Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Back to School

School starts tomorrow and even this agnostic can say, "Thank God!" The kids met their teachers today. That took all of fifteen minutes and then I was faced with the fact that I needed to kill 45 until the Pre-K orientation meeting. I wimped out. I asked the teacher (the same one Duncan had when he went to Pre-K) if the material she was covering was pretty much the same. It was and I was given permission to pick up my packet and skip the meeting. Yippee!

Duncan's fifth grade teacher this year is new to our school but not new to teaching (thank goodness). I have high hopes that she'll be good at the discipline thing. My eldest has a chatting problem so I warned her not to sit him next to his good pal Ryan who is also in the class. It's a lost cause though. Duncan will chat with anyone and routinely get in trouble for it.

Cal is pumped about going to school. I think he'll do well when it comes to the academic stuff. I'm a wee bit worried about him getting in trouble for singing songs and replacing the words with fart and/or butt. Or put any other scatalogical term in there and you've got something that gives Cal great pleasure. We've been warning him for the past couple of weeks about what he can and can't say at school. I fully expect that color card to be changed many more times than it ever was for Duncan.

Tomorrow I have a blissful 2 1/2 hours all to myself in the afternoon. I am so looking forward to it.

Now for the public service announcement portion of tonight's update. Remember we have a Yahoo group that allows you to get these spiffy updates sent to your inbox. And...last but certainly not least, send us your bad food experience stories! We've got a lot of August left and we'd love to post more rambles for the contest.


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