Monday, August 14, 2006

Ramble from Linda

Tonight a slight diversion from food, but fun nonetheless. We're fortunate to once again be sharing words from Linda.
Getting the girls ready for school

Well, I now know what every mother goes through the first of the school year. Back-to-school shopping. I am learning the hard way how to raise my two nieces. This is as close to hell as one can get. LOL

This adventure turned into a three-day event.

DAY ONE: I figured I could get this done in one day. HA!! Never, never take two girls shopping at the same time. I would rather have my teeth drilled. Fifteen minutes into shopping I turned around and took them home.

DAY TWO: Took the fourteen year old shopping first. Ellie was easy. She found one shirt she liked so much she got seven of them in different colors. Then took her to the high school and got her classes. For some reason she decided that seeing how she lives in the desert of the southwest near Mexico she will take French classes. Makes sense!!!???

DAY THREE: Took the seven year old next. Now this was an adventure. I would love to get my hands on the buyers for these stores. Who in their right minds think we should dress our little ones in clothes that only streetwalkers wear? So we had a little fight of wills on this one. I won...barely. Victoria only gave in because I said I wouldn't pay for the clothes she wanted.

She got her revenge later when we were looking at shoes (which I find boring as hell). I was pretty much staring off into space when I hear Victoria say quite loudly for all to hear, "Are you listening to me or have you been distracted by a bright shiny object again?"

Never say anything around a 7 year old that you don't want someday to come back and bite you in the ass. I once said to someone that as a child I was easily distracted by bright shiny objects.

Well I survived my first back-to-school adventure. The girls are ready. I am so ready for them to go to school. Right now they are off for the weekend with their father. I have three days to prepare for the first day of school...getting them up. I am so looking forward to that. Yea, right.

Linda L

Okay, y'all remember to thank Linda and perhaps she'll share more of her family fun with us soon.

Please also remember to send us those food adventures. We're only half through the month and we know there must be a few more tales to be told.

Have a splendid evening and enjoy the updates.


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