Sunday, August 20, 2006

Pheasant McNuggets Contest Entry 14

The end of the weekend is upon us. I want to thank all of you who have shared your stories so far with us. It truly has been splendid and appreciated. We have 10 more days left to fill so keep sending them in folks.

Luckily tonight another brave person has stepped up and shared a bit of their memories with us. Enjoy it.
Hey, I'm a reader not a writer, but I couldn't resist sharing this story:

When I was young, my mother decided that she wanted to make our desserts more healthy by using less shortening. She tried everything. We had goose-fat snickerdoodles (not bad), applesauce brownies (not so great), that sort of thing.

Well, one day, we were having a get-together at our house for a few close friends, and my mom made some brownies as a snack. But she didn't use butter. She didn't even use applesauce. No, she used prunes.

Prunes. I kid you not.

They were very nice and moist brownies--but they tasted horrible! Even she agreed that they weren't so good (and she'll eat anything), so we were subtly encouraging the guests to eat something else by casually mentioning to everyone that these particular brownies were made with prunes.

It was working great, until one of the last families arrived. The father, who absolutely loved sweets despite being rail-thin, saw the brownies and immediately popped one into his mouth.

I will never forget his face as he got the first taste. He was far too polite to simply spit it out, so he slowly chewed and swallowed, desperately trying not to let us know exactly how awful it was. We did promise him never to use prunes again, but from then on, whenever my mom baked something he would reach for it, freeze, then cautiously inquire as to EXACTLY what she'd put in it this time.

His pain did have one great effect, though: my mom finally gave in and started to use normal ingredients after that!


This one I'm sure hits home with a lot of us, but luckily for most it was not taken quite this far. Well...learning is something we do in life and it seems lots of knowledge was gained by this particular event for many of the individuals involved. Thanks again for sharing Sigma.

Okay now, off to updates we have some unique ones tonight, so enjoy them.


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