Monday, August 07, 2006

LC Jordan Pheasant McNuggets Ramble

LC didn't want to be included the contest but she very graciously supplied us with this most excellent tale of baking gone awry.
Several years ago my mom, who always made a huge dinner on every holiday, called me at work on Christmas Eve. Yes, I always had to work a half day on the Eve. Anyway, she had found a new recipe for some sort of gum drop cookies and wanted to add them to her already impressive cookie menu for the people who would be arriving the following morning.

Not wanting to drive back into town, she asked me if I'd pick up a bag of gum drops on my way out since I'd promised to come and help with the cooking. I readily agreed.

Now Christmas Eve at any store, even a grocery store, is a dangerous thing. There are scads of people in a last-minute frenzy of shopping. I had to plow my way through the aisles in the largest grocery we had in town, looking for these elusive gum drops.

Whether there was a run on gum drops because of the holiday or because the store didn't carry them in the first place, I didn't know. But there were no gum drops to be found and in desperation I grabbed what I logically thought would be a good substitute; gummy bears.

I got home with my prize and was assigned the task of cookie making. I happily mixed ingredients, following the new recipe and feeling very assured of my gum drop substitute. After carefully placing the colorful dough on the cookie sheets, I put them in the oven and timed them.

When I pulled the sheets out, the little cookie dough drops had spead and all run together, forming a shiny sheet of faux stained glass goo on the nonstick surface of the cookie sheets. You couldn't pry that stuff off with a power chisel. I broke more than one kitchen spatula trying. A few tiny pieces finally came off, but even the dogs wouldn't eat them, unlike the peanut butter cookies they loved.

To her credit, mom didn't say a lot when she discovered what I'd done. Her only comment was that you obviously can't substitute gummy bears for gum drops

LC Jordan

Please thank LC Jordan for rambling. Want something new to read? Check out her web site. She's also got a brand new Yahoo group you can join and be the first to read new fiction:


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