Thursday, July 23, 2009

Another Guest Ramble

It's splendid that folks are taking us up on sharing their words and worlds. Tonight we welcome guest rambler Marilee. Take it away!
I am sitting here reading...doing anything...that will keep me from what I need to be doing........Cleaning.

I don't mind cleaning, but right now, I just feel a bit over whelmed.

I have a 4 room apartment. Well, that is what I pay for. What I live in are the last two rooms.

This started out last winter, as a way to save on my heat bill. I closed off the first two rooms and only had to heat the kitchen, bedroom, hallway and bath. It worked out pretty well, I only had to have the gas tank refilled once. I was pretty happy....a bit 'stir crazy', but happy that I didn't need to pay an extra $300.00+ before winter was over with.

My apartment is an older home that was converted into a duplex. I have window A/C units and since the sun, from the time it shows itself until the time it goes down, hits my side....the window units were costing me an arm and a leg. The money I saved over the winter was being zapped for my power. So, I decided to just keep the front two rooms closed off. It was a good decision, my power bill dropped by almost $90.00. It has been very nice to have extra money at the start of each month to pay bills with/off.

Because the apartment is small anyway and I cut my 'free space' in half, I have stuff alllllllllll over the last two rooms. I have been 'content' being cluttered....not dirty, but man, I have books, papers, etc., in neat piles everywhere.

I would have been happy to keep the front closed off again in the fall and winter coming up....but, I have a friend coming to visit in 48 hours. My friend I haven't seen since we were in high school....almost....(GULP)...40 years ago. Because I want to make a decent impression, I have to clean.....TONIGHT!

I am suppose to go visit with another friend and her momma in the morning. My friend has cancer and her momma is in from Pittsburgh for a visit. My role tomorrow will be to take her momma out to shop, for lunch and give her a chance to 'vent'. Her momma has been kept in the dark about my friend's TRUE I am to be 'sounding board'.

I love my friend and I love her momma, but I am sort of at a loss this visit. My friend won't talk about her cancer. So I have no idea what I am about to walk into. Her momma is going to have questions and I won't be much help because I can't answer them.

The next 48 hours will be interesting.

Oh...well....I may as well get up and start doing some of the small stuff around here. If I get up when I wake up, usually around, 4, I should be able to get the laundry done, the kitchen and bathroom floors mopped and my shower before I head out. I feel worn out already...... :)

Hope you all have a great week.


Hope that cleaning got done! Good Luck with your friend and her mom. And again...Thanks for Sharing! Now for the rest of you, feel like rambling? Let us know.

Back to your update!


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