Sunday, August 06, 2006

Pheasant McNuggets Contest Entry 4

Okay, one quick note tonight then off to another fabulous entry and some dandy updates. The Fingersmith site has its own domain now. Check it out at

Now off to chuckle.
The Meatloaf Caper

Many, many years then sister-in-law Kim decided she was going to cook supper for my entire family. At that time, there were about 13 people in my family. Kim was used to cooking for three people. Mom laid out all that she needed to make a meatloaf, baked pototoes and a veggie side dish.

What mom failed to put out were the spices to season the meat with. So Kim looked in the cabinet for the spices. She mixed all the meat, crackers, eggs, onions and bell peppers like mom had told her. The she started to add the pepper, salt, garlic powder and something extra.

Kim proudly laid the large serving platter on the table. On it was a large meatloaf, cooked to perfection. Everyone took a slice and dug in. Soon everyone was looking at each other with a funny expression on their faces. There was something odd about the meatloaf. Afraid to hurt Kim's feeling, nothing was said. Normally my brothers eat like a pack of starving wolves, but not that night. Everyone just had one slice of the meatloaf.

After dinner I asked Kim what she put in the meatloaf that gave it its unusual flavor. She handed me a spice tin. I asked her if she knew what it was. Kim said it was some sort of Italian seasoning. It wasn't.

When Kim, who is 5'3" reached into the cabinet which was 5 inches taller than her, she grabbed the wrong tin. Never looking at it, she added 2 teaspoons into the 10 pounds of meat. What she added was cinnamon. For years she was teased about it whenever she cooked something, "Did you add the cinnamon?"

Recently I was watching a cooking show on the Food Network and was shocked when the chef added a pinch of cinnamon to her meatloaf. I guess Kim was just ahead of her time.


Thanks, Linda, but you know what I'm still not sure I want cinnamon in my meatloaf even if some spiffy chef thinks it's a good idea.

Enjoy those updates and keep sending us these splended entries.


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