Saturday, July 29, 2006

A Rant from E

I'm like many folks and am on quite a few Yahoo groups from authors. Recently one went off and explained why she was closing her group. By all means it should be done if that's her choice. However, she went on to rant about why. Weirdly enough I agreed with so much of it. Her ability to look at other authors and slam them for their writing styles and such seemed right in line with how a odd of reader I feel at times. Her reasoning proves to me why she should continue with the group writing from a perspective of difference.

Mind you, even with that opinion, I'm not sure I'd like to meet this person outside the online world. She takes negativity to new heights. Her ability to cut down someone to the core without ever looking in, is scary and completely self-absorbed. She complains about narrow-mindedness and yet she boxes, generalizes and stereotypes as much from another direction.

I so wanted to speak up on her list and say rah rah for her words and agree with her viewpoints. But, at the end of the day, I couldn't get past the fact that her words fall apart by sliding into the same pitfalls by stereotyping, generalizing, ostracizing and downright meanness of those she isn't fond of. Her slamming of TV shows, fan fiction and authors of such showed a clear negative view of someone who sees the glass empty on your side of the table, but damn full on hers.

I think I would rather share.

She slammed a forum which brought her existence to the forefront. I wouldn't have found her words, bought her book and stayed on her list if it weren't for those things she managed to slight. Perhaps her arrogance may be her downfall yet?

In her rant she left out the acceptance of what the online world has done--bring forth all of us. Yes, much of what is out there is not to my liking. Yes, much of what is out there is problematic and, unfortunately, seems to be growing. Yes, some folks that get published probably wouldn't be if it weren't for the fact they are gay and they write gay stories with horrible grammar, editing and even plot. But, in the end, that's not up to me. Some folks may totally love it.

Art is subjective. Clothing is subjective. Hell, food is subjective. Why should writing be any different? As with all life, beauty is still in the eye of the beholder. Perhaps some need remember that.

Off my soapbox and back to your updates, enjoy.


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