Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Been a bit of a day

You know the kind of day I mean. Nothing really big in the way of things, good or bad, happened but lots of annoying little things went wrong. Not important things (mostly) not tragic or awful. Just pain in the (choose your location) things.

I managed to stab myself in the thumb with a can-opener. An electric one at that. Don't ask how. I haven't a clue. It made a jagged cut and quite long. It bled like crazy. It would have to be after I'd changed out of my filthy, scruffy, work jeans and into a pair of light coloured chinos, in preparation for a trip to Sainsbury's, wouldn't it. I don't know how I'm going to get them clean. They look like I've taken up being a serial killer as a hobby.

Then there's the cat. One of them at any rate (the kid has 4 cats). This one got beaten up by the neighbourhood bully-cat. She got a rather nasty bite on her neck which has developed an abscess. My sister recommended a little bit of tea-tree oil in warm water as an anti-septic. So we tried that.

Did you know tea-tree oil is toxic to cats?? Nope, neither did we. We do now. Especially after having to clean cat-sick off my lap. (Clean pair of jeans since I'd put my blood-spattered chinos in the washing basket). One panic-stricken rush to the vet's later and said cat is resting comfortably. (The dose was low enough to just cause sickness - high doses can kill). Take note of this. Do NOT use tea-tree oil on a cat. Not even heavily diluted (it's ok on dogs though).

Then the DAB radio decided to start playing up. It lost all the stations and refused to tune in again; declaring that there was "no signal found". Just as we sat down to eat tea and catch up with the news.

After dinner the water-heater packed up - right as I started the washing-up (that's doing the dishes to American speakers). The pilot light sometimes goes out if the wind catches it just so. In order to restart it you have to dismantle a cupboard and lie on the floor beneath it, both arms outstretched with your head under the sink. Not easy. And there went my third pair of clean trousers. I give up. I'm staying in my underwear.

Tomorrow has got to be easier. Promise me it will be. We're going to see the new Harry Potter film after work. I'd like not to wind up wearing my popcorn or anything similar. Please. Pretty please.

Enjoy your updates, goodnight and may your God/s go with you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peroxide, the kind you put on a cut that bubbles up, will generally take blood stains out of clothing. My mom taught me that one.

As for cats, the herb comfrey is great for any kind of wound. You boil it like making tea and soak a soft cloth in the warm liquid, wash the area with it and hold it on like a compress. It won't make them sick and will take the swelling and infection out very well.