Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ramble from Linda

Keen. I've been wanting to see how things turned out.
Victoria's Contest Results

Victoria's Geography Contest at school has come to a end. With all the help she got from all of you I was not surprised when the teacher announced that Victoria won all three prizes. I was surprised with what Victoria did with the prizes.

For the most items collected was a globe of the world. Victoria gave it to her teacher for the classroom. We have a globe at home already but the class did not. Victoria had collected 423 items. Bravo, ladies, for your help.

For the longest mileage of one item was a coloring book of the US. Victoria gave the book to a girl in the class who had not been able to collect any items. I also found out that Victoria had been sharing her U.S. postcards with her during their map finding studies.

Victoria had received a postcard for Moscow to give her a total of 7,305 miles for one item. Special thanks to Svatla Ritschlova of the Czach Republic for sending the postcard.

The grand prize for the total of mileages is a beautiful bound edition of the world atlas. Now this is what Victoria really wanted. I have one but it is 15 years old and a little beat up. The total mileage of all the items Victoria collected with your help was...(drum roll please)....1,026,841 miles

I knew Victoria had a good heart but to see what she did with the globe and coloring book made me so proud of my niece. The teacher was quite stunned with the gift of the globe. Ms. Hall told me that Victoria was always taking someone under her wing that she felt had been left out. So she was not surprised by Victoria's act with the coloring book.

Watching Victoria outshine herself and making me so proud made up for the fact that I showed up in her classroom with a massive black eye... be continued tomorrow....
(The dreaded cliffhanger plot strikes again.)


I know y'all will agree with me that Victoria sounds like a very special kid. Next time, Linda, have Victoria give us the address of the person who isn't receiving any postcards and I'm sure some of us can come up with more postcards.


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