Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Great Cell Phone Saga

I am addicted to my cell phone. I didn't used to be. I was one of those sane people who only used my cell phone occasionally. I blame it on my best friend living over a thousand miles away. E even switched cell phone companies so we could get those talk free minutes. She's a good best friend.

Anyway...being on the phone more means I talk on it while doing things around the house--washing clothes, dishes, tidying, etc. One evening I was talking to E using my phone and my corded ear piece. I won't go into how many of these damn things I've been through. They don't like getting caught on something in passing and then being ripped out of the phone. It puts shorts in them...imagine that. I kind of found a way around that when I started carrying my cell phone in my cleavage while using the ear piece. It looked funny but worked.

Okay. Back to my saga. I was chatting with E and also happened to be taking care of a bodily function (I was peeing). While completing that task my hand got caught in the cord and I knocked my phone in the toilet. Yeah, I didn't have it in my cleavage safe spot. Sadly this happened after I'd finished my business.

Since I didn't own a waterproof phone it immediately stopped working. I took it apart after rinsing it off and left it to dry overnight. I was hoping a miracle would occur and it would work but, as you might have guessed, it didn't. I had a dead phone. Being addicted to my cell phone I knew I had to bite the bullet and get a new phone.

My contract wasn't due to be up any time soon, hence I didn't get that nifty price break on my new phone. And I decided this time I wasn't going to mess with any of those damn cords so I invested in a bluetooth compatible phone. I left that store several hundred dollars poorer but I was now equipped with the tools to keep my phone from taking a refreshing dip in the toilet.

Am I happy with my new phone? Heck yeah. I was so pleased with it I did something I've never done. I paid for ringtones. I can now get calls and be treated to 'Over the Rainbow' or 'We're Off to See the Wizard.' You can't get any better than Judy letting you know someone is calling. I was bummed they didn't have the theme song from the Gidget television show online but a co-worker of E's clued me in how to make my own Gidget ring tone. It's way keen. Now to do the same thing for The Venture Brothers theme song....


p.s. The ramble above means we've exhausted our supply of Pheasant McNugget Contest entries. There are 31 days in the month of August so we've got plenty of days left for more bad food rambles. Send them please. We love reading them.

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