Thursday, August 03, 2006

Pheasant McNuggets Contest Entry 2

I'm incredibly happy to see that people have stepped up and are sharing their food horror stories. I hope y'all are enjoying these. I think they're a hoot.
Hi, Tamara, it's good to hear you ramble about Cal and the rest of your family -- I enjoyed them while you were doing Beyond Uber!

Fortunately I didn't have to eat this food disaster but here goes:

When we were kids, our family liked to go camping (well, my dad and brothers did and my mom and I sort of got dragged along for the ride). My mom got quite good at cooking over a fire or a Coleman stove so we were all happy campers.

One year my dad decided, for the first time, that my brothers were old enough to have a "guys only" camping trip with him. (My mom and I were polite and didn't cheer until after they left.) But Mom and I had to agree to drive the two hours or so to their camp and visit them one day during the week that they were gone.

So on the appointed day my mom and I arrive at the campsite and get the tour and are relaxing when we hear some other campers banging pots together-- the signal that there is a bear in the vicinity. We all run and hide in the car and a couple minutes later, the bear strolls up to our campsite. It starts going through the garbage and sniffs something sweet-- leftover pancakes in syrup, we learned later. The bear takes a few licks and then turns tail and runs off!

My brothers started to laugh hysterically while my dad turned red -- it seems the boys also had taken one taste of Dad's pancakes that morning and dumped them into the garbage. And the guys never let my dad forget that his pancakes were so bad that not even a starving black bear was willing to eat them!

Carla Capizzi

E and I were both wondering what the heck he could have done to pancakes to make them unpalatable to a bear. I thought maybe too much salt. It would be absolutely fantastic if y'all would email these folks thanking them for sharing their stories. If you've got a story to share don't be shy, send it in.

Tonight we added two stories from a writer who totally escaped our notice until she sent a Pheasant McNuggets Contest story. I was reading it and thinking why does this name sound familiar. Then it hit me...the Academy of Bards! We've posted two stories from LC Jordan's web site but she's got a bunch more (and poetry) at her site. Check them out if you get a chance:


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