Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Simple Into Complicated

Life can be so simple and yet so completely complicated and you may have no idea how to change any of it. To go through the daily routines and bop along in a usual manner with no large stumbling blocks ahead and yet one can feel overwhelmed in the thick of it.

When looking, a person may never see another's complexity. We use vision as a guide but in reality it may not be a very good navigation tool. What we see and what reality is may be very different. Keep that in mind when judging another.

Who are we to judge anyway? Accept it we do. The best you can do is try and be realistic in that moment of judging and keep your mind open to a completely different possibility or reality.

The greatness of each of us is our ability to change and adapt, remember to use it more. Seek past the front gate and look inside.

Beauty like Reality lays below the surface. Once that is accepted, you'll find a wider variety of possibilities will exist for them. It all has meaning but only as much as we give it.


Enjoy your updates, there be a lot of them.



docwho2100 said...

Sorry for the late reply to your intro piece for the update (this conference has kept me hoping also why there have been no updates for a bit at out site - but...) - I liked what you wrote so much I just had to respond even though I am behind in reviewing your site (which once again thank you both for this site - it is a great concept and makes it easy to get to awesome stories in a hurry - I like the one-stop-shopping your site offers) but....

thank you - from the title (which fits nicely) to the last sentence. It is a simple piece but has layers everytime I read it.

I have pointed others to the site already and have enjoyed reading it and thinking about it (things have been a bit complicated and overwhelming lately so it hit home and helped) - thanks :^)


docwho2100 said...
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