Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Now I definitely know I'm home....

So I regaled you with my first night of crappy sleep at home. Thought I might make up for that last night. No such luck. When I picked the kids up at school yesterday Cal was complaining of not feeling well. I thought it was because he was tired. He had me carry him to the car and I realized he had a fever. Checked it when we got home and it was a whopping 102.7.

After cartoons and couch rest he still wasn't feeling any better so more meds and my bed were next. He fell asleep close to 6 and slept through dinner. I ended up having Mike sleep in Cal's bed so I could keep an eye on him and I figured he would wake up several times during the night. Of course, he didn't disappoint me. I was lucky though in that he always went back to sleep after a little conversation or a trip to the bathroom.

Fortunately I don't feel as wiped as I did yesterday but I'm still dragging. This wouldn't be a big deal but tomorrow is the beginning of three days of Oklahoma Special Olympics summer games in Stillwater. I have to get good rest tonight or my roommates may learn to fear mean Mrs. Hodge.


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