Saturday, May 26, 2007

Welcome to Saturday

I realize for some it may already be Sunday but the message is still the same. I hope you are all enjoying your weekend, regardless of date or time. This is a long weekend for many, hopefully one that you can take advantage of and enjoy.

I spent time today spending money on two home improvements. One for the future seasons ahead and one for the current time before me. I bought a nifty new fireplace insert to make my fireplace more efficient and useful in the colder seasons ahead. I have a major hope of keeping my gas bill down to a reasonable sum. On the opposite end of that spectrum I purchased a new window air conditioning unit for what I fear will be another warm summer here in Seattle.

Yes, a warm summer here seems like winter for many but I'm a born and bred Seattlelite and once it hits above 80F (26C) I get grumpy. Over the last three or four years our five day average above 80F has been increased to 20 days or more of temperatures above 80F and that's wrong in my book, hence the new unit will hopefully help out.

So with those purchases completed and some new summer clothing also bought my errand filled weekend is cleared. Hopefully leaving lots of time for some serious gardening and then, of course, the afternoon nap.

Now back to your regularly scheduled updates. Enjoy 'em.


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