll be ready to go through the routine of keeping our beds made and everything picked up for those random potential home buyer visits.

We still haven't decided where to put the darn gerbil cage. Currently he's sitting on a coffee table. The cats have long since gotten over their fascination with the strange smelling moving thing and mostly ignore him. He's a hearty little thing and has defied all expectations by living well beyond his years. He's had what appear to be a few minor strokes, but always manages to be revived with an application of applesauce. Weird, huh?

I'm fresh out of babbling. Not a lot to read tonight. Keep your fingers crossed for more tomorrow. We're off to get some books at the library. Yay!


Friday, February 05, 2010


Why did this week feel extra loooong? Well it's coming to an end and we have a fun-filled cleaning weekend ahead. Yes, the sign is up, the lock box is on the door and now all we need to do is the final scrub, dust and put away of crap. Hence, almost ready.

Of course, now is when we need luck. Got any? Send good thoughts for selling this house please.

Otherwise here is your update...please enjoy it and the weekend!

Peace, Health and Happiness.


Thursday, February 04, 2010


I'm heartily sick of my children. Yes, I still love them. Yes, I do realize I'm incredibly lucky to have two healthy and reasonably intelligent offspring. But if I have to deal with another school based issue this week I'm going to scream.

Is it bad to say I'm happy they're with their Dad tonight?

Enjoy your updates while I enjoy my somewhat stress-free evening.


Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Went the day well??

I have absolutely no idea what to chat about tonight. Not a clue. It was an ok day at work. Nothing went wrong. It was an ok journey to and from work (if a trifle damp). I didn't go to the supermarket so there was no chaos caused there either. I have broken anything, not bones, not china, not appliances. Today has been perfectly calm, predictable, quiet. I don't know what's wrong with me. Oh Lord, I'm not I??

Nah - it won't last.

You know, it's weird. I hate chaos. I love order. So much so that some message boards on the web drive me to distraction with their lack of order and others are too disorganised for me to even consider reading. I love TWoP because it is so very ordered. I love order at home. My cds are sorted alphabetically and by type. My books are alphabetical within subjects. My clothes are carefully sorted in different drawers.

And yet my life is chaos personified.

There are days when I'm not safe to be let out in charge of a pair of feet, let alone complex machinery. The work I do is precise. The painting is perfect. Clean and exact. I can paint a straight line down the length of a window-frame and not get a speck on the glass. There won't be any on the floor or furniture. If I paint a skirting-board you won't need to lift the carpet - it won't get a drop on it. But me... oh blimey... my painter's whites will look like a Jackson Pollock canvas. My hands will need white spirit to get them clean and I'll have freckles all the colours of the rainbow. I'm a paint version of that Peanuts character, Pigpen. I've only got to look at a tin of paint and it'll leap up and splatter me.

The rest of my life is the same. That neat stack of loo rolls the assistant just finished?? Don't let me near it!! The pile of tins?? Oh no. If I pass with 3 metres of it it'll be over. It it can be fallen off, fallen over, fallen into, dropped, cracked, broken or slipped on. I'll be first in the queue to fall, drop or break.

Maybe I shouldn't grumble that the day was quiet. Maybe I should savour it. Treasure it before tomorrow's inevitable storm. I'll do that. I'll have a nice cuppa and sit here contemplating the peace.

See you next week. Goodnight and may your god/s go with you


Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Nothing but grumbles

I don't have much luck with computers. Maybe I should give up and get a wax tablet & bone stylus. My laptop's working great now. But this past week the cable has crashed. Twice. Once county-wide for 12 hours and once locally (the next day) for a day-and-a-half. So no tv and no internet. And there was I, on a deadline. I couldn't meet it. I couldn't get the story sent in time. OK, maybe I shouldn't leave it until the last minute to send submissions - but with the laptop seizing up on me I couldn't get it written and edited ready until the last minute. On well. It was crap anyway. It's just I hate letting people down when I've said I'll submit. (No snickering up there in the back row, thank you!!).

Actually it's being one of those weeks. You know - the sort when all you want to do is grumble. The weather sucks, it makes my shoulder ache. My football team seems to have gone south for winter and left its Spitting Image puppets to play instead. And I've mislaid a library book, which is now a month overdue and racking up fines like nobody's business. I start feeling right sorry for myself.

And then I get a bulletin from Medecins sans Frontieres about the situation in Haiti. And I realise how bloody lucky I am.

And what was with those idiots?? Did they really think they had the right to kidnap a bunch of kids?? That they could rip them away from their families, smuggle them out of the country and it would be all right?? I hope Haiti locks them up for a very long time. And their lawyer is grumbling "There is no air conditioning, no electricity. It is very disturbing." WTF?? Talk about coming from privilege. Did he not notice that they've had a devastating earthquake?? Did he somehow fail to perceive that the whole bloody country is without those things!!

Every time I think my faith in humanity has reached rock-bottom some idiot will come along and prove me wrong.
