Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Teething Cat?

I have a five year old cat who continues to teeth. I have toys everywhere for him. They are spread across the house, I should know I continue to step and trip on them constantly. He chooses instead to sink his teeth into cords. Including electric ones that shock him. His favorite though seems to be my headset cord to my computer.

This would be the headset I use every day to speak to Tamara. I've replaced the damn thing five times within the last six months. The little fuzzball gets upset with me when I won't let him jump up into my lap while at the computer. So instead he sneakily sits down under my chair waiting for the headset cord to swing by and allow him to pounce. To say I am more than a little irritated would be an understatement.

Got any ideas how to break him of this lovely habit, please do share.



Anonymous said...

Try rubbing the cord with some lemon juice. Most of my cats dislike that. Barring lemon, a little vinegar. And if he's tough enough to withstand both of those, the smallest wee bit of Vicks is a last resort and usually 100% effective. Hope it works.


E said...


Thanks so much for the suggestions. I will most definitely give it a try.
