Monday, May 21, 2007

Ramble from Jo

Happy Monday and yes, we have words from someone else to share! Take it away, Jo (aka Lessa).
Ever have one of those weeks? Last week was mine! And really it was only ONE day!

Thursday started with two of my students deciding they'd go visit the local shop to buy some lollies before school (this was after they'd arrived at school and therefore against the rules). Then another couple of kids decided they'd walk out of class to do something and refused to come back in when I sent another student after them. The two kids who'd left the school grounds were dealt with by the Assistant Principal who also phoned their parents and happily spent the rest of the day behaving themselves. However they were the only two. I had the good kids misbehaving and the naughty kids being even worse.

And the bad news ... the kids are 7 & 8 year olds!!!!

The day dragged (as all horrible days do) and finally, once the kids had all gone home, I went up to the Assistant Principal, stamped my foot and told her I wasn't coming back.

The good news - I did go back on Friday and spent the whole day rewarding the kids who were being good and ignoring the others. Of course the good thing about Friday's is that I get a whole two days without kids around.

Jo Fothergill ...
... mother of spacegirl and gravelboy

Let's all thank Jo for her words and send her best wishes that the week only improves. Having a 6 year old I don't believe I could handle a class of them. So here's to you, Jo.

Now on to your updates, enjoy 'em!

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