Thursday, May 31, 2007

The Sun Is Out

Seattle is having "summer weather" over the next few days. Yesterday's high 80s was a bit too much for me and it really sucked at night when the house was way too warm to sleep. Today's drop however of about 7 degrees has helped a lot. I got up around 5am and opened up all the windows and took advantage of the morning air to cool the house down prior to leaving for work. Much more manageable for this weakling. And we even have some quality rain forecasted Monday or Tuesday. There is something to look forward to. Let summer have these heat-filled days, I'd like to go back to my nifty gray, drizzle and cooler days. The June averages of about 65 to 68 degrees is swell. July and August will come soon enough.

Now enough of my rambling, off to your updates. Enjoy 'em.


Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rained Out

I've spent my last night in the tent for a while. The rains have hit and we're expected to have thunderstorms/showers off and on through the weekend. In fact, we had to scramble out of the tent around 5:30 this morning to avoid being drenched. I've spent all day washing the two sleeping bags and assorted blankets because Cal decided turning on the hose would be a good idea. I didn't discover he'd soaked the bottom of our bed until we were crawling into it.

I slept a bit better last night. Enough that I'm sure my 40 year old body could get used to hard ground in time. But I will admit that last couple of hours in a bed this morning helped my outlook today.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Camping...Sort Of

I'm running out of steam early today and I think it's because I was a nice mom. Last night I slept in the tent with the kids. I put a lot of padding in the tent but that packed down sand was still hard. And to top it all off I've promised to do the same thing tonight. I'm not doing it a third night though. I need to sleep in my own bed or I'm liable to do something irrational.


Monday, May 28, 2007

Another Monday

However, this one allowed some of us to sleep in and get one more day tacked on for a long weekend. That felt good! Hope you all got to enjoy it one way or another.

Reminder: if you know of a site that we don't check, holler. We will look into it to see if we should add it to our Grunt's Checklist. The list continues to expand to bring you all more updates.

Speaking of updates, we have a rather large one this evening filled with lots from Passion and Perfection. Enjoy!


Sunday, May 27, 2007

It's a Birds of Prey Kinda Night

Many BoP stories to read tonight. Have at it!


Saturday, May 26, 2007

Welcome to Saturday

I realize for some it may already be Sunday but the message is still the same. I hope you are all enjoying your weekend, regardless of date or time. This is a long weekend for many, hopefully one that you can take advantage of and enjoy.

I spent time today spending money on two home improvements. One for the future seasons ahead and one for the current time before me. I bought a nifty new fireplace insert to make my fireplace more efficient and useful in the colder seasons ahead. I have a major hope of keeping my gas bill down to a reasonable sum. On the opposite end of that spectrum I purchased a new window air conditioning unit for what I fear will be another warm summer here in Seattle.

Yes, a warm summer here seems like winter for many but I'm a born and bred Seattlelite and once it hits above 80F (26C) I get grumpy. Over the last three or four years our five day average above 80F has been increased to 20 days or more of temperatures above 80F and that's wrong in my book, hence the new unit will hopefully help out.

So with those purchases completed and some new summer clothing also bought my errand filled weekend is cleared. Hopefully leaving lots of time for some serious gardening and then, of course, the afternoon nap.

Now back to your regularly scheduled updates. Enjoy 'em.


Friday, May 25, 2007

Insert Alice Cooper Song Here

Yes, School's out and at least one of my children is happy about that fact. Cal will miss going for his half day of fun.

Duncan has had a less fun time this fifth grade year and it's pretty much because of his tendency to chat. Yes, my son is a talker. Fifth grade year is the year they decide to really get tough with the kids to prepare them for Middle school. He's had his folder signed so many times for talking I stopped being surprised by it. It doesn't help that his teacher this year was new to the school and new to fifth grade. Bless her heart she's bound to be overzealous until she gets into the groove. It made for a tough year for Duncan.

Here's a nice story. It's the last day of school and Cal (along with all the half day Pre K and Kindergarten classes) went for the morning session. This meant we were out by 10:30 and decided to exit the school through the doors going by Duncan's class. I walked by one of the fifth grade rooms and noticed my son sitting all alone (except for Mr. Carpenter who was checking his email) looking at a textbook. All of the other fifth graders were in Duncan's homeroom class watching a movie. I poked my head in and asked, "Did you get in trouble on the last day of school?" He nodded yes. "Talking?" Yes again. That was the story of his life this year, poor chataholic kid.

When Cal and I picked him up I found out more. Yes, he was talking but he informed me that it was much better than watching the video which was a movie about football. This was said with much disgust. I admit that we've raised him to have a healthy disdain for the organized religion of football practiced by most here in Oklahoma.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

More ISP issues

Once again we've been informed that our ISP seems to be having some server issues, hence leaving our site in the black hole with connection and timing out issues.

Are you having problems connecting to our web site? Come join the Yahoo group. We're there as well. It's a nifty back up just in case our site is down. We put all the dandy updates in both places, so hopefully we have it all covered. If you don't want any more email coming your way, you can check the no mail option at the group for a grand backup to these dastardly site issues.

Remember Tamara and I "check 'em so you don't have to" whether our site is up or not.

Got a suggestion or a ramble, let us know. Until then back to those updates!


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Teething Cat?

I have a five year old cat who continues to teeth. I have toys everywhere for him. They are spread across the house, I should know I continue to step and trip on them constantly. He chooses instead to sink his teeth into cords. Including electric ones that shock him. His favorite though seems to be my headset cord to my computer.

This would be the headset I use every day to speak to Tamara. I've replaced the damn thing five times within the last six months. The little fuzzball gets upset with me when I won't let him jump up into my lap while at the computer. So instead he sneakily sits down under my chair waiting for the headset cord to swing by and allow him to pounce. To say I am more than a little irritated would be an understatement.

Got any ideas how to break him of this lovely habit, please do share.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007


There's a lot to read tonight so I won't keep you long. E wanted me to mention that we've added two LJ sites to our huge list of places to check: Amorous Ladies and Subtext in Suburbia. Have at it!


Monday, May 21, 2007

Ramble from Jo

Happy Monday and yes, we have words from someone else to share! Take it away, Jo (aka Lessa).
Ever have one of those weeks? Last week was mine! And really it was only ONE day!

Thursday started with two of my students deciding they'd go visit the local shop to buy some lollies before school (this was after they'd arrived at school and therefore against the rules). Then another couple of kids decided they'd walk out of class to do something and refused to come back in when I sent another student after them. The two kids who'd left the school grounds were dealt with by the Assistant Principal who also phoned their parents and happily spent the rest of the day behaving themselves. However they were the only two. I had the good kids misbehaving and the naughty kids being even worse.

And the bad news ... the kids are 7 & 8 year olds!!!!

The day dragged (as all horrible days do) and finally, once the kids had all gone home, I went up to the Assistant Principal, stamped my foot and told her I wasn't coming back.

The good news - I did go back on Friday and spent the whole day rewarding the kids who were being good and ignoring the others. Of course the good thing about Friday's is that I get a whole two days without kids around.

Jo Fothergill ...
... mother of spacegirl and gravelboy

Let's all thank Jo for her words and send her best wishes that the week only improves. Having a 6 year old I don't believe I could handle a class of them. So here's to you, Jo.

Now on to your updates, enjoy 'em!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

T-Ball Troubles

So Cal started t-ball this Spring. It's his first time to play and I have high hopes that he'll like the sport because I really like watching baseball/softball and Duncan is well past ever picking it up. Unfortunately I didn't go with my gut instinct and have him play YMCA t-ball. I put him on a team with a friend of his because said friend played Y soccer with us. They also have a bit of a drive to get to the Y soccer so I felt like we should reciprocate and play on their turf.

Unfortunately for Cal the coach isn't very good. He's a nice enough guy but he just doesn't get how to coach little kids. Introducing kids to a sport should be about teaching the skills and making it fun. Cal's coach makes each practice an ordeal in boredom. His idea of a good practice is to have everyone hit the ball and throw it to first...for an hour. Needless to say Cal isn't having fun.

I've coached girls softball before and I know how hard it is, which is why I don't want to start griping at him. The bad thing is Cal has been playing t-ball for a few months now and I've just been to two practices and one game. I was trapped at home making phone calls for money during the first of his season. So now I'm being awakened to the fact that his t-ball experience is sucking big time and it's driving me crazy.

Last night I spent a little time on the internet and found a few fun games that t-ball coaches use to teach basic skills of the game. My dilemma now is how to approach the coach about using these without blurting out that I think he's doing a crap job. I know me. I can be very patient up to a point and then I get exasperated and say what's really on my mind, usually in a not very diplomatic way. Let me say that I'm willing to get my butt out there and help. I won't just pass off the ideas and say Have at it! Any suggestions for how I can get through this season? I'm very afraid Cal is going to come away with a loathing for t-ball after this season and I'm one of those wacky parents who hates to let their kids quit a team when they've made a commitment.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Spring Rain

Seattle and rain seem synonymous for many. However one would be surprised about how little rain we actually receive. Unlike many places that get heavy downpours our rain seems to come in small spits of drizzle. I love the rain and I look forward to each day with the hopes for another glimpse of it.

Unlike many folks the gray overcast days of this city are something to behold in my opinion. It's part of the magic of the place. When the sun does actually appear watching folks soak it up is a favorite treat.

Today we started off with a splendid spring rain. Fairly warm out with heavy clouds and a nice amount of rain. More is expected and I am looking forward to that as well. In-between these wonderful watering moments I have been able to get some weeding done with the sun shining on my back.

Overall and enjoyable and productive day for me.

Here's hoping you all have a wonderful evening. Remember if have something to say, send it to us anytime, we are always open and looking for more rambles.

Enjoy your updates.


Friday, May 18, 2007

Reminder from Jo

Jo's back to remind y'all about the Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards.
Hi all. Hope you're enjoying the change of season wherever you live. Here in New Zealand our temperatures are dropping although on a sunny day it's still t-shirt weather.

A reminder that the voting polls for the Lesbian Fiction Readers Choice Awards close at the end of this month. Thanks to all who have voted. If you haven't already voted please take a couple of minutes out now to go and vote.

If you are already a member then the link is:

If you are still to join then go here:

Jo Fothergill ...
... mother of spacegirl and gravelboy

Get out and vote and make Jo happy with a fantastic turnout. Enjoy those updates!


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Ramble from Linda

Part two of Linda's ramble from last night.

I Fought the Fan and the Fan Won!!

As we left yesterday's ramble we had find out that I had a massive black eye. How on earth did that happen and did it ruin my first unofficial Mother's Day? Let me set up the scene....

I have a birth defect that limits my walking to short periods of time without the use of a cane or walker around the house. On bad days I have to use a wheelchair. I have two bedrooms where I have knocked out the wall between them to create one large room for my own use. On one side I have a living room area and the other half is my bedroom/computer room. In the arch separating the two rooms, I have a floor fan that was cooling off the bedroom. To get into the room I have to step over the power cord. The Fan has been there for 5 weeks without any problems. Not this night.

As I went to step over it, the cord suddenly attacked and lassoed one of my toes. Caught off-balance I started to go down right into the fan. Knowing that I was going down and there was nothing I could do to stop myself, I pushed myself to the right hoping to hit the bed. I missed it by 6 inches or so. Instead I slammed myself face first into the table next to the bed, hitting the edge with my left eyebrow. Then I found myself on the floor. I had fallen and had no idea how to get myself back up. I could feel my eyebrow swell as I tried to figure out how to get up and get help.

I finally got myself sitting up to discover a monster of a rug burn on my left knee. I was on the verge of panic when I realized that even if I could reach the phone to call my brother who was sleeping three rooms down from me, my door was locked.

At this point my left eye was now swollen shut. I finally figured out a way to get up without doing too much damage to my already beat up body. Once up I found out that nothing was broken or out of place. The room on the other hand took a hell of a beating. Everything on the table, books, papers, pill bottles, water bottles was thrown all over the place. And the evil fan was destroyed.

I got Bill up to help me get my room back together and to get me some ice for my eye. He kept telling me to go to the ER. I told him I was not going to spend 5 to 6 hours waiting just to be told I had a black eye. Plus everyone there would have thought he punched me.

It is now a couple of days later. The swelling is down so I can at least open my eye. The eyebrow area is turning a lovely shade of green/yellow with a hint a purple. The eyelid on the other hand is a blood purple. The eyebrow area that took the hit hurts like hell and I still have a massive headache. I tell you, this almost 50 year old body is not very happy with me right now.

After getting over the shock of seeing me like this, the girls find it funny that I have a black eye. So the girls treated me to a Mother's day of being pampered and told that I was not allowed out of bed. When I showed up in Victoria's classroom Monday afternoon, she took great pleasure telling her classmate that...I fought the fan and the FAN won.


LOL, damn fans! With that in mind let's all wish Linda the best. May your colorful eye settle back to its normal shades soon.

Enjoy your updates.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Ramble from Linda

Keen. I've been wanting to see how things turned out.
Victoria's Contest Results

Victoria's Geography Contest at school has come to a end. With all the help she got from all of you I was not surprised when the teacher announced that Victoria won all three prizes. I was surprised with what Victoria did with the prizes.

For the most items collected was a globe of the world. Victoria gave it to her teacher for the classroom. We have a globe at home already but the class did not. Victoria had collected 423 items. Bravo, ladies, for your help.

For the longest mileage of one item was a coloring book of the US. Victoria gave the book to a girl in the class who had not been able to collect any items. I also found out that Victoria had been sharing her U.S. postcards with her during their map finding studies.

Victoria had received a postcard for Moscow to give her a total of 7,305 miles for one item. Special thanks to Svatla Ritschlova of the Czach Republic for sending the postcard.

The grand prize for the total of mileages is a beautiful bound edition of the world atlas. Now this is what Victoria really wanted. I have one but it is 15 years old and a little beat up. The total mileage of all the items Victoria collected with your help was...(drum roll please)....1,026,841 miles

I knew Victoria had a good heart but to see what she did with the globe and coloring book made me so proud of my niece. The teacher was quite stunned with the gift of the globe. Ms. Hall told me that Victoria was always taking someone under her wing that she felt had been left out. So she was not surprised by Victoria's act with the coloring book.

Watching Victoria outshine herself and making me so proud made up for the fact that I showed up in her classroom with a massive black eye... be continued tomorrow....
(The dreaded cliffhanger plot strikes again.)


I know y'all will agree with me that Victoria sounds like a very special kid. Next time, Linda, have Victoria give us the address of the person who isn't receiving any postcards and I'm sure some of us can come up with more postcards.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

More to Read

So much for those small updates. Lots to read tonight, enjoy!


Monday, May 14, 2007

Back to Reality

I'm almost recovered from Special Olympics. I finished the update on Friday and then proceeded to get hit by a fever. Probably Cal's little bout with illness before SO finally hit me. As a result I was feeling mighty puny all weekend. I did manage to get everyone to take me to see Spider-Man 3 on Mother's Day. It was good...not as good as 1 and 2 but still decent.

Now I'm faced with a house that looks like a tornado went through it (and it's even tornado season here). I want to feel better now so I can get things back to looking like a minor thunderstorm swept through the place.


Sunday, May 13, 2007

Weekend wrap up

Lara Zielinsky's yahoo group vanished last week with no rhyme or reason. Hence, Lara has started a new one ( and is hoping to gather back the momentum she had created on her other one prior to yahoo's glitch and deletion. She has begun posting her new called Turn for Home there as well hoping for more feedback. So check it out and let her know what you think

Small update for y'all. Giving you prime opportunity to give feedback to all those writers you have been reading lately.

Have a good week.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


Long week followed by a long day today. Hope everyone's weekend is grand and to everyone celebrating Mother's Day tomorrow, have a happy one.

One note...a new web site: S. Derkins has been added to our list of author sites. So check it out and let her know what you think.

Enjoy your updates!


Friday, May 11, 2007


Back from three days of Special Olympics fun. I must admit I wasn't up for the trip this year. I just came back from two weeks away from home and leaving again so soon wasn't something I was really pumped about doing. Hence...I'm afraid I was cranky Mrs. Hodge with my kids more often than not. Last night after returning from our Y swim party, I told my two roommates "Mrs. Hodge's sanity requires that you be in bed right now." I was bad and didn't let them run around like the other kids. Not that the other kids ran around for a long time. They were all in bed about twenty minutes later as well. All of the adults were needing a break.

So my memories of this Special Olympics will be of tiredness and mud. Lots and lots of mud. My tennis shoes have been christened by Oklahoma red clay. They'll never be the same. I can only be thankful it wasn't a Special Olympics of muggy heat. Those years are never any fun and cranky Mrs. Hodge may have committed murder if faced with that kind of weather.

Enjoy your updates. I'm off to collapse.


Thursday, May 10, 2007


Anyone have some they would like to share? After almost a year of doing these updates I am sure it would be nice for folks to get a change from Tamara and myself.

We started UberEtc May 16th of last year with the motto "We check 'em so you don't have to" it fit our plan well. Hopefully we have succeeded in our mission.

Looking ahead I envision more of you willing to step forward and offer up a ramble or two once in a while to give us grunts a break. We would love to hear from more of you writers and readers on what makes it all tick. And never forget we like food, so throw us your favorite recipes anytime.

We, like most people enjoy feedback, it's a wonderful thing. So let us know what you like and any other suggestions you may have. Until then enjoy the updates!


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Hype Night

Once again one of my very favorite authors Nicola Griffith is offering up something special...her memoirs, And Now We Are Going To Have To Party in a super nifty signed box set. This one is a pre-order and you even get a discount through May 27th. There are limited quantities, so hurry by. Mine is happily and safely on order.

And since I'm on the subject of Nicola Griffith, a reminder to all you local Seattlelites, she'll be at the Seattle Mystery Bookshop signing her new Aud book Alwayson Thursday May 10th. I've patiently waited for this event, so I can support a really nifty book store and a flawless author all at one time. I'll purchase two copies one for Tamara and the other for myself. The noon signing event even allows me to swing a extra long lunch, I like that. This will also imply something splendid to read is coming my way very soon.

Now back to the updates, enjoy 'em and have a great night!
