Thursday, July 27, 2006


Been thinking today all about comfort. The different levels which are present during our life and how that changes throughout. We'll do things we never thought possible when we're comfortable. Whether mental or physical, doesn't really matter. Odd how it happens. Not surprising why sales folks are so important and good ones are completely dangerous. They are also sometimes known as politicians, but hey, that's another story.

Okay, ramblin' has stopped, off to your updates. Enjoy.



Anonymous said...

You're right about salespeople. Thus, I typically eschew them all!--especially the good ones! Never feel comfortable when shopping...if you do, you'll end up with a lot less money than you planned to have at the end of the expedition. Hmmm...if you're thinking about/feeling comfortable, I trust that your weather has moved back to your comfort zone...Good.
I've been checking your site since almost the beginning. I like it. Only recently though, I noticed the "leave a comment" a the bottom of your posts. I noticed that you get few comments, so I thought that I would try commenting just so that you both know that your project/site is really appreciated.

E said...

Glad to know it is not just me about the sales folks.

Thanks for the feedback and yes, the weather is finally giving this weakling Seattlite a break and moving back into the 'comfort zone'. Chance of rain this weekend and that is a good thing!

Thanks again for the comments and have a splendid day.